montreal screw job 2009

this is worst than the original just by the fact that this screwjob was planned....not because of the story
Ok.... am I the only person that was disappointed by this match?

I got the ending, yeh, they needed to have Punk keep the title, save undertakers dignity... etc

But dont you think it was WAAAY too short?

Being the main event of the PPV I expected to have at least another 5 minutes of wrestling before the screw job.

I dunno, i felt cheated. I didn't think much of the PPV all up... So much filler. everyones entrance seems to be longer than usual...

the Intercontinental champion part was extremely boring. I understood why they didn't have Ziggler?JoMo wrestle... but that time could have been used in the Punk/taker match, as opposed to listening to the Montreal crowd chanting in boredom at Ziggler.

Surely they could have put on a bit more of a show than they did before Undertaker was "screwed". I feel sorry for people that bought it.
So an hour before breaking point I finished reading the bret hart autobiography (great read) and ironically without knowing I discover breaking point is in montreal. Now before you all jump on me, this AINT a discussion about survivor series screwjob and your opinions on it, god forbid we've heard enough on that topic. I am asking why taker would go for the "screwjob" ending to his match last sunday. In bret's book he talks about how several wrestlers stood by his side after being screwed and one in particular was undertaker. So I find it strange that he would agree to sundays finish, he by now no doubt has some clout over his booking and being friends with bret it seems strange he'd willingly re-enact it.

Mick foley, another 1 who stood by bret that night, even quit, has also re-enacted the screwjob, survivor series with the rock. Could this be coincidence or is vince punishing these guys for standing up against him way back then?? I think possibly he was punishing mick but I can't see him doing it to taker after all he has done for him since, so my question is, why'd taker agree to this screwjob re-enactment? Was it his idea? Is it purely coincidence or am I only reading into too much it because I just finished brets book? What you think?
The Screwjob has been done to death by now, but i'm glad they brought it back at Breaking Point, as it's probably the only way they could keep Punk's credibility and Taker's return momentum. Not to mention it makes Teddy long relevant for the first time in god Knows how long. Hopefully, Teddy will come out and say that Smackdown needs a straightedge champion after Jeff Hardy's arrest, and that he was only acting with the interest of the brand in mind. But please let the screwjob die now. It has been milked too much.
Although I'm relieved to an extent that Punk kept the title, could they have made him look any weaker? Now it's not that the whole banned move thing was a bad idea. It actually could have worked, but in less than 10 minutes they had Punk tap out almost immediately to the Taker's submission. I mean what the hell was that. There was no struggle (apparently, I only read the on going results at another website), and he just tapped out within seconds.

Like I said I wouldn't have minded the banned move finish. Let's say the two men went 20-25 minutes with Punk going toe to toe with Taker and almost submitting him. Then have Punk battle out of the gogoplata a few times and maybe towards the end of the bout, Punk draws some blood (maybe via a tombstone on the steps) and in a Hart vs. Austin finish he submits after a valiant effort in trying to fight out of the submission. Taker then celebrates and just when the show looks like it's going off the air (have the credits role even), Long comes out announces that the submission Taker used multiple times in the match was actually banned. A recovering Punk obviously still hurt and bloodied manages to get an object (maybe the belt that Taker drops in disbelief), clocks Taker in the head and then locks in the vice and Taker subsequently passes out. At least Punk looks like a contender. He took the Deadman to the limit and it took a tombstone and a submission to knock Punk out. And the bonus is that neither man actually taps out. That at least would've been better than the finish they ended up going with.

Also I'd like to add that Teddy turning heel could be entertaining but I'm assuming it won't be a full fledged turn. I feel he did this to keep his job being that he's on probation or something. I feel it's going to be explained (at least at first) that he did it to appease McMahon and save his own ass. Maybe down the line he turns into a full fledged heel but I think right now his motivations were less sinister and more based out of self preservation. Yes that's a heel trait but there could still be some sympathy for Long since it's been documented that his job is on the line so some fans may just take it as he did what he had to do (especially in this economic climate). Long may even state that it's not personal and that he even regrets it but that his hands were tied due to circumstances outside of his control.
I'd like to see Mr. Long come out on Friday and say that he didn't screw the Undertaker, the Undertaker screwed the Undertaker. The Undertaker was selfish by taking five months off, leaving Mr. Long without his biggest draw on SmackDown. He doesn't deserve a title shot at this point and he is going to give the HIAC title shot to Batista instead.

Then Mr. McMahon can say, "No one screws anyone in this company except for me! Batista will be in the HIAC match against Punk, but so will the Undertaker! Oh, and Teddy... you're fired!"

Then Punk can beat Batista and the Undertaker for the title at HIAC, but the angle isn't over yet since Taker hasn't gotten a fair shot in a one-on-one match. They go at it as captains of opposing teams at Survivor Series with the stipulation that if Taker can survive, he gets his title shot at the TLC PPV. Taker gets screwed again (though not in Montreal style) at the Series and doesn't get his one-on-one match with Punk until the Rumble, where he takes the title from Punk. At the same time, Chris Jericho wins the Royal Rumble match, setting up WrestleMania XXVI.
I saw this coming, I didn't know how it was going to happen, but in some way I knew Taker was going to be screwed out of the title. It didn't make any sense for Punk to lose the title to Taker. Now with that said, I don't see Taker taking the title anywhere in the near future. I believe that we are going to have a feud between Batista and Punk in the future, but not now. I for one am looking forward to seeing these two lock up in the Cell it's going to a great match that I can't wait to see.
Absolutely hilarious. I love that you claim that all of that is a big pile of evidence...and yet it's nothing but circumstantial evidence, one after the other. You don't have a single shred of evidence to support your ludicrous claim that the Screwjob was a work.

Seriously, are you kidding me with this right now? So Bret Hart knocking Vince McMahon on his ass off-camera backstage...that was all a part of the "story" huh? Are you kidding me right now?

It boggles my mind that someone could say this. Everyone involved in the situation has said it was real...everyone from Vince to Shawn to Bret to the fucking Brooklyn Brawler.

I'm speechless right now. Talk about grasping at straws.

The problem is that you can't even fathom how something that is allegedly real could be fake. I'm not saying it definitely is, but if I look at all the above-mentioned facts that I know, the logical conclusion that I can draw is that it was set up for publicity. I understand that it would be the longest running work, but I feel that it is quite likely that everyone in both companies would have had a media gag placed on them so that it would work. Because the Montreal Screwjob is the REAL event that put wrestling on the map, even if less people know about it these days.

I'm not saying I'm definitely right, and I'm always willing to listen to other evidence and hear other constructed arguments. The problem that I find, and I don't mean to be so general here because I'm sure it's not true with everyone, is that Americans I have met will generally not think critically about these things. You would rather just believe things like that flat out and without doubt, when obviously unless you were on the inside there is NO way of knowing for 100% certain. I'm not 100% certain, I'm just stating the facts as I know and see them.
And yes, I think Bret Hart would have knocked VM on his ass backstage after it happened to make it look more genuine. I think that is one of the least evidential claims you could make for the screwjob being real, considering we are discussing the wrestling business.
In defence of the Montreal Screwjob truthers, Bret Hart's reaction isn't very realistic. You would immediately go after McMahon, not stay in the ring area. I don't think it was a work, I do think Hart is a bit weird in behaviour after all. Shawn Michales would have surely said Bret knew if he did know, wouldn't he? It's basically the word of Chris Kanyon against everyone else in the business.

As for the matter at hand, I thought it was realy lazy booking, but probabl the only thing they could do. Undertaker couldhave waited a month, and returned in this event, it would have made much more sense, going into hell in a cell. Punk should have faced off with either Morrison or Matt Hardy, as both would be suitible candidates for a 1 PPV fued.

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