Bring back the _____ title...

Although it won't happen I'd like to see the ECW Title become more akin to the Hardcore Title, not straight hardcore, just a more flexible rules title like in the old days. Then have the TV Title also brought back to ECW as the more straight rules title. But in reality that's nothing more than a nostalgia trip and isn't going to happen in the current climate.

But TV Title definitely, could potentially be more of a cross brand title and maybe centred around 5* main event matches on regular TV.
While the return of the Cruiserweight / Light-Heavyweight Championship would be pretty cool to see, it wouldn't be long before the division is just forgotten about again. WWE barely has time to keep a real Tag Team division afloat. Who cares about the small guys who do all those flips and stuff?

And remember the last time the WWE resurrected the Cruiser title. At first, it was cool to see the influx of wrestlers associated with the belt (Billy Kidman, Jamie Noble, Ultimo Dragon, Psicosis, Juventud Guerrera, Shannon Moore, Rey Mysterio, etc.)...but after a while, the size of the WWE ring and the limitations placed on the wrestlers sucked all the excitement out of the matches.

Then you had people like Chavo Sr. (Chavo Classic) and Hornswoggle wearing the belt. And Hornswoggle is the guy last associated with holding the once-prestigious belt. Really?

I think we should all be happy with TNA's X Division as the summit of Cruiserweight-style wrestling. Yes, it would be cool to see guys like Evan Bourne, Tyson Kidd, and Yoshi Tatsu holding a belt meant for them, but in reality, the WWE has no time for another belt. They are saturated with way too many belts in my opinion.
I think this should be done in either one of two ways:

Each show gets 2 hours and 5 Titles each, World, Mid – Card, Specialty, Tag Team, Women’s. This evens it out, putting the Black Show on the same level as the Red and Blue shows. This kind of creates more competition between Raw and Smackdown (more Champions to compare to each other) and also gives ECW more of an “alternative” feel to it compared to the other shows (difference being the Specialty Titles).

Raw: WWE Original Championships
1. World – WWE
2. Mid – Card – Intercontinental
3. Tag Team – World (I think the Red set of Tag Titles should be called the “WWE" Tag Team Titles)
4. Women’s – Women’s
5. Specialty – Light Heavyweight

Smackdown: WCW Original / newer WWE Championships
1. World – World Heavyweight
2. Mid – Card – United States
3. Tag Team – WWE (I think the Blue set of Tag Titles should be called the “World" Tag Team Titles)
4. Women’s – Divas
5. Specialty – Cruiserweight

1. World – ECW
2. Mid – Card – Television
3. Tag Team – ECW
4. Women’s – Vixens
5. Specialty – Hardcore

Please note, TNA is already like this, and it works. The KO Tag Team Titles is a nice plus.

1. World – TNA
2. Mid – Card – Legends / Global
3. Tag Team – TNA
4. Women’s – KnockOuts
5. Specialty – X - Division
6. Women's Tag Team – KnockOuts Tag Team


Consolidate the Championships and allow all Champions to go on any show. This would visually show the level of importance of each Champion. More Belts = More “Importance / Prestige”. This even lowers the number of Titles currently at 8 (or 9, depending on how one looks at it) to 6.

1. World – Holding 3 Belts, the WWE, World, and ECW Titles
2. Mid – Card – Holding 2 Belts, the Intercontinental and United States Titles
3. Tag Team – Holding 2 Belts, the WWE and World Tag Team Titles, as it is currently and the inspiration of this idea.
4. Women’s – Holding 2 Belts, the Women’s and Divas Titles
5. Specialty – Holding 1 or 2 Belts, Light Heavyweight and / or Cruiserweight Title, depending on what you’re trying to portray.
6. Specialty – Holding 1 Belt, the Hardcore Title.

Keeping it how it is currently is fine, but change is always good.

This, this this. I love this idea. I think by doing this you create a more unique feel to each show, however I'd replace light heavyweight on Raw with the European title. I'd also allow for the European, cruiserweight and hardcore title to be on any show, and defended across all three.

Think of the feuds for the European title between guys like Regal, Kozlov, Sheamus, Finlay, etc. etc. Even cruiserweight feuds between Kofi Kingston and Yoshi Tatsu, Evan Bourne, and even Rey Mysterio. Then of course hardcore battles. You could even then run cross-over feuds with the European Champion and US Champion, in a US vs. Europe type battle.

Back when I started wrestling there were clear divisions of talent, the European title was usually held by younger talent with some key veterans around. The US title has a similar feel to the European Championship. The Intercontinental championship was always used as a stepping stone to the main event scene and the current WWE seems to lack that important step to the main-event.

I just feel that prestige needs to be incorporated back into some of these titles, and bringing back a WCW-WWE-ECW title seperation could create some of that once again.
Cruiserweight title. That was the main reason I watched Smackdown back in the day. That whole division was on fucking point. They had the talent, the talent had the skill, and they had a belt in which they could fight for. It's perfect, you can stuff all the highflyers and smaller guys who are lost in the mid-card shuffle somewhere and give them a reason to be on TV. You don't have to be doing flips and shit to be a badass Cruiserweight either. Examples: Matt Hardy? Gregory Helms? Both sweet Cruiserweights, former champions in their own right. I'd love it. Bring it back!
I started a thread in the General Wrestling section about bringing a championship to the main promotions of the wrestling industry. In that thread I stated that the WWE could use a championship such as the ROH Pure Championship.

So instead of bringing back the Hardcore title or the Lightheavyweight title, you could have a championship that is like the once great Ring of Honor Pure Championship.

This belt was contested under strict rules and I think it would be a great way for the true athletes of the WWE to showcase their talent. Guys like Shelton Benjamin, Evan Bourne, even Rey Mysterio would actually have something to do instead of jobbing out to the competition.

Although if I really had to choose, I would bring back the Hardcore Championship. I loved seeing the Hardcore matches, and I especially liked the 24/7 rule and seeing the belt constantly change hands at any time or any place. Plus there were some really good matches for that belt.
Im going with the hardcore title. First off, the Light Heavyweight title was a JOKE. Lets take a look at it and its champs.....

Taka Michinoku
Essa Rios
Dean Malenko
Crash Holly
Jerry Lynn
Jeff Hardy
X Pac
X Pac

Overall thats 10 champions. 10 CHAMPIONS! For a "prestigious" title, I really don't see it here. I bolded Gillberg. When you have a freaking mental ****** as your longest reigning champion over the likes of Christian, Taka, and Jeff Hardy, that title sucks. OK, theres my rant about the Light Heavyweight title

Onto the Hardcore title and why I think it should be brought back. The PG era is boring, and as said, bringing this title back can be our 'get away' from it. Put in on ECW, old ECW fans return for the hardcore. Put the likes of Mysterio, Dreamer, and Kane on ECW and you have some pretty good hardcore matches right there. Also, it would allow younger talent to be brought up and showcase their talents in these types of matches allowing fans to get behind them and eventually help push them up to the main shows.
Well considering that there were 28 hardcore champions who held the title for a week or less; had Molly Holly, one of the Godfather's Hos, Terri and Trish Stratus as champions; and three different people hold the title more than 20 times; I think that the Light Heavyweight Championship and the Hardcore title are at about the same level of prestige.

That said I'd rather see the Light Heavyweight (or equivalent) championship return. Hardcore wrestling gets over the top fast (see also: CZW and exploding ring matches). Now while the occasional hardcore gorefest is fine, but what's the point of having a hardcore match once a month? The age whebn WWE needed to go balls out and have numerous title changes per month (or show, in some cases) are over. let the trainwreck booking of the hardcore title die, and give the criusers something to do.
Hardcore. Even though I don't watch WWE anymore it would be fun to have a title that has the 24 hour rule because I really enjoyed that. It would also be a nice get away from this damn pg era. I really enjoyed the 24/7 title rule, and I liked all the matches for the title because they were all no holds barbed. The LHW title was good for the smaller wrestlers, but I just liked the matches for the Hardcore title better, and found it to be more entertaining.
I would like to see the Crusierweight/Light Heavyweight and/or the European/TV Titles come back.

Both divisions have had such great champions, and have provided some the best action ever in the WWF/WWE/NWA/WCW.

Not only would it help to elevate talent, it would also give a lot of guys something to do and aim for, rather than just wrestling generic matches for the sake of it.

However, rather than bring back any title I would much rather the WWE improved their entire product.
I'm just going to talk about titles here for a while.

There are division titles and midcard titles. A division title means that you are the best in the world (or company) at something--heavyweight (all comers), women's, tag team. (I'd count the ECW title as a division title--ECW wrestlers almost always wrestle other ECW wrestlers). There are also midcard titles, like the Intercontinental, US, Global and, back in the day, the European and TV titles. Midcard titles always have the problem of exactly what is the point of the title? If that guy's so good, why isn't he fighting for the world title? And if that midcard title is so good, how come guys just out of the World title picture (HBK for example) aren't going for the midcard title?

If you brought back the TV or European title, the question is why? Is the European/TV champ above the US champ? On the same level? Why? If you gave ECW a midcard title, the "What's the point?" question is more obvious--there are only a dozen wrestlers on the roster. If Goldust wins the TV title and defends it against three different contenders, he should be challenging for the top title, not screwing around with a secondary belt.

To bring back a Cruiserweight or a Hardcore title, WWE would have to establish a Cruiserweight or Hardcore division. Make the decision that these titles are not midcard titles, they are the top titles <I>in their divisions.</I> Cruiserweights or hardcore wrestlers should be presented as having different strengths and weaknesses than traditional heavyweight wrestlers. On their turf, in their matches, they should be able to defeat the top guys. Avoid mixing the top heavyweights with the Hardcore or Cruiserweight guys.

TNA's X division just suffered a credibility hit last week for no reason when Scott Steiner, who is not even a top five heavyweight in TNA, beat the living crap out of the X division champion Amazing Red with basically no resistance, treating him as a complete jobber. (Now, TNA could fix some of that by having Red challenge Steiner to a ladder match or an Ultimate X or whatever and dominate him in an "X-division style" match, but I doubt that they will.) If you do the same thing to a Cruiserweight champion or top contender, the audience absorbs the message that the cruiserweights suck, can't hang with even the mediocre heavyweights and so why bother caring about them.

A Hardcore championship has a similar issue. The WWE Hardcore title was a comedy title, held by wrestlers who weren't anywhere near the best at anything. Brining back that title just means more Hornswoggle. The other way you could do a Hardcore or Extreme Rules championship is to have it defended only in brutal gimmick or specialty matches. You'd have to have wrestlers on the roster that all they did was gruesome, bloody, dangerous stunt matches. TNA could do this in a heartbeat with Abyss--he practically has his own division already with Foley, Stevie Richards and Raven. Who in WWE would be well suited for that?

The only way I could see WWE establishing another title is if they had another show (or expanded ECW to a fully equal third brand with a two-hour show and it's own house show tour, which I don't see as likely at all.)

If they set up another one-hour show, then they could either dedicate it to Cruiserweight or Hardcore wrestling. Make those dozen guys exclusive to the new show. Another option would be a studio show ("WWE Unlimited", or whatever) with one match per week, designed just to screw TNA's X-division, with the high-flying, fast-paced "WWE Unlimited Champion" exclusive to that show and challengers from wherever--Raw, Smackdown, ECW, guest wrestlers on per-appearance deals. Say that the network demanded this arrangement, and that the Unlimited Champion gets paid by both WWE and the network, which is why you'd want that title over a spot on the main roster. This would be sort of like TNA's one-man hardcore division, just with a belt added.
The Hardcore title was the most fun, but they essentially have the same thing the ECW title. So Light Heavyweight it is. But seriously, the WCW Cruiserweight title was more legit than the Light Heavyweight title ever was.

The real question should have been, What WCW/Crockett title should be brought back? National Title or Six Man Tag title? For those who actually remember these titles, I would go with the United States Tag Team titles. LOL
I would easily have to go with the light-heavyweight/cruiserweight chanmpionship. Although the Hardcore Title would bring back the more edgy, Attitude Era, it would completely destroy what the E has been doing lately with the PG era.

I think the Lightheavyweight/Cruiserweight championship would do wonders for the low-to-mid midcarders like Rey, Bourne, Kofi, Chavo, Yoshi, Ryder, Wang Yang, maybe even guys like Matt Hardy and Shelton Benjamin could even benefit from this.

The Lightheavyweight/Cruiserweight Title would also bring back that fast paced wrestling we all loved to watch. It would definitely make RAW and SD! more entertaining to watch because it would be a change from the normal, slow paced matches we usually see on a weakly basis from Batista, Cena, Taker, etc.

So, I would indefinitely like to see the Cruiserweight Title back over the Hardcore Title. Hands down.
How blind can the wwe be to not put the hardcore title on ecw? If its a brand, it needs a midcard tiitle. It fits perfectly because it would add the extreme in the land of extreme. And if the 24 7 rule applied, ecw would attract more viewers.
I'd love to see Hardcore come back. But id have to go with light heavy weight title to come back. My reasoning for this is that I give Evan Bourne and the other cruiser- lighthweight jobbers something to fight for than just getting squashed every week
I'd love to see Hardcore come back. But id have to go with light heavy weight title to come back. My reasoning for this is that I give Evan Bourne and the other cruiser- lighthweight jobbers something to fight for than just getting squashed every week

That is what the Intercontinental and US Titles are for, RatedY2J93. They can be used as that Mid-level title for the guys you speak of ... OR for future Main Eventers.

To answer IC's question .... NO titles should be added, UNLESS we want to split up the Unified Tag Team Titles and go back to the WWE and World Tag Titles. That would be fine, as long as they increase their roster by one or two more Tag Teams a piece. That way, each show would merit having their own Tag Team titles, once again.

However, as the way things stand as they are, right now ... I would not advocate ANY titles being added to the roster because there are simply too many as it is. The more titles there are, the less all of them mean, collectively.
I'd go with the Cruiserweight if I didn't think WWE would do to it what they did before. But they undoubtedly would. So I might as well go with the Hardcore title, with the 24/7 rules attached to it. Give Santino something to do as well with his comedic skills. It would atleast have the possibility of being interesting to watch.
Definately Cruiserweight. Evan Bourne is enough reason alone to bring the division back. The fans love his high flying moves but WWE will never push him past the mid-card cause of his size so bring back the cruiserweight division so he can showcase his skills instead of being squashed by Swagger every week.
Hardcore belt! I used to change the channel during the lightweight matches, the hardcore matches I never change the channel. The hardcore belt brings excitement to the show and the lightweight title just is another match to fill up a card when they have no one else to throw out there.
SCREW IT...I want to see them all back make it more entertaining...Put the Hardcore on ECW and drop that 24/7 rule...Have the Cruiserweight and T.V. Titles defended on all three brands just like the Unified Tag Titles...The CruiserWeight gives Bourne and Rey something of their own (does anyone miss Tajiri) and then the T.V. would be something to get people to watch all 3 Brands again...And the Hardcore might get us out of the PG era I WANT THE FU BACK not the "Attitude Adjustment"
SCREW IT...I want to see them all back make it more entertaining...Put the Hardcore on ECW and drop that 24/7 rule...Have the Cruiserweight and T.V. Titles defended on all three brands just like the Unified Tag Titles...The CruiserWeight gives Bourne and Rey something of their own (does anyone miss Tajiri) and then the T.V. would be something to get people to watch all 3 Brands again...And the Hardcore might get us out of the PG era I WANT THE FU BACK not the "Attitude Adjustment"

So in other words, what you advocate is everyone on the Roster having a title, right? That way everyone has something of their own.

I can't advocate any more titles because the more titles there are, the less prestigious each one essentially becomes.

Do you not forsee this being a problem if they would add the number of titles that you advocate?

Do you not see it getting to a point where the fans would be like "Boring. I could really care less about another title match, because virtually every match on the card are title matches, nowadays?"
i want to see them bring back the WWE title belt that was used before they WWE and World titles were unified, the big round one not the smaller one. The one that use to be the spinner title they use now is still just as ugly, even if it doesnt spin anymore.

Other than that, just defend the midcard titles on tv a little more. I can accept not defend the world/wwe title on tv like they use to, but come on. WCW Saturday night at a TV title defense every other week, and it actually changed hands on that show a couple times with NOBODY watching. Miss a week cause I was outside playing too long, holy crap disco inferno is TV champ? Taught me a valuable lesson there, friends come and go, but you will never get a replay of wcw saturday night so you better be watch cause you might miss Scott Norton (my fav wrestler, dont remember why) kickin disco's ass
I dont care which of the belts would be brought back i like them both but no matter which one it is the belt should go to ECW. The hardcore would bring extreme back and the cruiserweight would be perfect. But bring it back after the draft and draft chavo, evan, primo, carlito, wang yang etc, to ECW and then youd already have tatsu, (ryder and shelton i think) and Helms on ECW for them to compete with because it will even everything out. RAW has US, Smackdown has IC and ECW will have the cruiserweight. And the cruiserweight title doesnt need a storyline so it will fit in perfectly with the 1 hour long shows and give enough time for the ECW title to be promoted as well as the young talent to get TV time.
I have always been disappointed with a few titles disappearing, but there are too many titles in the WWE as it is right now, mostly because of the two sets of tag team titles (though combined now) and the two woman's titles. Ask me a year ago and I would have said the European title, or even the Million Dollar Belt. But now, I really miss the cruiserweight division in the WWE and its belt. There are a large amount of talent that could use the belt as a spring board into the mid card titles, where they could bounce to the main event. I feel that someone like Chavo could use it to put people over. In an era of PG ratings, and cruiserweights inspiring children, it would make sense.
The thing is that ECW is a joke and I would personally like to see them get a lil help with the Hardcore Title...and Lord Sidious the fans are already saying boring a lot I know I do...I love matches with guys like Bourne and Primo and Rey fast pace Luchador style matches. That is why the Cruiser Weight needs to come back...and I do admit that the T.V. was pushing it but come on having TWO female titles was a HORRIBLE idea...Drop a womens championship and bring back the Cruiser Weight or even the European Championship back

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