Bring back the WWE HARDCORE Championship A-Sap!


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know in the era that is the WWE-PG. That the company has watered it's self way down, to where in the ECW history section on WWE.Com where you could look up Balls Mahoney and only view the name "Mahoney" if you know what I'm talking about?

But let's not make the violence PG as well as the rating of the show. Meaning that the WWE should bring back the WWE HARDCORE champion. I mean the title (by it's self) broke some ground! The title stared out as a joke when Vince McMahon presented to Mick Foley (Mankind) in late 1998. But it turned out in the future that the hardcore title would be the most respected! The championship got over with the fans! With that when the late Crash Holly was WWF/E hardcore champion. He stated that he would defend the belt 24/7. Meaning he didn't have to be in a match to lose the title, but only when a refs present.

I don't know who in the WWF/E came up with that idea? But that got over too.

It's so many classic matches & feuds due to the hardcore champion it almost makes me wanna cry. But main the WWF/E put the hardcore belt on a former ECW wrestler (Tazz, Tommy Dreamer, RVD, Bubba Ray Dudley, Raven, Stevie Richards, ECT.) more than anyone, except maybe the Hollys?? My whole understand in life is "why fix something when it isn't broken"? So why did the WWE defucnt the hardcore championship???

The last hardcore title match was between (champ) Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dan to unife the hardcore belt with the IC championship, which Dreamer lost to RVD in NYC at MSG.

With that being said. I would suggest that if the WWE brought the Hardcore championship back? Put it on the ECW brand to ensure a extreme rules match every week. But since ECW is going off the air FOREVER in a few days, what's the point? So I would say to the WWE have some kind of HARDCORE battle royal or even a HARDCORE time limit championship match like they did in 2000 at Wrestlemania 16! And have the title defended on all brands! To bring back some prestege to the belt. It doesn't have to be defended on 24/7 rules, if they choose not too? But to have mid-card talent Matt Hardy, Finlay, Benjamin, Goldust, and in a comedy Crash Holly-like champ role Santino. It wouldn't be a bad thing to see those matches again don't you think? But just bring back a diffrent looking belt!
I like the idea... but there's one slight problem: TOO. MANY. TITLES. AS. IT. IS.

Here's my take: Re-intro the ECW title the hardcore title after unifying the US/IC titles as well as the WHC/WWE belts and the womens/divas titles. Think about it: Benoit kept getting cheated and had to switch brands to get a world title. With ONE world title, ONE secondary title and ONE tag-team with ONE women's title, you can open up more feuds and the hardcore title would fit nicely in. And maybe certain wrestlers wouldn't come over as so damn stale!
I like the idea... but there's one slight problem: TOO. MANY. TITLES. AS. IT. IS.

Here's my take: Re-intro the ECW title the hardcore title after unifying the US/IC titles as well as the WHC/WWE belts and the womens/divas titles. Think about it: Benoit kept getting cheated and had to switch brands to get a world title. With ONE world title, ONE secondary title and ONE tag-team with ONE women's title, you can open up more feuds and the hardcore title would fit nicely in. And maybe certain wrestlers wouldn't come over as so damn stale!

But then what would be the point of brands.NXT can stay there because thats for new talent.But then Smackdown would have Join with RAw or vice versa because people would then be on both shows or the one supershow.And that would mean less air time for up and coming superstars.The only titles that should be unified is The Womens and Divas.
The WWE Hardcore title did spawn some classic matches, but largely it was just joke bounced around from jobber to jobber (generally speaking) to allow a title to change hands on house shows. The "24/7" rule which Savion83 seems to love further made the title bogus. It was done largely for comedic purposes, leading to women jumping on men to take the title, only to turn around and be pinned by another person who is then pinned by the original champ putting the belt back where it started.

With a PG-Era WWE, there's no way any kind of Hardcore title would gather momentum. How respected can a belt be when it's sole purpose is excluded from TV content by the company's policy?

Bringing that belt back is a bad idea. Right now WWE seems to be having a bit of difficulty booking even the belts they have effectively -- that's just my opinion -- so adding another to the fray just seems pointless. Let them clean up the mess they have before reintroducing anything else.

And, yes, the Divas title should be folded into the Women's title. Competitors for the Women's title should be allowed to move fluidly from one brand to the next, or the champion should get to appear on all three shows. As it stands, they barely have enough qualified contenders for a single belt, much less two. It's a sad state of affairs, indeed, but it's not uncommon. The WWE has historically only had 1-2 legit contenders for the Women's title at any given time, so if anything, they're staying true to themselves now with two.
This always comes up from time to time. Someone always makes one of these threads saying that the WWE needs to bring back this title or another. I think it is a pretty widely shared opinion that there are too many belts as is, so right off the bat you have a big dilemma there. As is there are 9 titles circulating in the WWE, do they really need all that? I don't think so, and I don't think they need to bring back the hardcore title.

As you get in the discussion there are so many road blocks, dilemmas, and conflicts in regards to adding another title it really becomes a pointless conversation. What good would it do to have a hardcore title again? So what, there is another belt for this certain group of people to go after. Well, If the 9 that are already there aren't in the spectrum of feasibility than I think those people are hopeless anyways. As it was mentioned earlier, the title was a joke to begin with anyways. I remember, I watched it. It was a disgrace to the winged eagle, I couldn't believe they would even piss on their own history like that. Then, as the lineage went on it WAS a joke. It was a gimmick belt, made for gimmick matches.

There is no need for any kind of hardcore division in WWE anymore. The PG era does not allow the possibility, and I for one am glad it doesn't. Just because you can fall through furniture and beat people up with random objects doesn't mean you can wrestle, or that because that is what you are doing it is entertaining. I always thought "hardcore" matches were horrible. What is the point? What is so "hardcore" about it? It just looks like guys not wrestling, beating each other with whatever props were available, that's not wrestling. There is no real logic or reason to it, and even though in the world of wrestling those things are easier to get around, it is still illogical. It's like two guys saying "Well, we are supposed to be wrestlers but let's not do that, let's just hit each other with stuff and call it a match." Wow, real groundbreaking stuff.

Hardcore only worked in the WWE because of the persona the company took on at the time. It worked because it was different, and because people hadn't really seen how that kind of thing could be done. However, now you have basically seen it all. There are only so many ways to hit someone with a cookie sheet, there are only so many ways to fall onto tacks, and so many ways to go through a table, so on and so on. Now days it is more about the wrestling and the stories behind it. The hardcore area didn't really require as much of either. There isn't any real way to implement it back into the WWE without changing what they have worked to turn it into. We could all make our cases on how, but they wouldn't work today. I don't think todays audience would even care for it anymore.

Isn't the fact that it had it's time and faded away proof enough that it ran it's course and doesn't need to return? Isn't the original ECW a good enough example, that this is not what the majority of fans want? I think so. It's just like the European title. It had it's time, served it's purpose, and died. There is no reason to bring it back. The WWE has moved into an area where they don't need to do any of that anymore. It's an unnecessary risk.
i feel that the hardcore championship and or a tv title would be good for wwe under certain circumstances. for instance, they should only try to book mid-level, up and coming guys to be in these matches and feuds. imo i think it would be a great way to get the ikes of evan bourne, santino, yoshi, etc tv time. i do miss having a tv champ like they had in wcw. regal was pretty good as tv champ because of the 10 or 15 min time limit. regal can mat wrestler, and sell good, and he is able to put on good matches with about anyone in theat tme period, why not create a tv title, put it on evan bourne. he can wrestle on all three shows, and nxt, boom there is ur main event most of the time. some young guy trying to win a title. maybe im just old school, but i miss the days when a title meant something, and guys wrestled for the belt, not because this one kicked him in the head, or he it on this ones gf. whatever happened to a guy coming out after winning a feud or a ppv match and saying "on to the next step in my carrer, onto bigger things"? there should be more emphasis on wrestling. yes storylines are needed, but the wrestling has been watereddown way too much.
BAd idea. THe title was a joke and you had guys hitting eachother with a bunch of stupid shit for it. Bad idea as well. I'm not a fan of a lot of gimmick or hardcore matches. It takes away from when they do actually happen. Anyone remember when a cage match was a HUGE deal? I think the one thing the Attitude Era did wrong was over saturate people with "hardcore" wrestling. Now you can't watch with out someone bleeding, or getting run over by a fat dancing guy.... This title does nothing but ruin the genre and needlessly injure people. Bad idea dude
i agree, its the same idea with first blood matches. whats the big deal if u make ur opponnent bleed, if at pretty much every ppv a guy gets busted open and then wrestles for 10 to 15 mins after that. to me it just looks like a cheap win. even foley in his first book points out that if you are going to have a cage match be your main event, then the first match cant be a cage match. it takes away from the "aura" or the whole build up to it. i remember when you might see a ladder match per year. how many ladder/mitb/tlc matches did wwe have alone last year? 6 or 7? and tna, if there is anything tna will ultimately will be known for is overbooking gimmck matches, for example, an x division king of the mountain match, r u serious?
This, I'd love to happen. Probability? Zero.

Firstly, there are too many titles. Are they really going to unify the Divas title with the Women's so soon? Arguably, they should, as the RAW Women's Division is pitiful and Smackdown!'s is only slightly better. But they won't. The title has only just been made and it seems if they had that intention then they wouldn't try and increase the prestige with a tournament to crown a new champion after Melina's injury.

Then we still don't know the fate of the ECW Championship. Reports say it might be kept as a midcard title of some sorts. Arguably if Vince was smart, he would unify this with the old Hardcore Championship. Why? Because Vince has destroyed the legacy of ECW already, the best thing he can do is unify this championship with another that actually represents ECW... what better than the Hardcore Championship? Still, it is not going to happen as there's simply no real need for WWE to do this, in their eyes.

Also, that's an interesting case about Balls Mahoney.
If they don't like "Balls" being tossed around (In your end oh...) I doubt they're going to like kids raving on about the HARDCORE Championship. Any co-incidence why in the not too distant past we haven't had any matches being referred to as Hardcore? Just Extreme Rules, No DQ etc... and even then they don't allow blood so it just makes the action seem so fake if the match is stopped to wipe a cut!

And on that note, the day the EXTREME RULES TITLE is made I think I'd have to end it all and send my suicide note to WWE Headquarters.

I did love the Hardcore Championship back in the day, especially during Crash's run. It made segments have more meaning because you had the thought that a Championship could change hands during them when Crash was on screen! This is a feeling WWE can not bring back.

I do agree the Hardcore Championship should be brought back... but for its sake... only when there are less titles and the WWE-PG era has ended.

Good thread, props to you.
Deffinatley agree wit this thread. I LOVED the hardcore title days and the aspect that it could be defended 24/7 was the best idea they did with thàt IMO. It was just soo great to see 5 or 6 guys all fighting in random places (lol member crash in the ball pen) classic!! I don't think it would work soo good no as the pg era is upon us. Blood I'd most deffinatley part of that particular title IMO and without that it just dosent seem "harcore", the days of flaming 2x4's wrapped in barb wire are gone and I don't think they will b coming back anytime soon. So no, bringing back the hardcore title would just be insignificant.
If and when the WWE drops the pg rating then I say yes. Those mid_carders will have another belt to fight over and it won't make it like only the big guys are making moves. Maybe have the title available to all brands. Guys like mvp, swagger, even evan bourne would benefit great with a hardcore title run. Boy, just thinking about all the great matches and storylines that came along with having that title around. CLASSIC!
The problem is when that Hardcore title meant something, WWF had a bunch of titles singles titles, 1 World title, 1 IC (mic card belt), and a two lower card belts, The Coverted European title and the generally respected Hardcore title.

Nowadays we have two worlds titles, 3 Mid card titles (ECW, IC and US) so we've got to many these days for WWE to bring in any more and anyways it was only 18 months ago the IC Title was a HUGE joke, it's only been the last 8 months it's actually meant something, the US has been pushed quiet a lot over the last year, and the ECW title not really, it's been given to Christian to run wild with.

Bringing back the Hardcore title could work but for one the name would need to be changed as I don't see WWE keeping the term Hardcore kicking around, it's not very PG is it now? but definetly bring in say the Extreme Championship and bring in a new belt, not a smashed up belt and bang, throw away the 24/7 rule as well, only have that availble now and again so it feels special.
I Remember there was talk at one point to bring back the hardcore championship as a secondary belt on ECW but considering they are about to pull the plug on ECW i dont see a brand where the hardcore title would fit how ever it might fit in the NXT show but I think we all just need see a few shows of NXT to see what vince is trying to acomplish with it
Sorry but bringing back the Hardcore Title=Pointless

The hardcore title didn't meant any thing to the wwf/wwe please dont say they did because if they did we wouldnt be talking about bringing it back,WWE would still have it if they would of care for it.Also we are in the PG era now so WWE will not bring it back again.I say that the E will get a TV title first instead of a Hardcore title,And you know why i think that because NXT might get the TV title.
There is no need for any kind of hardcore division in WWE anymore. The PG era does not allow the possibility, and I for one am glad it doesn't. Just because you can fall through furniture and beat people up with random objects doesn't mean you can wrestle, or that because that is what you are doing it is entertaining. I always thought "hardcore" matches were horrible. What is the point? What is so "hardcore" about it? It just looks like guys not wrestling, beating each other with whatever props were available, that's not wrestling. There is no real logic or reason to it, and even though in the world of wrestling those things are easier to get around, it is still illogical. It's like two guys saying "Well, we are supposed to be wrestlers but let's not do that, let's just hit each other with stuff and call it a match." Wow, real groundbreaking stuff.


Hardcore only worked in the WWE because of the persona the company took on at the time. It worked because it was different, and because people hadn't really seen how that kind of thing could be done. However, now you have basically seen it all. There are only so many ways to hit someone with a cookie sheet, there are only so many ways to fall onto tacks, and so many ways to go through a table, so on and so on. Now days it is more about the wrestling and the stories behind it. The hardcore area didn't really require as much of either. There isn't any real way to implement it back into the WWE without changing what they have worked to turn it into. We could all make our cases on how, but they wouldn't work today. I don't think todays audience would even care for it anymore.

As much as i aggre with what you say. the hardcore title is a stage WWE is past. the attitude era is gone and forgoten. however saying that. how you say it is wrong "imo" saying that the hardcore wouldnt work because WWE is PG is wrong it would get over, and it would get over big. younger fans love the hardcore stuff. remember were WWE is now they can stretch things with youngsters. show me a 12 year old who likes wrestling who dosnt like the Hardys. who hasnt watchd VHS's of the first TLC with there brother and didnt think it was awsome. cause we all did. kids mark out for that. WWE could take people who are over with the kids. Matt Hardy. Kofi Kingston. Miz, Santino. in some weird way is hugly over with my brother and all his freinds. and turn them in to "hardcore division." and this BS with "WW-E" having to many titles annoys me beyond doubt. the times when i grew up are gone. the time were having the IC EU And World are gone. when your in that arena and theres a title match there is a special atmospher there and having 5/6 title matchs in one night is better for revenue than 4/5 the tag team titles got combined because the divison was going down. but they will be brought bk to two seprate titles when they pick up some new talent from NXT undoubtable. WWE is a company. the BIGGEST wrestling company in the world. and untill there is some real competition. if it can make money it will be used. i just think atm vince thinks the hardcore title wont add any real revenu and imho there isnt someone who realy needs put over with a title. maybe a cruserwight title would be better. i personaly would like a new title.

WWE InterPromotinal Champion. just somthing fresh that a up and comer can defend aginst the new nxt kinds. being on both shows is the only way. TV time and xtream rules are a must
You said don't fix something that ain't broke, well, the Hardcore title was broke, very very broke. By the end people like Stevie Richards and Raven had 20 title reigns each or something stupid like that. It was a side show, it was a joke. Tommy Dreamer's final defence of the belt against RVD was the first good Hardcore Title match since about 2001 when Raven and Rhino were fighting for it.

The 24/7 rule made for a few entertaining moments, for example Christian knocking out Molly Holly with the door at Wrestlemania X8 and Gerald Brisco pinning Crash when he was asleep, but it got way too out of control to the point that we ended up with a new champion every show and nobody knew who the champion was anymore.

When you say let's not make the violence PG as well as the rating you do see how silly a statement that is right? The violence was the biggest issue that people had with the WWE. Sure there were scantily clad women with giant boobs and there was the odd curse word from time to time, but kids could see worse at the same time slot. It's the glorification of violence that makes parents not want to expose their children to it. It's the hitting each other with metal objects and leaping off the top of titantrons and the blood that was the problem. I know we've still got ladder matches and that wrestling in itself will always carry an edge of violence as they are simulating beating each other up every week, but it's the overt violence that children can copy i.e. hitting each other with cookie sheets and trash cans and chairs and the plethora of hardcore weapons that were commonplace that is the problem.

In essence if they bring back these wild weapons matches on a regular basis they might as well have the divas wrestle in bikinis and posing for playboy and get the fellas to start swearing again. Like it or not the PG-Era is here to stay for the foreseeable future and that makes the hardcore title a big no-no, even if it was run better than it was towards its timely demise. And yes, there are too many belts already.
To be honest, I did not watch the WWE back when the hardcore title was around. Ive heard alot about it from research and youtube videos and I think it was a cool title. it would give people like Goldust and Chavo something to do besides job. Unfortunately we are in the pg era and I dont think the WWE would bring it back right now. It sucks but we have no control over the decisions WWE makes. If the WWE goes back to the old ways and gets out of the pg era than heck yes it should be brought back!
Fuck the hardcore title. It has no relevance to the WWE today. Remember when it was brought back once by Mick Foley and he held it with Edge when he was briefly feuding with ECW? It's a joke. It always has been and it always will be. Back in the day, it produced some entertaining matches...I'll give it that. But, there's plenty of titles that are in need of redeeming prestige and the last thing the WWE needs is another meaningless title to mash everything up. The last thing resembling a scratch of the hardcore title was the ECW title, which will go defunct itself soon. It's over.
I can't even believe people are here talking about that piece of trash title(it literally looked like garbage) it is the worst title in the history of sports entertainment. It was definitely a joke, and I think hardcore matches are a poor excuse for wrestling, when you do those kind of matches, the violence becomes the star not the wrestlers.
Return of the Hardcore Championship? No, not a good idea. First of all, I don't think WWE has too many titles right now, as they have three separate titles for each brand and a title that is shared between the brands (I am not counting the soon to be abandoned ECW title BTW). That is 7 titles across 2 companies. Adding to that would be pushing things. Remember back in the day, WWE used to have the WWE, Intercontinental, European, Hardcore, Light Heavyweight and Women's Titles. 6 titles for one brand. The LH title was barely defended (Gillberg held it for over a year before losing it to Essa Rios), the European title was....well the IC title light, instead of being a true "European" Title (I always thought that a European Title should only be defended in, well.....Europe), and the Hardcore Title was mainly the Santino Marella of WWE Titles, a giant comedy spot (that was cemented when Molly Holly used a frying pan to beat the Hurricane for the belt). Even after the Brand Extension started, we had on Raw the World, Intercontinental, Hardcore, European and Women's Title and Smackdown had the WWE, Cruiserweight, United States and WWE Tag Team Titles (sure, some of those titles switched brands), but that was 9 titles split between two brands.

Then they had on Raw the One Brand, One Title storyline, where the European and Hardcore titles were merged into RVD's IC Title, and then the Kane vs HHH Title Unification match.

Less titles worked out for Raw.

Getting back to the main point, adding another title is foolish. It doesn't matter if it's the Hardcore Title, the TV Title or splitting the Tag Team Titles.
The way I see it, the Hardcore championship could rise again, but it would need some massive revamping. Two things that ruined its possibilities have already been mentioned. First was the 24/7 rule. Now, in one way this worked for a while because anybody was believable in winning it under these circumstances. I see it as a way for the WWE (then WWF, I suppose) to give a title to somebody who worked hard but wasn't believable in any other capacity. Kind of a way of saying "thanks for your efforts." At least they got to carry a title belt for a few hours. Still, the rule got overused and the belt became a joke.

The second problem is its look. Like it or not, the look of a belt does have a good deal of importance as far as how serious an audience takes it. The WHC belt is a big "solid gold" relic which demands respect and invokes nostalgia of champions past. The WWE belt is big and shiny and says "look at me" which is fitting for most of the champions that have held it. The US Title's got the stars and stripes for patriotism and so forth down the line to the smallest and most understated of the belts, the women's championship belt (which I think shows you in what esteem the champions who hold it are held.) I ask you, who is going to take a busted belt wrapped up with duct tape seriously? It looked like something pulled out of the dumpster and when Tommy Dreamer slapped a licence plate on it, it was an improvement!

If the Hardcore title were ever to be brought back, I say make it the midcard championship of the upcoming NXT brand. Put it as a stipulation that it is only to be contested in hardcore-style matches, but no 24/7 rule. Lastly, get some decent design on this belt. Make it menacing, but make it look good.
The 24/7 rule for the Hardcore title completely ruined the credibility. A Ho got the title at one point. That was ******ed. Yes, it could change hands constantly for shock value, but it changed hands too much. Just bouncing it around jobbers so they could say they won a title (when in reality they would never win a real title) just ruined it.

There were some good--if not great--matches that were created by the hardcore title. Then they were ruined as someone (like Crash) would come right at the end of the match and pin someone and the entire effort of the wrestlers involved in the match was thrown out the window. And then the person would walk up the ramp, get nailed by an object from a new wrestler who wasn't even in the match, and become the new champion. Arg! That was aggravating to watch. A credible hardcore division was just constantly undermined, and feuds were never handled properly.

This is the PG era, and the title is dead and will never surface again. Its sad, but we all have to get used it.

People have suggested unifying the two brand titles in ways to make room for the new titles. I agree, brand unification must happen first, and that will not happen either. I would love for the borders to come down between Smackdown and Raw, so a whole new set of feuds and wrestler combinations can happen. That would solve a lot of the problems with stale matchups that we see. But we can keep wishing all we want. It would take a petition signed by the fans (an insane amount of them--in the millions) for WWE to only think about the idea.

And yes, the hardcore championship itself looked terrible, but that was part of the attitude. Those matches were brutal, and the wrestlers usually looked like that title after the match. If there is some reincarnation of it in the far future, it should look better. But it won't be the ECW championship that will be the Hardcore championship. I think at this point everyone wants to see the ECW brand put to rest once and for all.

PS...if I was playing fantasy booker, I would scrap Christian's final ECW title defense against Ez Jackson. Instead, pay RVD a crapload of money for a one time appearance to come back to the last ECW show, cut a promo on how the new ECW failed because it was a disgrace to the real ECW before, and how he wants a title match right now because the real ECW should never be forgotten and buried...then have Christian vs. RVD in a hardcore match for the title. RVD wins and walks into the sunset, as the championship returns to its rightful owner and ECW is finally done.

Jim Cornette said it perfectly, regardless of whether it was a promo (shoot or not). Leave hardcore wrestling for the lower leagues like CZW, and leave real wrestling to the companies that take it seriously.

The Hardcore belt worked for a while, and the only reason it was there was to steal audience from ECW, at the time. It's completely pointless now. McMahon knows the hardcore division will only be enjoyed by a VERY small percentage of wrestling fans, and he won't take the risk in investing in something that won't yield any rewards to his current product.

I, personally, would hate to see that belt and/or division back. I enjoy WRESTLING, not CLUSTERFUCKS of random weapons and pointless gore. There's absolutely no value to that style of entertainment and should be left to bush league promotions that use it as their basis like CZW.

So no, I say they should NEVER bring that belt back, or the division for that matter.

There's enough good gimmick matches presented on TV that use random weapons as good props, no need to saturate an entire division with propwork.
This, I'd love to happen. Probability? Zero.

Firstly, there are too many titles. Are they really going to unify the Divas title with the Women's so soon? Arguably, they should, as the RAW Women's Division is pitiful and Smackdown!'s is only slightly better. But they won't. The title has only just been made and it seems if they had that intention then they wouldn't try and increase the prestige with a tournament to crown a new champion after Melina's injury.

Then we still don't know the fate of the ECW Championship. Reports say it might be kept as a midcard title of some sorts. Arguably if Vince was smart, he would unify this with the old Hardcore Championship. Why? Because Vince has destroyed the legacy of ECW already, the best thing he can do is unify this championship with another that actually represents ECW... what better than the Hardcore Championship? Still, it is not going to happen as there's simply no real need for WWE to do this, in their eyes.

Also, that's an interesting case about Balls Mahoney.
If they don't like "Balls" being tossed around (In your end oh...) I doubt they're going to like kids raving on about the HARDCORE Championship. Any co-incidence why in the not too distant past we haven't had any matches being referred to as Hardcore? Just Extreme Rules, No DQ etc... and even then they don't allow blood so it just makes the action seem so fake if the match is stopped to wipe a cut!

And on that note, the day the EXTREME RULES TITLE is made I think I'd have to end it all and send my suicide note to WWE Headquarters.

I did love the Hardcore Championship back in the day, especially during Crash's run. It made segments have more meaning because you had the thought that a Championship could change hands during them when Crash was on screen! This is a feeling WWE can not bring back.

I do agree the Hardcore Championship should be brought back... but for its sake... only when there are less titles and the WWE-PG era has ended.

Good thread, props to you.

Thank you thank you thank you!

I try to see things for what they truly are in wrestling. My whole thing is that if the WWE brought the HARDCORE title back? It could do the WWE wonders if Vince is still thinking about heading in thar direction again? Mainly against TNA! Just think about it. What if the WWE brought the belt back and force TNA to bite the idea like WCW did. That would be cool to see Finlay with the belt again like old times! I just miss the HARDCORE title man.

Let's all buy the VHS video of "The history of the WWF/E HARDCORE Championship" hosted by Tazz!!
I miss the "hardcore" days, but I see no point in bringing back the hardcore belt itself. What I miss are the great backstage brawls, weapons being used and the fights that took place outside of the arena from the "Attitude" era. Remember the Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman feud, or the countless times that Stone Cold would whip someone's ass in a supermarket (Booker T, remember?). Of course, WWE is far too "PG" now and those days are gone, but I'd give anything to see these things in WWE again. I miss the barbed wire, the blood, the thumbtacks and the other assortments of weapons used.
Personally I see an open door for the hardcore division, revamp the name, and belt (keep ecw belt if need be and change it to the Extreme Championship.
Cut the 24/7 rule out and actually have some of the top guys bid for the belt like Punk, Christian, Big Show, the Miz, Regal etc, for one, you'd have the hardcore style back but two you could use the jobbers to get someone over huge and before he moves on to the world stage give him a nice run as champ, if he can peak the audiance and the rating your on to a winner.

The problem is there is to many belts in wwe at the moment, and realistically would only work when the mergered the brands back up.

Problem is with Linda and her politics campaign it's putting wwe under stress to use the violent nature of some matches and first sight of blood and the doc is there, TNA should take heed that fans do want hardcore, and bring in a hardcore title (change the name of the Legends/Global even) but fans want something different and wrestling in the same stages as it was in the early 90s, same thing a new generation will come and go and the edgy stuff probably will return when the time is right, but in the mean time TNA should take advantage of the fact that they have A LOT of the ECW guys and use them, fans marked out for ecw huge in 2005-2006 so why not run with the ball?

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