What song are you currently listening to?


So Parkway Drive released a bonus version of their Ire album. Slighty annoyed at that (especially since it's only digital and I like getting CDs) but the song is pretty good. Never heard of Jenna McDougall before but she sounds awesome on this. A Deathless Song was probably my favourite song from the album and this version tips it over the edge with the contrasting styles of her with Winston McCall.

So since I really dug Jenna McDougall's vocals I decided to check out her band Tonight Alive


Sounds good. Sounds like a better version of Paramore if they hadn't gone full blown pop which I can dig.
Sometimes it's good to hear a good love story told through song. I'm not exactly sure if that's what's being depicted in what I'm about to share, but it's my best guess that it's a love story. I'm not totally sure that this music and video were produced on planet Earth, after watching the video I'm not sure if anything is real anymore. I think I need to lie down.


So Parkway Drive released a bonus version of their Ire album. Slighty annoyed at that (especially since it's only digital and I like getting CDs) but the song is pretty good. Never heard of Jenna McDougall before but she sounds awesome on this. A Deathless Song was probably my favourite song from the album and this version tips it over the edge with the contrasting styles of her with Winston McCall.

So since I really dug Jenna McDougall's vocals I decided to check out her band Tonight Alive


Sounds good. Sounds like a better version of Paramore if they hadn't gone full blown pop which I can dig.

So I've been listening to The Amity Affliction as well. Funny thing is they, Parkway Drive and Tonight Alive are all Australian.



Really dig them. They do the clean vocalist/screamo vocalist which I dig and both of them compliment each other quite well. In the This Could Be Heartbreak song the screamo guy has switched his vocal delivery up a bit which is cool and helps differentiate him from the tonnes of screamo guys out there. It's not perfect but still good.

So Tom Searle from Architects has died at 28 from cancer. I only really started listening to them recently and really dug them but man that's a shock. You just don't expect stuff like this to happen.

So I saw Asking Alexandria at Leeds festival over the weekend as there was nothing else on (also they were in a tent and it was tipping it down).I didn't really know any songs except this one (they used to play it loads at a club at uni I went to). Still catchy as hell. Their new singer (Denis Stoff) did a cool take on it and it sounded great compared to the original version.

The bands name grabbed my attention so I wasn't really sure what I was getting into. Song actually turned out pretty good. I'll probably look more into these guys work.
Hobgoblins is regarded as one of the worst movies of all time, for good reason. For me; my time spent watching the movie is somewhat redeemed in that I was treated to a decent musical number by The Fontanelles called Kiss Kicker. I dig how the rest of the band chimes in, plus the visuals of the movie make it a more amusing song than I suppose it was meant to be.

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It's been two years since I've done this, and it took me a minute to remember how to post a video. :blush:


I've been listening to Stitched Up Heart, Of Eyes That See and Blameshift quite a bit recently, as they're all bands with female lead singers. I'd never heard of Halflives before they popped into my music feed under recommendations. I'm somewhat disappointed in that I can't locate anything else from them, as I really dig this song. From what I gather it's their debut single, so I'm looking forward to more of the same from them in the future.
I've been listening to Stitched Up Heart, Of Eyes That See and Blameshift quite a bit recently, as they're all bands with female lead singers. I'd never heard of Halflives before they popped into my music feed under recommendations. I'm somewhat disappointed in that I can't locate anything else from them, as I really dig this song. From what I gather it's their debut single, so I'm looking forward to more of the same from them in the future.

I really did enjoy that song for a first single. Not really a kind of music I take to heart, but it's an easy on the ears song and is nice to listen to. A lot of these bands with the female singer kind of fall into the undertow with constant comparisons and casual music listeners. Apparently they're from Italy and around 3 hours ago they stated they're releasing a cover of "The Black Parade" by MCR on Monday via YouTube. Nice share~ ^_^


Deluhi was a Japanese metal band around the time Visual Kei had gained a platform to flourish and despite some of their appearances being within the spectrum they leaned more towards a modern metal sound with heavy reliability to put out solid metal songs geared towards more casual listening. They kind of existed in 2006, but formed fully in 2008. They got insanely popular and released "Ygddalive" entering to their record "Vandalism".

Sadly the band didn't work out and broke up before Vandalism got a proper release and kind of dropped off. They mainly have heavier or fast songs ranging from modern metal core to extreme metal stylings with mixed screaming and clean vocals. This is the softest song they put out besides the ballad "Hoshi No Nai Yoruni". It's just wonderful to see what they were capable of on the soft side.

Shout-Out @ Alex for mentioning The Amity Affliction ^_^
I don't know how much you guys are into The Coral? I heard them recently at a festival close to where I live in Birmingham, UK and they were playing a lot of stuff from their new album - a bit different and slightly heavier sounding to their older stuff, but I really liked this one. Crappy low budget video though lol!

Been having a pretty blah year this year, lots of nonsense and not much clarity going on in my neck of the woods. Sometimes I fantasize about humanity being abducted by space aliens, and the extent of our potential will be measured by how well we can amuse our new masters.

Porno for Pyros were onto something when they made their song "Pets". I can always listen to this song to be perked up when I'm feeling myself die slowly from boredom and disappointment.

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Lately, I've been listening the songs from the movie Rudderless a lot... Now it's not a new movie, so you guys probably have listened to the tracks already. If you haven't, you should totally check them out. I really like the fun lyrics of the songs "Real Friends" and "Stay With You," and I can also relate my current life in a new city with new friends, with these songs. The third song, "Sing Along," is however a sharp contrast to the other two. It carries a much slower and sorrowful rhythm and is fit for a different mood or occasion. Hope you like them!


Been listening to Devil Wears Prada. Dunno why. They're playing near me in December so I decided to check them out to see if they're any good. I dig what I've heard, especially this one and the video is also really good. Haven't been impressed with a modern music video in a while
There are some times when I'm in the mood for Jazz, and all other music sounds like noise. With Jazz, the instruments are being played so masterfully that it's as if they're crooning out a poem about the city at night.

One of my favorite Jazz musicians is saxophonist Klaus Doldinger. For a while back in the 1970's he ran with a group that called themselves Passport. Here's a video of one of their many jam sessions, called "Schirokko". Note Alexis Korner on guitar, and the drum battle between Curt Cress and Pete York.



So I'm seeing Lacuna Coil tomorrow. Little knowledge I'd previously had previously was 'Like Evanescence' and 'The singer is married to Jim Root from Slipknot'

I really dig them. The Evanescence comparisons make sense but Christina Scabbia is a better singer than Amy Lee and they also have a co lead male vocalist (Andrea Ferro) which adds something different.

I really dig them their cover of Enjoy The Silence is really good
I'm a huge fan of classical works played on the piano, and thankfully there are many talented individuals around the work composing classical style music on the piano. I recently discovered this gem:

I'm not into "sad" music, but I love that this song has a very serious vibe to it. It reminds me of where my thoughts lead me while being given grave news, and my futile reflexive attempt at brainstorming a way to counter or avoid what tragedy I've encountered.
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Raine Maida - Sex, Love and Honey.

This song is off of Raine's first solo album, which I consider a Canadian national treasure. It MIGHT be my favorite off the album, I don't know, I'm constantly going back and forth between songs but this one is easily up there for sure. I don't know, I think its the lyrics that grab me it's just fascinating to listen to and I've been jamming to this song and the album itself a lot lately. Give it a listen.
This entry needs an explanation.

Not really a song, more of a singer. I stumbled on this because I was looking for weird shit and I was bored. Poppy/That Poppy is a Youtuber who shares short snippets about life, fame, social media, etc and does it in a very creepy, satirical way. Like, everything about her screams innocent young happy pop star but her delivery is ominous. She is like a sweet K-Pop singer with a David Lynch ambience. Very unsettling.

Her music isn't as odd as her other videos, but even then there is Illuminati symbolism everywhere. And her character is very stiff, as if she were a robot or under mind control. "Lowlife" is like listening to Gwen Stefani with a gun against her head.


She's a pastel nightmare. Oh and there is "Money" that doesn't have as much Illuminati, but definitely more of that unnerving, obvious stiffness.


Granted, I think the videos make the music here. Without the videos, it all sounds like regular bubblegum pop to me, but the visuals really cranks up the social satire a bit.

("Money" is also a song that plays in Sims 4)

And I wasn't kidding about her disturbing videos...

Panther Like A Panther (I'm the Shit) by Run the Jewels

Straight fiiiiiiiire.

RTJ3 dropped last week as an early Christmas present and I was prepared to be let down. RTJ2 was such a phenomenal album from both a production stand point and the lyrics actually matched. It was impossible to top. I was oh so wrong. While I haven't completed the entire album yet, from what I've heard so far this album is on par or perhaps better than their last. I'd go so far and say this is probably the greatest rap trilogy in the last decade.

As for Panther like a Panther, it's probably my favorite from the album so far. Some might notice that it's the theme from the Gears of War trailer with a different mix to it. Rap/hip hop is suffering right now and while there are still great artist out there like Kendrick and Cole, these two have my attention right now. If you haven't heard too much of these guys and you're a fan of hip/hop...well... you're welcome.


So I've been watching this Anime recently entitled Drifters. Its pretty solid so I suggest checking it out, if you're into that sort of thing. Anyway, the Anime has a pretty solid opening track with is called Gospel of the Throttle. Its the first song I posted. I enjoyed it and looked it up. I didn't think it was an actual band behind the song but sure enough, it was. I enjoyed the song a great deal and decided to check out some of the other bands work and I gotta say....nice. So here are some tracks. Give it a listen and enjoy!

Also Happy New Year to you all!

What's so weird was I was listening to Skrillex's old band From First To Last on and off for the past few weeks. I'd bought the self titled album D.R.U.G.S. as I'd been getting into Chiodos and they have the same singer. Found out the guitarist Matt Good was in From First To Last with Skrillex. Decided to check them out. Found the music quite nice. Skrillex's voice was kinda meh though. I actually preferred Matt Good's vocals. Wake up today and I hear Skrillex (or Sonny Moore) has reunited with them and have released a new song. Dig the music, the vocals are nice. Really dig it.
While forcing my brain to wake up with my usual blend of three simultaneous thought provoking forms of media (visual, audio and ethereal) I came across this gem.

I casually knew of the band Bronski Beat, but this is the first I've ever known of their lead singer's solo work. It just happened to play while I was reading a transcript of David Cale's off-broadway show about a middle aged woman who (mutually) fell in love with a young man.

For me; this is something for when my brain needs to decompress after having overindulged in death metal.
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I have to get these out of my system. Ever since Randy burned down Bray Wyatt's house, I wondered what soundtrack would have gone great with that moment.

I'm imagining that Randy had rigged a stereo system in his car to blast any of the following songs while he was reinforcing his reputation as the biggest asshole in prowrestling:

Talking Heads - Burning Down the House

Prodigy - Firestarter

Rock Master Scott and the Dynamic Three - The Roof is on Fire

AC/DC - This House is on Fire
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I adore this song. I contributed to While She Sleeps PledgeMusic for the new album. I did it because they're a good band and I liked they were doing it independently. I didn't realise what I was contributing to. All the songs so far have been killer and this one especially. The music is great, the lyrics are great the video is great Oli Sykes guest verse is great (even if it's 15 seconds). I am stoked for this album
Whelp, I just had 73 hours of Skyrim play annihilated by a game breaking glitch. Quick tip: If you do the "Forsworn Conspiracy" quest, don't kill Madanach (even though the game offers that up as a viable option). So I don't burn everything in my apartment, I've decided that every month I'm going to come back here and share a song that reminds me of a current wrestler.

So here goes, with a song that's appropriately very zen and not too showy. I'm dedicating this song to The Drifter.

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