What the Hell Happened to MR Kennedy?


Getting Noticed By Management
I mean we see the guy coming on and off for a while plugging his movie and suddenly the guy dissapears. But that's not all I want to ask. For a long while this guy was credited by so many people that he was the next bla bla bla and that he's so great he should have his own show. I haven't seen a lot from this guy but watching old youtube videos from 2007 gave me a good impression. But when I watched 2008 and 2009 this guy barely made it on anything. And I want to ask you the IWC what's so special about this guy? I mean he rarely wrestles, gets injured all the time, is nothing more that a midcarder, sucks as a face and yet you people keep on worshipping this guy like he's some God. Now that this guy is nowhere to be found please do tell me people what the hell happened to this guy?
Simply put: injuries. There's not much you can do by just talking for a long time. he was off making that movie for months on end and he got hurt a lot. Throw in a drug suspension and he never could get any kind of traction. Why should I as a fan put any kind of emotional investment into someone that will likely be gone again in 6 weeks? He'll come back, feud over the US title, then when he's ready to move onto the world title scene, he'll get hurt again and it's back to square one. he's a great talent, but he wouldn't be worth it at that rate.
Good thread, I laughed a little when I saw the title because frankly, I've been thinking the same thing. I dont get either why he hasnt been appearing that much since he's returned from his movie-making hiatus.

I agree with KB in the sense that, as a fan, I cannot really get into Mr Kennedy. I know alot of people have high expectations for him and that 'hes gonna be the next big thing' but, all i have to say to that is: when? and maybe even better, how? How is he supposed to be launched into the world title scene any time soon after he's blown practically every type of push he's gotten, and been out for the majority of the past few years.

I just dont see much happening for him, and its unfortunate.
Well, I'm one of the people. Im sure if he can come back long enough he'll be grapplin at the end of shows. And he got injured, came back, got injured, done movie, got injured. Hes close 2a return he liked bout 2 months when he made those few appearances.
mmm well as said before the injuries have had a great negative impact on mr kennedys career.
i mean you could REALLY tell mr kennedy was destined for big things IMO at the great american bash 06, bleading and everything he really took it to batista and won the match bloody beaten and battered but from there he started rising and rising and fast. the it came the us title then the undertaker where we got to see the brilliance of his mic skills and his gimminick then a mini feud with batista then he won MITB and when it look like he was going to finally won the big one 2 days before the undertaker had to drop the belt on SD he got hurt.... talk about bad luck.
then he comes back as a face to raw where he does absolutely nothing except get regal fired but just when he started gaining a little momentum he gets hurt again.
i for one still have a lot on high hopes for mr kennedy but he needs to return to his heel gimminick from smackdown and stay injury free. if he does so and keep having the great matches he normally had in 06-07 and with the right push he could get back to the top.
what do you think???
People always throw in about Kennedy that he gets injured a lot, and it's true. It seems like he's injured about 6 months out of the year. But everyone gets injured, his just happen to be horribly timed. He also doesn't have the benefit of being immediately brought back into the Main Event picture like others do, mainly because he hasn't even proven he can hack it at that level, although many, like me, believe he could. For instance, Cena has been seriously injured twice in the last couple of years, but do you think they ease him back? Hell no. First time he comes back he wins the Royal Rumble, second time he flat out wins the World Heavyweight Title. Do you think, when Batista gets back, that he will feud for the Intercontinental title? There is no way. Injuries aren't the reason Mr. Kennedy hasn't yet materialized. Mr. Kennedy is the reason Mr. Kennedy hasn't materialized.
When Mr. Kennedy got injured in August, he was nowhere to be seen until November when he had to promote his movie. Despite being injured, he was still required to promote the movie in order to try to gain the WWE more money. Now that the movie has been released in theaters over a month ago, Mr. Kennedy is nowhere to be seen again. I think that he is supposed return either this month or next month and now he is training in order to get stronger and return to the ring.
What the hell happened? Who the hell cares? The guy sucked, he was horrible in the ring, boring on the mic, and had only one redeeming value, which was that he knew how to say his own name.

If he's injured, then I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful. And if he's not injured, I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful.
Slyfox696 you are a Moron.. I mean you are entitled to your opinion, but you Obviously know nothing about actual wrestling ability and work rate, "What the hell happened? Who the hell cares? The guy sucked, he was horrible in the ring, boring on the mic, and had only one redeeming value, which was that he knew how to say his own name.
If :flair:he's injured, then I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful. And if he's not injured, I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful. " Who do you like John Cena? I mean come on.. Kennedy can put on a great match with mostly anyone.. hes got 8x the charisma of anyone you probably have any interest in, yea so hes had some tough time with injuries, so have many other wrestlers, his promos are fantastic and original, he has energy through the roof, amazing personality, his in ring work is FANTASTIC and hes getting better all the time, I suggest you put your foot in your mouth and go actually WATCH some kennedy matches again.. Now I wrestle in New England so i know a little bit about working and wrestling ability, so maybe you should watch a wrestling training tape or something of that sort so you can know what your talking about before you open that moronic trap of yours anytime soon.. (unfortunetly im sure youll reply to this and ill have to read more stupidity)
Slyfox696 you are a Moron.
And you must not realize that flaming is not allowed on this forum. And, it's NEVER a wise thing to flame a moderator. Consider this your warning.

I mean you are entitled to your opinion

but you Obviously know nothing about actual wrestling ability and work rate
Well, why don't you educate me then? *sits back and waits*

Who do you like John Cena?
You mean the guy who's the biggest draw in the company and puts on more good matches than just about anyone else?

Yup, I like him.

I mean come on.. Kennedy can put on a great match with mostly anyone.
And he's done with exactly no one. Heck, he even made Shawn Michaels look bad.

hes got 8x the charisma of anyone you probably have any interest in
Based on what? The fact he knows his own name? That's not charismatic, that's elementary. Like, seriously, elementary school is where I learned to write my own name.

yea so hes had some tough time with injuries
Probably because of all the steroids he's taken.

his promos are fantastic and original
He says his own name. How is that fantastic or original?

his in ring work is FANTASTIC
So much so he has in his back pocket the worst match I've ever seen (on Raw vs. Carltio), and he had to LITERALLY have HBK hold his hand and work him through a match.

I suggest you put your foot in your mouth and go actually WATCH some kennedy matches again.
Lord no, I wouldn't wish that type of punishment on anyone.

Now I wrestle in New England so i know a little bit about working and wrestling ability
Well, now I'm sold. :rolleyes:

so maybe you should watch a wrestling training tape
Why watch a wrestling tape, when I can watch good wrestling? And as long as Kennedy is not in the ring, I'm more likely to watch good wrestling.

unfortunetly im sure youll reply to this and ill have to read more stupidity)
You spelled "unfortunately" wrong, and forgot your apostrophe in both "I'm" and "you'll". But, clearly, I'm the stupid one.
Kennedy is a good wrestler IMO. He always seemed to entertain me on the mic, and I loved him when he was wrestling as a heel. He plays the cocky, annoying, prick role so good he's actually become quite popular. But he cant keep that fan following because it seems like he's always injured. If Kennedy could ever stay healthy I think he could be a WWE champion one day. He has a lot of potential, a pretty good look, and he's over with the crowd. All that means he could be a world champion someday. I just pray that he can stay injury free.
What the hell happened? Who the hell cares? The guy sucked, he was horrible in the ring, boring on the mic, and had only one redeeming value, which was that he knew how to say his own name.

If he's injured, then I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful. And if he's not injured, I hope he stays away for a long time because he's awful.

Allow me to bring you up to speed: On August 4, he dislocated his shoulder in a match against Shelton Benjamin at a house show, and has been recovering ever since. He is scheduled to return any week now as he is advertised for some upcoming house shows towards the end of February. As for who cares, a lot of people do, and they have that right to do so. If you don't, that's fine, but I think a lot of people would disagree with you on all of your statements. The only thing that sucks about Mr. Kennedy is that he gets injured all the time, which is really unfortunate because he is a solid in-ring worker that can produce an entertaining match with just about anyone. And his mic skills? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Who else since The Rock has the ability to draw in the crowd so well just by holding a mic? And his catchphrase is said with him by the fans, whether he's face or heel, much like The Rock's were back in the day. Speaking of The Rock, he used to say his own name in every promo or interview he ever did, and I don't see you complaining about that. Now, Mr. Kennedy is not The Rock by any means, but if he can stay injury-free for a substancial period of time, he can really become something special. And repeating yourself 2 or 3 times is kinda lame, but I will fight the urge to say something about that because you get upset about that kind of thing. Can't wait to go to the Cornwall house show to see the return of MRRRRRRRRRRR...........KENNNNNNEDY! (pause) (pause) KENNNNNNNNEDY!!!
What happened to Mr. Kennedy? As many have already said, being his generation's Ahmed Johnson is what happened to him. Either this guy's bones really are brittle, or he has been to visit The Hope Diamond at The Smithsonian too many times.

But, given that WWE has not cut ties with him yet, I would expect that, when he gets back, he either goes after Shelton Benjamin's U.S. title or goes to ECW. Like MVP (and much to my chagrin, as I don't like him very much, although I like MVP), Kennedy is currently in limbo between mid-card and main-event status. What happens in the next few months will determine whether or not he's main-event material or a mid-carder for life. If he goes after Shelton Benjamin's U.S. title, I think it will be safe to say that his future doesn't look so bright. However, if he goes to ECW, then I think that there is still a little hope for him.
What happened was this. Kennedy is out of Shape, he is getting in shape. At the same time, you see how Edge is moving to Raw. This allows for two or three talents to move up and get air time in Smackdown. They are planning to push Matt Hardy, Kennedy, and Umaga; there was simply not enough room for all those stars. So they had to move someone big in order to compensate. Watch and Learn.
Lol just because someone is the biggest draw in the company does in NO way make them a good wrestler, Hulk Hogan ring a bell? and "I'm" not talking about being over with the fans "I'm" talking about actual wrestling talent and ability, And speaking of not flaming, taking every quote I said and picking them apart and commenting on each quote one by one, wouldn't that be flaming? You even went as far as commenting on my grammar are you serious? I'm sorry let me bow down before the almighty "moderator" of Wrestlezone.com. I was unaware that the occasional typo was a gauge for ones IQ rating and intellectual abilities. My knees are getting weak with each and every letter I read from your well intelligent, "great" wrestling opinion, And did you happen to see John Cena v. Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania? That match was god awful, considerably worse than Kennedy and Micheals, I think I remember Kennedy making a single mistake which caused Micheals to be slightly frustrated with Kennedy. Cena on the other hand screwed up so badly, that Micheals swore at him in the ring, and ripped him a new one after the match. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I don't see how you can't see Kennedy's talent, not saying his name, your clearly minimizing his ability, its not what he says, its how he says it, and has "it" for sure. Last but certainly not least, How can you rip on him for steroids considering how heavily this business is in it, and Big Draw McGraw over there JC is most certianly on them, well close enough, If you look on the internet for a little place called Chaotic Wrestling, one of the places Cena got his start, and one of the places Ive trained, He came back for a visit not too long ago, and when asked by a few workers about ways to gain size fast, he told a story about a Human Growth Hormone that you can receive from a doctor once per month that costs around two thousand dollars, So while he hasn't been busted for it because of who he is, Triple H hasn't exactly been busted on a failed test at anytime I can recall even though he most certainly has gained a little size and had a few acne patches on his back here and there.. Honestly though did you see his feud with Undertaker? They had some very quality matches and his promos were very high quality. If you think he's so bad, tell me who has charisma in the WWE that's a relatively new guy?
You know as well as I that his promos are not soley him saying his own name. That would be ******ed. His promos give me give me frickin goosebumps. I don't know what it is about his promos, but something shows incredible potential....that is if he wasn't as injury prone as he is.

Now you saying that he is horrible in the ring is...well, horrible. You are not giving him credit for some of the possibly best matches I have seen in the past few years, being Kennedy vs. Taker and Batista. Yeah, sure he did absolutely nothing for me over on Raw, but he still deserves the credit that he earned over on Smackdown as a heel. And, yes, sadly he is terrible as a face...

And dude, flaming a mod is possibly the dumnest thing to do. You are lucky you didnt get banned.

I'm going to go watch that Carlito math with Kennedy to see if it is actually as bad as Sly says.
Lol just because someone is the biggest draw in the company does in NO way make them a good wrestler
Sure it does. What is the whole point of the WWE hiring wrestlers? To look pretty in trunks? Of course not. The whole point is to hire people who entertain fans to the point that they will turn over their hard earned dollars to the WWE to watch the wrestlers. Thus, the best wrestlers are the most entertaining, and we know they are the most entertaining because people pay to see them the most.

Hulk Hogan ring a bell?
How could it not? He was phenomenal.

and "I'm" not talking about being over with the fans "I'm" talking about actual wrestling talent and ability
Me too. Talent is the ability to get over with the fans.

And speaking of not flaming, taking every quote I said and picking them apart and commenting on each quote one by one, wouldn't that be flaming?
No, it would not.

You even went as far as commenting on my grammar are you serious?
If you're calling me stupid at the same time using poor grammar and spelling, what did you expect?

I'm sorry let me bow down before the almighty "moderator" of Wrestlezone.com.
It's ok. And you don't have to refer to me as the Almighty, you can reserve that title for God. The sad part is, while you are being completely sarcastic, I was actually doing you a favor.

And did you happen to see John Cena v. Shawn Micheals at Wrestlemania?
Yup, darn good match.

That match was god awful, considerably worse than Kennedy and Micheals,
HAHAHAHAHAHA, and you want people to take your opinion seriously?

I think I remember Kennedy making a single mistake which caused Micheals to be slightly frustrated with Kennedy.
You mean by having HBK LITERALLY holding Kennedy's hand to guide him to the ground so he could continue the match?

Cena on the other hand screwed up so badly, that Micheals swore at him in the ring, and ripped him a new one after the match.
None of that is remotely true, and they've had two great matches since.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I don't see how you can't see Kennedy's talent
It's hard to see when it isn't there.

has "it" for sure.
What's "it"?

Last but certainly not least, How can you rip on him for steroids
Because he bought and used them?

considering how heavily this business is in it, and Big Draw McGraw over there JC is most certianly on them, well close enough
No, he's not. He's never failed a test, never been on a list of buyers, and has many many times BOLDLY claimed his innocence.

Kennedy, on the other hand, was caught buying and using them.

If you look on the internet for a little place called Chaotic Wrestling, one of the places Cena got his start, and one of the places Ive trained, He came back for a visit not too long ago, and when asked by a few workers about ways to gain size fast, he told a story about a Human Growth Hormone that you can receive from a doctor once per month that costs around two thousand dollars, So while he hasn't been busted for it because of who he is, Triple H hasn't exactly been busted on a failed test at anytime I can recall even though he most certainly has gained a little size and had a few acne patches on his back here and there
Yeah, I bet he did. :rolleyes:

He's the leader of the biggest wrestling company in the world, at a time when they being scrutinized and, in turn, scrutinizing their employees, and this top guy is just willing going to admit to violating the Wellness Policy? Not believable.

Honestly though did you see his feud with Undertaker? They had some very quality matches and his promos were very high quality.
No they weren't.

If you think he's so bad, tell me who has charisma in the WWE that's a relatively new guy?
I'd take a Festus interview over a Mr. Kennedy, primarily because the guy doesn't speak.

You know as well as I that his promos are not soley him saying his own name.
It's the only thing that has ever been interesting about them. Other than catching on by saying his own name, what does he say that is so unique? It's basic mic interview 101, until he gets to his name. Just sit and watch them, and listen to what he says and how he says it, and then tell me I'm wrong.

Now you saying that he is horrible in the ring is...well, horrible. You are not giving him credit for some of the possibly best matches I have seen in the past few years, being Kennedy vs. Taker and Batista.
Because those matches weren't good? His match vs. Batista at Royal Rumble was, at best, average, and completely overshadowed by the MUCH more impressive Cena vs. Umaga LMS.

Yeah, sure he did absolutely nothing for me over on Raw, but he still deserves the credit that he earned over on Smackdown as a heel.
You mean the taped show?

And, yes, sadly he is terrible as a face...
And he's a terrible heel because he never did anything to get booed. He can't cheered as a face and gets booed as a heel. What about that makes him good?

And dude, flaming a mod is possibly the dumnest thing to do. You are lucky you didnt get banned.
I didn't even give him an official warning. I'm trying to be the nice guy.

I'm going to go watch that Carlito math with Kennedy to see if it is actually as bad as Sly says.
It was the match where both men had their shoulders pinned, and it turned a number 1 contenders match into a Triple Threat for the IC belt. Couldn't tell you when though, although I think it was over one summer.
Ok, Slyfox, I am sorry for ever having doubted your claims against Mr. Kennedy. That was probably one of the worst matches I have ever seen. My entire view of Kennedy has changed over the course of a few mintues.
The more I think about it, the more I start to doubt my own comments.
I also watched some promos and ...wow I'm not sure. I could have sworn his promos were incredible...

Thank you for showing me the light.
Simply put, hopefully the WWE realizes the guy is a tremendous waste of space and a no talent. Hoenstly, the guy has had nothing going for him for the better part of two years now. He came out of nowhere and won the Money in the Bank. people bitch about Punk winning, but if there was anyone ever m ore underserving at this point then Mr. Kennedy, I would like to meet him, because it doesn't exist.

He was moved back to smackdown so they could edit the shit out of him to make him look like a big deal, think back to his first run on Smackdown. Kennedy was getting shit for reactions on live TV, so he's blessed with being hidden on Edited Televsion. Kennedy has always sucked, and always will suck, and the longer he stays off of TV, the better.
I think that Kennedy had some talent to become a solid mid-carder who could have had a lengthy career with a some good mid-card belt runs. He was decent on the mic, but I agree that the scope of his promos was extremely limited, at best. However, hopefully we could believe that he would have gotten better than just saying his name if he would have been able to actually appear, instead of always being injured/suspended, as was the case with his in-ring skills (hopefully he could have developed them). But, instead, we dont see him. So he can't improve, and neither can our opoinions of him. I never had high hopes for him, just mediocore ones, but I guess I was wrong.
I'll admit that I was a huge Kennedy fan. I really thought he had potential, particularly when looking at some of his better matches and promos. But his drug suspension and very unfortunately timed injuries have killed his momentum time and time again. That being said, I am still holding out hope for this guy. I said a long time ago that he and MVP were both going to be future world champions and they were gonna be the next legit main eventers, so I am not gonna jump off the bandwagon just yet.

However, I think Kennedy has probably tried Vince's patience by this point and he is only gonna get one more shot. That's not to say he can never get injured in his career, but I think they are gonna push him in the midcard for awhile and when he gets over again he'll get one more shot at the main event. I think as long as nothing unfortunate happens again for the next couple years at least, he'll end up being the main eventer many of us thought he would.
Can't there be one WWE thread, just one, that doesn't end up in an arguement about Cena?

Anyway! I've always thought that Kennedy shouldn't be a wrestler, he should be a manager. A speaker for a big guy. His matches are average. He just looks kinda awkward in the ring, like he's doing it but he doesn't quite know what it is?
Yeah, ok that doesn't make much sense...
But he's had one drug-based suspension and has had alot of problems with injuries (both giving and receivng... no immature giggling, now)

So I say... make him a manager! He's got great confidence when he speaks and can't involve the crowd in his promo. So put him with a guy who can wrestle but needs a speaker, and he might actually get to keep his job in the WWE.... And maybe, just maybe, give him the odd match every now and again... If it's a short match of little importance.
Like a lot of people I was a huge fan of mr. kennedy when he was on smackdown. Now i tend to agree with slyfox his is complete garbage. As soon as he left smackdown and the the awesome editing dudes over there his skill completely diminished. his promos were lame and if you can't have a good match with shawn michaels you can't have a good match with anyone. I guess that last match i truely cared about with this guy involved was maybe with regal getting him fired but before that when he won money in the bank. The only way this guy can save his career is if he can go back to being edited on smackdown.
When Mr. Kennedy got injured in August, he was nowhere to be seen until November when he had to promote his movie. Despite being injured, he was still required to promote the movie in order to try to gain the WWE more money. Now that the movie has been released in theaters over a month ago, Mr. Kennedy is nowhere to be seen again. I think that he is supposed return either this month or next month and now he is training in order to get stronger and return to the ring.

?? In theatre's. It was straight to DVD. He was promoting the DVD not a cinema release
as for awesome editing, sorry but his mic work is lame

other than shouting like Austin/The Rock and looking like a "wrestler" absolutely nothing he has done has impressed me one bit ok maybe with the exception of the MIB match he won.

Learn to put on a good promo and learn to wrestle a full match, and for heaven sake try not to get injured.

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