What song are you currently listening to?


I had the privilege of seeing the great Noel Gallagher perform this last week in Liverpool with his band High Flying Birds, and as expected...it was incredible.

I saw him around a year and it was great, but this time was even better. Better, younger audience, similar but better set list and what put the icing on the cake was seeing him play 8 or 9 Oasis tracks- who are my favourite band of all time.

"Talk Tonight" is a beautiful song. This isn't the clip from the gig I was at, but I couldn't find one of those online yet.

I don't know what to think of this. It's different and it sounds like Blink. But it just sounds like Mark Hoppus. Apparently Matt Skiba is on the song but I can't hear him. That's what I'm slightly worried about that it'll just be Mark Hoppus singing the majority of the time with some backing tracks from Matt Skiba (similar to what Alice In Chains do now)

Still sounds decent enough though.
Song Name - Aye Khuda
Movie - Rocky Handsome (2016)
Lyrics - Sachin Pathak & Shekhar Astitwa
Music - Sunny Bawra & Inder Bawra
Singer - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

Although I don't like the singer much, yet this is a masterpiece from the veteran singer. A song needs to make us emotionally invested in it. Thats what this song does easily, atleast for me. The lyrics are damn good, music is an icing to the cake. The singer showcases the pain in his voice that this song needs. Great song.
Rating - *****
A good friend to the forums has passed on, this seems like an appropriate place to share a song in honor of Mustang Sally. I'm not obsessing or trying to say that it's even my place to dedicate anything to her, just saying that she was super special to all of us and that it would at least help me cope by sharing a song that relates to the experience. A happy, serious, uplifting song that has gotten me through some pretty dark times. Not too preachy, but still based around the hopes and dreams of life.

A part of my radio gem collection, Nova by VNV Nation:

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So I've been listening to some other stuff becauses the metal and it's various subsidiaries. I haven't strayed to far though been listening to Deez Nuts with their hardcore/rap influences

Doesn't sound motivational when you first hear it but this song has some really good lyrics

There ain’t nothing quite like this life we live,
Shout out my brothers ya’ll know what it is
We've all walked the line we've all paid our dues,
But at the end of the day this is the life we choose.

We've all walked the line, we've all paid our dues.

Proud of each and everyone one of us,
Carved out our own niche never leaned on a crutch.
Sometimes we take a fall ain’t easy st,
You got our back if we trippin' help us back on our feet.

And you know we’d catch you if you fall.

And that's just the first two verses
There's something about animation that grabs my attention. It can invoke more abstract imagery, giving the observer the opportunity to apply meaning that was never intended. In my world; animated music videos are the things that dreams are made of. My favorite band of all time dabbled in animation through their formative years, and this is one of their earliest works.

One of These Days by Pink Floyd:

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New album from TFK is on the horizon. So far they have released 4 songs before this to help spread awareness of the new album. While the other 4 are all great, I like this one the most. Catchy hook that just has me abusing the repeat button.

I am going to see The Stone Roses in Manchester in a couple of weeks, and they have FINALLY released the list of the support acts. I am going on the Saturday and the re-formed Audioweb are the first support band of the day. I had heard of their name but hadn't heard any of their material, so I picked up their 2 albums from Amazon on the cheap. This is easily my favourite song of theirs so far, I'm hoping it'll be in the set. Such a mid 90's Britpop feel, it's great.

As for their other material, I am a bit unsure. I like some of it, but not all. I assumed there were 2 singers in the band as a lot of their songs have regular singing, but then changes to reggae style vocals part way through the song. The one I have posted has just normal singing but the majority aren't like that. I looked at the list of band members and apparently its the one singer who changes style during songs, which is pretty cool.

I saw this posted in the "Mosh Pit" thread in the Bar Room, and was surprised at how good it is. I've always liked rap and metal crossovers and Xzbit's deep, gravelly voice is perfect on this track. It works so well with the female vocals of Within Temptation.
One of the many awesome things about having been an 80's kid is that musicians are turning the synthesized sounds of that decade into an amazing type of neo-retro style. One such artist of 1980's nostalgia is the musician Lazerhawk, and here is his song "So Far Away" set to clips of the classic 1980's anime Silverhawks.


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While many talented artists have covered -- and significantly improved upon -- certain songs, I'm always curious about how the original song sounds.

In 1983, a young Italian artist known as Raf released what would be his biggest hit; Self Control. This song was on the top ten charts of Italy, Germany and Switzerland. Laura Branigan loved the song so much that she covered it, and also she titled her 1984 album "Self Control".

I can't say which version I love more, but here's the lesser known version:

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Relatively unknown band, this video has been up for almost 2 years and has only accumulated just barely over 10,000 views . I just discovered them the other day out of pure happenstance. Youtube suggestion box done gave me a good one this time. the first few seconds after the song kicked in, I knew I would like it. Not many songs have that ability to convert me so quickly. Most usually take repeated listens; not this one tho. I dig the sound and the song so I figured I'd share, spread a tiny bit of awareness and maybe I might get them a few more fans.
There's this group called Boards of Canada, and they were pretty unknown until a wild chain reaction of events occurred not too recently. The New Tetris for the N64 was apparently a terrible game to have to program, and the lead programmer -- David Pridie -- decided to embed an expletive laced rant hidden within the game's code. Part of his rant mentioned how he would listen to Boards of Canada when he needed to expand his perspective. The code was recently unearthed, and in some corners of the internet it set off a firestorm. People were discovering this amazingly detailed rant, the wondrous duo of musicians known as Boards of Canada and the nightmarish PSA called One Got Fat. I personally have found that when I'm studying for something, having a Boards of Canada album playing in the background actually helps me focus.

Here's their song "Everything You Do is a Balloon", set to an old PSA called "One Got Fat":

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An all-time classic track from the band who eventually became New Order, after frontman Ian Curtis' tragic suicide.

I watched New Order live in Manchester last night, and it was an amazing gig. They performed this track as part of the encore- it was the last song, and had a beautiful video tribute to Curtis on the screens behind the stage, very emotional.

If you like "indie" or "Manchester" music even the slightest bit, you'll be well aware of "Love Will Tear Us Apart", it really is an incredible piece of music.
This is a shout out to France, and to one of my favorite musicians. Mylene Farmer is a French pop-star, but her music is more than repetitive beats and catchy phrases. Some of her songs are very passionate, and this song is truly my favorite of what she's created. A very powerful video goes with it also.

Mylene Farmer - Desenchantee:

edit; my apologies, I couldn't find a version where you can see what's happening from 3:28 to 5:25.

Truss when this one drops in the club it's a shutdown

Beat is badass. Don't know what he says, but it sounds amazing.


Also digging this new Calvin Harris track. One of the best DJs out there.
Something to chill to. An offering from a band that plays unorthodox instruments and whose music videos look like David Lynch fever dreams, Einstruzende Neubauten. It's a song based on a disputed enclave in Azerbaijan, and it's a very uncharacteristically melodic offering from a band that often revels in disjointed rhythm.



A wonderful, emotional track from Pearl Jam's 2013 album "Lightning Bolt". Eddie Vedder's voice is just so perfect for this type of track. It has a kind of "Black" feel about it for me, and is fast becoming one of my favourite Pearl Jam tracks. Check it out.

With no irony, William Shatner's "Has Been" (2004) is one of the best albums I've ever heard. Perfect blend of kitsch, beat poetry, and honesty. One track, "What Have You Done?" goes into brutal detail of the loss of his wife. Ben Folds producing helps.

Sounds heavy. Sounds like Korn. Digging the slight electronic elements as well. I mean I reckon Path Of Totality was onto something blending metal and dubstep. Just didn't work that time

Not really a big Billy Talent fan. There are a handful of songs I don't mind and a few I actually do like. This song off their newest just released record Afraid of Heights is another one of those songs. Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats has a really infectious drive to it and its currently the song I have on repeat. The titled track is also worth a listen too.

Some nice mellow electronic stuff by Akira The Don with a video using clips from Akira (Akiraception) It's really relaxing and I'm surprised at how much I've been listening to it

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