What title would you bring back?

God fucking dammit.



The cruiserweight division as a whole is not required because wrestling is simply entertainment so weight classes don't need to be involved like they are in real combat sports. Cruiserweights should simply be pushed in the midcard divisions or if they are over enough into the main event division, if not they could always be put in tag teams because god knows we need tag teamsA . wrestler shouldn't be judged or set in a division based on their weight and cruiserweights should be pushed the same as heavyweights if they get over enough. Who cares if they are a little smaller...its FAKE and everyone knows it.

As for the Hardcore division i definitely enjoyed it when they had the 24/7 rule, i thought it was great. The hardcore title is effective for booking filler matches that are entertaining, but if they were going to bring back the hardcore title they would need to severely cut down on the other titles.

End the fucking brandsplit. Have ONE WORLD TITLE, the IC title for upper midcarders, the US title for lower midcarders, the Tag Team Title and ONE WOMENS TITLE. That's 5 championships that cover everything, then if they won't they cna throw in the Hardcore title but that's it.
i think they should have 1 world title, us title, intercontinental title, unified tag team titles, and 1 womens belt, and the cruiserweight belt. and they should have evrey superstar fight on every brand, no more seperate roseters. and ecw could be an all hardcore matches show like it should be. and superstars could stay like it is.
I would not bring back any titles due to the fact that they can not correctly book the current titles they have.

Last I check the US, Diva's and Womens titles were not being defended at Summerslam.

So Why ing hell would you want to add another title in the mix? They already fazed out one set of tag titles because they couldnt justify having two sets, so what good would bring back some other meaningless title really do to help?

There is no need to bring back the European, Hardcore, TV, Cruiserweight, or Light Heavy Weight Titles. They were worthless the first time around, hence why they are not around any longer. It was dumb of them to make the Diva's Title, due to the lack of talented womens wrestlers that work in the WWE. They were smart to Unifty the tag titles, which is something that should of taken place several years back.

i would bring back the european title for ecw or the old ecw tv title would be great for the younger guys on ecw itll at least give goldust somthing to do
Either the Television Championship or the Cruiserweight Championship.

When I was younger I actually found the TV Title bouts on WCW very entertaining. One week you could have the Title then the next week you could very well lose it. Of course back then I didn't care about the title's prestige or whether it was a prop or not. Putting the TV Title on ECW would greatly help the other stars on that show get some sort of a shot at greatness.

The Cruiserweight title would be nice to have back on Smackdown. Then on some freakish overhaul have all the cruiserweights in WWE come to SmackDown and have them be SD exclusive again. And I personally think person-wise, it would be a strong list. You got Mysterio, Morrison, Bourne, Kingston, Helms, Kidd, Tatsu, Funaki, Yang, Guerrero, Noble, Primo, Jesse, Ryder and anybody else 220 lbs and under. I'd be down for watching a shitload of jumping beans fight for a Title, it would take me back to the glory days of cruiserweights. Not only that, the cruiserweight and heavyweight lines should be made clear so that there can't be any crossovers unless someone gains weight. This way no Mysterios get the Heavyweight Title.
Lets evaluate the defunct titles

Hardcore Championship - I would love to see it return but IMO they killed its credibility when they started the 24/7 rule. When half your roster was a multiple time hardcore champion it killed any credibility that it once had. It's like cashing in MITB but you don't have to actually do anything to earn it

Especially in the new PG era with no blood it would seem pointless and we would bitch about how they watered it down just like the new ECW

Cruiserweight Title - I think there is a strong enough division to bring it back but I would rather see the cruiserweights split between the US, IC and tag divisions

European Title - Once the invasion started and the US title was brought back it made the european title seem worthless. It was barely a step up from the Cruiserweight title. I do think that they should at least acknowledge the US title in its place so some wrestlers could be given grand slam status

ECW TV title - This would be the title I would bring back. The undercard on ECW seems to be thrown together randomly without much storyline to it. It would be as prestigious as the FCW title giving the FCW grads something to go for to see if they could get over before giving them the ECW title. The only way I would reinstate it would be if ECW finally went to 2 hours though

Off Topic the WWE needs to clean house before bringing in any new titles. They need to unify the Women's and Diva's title and make it across all three brands like the Tag titles
I would not bring back a single God Damn title. There are too many titles to keep track of as it is. Plus, the more titles there are, ultimately the less prestigious they become. WWE has their hands full with this problem right now, however I can see in their programs that they are consciously making an effort to try to put prominence back on the Mid Card titles once again. Same with the Divas Championship with the match on Monday. However, I have noticed that the Women's Championship has taken a back seat in its place. Granted McCool is injured, however they have essentially just left that title in limbo while she is out, which isn't right. That essentially just tells viewers that the title is worthless since they didn't bother stripping McCool of the title and allowing 2 other divas to compete for it.

Now if ... IF ... the WWE would eventually decide to re-consider putting emphasis back on the Tag Team Division, I would be all for them splitting up the Unified titles and bringing back another set of Tag Titles. However, we don't have the number of Tag Teams currently on the roster to warrant it.

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