montreal screw job 2009

I still think they could have come up with a more creative way out of this. For example, Teddy Long (or Mr. Long, as his new heel character might be called?) could have turned the match into a Triple Threat by putting Matt Hardy in the match to avenge his brother. Then Punk could have made Hardy tap and we still accomplish everything we needed to accomplish. There have to be other ways to get the same effect without recreating the Screwjob.
I just got one thing to say about: I told you so. I few weeks back i wrote something about the c.m punk vs undertaker match about how they would do a montreal screwjob and how the match that made the most sense in doing it was that match and look what happenned, the C.M. punk vs undertaker match gets the montreal screw job threatment.

I for one wasn't surprise by at all because if you look at the history of the WWE and montreal since 1997, you would see that they don't want to let it die. Every Raw broadcast that happen in montreal and shawn micheals was on, they talk about it or had shawn cut a promo about it. The last PPV that was tape in montreal they use the same ending in the main event. If you watch the Hulk Hogan vs the Rock match from no way out 2003 you would see that they did the same type of screw job in that match. So i was expecting it, in fact i was at the bell center last night and i left before they did because i was expecting it. So when i read that they went with it, it made me smile because i knew right then that The WWE creative team and Vince McMahon wasn'T able to let it go and didn'T know out to creatively keep the belt on Punk without making The Undertaker look back.

This was an expected move on the part and i feel sorry that nobody in the WWE is able to let it go because we did.
Although I was pissed at the finished at the time, I knew it was the right way to finish it and keep the feud going into Hell In A Cell. Undertaker was furious as Punk laughed his ass off. I'm really looking forward to watching SmackDown! this Friday night and see what Teddy Long has to see. He's got some major explaining to do!!! This is a great way to launch this feud into the next PPV!!!
I can't wait to see Taker take Punk all the way to Hell........................IN A CELL! Taker is gonna not only make Punk's life a living hell but now that T-Lo( Teddy/Mr. Long) turned heel i can only imagine what the next few weeks leading into the HELL IN A CEll pay per view are gonna be like
You gotta be kidding me - this so called "screwjob" was probably the worse way to go with it. I mean they really must of lost their minds if they cant think of anything else to do. So they go with the repeat. And did you hear the crowds reaction? No. There was nothing - it was utter confusion. It was writers getting caught in a corner and saying "well? we are in montreal right?". I really had high hopes for this Undertaker-Punk feud. I mean sure they can still save it - but hell - quite the disappointment. Sure it keeps things going - and adds abit of alittle steam, still though - I guess I wanted Punk to be the heel who can actually win his matches. Now that'd be a scary heel.
I was at the show. A few small facts about the live audience.

1) Taker got the biggest pop of the night, by far. Any time he was shown in any of the promo material he got a pop. It was Taker country.

2) Punk got the biggest heel reaction of the night, also by far. Most other heels got a mixed a reaction (hell, there was Big Show chant at one point).

3) The crowd popped BIG TIME when Punk tapped.

4) The crowd booed BIG TIME when Long restarted the match.

5) The crowd was confused for about 1.5 seconds after the "finish", and then the eruption came, culminating in a very large "This is Bullshit" chant.

6) After the PPV went off the air, Taker stayed in the ring for 2-3 minutes looking pissed, pulled the straps down off his tights and then went to the back ending the show.

This is obviously a work, and to think otherwise boggles the mind.
It was actually quite creative and entertaining in my opinion. Of couse Undertaker was in on you people asking if he was make me laugh. I would have liked to have saw Punk put over in a diffrent manner though. Reason is that in my opinion so far Punk looks like the weakest most undeserving champion ever. I think the program for him is even worse than what they did to Rey when he had the belt. I mean honestly if the put Punk vs Hornswaggle as the main event at this point I dont belive Punk could beat him. Somewhere in this angle Punk needs a legit pinfall win over Taker imo.
This was a legit work. It was they way it was planned. Like some of you said they wouldnt screw the Taker like they did Bret Hart. But anyways, Punk is a GREAT heel. A TERRIBLE World Champion. Hardy n Punk fighting for the World Title showed that Smackdown is going down the drain now. Taker should have the title forever on smackdown. Unless they have Taker and Kane going at it again. But that whole plan was pathetic because CM Punk is not World Title Material. Not even close. He should rival with John Morrison and Ziggler for the IC Title. But all you CM Punk lovers as champ are crazy. All this did was setup Hell in a Cell for Taker to take the belt. Best part of the PPV was seeing Orton quit like a bitch.
I am most likely sure the screwjob was a work but if you look at it deeper something still feels off. I got to thinking that maybe the original plan was to have Undertaker win the belt,and not go though with the worked screw job. After hardy's arrest though Vince probably is in the edge and he wanted cm punk to retain since of course he is drug free, and thats why he put the belt on cena since he is drug free as well. The reason vince would be in panic mode is, let say once the feds go after jeff's doctor, that other wwe superstars are being perscribed by him, then it might lead to the govtment wanting to do a full scale investigation on the wwe, so thats why I think everything went down the way it did last night
Umm I dont think Jeffs pills were prescribed by a doctor, otherwise they couldnt have arrested him. You havent seen the baseball players going to jail for taking steroids there doctor prescribed just the doctor. You as a patient with a prescribed medication technically did nothing wrong. I think this was probably planned for a long time and I bet a new Brett Hart dvd drops soon or something. It was a great way to draw heat I mean the crowd was already on Micheals about it earlier in the night. It is possible that upon hearing those chants somebody came up with the screwjob on a whim though. Plus the fact Patterson was their could reinforce that because he is a legend at coming up with matches and finishes. I could definately see Pat setting in the back and hearing the fans all over Micheals and then saying hey dont guys listen to this idea. Vince pretty much worships Pat so he would have went right along with it. Just a theory but yea both guys were in on it without a doubt I still think the original was a work. Vince is just to proud of a man to have been legit punched in the face and embaressed in front of the entire WWE and never have done anything about it.
I never click these forums. I haven't used my account in years. But this post is amazing...

Well despite anything else that's been said, the "Montreal Screwjob" was a work. It just plain old was. I don't know what it is about North America but critical thinking just doesn't seem to be awfully prevelant.

Let's just go through a few dot points to see how you can come to this conclusion:

- Everything in wrestling is scripted, fake, yadda yadda.

- At that particular stage, the WWF was losing Bret Hart due to financial difficulties in keeping him - there was too much financial strain to compete with what WCW was offering him. There was also allegedly backstage issues with Bret at the time too, in particular with HBK, so (if this part is true), it's an acceptable loss. This shows that there is no reason to make it anything but amicable.

- Around the point where Bret starts second guessing his WWF career, a film crew starts following him around filming "Wrestling with Shadows". The likelihood of the "screwjob" coinciding with the timing of this documentary, which began many months previous and which features VKM on the cover and in the footage, is just not very high.

- VKM is a VERY successful businessman. Why would a successful businessman publicly "screw" one of its historically best employees in the midst of a ratings war it was losing? Why wouldn't other talent just promptly leave as well?

- And this is the most important point:

As a direct result of the screwjob, the anger it created, the long-lasting ripples it has had on the entire industry (chants still being heard today) we had:

-For Vince McMahon:

Vince McMahon, the BEST heel ever created in wrestling.

Stone Cold Steve Austin - the BEST face ever created in wrestling, created as a result of Vince McMahon.

The climax of the "attitude" era.

A historical benchmark that can be frequented to whenever you want to inspire emotion in the wrestling fans.

-For Bret Hart:

He leaves the company as a martyr, going in to WCW as how it would have been presented to him at the time as "the most sympathised face in wrestling". HE LOST IN FRONT OF A DOCUMENTARY CREW AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY IN HIS HOME CITY IN THE COUNTRY HE WAS BORN. COME ON! How hard is it to realise that this is too perfect?!

This is just simple logic and reasoning. People aren't children in a sandpit, they're adults in the entertainment industry whos job it is to make you think that what you're seeing is as real as possible, without it actually being real. Every time someone from the inside tells you it's real, it's because it is probably wrestlings greatest accomplishment. Do you know how well the Attitude era did after the screwjob? I'm afraid it's your parents who put presents under the tree for you.

Also, fair bets that if Bret Hart wasn't badly injured before the fall of WCW, he would have wrestled against VKM at Wrestlemania by now. Who knows, maybe that's next. I don't really know how bad off he is.

I hope this allows some people to think twice about this... You don't need any evidence other than the very, very, very large pile of evidence you currently have in your head. Just THINK about it with an opinion that wasn't subtly grafted in to your head by someone who was pushing an agenda.

Absolutely hilarious. I love that you claim that all of that is a big pile of evidence...and yet it's nothing but circumstantial evidence, one after the other. You don't have a single shred of evidence to support your ludicrous claim that the Screwjob was a work.

Seriously, are you kidding me with this right now? So Bret Hart knocking Vince McMahon on his ass off-camera backstage...that was all a part of the "story" huh? Are you kidding me right now?

It boggles my mind that someone could say this. Everyone involved in the situation has said it was real...everyone from Vince to Shawn to Bret to the fucking Brooklyn Brawler.

I'm speechless right now. Talk about grasping at straws.
More of my love for wwe has returned.
Another month long title reign for Punk would've probably ruined him and the match ending was greatly done :)
Personally, I think this was brilliant booking. It gives all you attitude era kids something to hope for, if you ask me. I don't think a lot of us saw the "screw job ending" like X said, how could we miss it in Montreal? I was kind of expecting something in the DX match, at least a sharpshooter. But I definitely saw some sort of a screw job ending.. Just not the Montreal Screwjob ending. I was waiting for a Foley/Rock Rumble '99 ending. In my opinion this is gonna take C.M. Punk to the next level as a heel, it gives him a somewhat credible victory over the Undertaker, while keeping the Undertaker's "no tap streak" alive, and for once, I can't wait to see what happens next in this feud. I haven't seen the PPV yet, I'm about to start scouring YouTube though. I'm somewhat impressed here with the ending to this one though.
Personally, I think this was brilliant booking. It gives all you attitude era kids something to hope for, if you ask me. I don't think a lot of us saw the "screw job ending" like X said, how could we miss it in Montreal? I was kind of expecting something in the DX match, at least a sharpshooter. But I definitely saw some sort of a screw job ending.. Just not the Montreal Screwjob ending. I was waiting for a Foley/Rock Rumble '99 ending. In my opinion this is gonna take C.M. Punk to the next level as a heel, it gives him a somewhat credible victory over the Undertaker, while keeping the Undertaker's "no tap streak" alive, and for once, I can't wait to see what happens next in this feud. I haven't seen the PPV yet, I'm about to start scouring YouTube though. I'm somewhat impressed here with the ending to this one though.

This is not a somewhat credible victory over the Undertaker by any stretch of the imagination. I agree that Punk needed a legit PPV victory as champion to establish himself as a legit champion, but they blew that chance the minute they booked his feud with Taker. They should have booked a feud with Jericho first.
Must admit I thought that it would have ben a member of Legacy putting on the Sharpshooter on Shawn in the middle of the ring while HHH crawled to the ring making him legitametly tap out to finally put an end to the "Screw Job".
Instead it was a genuine surprise when they played this one out.
But it gives the feud between Taker and Punk legs ........ witness the Taker mouthing "Big Mistake" to either Punk or Teddy on the ramp ........... and leads really well into HIAC next month where Taker will be out for revenge ( I hope that Punk wins that too somehow to really generate a belief of the Taker's anger and frustration in not winning the belt .... don't forget Vince prefers him to be chasing the belt not wearing it !! ) My only issue was why was it so short ?? Surely a twenty minute beating for Punk while keeping the belt would provoke even more heat against him
This is not a somewhat credible victory over the Undertaker by any stretch of the imagination. I agree that Punk needed a legit PPV victory as champion to establish himself as a legit champion, but they blew that chance the minute they booked his feud with Taker. They should have booked a feud with Jericho first.

I agree, but what I was saying is, they're not going to let C.M. Punk just make the Undertaker give up or tap out right out of the gate. That's terrible booking. It leaves nothing to the imagination. Most feuds that last a few months always start off with some sort of ending like this one, this is just the best one I've seen in a while. This was the most legit way of doing it, and letting both men save face is all I was saying. I can't wait to see where they take it from here.
Taker would look like shit tapping out to the World Heavyweight Champion? Really? No, I think it would put over Punk and the Anaconda Vice huge and start to legitimize Punk as the equal of the big Attitude Era stars. According to the internet, Biker Taker tapped out to Angle in 2002 at the same time the ref was counting 3 for a UT pin. So has Undertaker been shit since 2002?

But you see, it would make Undertaker look old and like a bitch, if Punk made him tap clean. Undertaker's tapout in 2002 isn't counted, get your facts straight. No one will be as huge as the Attitude Era stars. Jesum Crows, I loved the Attitude Era but just fucking drop it already.

Even looking at your list, Flair's Figure Four leglock is the only legendary submission move on there, and Flair was over the hill by WM 18. So you could sell Punk's Anaconda Vice as on a level with Flair's Figure Four leglock, Bret Hart's Sharpshooter, the Angle Lock, the Crippler Crossface and the Walls of Jericho, even if Benoit's and Jericho's and Punk's overall arsenal and careers aren't on the level of Flair, Hogan, Austin, Rock, etc.

IF it is so unbelievable for Undertaker to tap out to Punk, then isn't Punk's title reign already weak? After all, he cashed in MITB after Jeff Hardy was beaten up by Edge, went back and forth with a drug addict and lost a handful of matches to Morrison while reigning over a weak roster.

It is unbelievable because why should Taker come back for his first PPV only to end up doing something that no one else has been able to do, officially standing. No one, not even Kurt Angle, has made Taker tap out officially, in almost 20 years. You should just give up. The rest of this paragraph is depressing that you don't know what he was doing. But I'll explain anyway.

Punk taking the title from Jeff served its purpose. It turned Punk into a heel, arguably one of if not the best in the company. Him going back and forth with Jeff, was WWE trying to keep Jeff with the company. AND him losing to Morrison was serving a purpose as well, it was putting Morrison over. I thought that was a simple concept.

I'd say that World Heavyweight Champion CM Punk needed a big, clean win over the Undertaker to be a credible big star for WWE. A tapout to the Anaconda Vice--which has rarely been seen, much less beaten in WWE--would be more credible to me than beating Undertaker at HIAC.

So for Punk to look huge, would be to make Taker look like an old man who can't hack it in the ring? You are a moron. Seriously, if Punk went over clean, Undertaker's return would have been for naught, it would have made him look weak, and that a young kid like Punk could do something nobody, not Bret Hart, not HBK, not Kurt Angle, not Chris Benoit, not Chris Jericho, NOBODY has ever done before. Common sense man.

My plan would be Undertaker taps at Breaking Point, wins at HIAC, no WHC match at SS, Punk takes back the title at December TLC. Mark Callaway takes some time off for the holidays, returns at the Rumble or at No Way Out to set up Title vs. The Streak for Wrestlemania.

But if Taker taps clean, what is the point of the match at HIAC? He has no point to continue on. What is his promo going to be? "CM Punk, you made me tap out at Breaking Point. I lost fair, but I still deserve a shot because I come back from the dead"? The promo after would be ridiculously stupid, and for you to think Punk should go over clean, is so dumb. And this is coming from a HUGE CM Punk fan.

I didn't see what transpired, I'll look it up soon. But for people to try and legitimately compare this to the original Screwjob is stupid. I was laughing at half of these. "Oh my god, Taker is going to be so pissed" What the hell is wrong with you? It was a work. Like X and a few other people said, if it were real, Mark Callaway would have gone apeshit and probably knocked a couple people out, not just stand in the ring looking all pissed like people have said.

Oh, and for those of you who say the actual Screwjob was a work, :lmao: . I've been down a bit the past few days, but that literally made me laugh my ass off. I guess everything that resulted from it actually means a damn. They really had to make it look legit with Bret busting Vince right in the chops backstage right? Because I mean, a boss actually gets punched in the face when cameras are off. Haha, idiots. Of course everything happened after the Screwjob. But tell me this, Bret actually signed off on getting fucked over publicly, so that Steve Austin could take over as the face of the company? Bret really had the ability to see in the future, and say that doing this would skyrocket Austin into the stratosphere, and him feuding with Vince would be huge? Please enlighten all of us as to how it was a legitimate work, when everyone says it was real, and that Bret wanted to beat more than Vince's ass.
You people didn't seriously think Punk was going to win clean did you? I imagined the whole 'chlorophorm handkerchief to the face' schtik to make Taker pass out but not tap out, i didn't think we'd get the 4th incarnation of the Monreal Screwjob (Shane beat HBK with the Sharpshooter when Vince called for the bell at SNME before WM22 as well, remember?)

And the Undertaker has been screwed out of more matches than anyone in wrestling history, so that was nothing new either.

What's spiked my interest in this thread is that some ****** is saying that the '97 Screwjob was all kayfabe.

Bret was leaving because he was sick of McMahon's booking for god's sake. They weren't letting him go because they couldn't afford him, and if they're going to let him go, why the fuck are they going to end his run with them by presenting him as the hero so he can go and draw even MORE money for the company that are trying everything they can to put you out of business? Surely they could have done the Austin/McMahon angle with Bret instead if they were going to make him a hero, AND make money off of him while they did it.

Vince may do a lot for kayfabe but letting a wrestler smash his face in on camera and then continue to insult the guy the next night by questioning his values and trying to portray himself (Vince) as the victim, while at the same time giving one of your best workers to your main opposition and rivals, is not going to do anyone any favours.

And god know's how many autobiographies are there by ex-WWE guys at the time who've described how shocked and appalled and disgusted they were when they found out, are they all lying too? Don't you think that some of the other talent who worked their asses off and got fired for no reason might have popped up in the 12 years since then and said 'Hey, here's a headline for the dirt sheets. The Montreal Scewjob was faked!"?
I admit I was a little agitated by the Undertaker Screwjob, but like X and others I agree it was a necessary evil...and definitely a work.

First, Undertaker was definitely in on it. If he wasn't he probably would have broken character and went off. Plus 'taker is a straight up WWE guy. There isn't a fear of him going to TNA or ROH, so no need to do a shoot screwjob.

Punk just got the belt back (Why WWE took it off him anyway just so he could get it right back from an exiting Jeff Hardy is beyond me!). I'm sure they didn't want him to look like a transitional champ and to look strong, so he had to win. Even if WWE has been trading titles like Pokemon cards! Only problem is at least for now nobody will buy him making 'taker submit. Do a screwjob and wah lah: Punk wins, 'taker is still seen as dominant and Teddy Long gets a character overhall. I always like Teddy better as a heal, so it should be interesting to see what he does.
I didn't catch the show last night, but I am so glad to finally see a Teddy Long Heel turn. It looks like Theodore R. Long is back. This has been a good 3 or 4 years overdue and will make Smackdown a lot more entertaining.
I think it's safe to say that Vince and the bookers of the WWE really got what they wanted out of this, if some of you guys are even considering that this isn't a work. Although, I did just catch this match on YouTube, and I was not that impressed with it, but I can certainly see it for what it is. The beginning. These guys are gonna tear the house down at Hell in a Cell, of that I'm pretty sure. And I think I, like a lot of other regulars in the forums, have officially changed my mind as to who the top heel of the WWE is.
C.M. Punk vs. The Undertaker was the perfect match and I will tell you why. This match did what a match is supposed to do, IMO! Let me explain.

When 'Taker came out to the ring, I, like the huge 'Taker mark I am, began my mark out phase. Which means with 'Taker, I stare at the television set with a huge grin on my face. I began stage two of my mark out phase during the match because, as well versed in wrestling as I like to think that I am, I completely lost myself in the match. I began the third and final stage of my mark out phase when 'Taker, "seemingly," won the match and the WHC. I cheered and jumped like the fan that I know I am. Then Teddy Long came out and ruined my whole damn high! Even though I knew that it was best for Punk to steal a win from 'Taker, I was angered and returned to complete fan mode when 'Taker got screwed, hence why it was a perfect match.

I can't believe that I am reading that some people believe that this is worse than the original screwjob. Are you people insane? This was all scripted, say again, SCRIPTED! This was the perfect situation to end the match and the night on. Punk continues his title reign while looking like a very good heel, 'Taker loses no credibility because he didn't tap, Teddy Long returns to what suits him best, and the fans are angry and upset which makes SD this week must see T.V.

I really have to hand it to WWE. If there was any doubt in my mind that SD was the actual better show, well that doubt is gone now because SD is totally shitting on Raw!
i can believe that finally the title didn't change hands, but WHY THE HELL WAS IN MONTREAL???? IT WOULD BE GOOD IF THERE WAS NO RELATION TO THE SCREWJOB IN 1997....THIS WAS SOOOO LAME
God I frickin hate teddy Long so much for screwing taker like that. I am just so angry. This is worse than the first screwjob. Teddy will pay!!!

NAH, just joshing with ya. Of course this was just a work. Come on guys! It wouldn't just work out perfectly like it did.

Anyways, like others I also loved how this played out. I had a feeling something like this would happen and I felt it was the only way to go. Someone else on another thread mentioned maybe chloroform could have been used and that could have been interesting to see, but the screwjob was fine too.
We all knew the benefits from this situation and its been said numerous times so no need for me to say them again.
hey, ya know what's awesome for a PPV to accomplish?

when an ending to one of it's matches makes you want to watch the follow tv show, cuz that makes WWE more money.

I will be watching SD this week, and next week, and the week after that(are we at the ppv yet? lol) and will continue to watch week in, week out as Taker goes on some sort of revenge rampage.

Am i the only one who hopes this brings back the dark, evil, Ministry Taker? he kinda had the look last night.

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