What To Do With Charlie Haas?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
ProWrestling.net is reporting that WWE star Charlie Haas asked for his release from WWE several months ago. However, as opposed to granting that release, WWE actually re-signed Haas and gave him a raise, even though he hasn't been used on TV in a long while. The belief is that Kurt Angle had something in mind for Charlie Haas in TNA, and WWE wanted to avoid having him jump ship to the competition, so they re-signed him, gave him a raise, and are basically "benching him."

First of all, until I read this, I forgot Haas was on Smackdown. But it surprised me to read he asked for his release, and I was even more shocked to read that not only did WWE re-sign him, they gave him a raise! Now the part in this article which suggests Angle had something for Haas in TNA, was kind of odd to me. While it might be just speculation, I can't really see haas "fitting" into TNA. So, should Haas have jumped ship to TNA? Is he a fool for not doing so?

Now back to Haas staying on the blue brand. So, let me get this straight, WWE would rather "bench him" and pay him, than have him go to TNA??? What fucking sense does that make? If you're going to keep the guy around, maybe push him just enough to add some new life into Smackdown. Maybe they could put him in a tag team with Matt Hardy. I've read a lot of posts on here where people talk about how Matt should get pushed. Maybe putting him in a tag team wouldn't be such a bad idea? So do you think Haas should get pushed? Or are you okay with WWE benching him?
Haas has decent talent. But the fact that they won't let him go shows that WWE are starting to consider TNA as an actual threat because they've let far less relevant wrestlers go, knowing that they were heading to TNA. WWE are sitting up and taking notice.

But what is there for Haas to do? Shelton is moving up in his career, so it would be bad for him if they reformed the WGTT. Haas could always just be put into the midcard. Give him a little chance at a midcard title, see if he gets over enough to warrant him staying. If he's still not over enough after being given an angle, a feud and perhaps a midcard title, WWE shouldn't be too worried about letting him go. But I do think he deserves one more chance. He can be a pretty good wrestler.

Although, we have to wonder whether or not Angle and TNA really have plans for him. TNA could just be stirring the plot a bit, or it could be a complete lie. And who's to say it would actually work for Haas and he'd be successful? Maybe WWE shouldn't be so worried about losing Haas of all people.
Move Haas to ECW, thats the place where talent who are basically on the lower card can go to actually be repackaged and do more with their careers.

Haas is quiet a talent and needs a boost, he doesnt need to be benched, Haas has all the talent but needs to be placed in the right situation and at the moment the WWE are doing nothing with the guy.

Even though he has a family maybe Haas needs to be moved away from the bigger brands and get his chance in the developmental leagues.
I don't believe they consider TNA to be a threat... Anyways Haas is shit. He has no charisma and can't control a crowd. Which then equals a shit wrestler. What would I do with Haas? I'd release him. He brings nothing to the table... I'd let him go to TNA where he can flop as a superstar. Just like many others...

In my opinion they kept him around because he can job and he can be a little funny at times. He's a jobber who can be a decent tag team wrestler if he tags with a guy that oozes charisma. There are things for him to do which is why he stayed. But personally he isn't that big of an asset so I'd release him.
It is such a shame about Charlie Haas.

He genuinely was a great superstar back a few years ago when he was part of Team Angle and he really showed us then that he had every aspect of being a great in-ring professional. As part of the World's Greatest Tag-Team, with Shelton Benjamin, he again showed us that he could go with the best of them. Lately, he showed us that he had a great personality and it was really infectious for me. He may have been dressing up as other superstars and was basically the face jobber. However, all of those qualities seem to have been forgotten. Now, he seems to have been resigned to losing all of the momentum he had in ll of these situations.

Now, he is never mentioned and I haven't seem him on TV for months. It is a such a shame because he as all the qualities that would get him to the top if only he was being booked right. I think he is a better athlete and superstar than Sheamus but Haas has lost everything whilst Sheamus gets everything. I personally hope that he is not released and that he gets a chance to prove himself as a genuinely good superstar. Move him to ECW and give him every opportunity and to show us why he should be taken seriously.
Personally, I would have just released Charlie Haas when he requested it. I certainly wouldn't have given him a raise, and for sure I wouldn't have done so just to have him serve as a "bench warmer."

Who cares if Angle had something planned for him or not in TNA? Haas is dead weight in WWE, and he'd be equally dead weight in TNA. I don't believe that keeping Haas had anything to do with the WWE being nervous about the impending "war" with TNA, as I don't believe that WWE is concerned about competition from TNA in the least, nor should they be. I guess they kept him because they may have something in mind for him down the road (although I can't imagine what that could be because he's useless). Maybe they kept him because he's an effective jobber, and all organizations, big or small, need a supply of plausible jobbers to fill out their rosters.
He should definitely be moved to ECW. Haas is talented and can entertain if given the chance. If Shelton wins the belt from Christian, Haas can come in and bring up his past as part of The World's Greatest Tag Team with Shelton leading to an instant storyline, feud, even a slight possibility of a championship run. I don't see it happening but it's much better than just benching the guy
I was never fond of the way that WWE was treating Charlie Haas on-screen. During his first World's Greatest Tag Team stint, it always did seem that Shelton Benjamin was the real star of the team, and would succeed over Haas. After breaking up for the first time, it was proven, as Shelton was drafted to Raw, immediately turning face and fueding with Triple H, later Evolution. While, Haas remained on Smackdown, forming a, what I would call... awkward tag team, later winning the WWE Tag Team Championships with Rico.

After dropping the tag titles to The Dudley Boyz, Charlie Haas was pretty much nowhere to be found, while Shelton Benjamin was defending his Intercontinental Championship all over Raw. Haas started having occasional appearances on Smackdown, usually losing, before forming a pretty nice tag team with Hardcore Holly, who both failed to win the WWE Tag Team Championships from MNM.

By the time Shelton Benjamin lost the Intercontinental Championship, Charlie Haas had already been released. Shelton later brings his "mama" with him, slowly turning heel again, before regaining the IC Title. Haas is re-hired in 2006, defeating Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin in his re-debut. He challenged for the title a couple times, failing to win it. Later being forgotten again, before World's Greatest Tag Team re-unites.

It's just been the same boring cycle with Charlie Haas. He has never been able to get a proper push and I really do not see why.

I just can't see both Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas getting real seperate pushes to be honest. They're on seperate brands, so it'd make sense, but with Shelton Benjamin being the #1 contender for the ECW Championship, I see Haas just rarely being used. He has better mic skills than Shelton, and is just as good of an athlete, so I really don't see why he's never won a single's championship in the WWE... I think he'd make a great Intercontinental Champion, but oh well...
Haas was better off when he was doing the "imposter" gimmick when he came out as fake versions of famous wrestlers. The man is boring and he should have just gone to TNA. He may have had a better run there, but I still don't think he would have done very well there either. I think the best thing to do with him would be like what they did with Festus, repackage him and have him join Punk as a redeemed straightedge. That might not help him much in the long run either, but it's better than being paid more to do nothing relevant because he has done little to get the fans to care about him.
For my own sake I'd like to see him go to TNA personally and hope TNA really did have something for him, though I expect they could have been rumour spreading to make TNA keep him. If I were WWE and I'd give him a push, not in a tag team this time, it's been tried before, WWE has pushed Haas several times in team and all except WGTT have been a complete failure, I'd rather see him challenge, and if he succeeds eventually win, against the United States or Intercontinental titles especally as Morrison and Kingston, strong runners in that title picture are moving up the card freeing up some room.
Moving Haas to Smackdown wouldn't be such a bad idea. It's obvious WWE doesn't want to do anything with him on Smackdown, so why not move him to ECW to get a fresh start. I just don't want to see them turn him into a jobber. It wouldn't make sense to re-hire the guy after he asked for his release, bench him, and make him a jobber.

Haas is pretty solid in the ring, and I think if paired with the right person, he could be a part of a pretty good tag team. If he does go to ECW, then I think WGTT should be put back together, but only for a limited basis or a one night only situation. It's been done before, and we all know Shelton doesn't need to be taking any steps backwards.
If Hass goes to TNA he might become a major star and that could backfire on WWE, especially if Angle is involve. But it really doesn't make sense for wwe to keep him and give him a raise and just bench him. I think wwe sees TNA as a threat IMO. Hass is a jobber and I don't know why they don't release him? Maybe wwe or gonna give Hass the tools to climb up the latter or give him another job, who knows. Its a lot of questions in my mind on this matter. Maybe he doesn't mind being a jobber and just in it for the money? He's a good performer along with SB. IMO if i had all that and I wasn't making it I would try TNA.
I'm going to go with 'make Haas Val Venis version 2.0' i.e. a jobber who makes whoever he's facing look good. He cant get over, so he'll never be a bankable talent, however he's also a pretty darn good wrestler, which means he should be able to make the other guy look good.

Lying on your back's an unenviable task, but someone's gotta do it and Haas is a prime candidate to do that.
I think a good route for him to go in terms of creative would be to link him up with CM Punk. he has in ring talent, thats for sure, and his charisma is, well, its not at The Rock's level but his imposter gimmick showed he could at least joke around a bit and not always be so serious business about it.

But I think if you explained his absence as some sort of addiction to pills or alcohol, then put him with Luke Gallows and CM Punk, he would make a great addition to a potential stable. It solves his creative problem, and he could even shoot for tag team gold with Gallows, having both been in Tag Teams in the past. I think turning him into a henchman would suit him best, at least far better than doing nothing.
Charlie Haas is a great technical wrestler that I would love to see in the tag team division. He could stay with his last gimmick with Benjamin and stay as the serious wrestler, or he could move to ECW and become a tag team with The Hurricane with his impersonation gimmick.

I also agree with you that having Haas sit on the bench is worse for the company then if he went to TNA. In TNA i could see him working in the X division but he's not a big name that will draw viewers. If I were Haas I would go to TNA so I can wrestle and help out TNA.
I think that Charlie Haas has great potiental as a professional wrestler and his early days in the WWE in 2003 were perharps his best when he teamed with Shelton Benjiman and Kurt Angle. He is somewhat of a jobber these days. If they were smart, they could re-package him, change his look and make him into a stellar athlete, but I doubt it would happen. The guy at least deserves a US Title run I would think.
How hard a question is this?

Charlie Haas, singles wrestler, can barely stay on the roster.

Shelton Benjamin, singles wrestler, seems unable to break out of the midcard no matter what show he is on, no matter what midcard title he is given, no matter if he is face or heel.

Haas and Benjamin, the World's Greatest Tag Team, were successful and were over as heels, if only because their face opponents were over.

So bring back the World's Greatest Tag Team. They need a mouthpiece, as Haas is only decent on the mic and Shelton is a little below average.

Keep the ECW title away from Shelton. Get Haas on ECW.

Tiffany reforms the World's Greatest Tag Team and basically serves as their manager/mouthpiece. They are the tag-team representatives of ECW, and they are campaigning for a shot at thbringing the Tag Team titles back to Tuesday nights.

That puts them in the mix with DX, Jerishow, Legacy, HArt Dynasty, Cryme Time, MVP & HEnry if that team is still active.

Tough break for the team just up from FCW, but that's the business.
Haas has great ring skills, but can't get the crowd into him. His mic skills realy came along when he was doing the parodies of former talent. It's a shame he's never got anything too big after leaving Team Angle. Have him team with Knox or Matt Hardy. That would be a good way to make new tag teams. Instead of hiring new guys, give the guys you already have a chance, especially if you gave them a raise! That I will never understand.
I agree, Haas should definitely be in the tag team scene. He is talented, but not able to get over, so do something with him and boost the tag division at the same time.
They need to repackage Haas as a wrestling machine. I have been saying this for years now, Haas has the talent to become the next Benoit or Hart, he is a 100% pure wrestler. Charisma he has, he may be no John Cena or Triple H, but he has it. Check out some of his indie stuff or some of his WWE Legend knock offs.
Charlie Haas can do great things, Angle knows it and I am sure he has sent the word on up, heck WWE has to see the talent in this guy.
Again repackage him as a wrestling machine.
I think the only thing you can do with him is either release him. Or repackage him or something like that because he has the talent and mic skills but just isn't be used right. The best thing going for him was being with Shelton but they broke that up. Maybe they can do a angle were Cm punk took him under his wing like he did festus and made him off the drugs even though he not on them or something like that.
Haas should have a good gimmick that can actually get him a fanabse. he can wrestle and have good mic skills. His parady of gimmicks were entertaining, until after awhile. But Haas should go to ECW, were he can get repackage like people said and stuff like that. Shame what WWE doing with Charlie Haas.
Nothing. Its as simple as that. I don't get why some people are in favor of Haas going to ECW or getting repackaged etc. The guy has been a nobody since 2004, always jobbing or doing something stupid. He's getting free pay for just working out and going on the road. I understand that the man has some dreams. But a contract isn't signed by a company they need a signature. I say that the WWE was stupid for not letting him go. Charlie Haas will never amount to anything in the WWE. Maybe in some other promotion but who knows?
Nothing. Its as simple as that. I don't get why some people are in favor of Haas going to ECW or getting repackaged etc. The guy has been a nobody since 2004, always jobbing or doing something stupid. He's getting free pay for just working out and going on the road. I understand that the man has some dreams. But a contract isn't signed by a company they need a signature. I say that the WWE was stupid for not letting him go. Charlie Haas will never amount to anything in the WWE. Maybe in some other promotion but who knows?

Yeah, he has been a nobody, but that can change. It's the guys gimmick, or lack of gimmick at times that has hurt him, and something like that can be changed. ECW is best, because it's a place that the WWE can experiment, and can fix him up. I actually think it may have been good that the E snagged him out of TNA's hands, as maybe it will finally get them going with him. Just don't count somebody out so quick, as ANYTHING can happen.
Charlie Haas is boring, and that is why he hasn't ever had a sustained push. That being said, I quite enjoyed his mimicary character and I think he could be a comedic face on Smackdown quite easily. Otherwise, I think there are two options. The first is that he goes into a tag team with someone that has a lot of character, but is themselves quite shit in the ring. Jesse might be a good call for such a team. The alternative is for him to be an agent/in-ring development kind of guy in the vain of Goldust on ECW. I think this is quite a good position for him, and it's probably what I would do for a guy with a certain something about him.
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