What song are you currently listening to?

Some women prove that power can be sexy and make a submissive of any red blooded male. I had the biggest crush on La Camilla when she was owning the music scene over in Europe, during that time she wasn't too well known in the states. Her success came mainly as the token female member of the merry group of dandies known as Army of Lovers.

This song reaffirmed my infatuation with her:

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The title track of Impending Doom's first album, which was when they were doing goregrind and grindcore as opposed to deathcore. The difference between the styles is mostly in relation to the vocals- goregrind and grindcore have more "watery" vocals (and Brook Reeves all throughout this album uses the 'pig squeal' vocals), while deathcore uses more growled vocals. Additionally, deathcore has a larger focus on riffs and breakdowns, whereas goregrind and grindcore focus on blast beats.
There are some songs that represent a huge middle finger to those wise enough to interpret their meaning and a super awesome fun time that's not at all patronizing to those who the middle finger is mostly intended for. The point being to insult someone while they ignorantly take what they hear as a huge compliment. For all the Donald Trump supporters of the world, here's my middle finger:

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Well I be on the depression train again. Changed jobs and then that fell through so now I'm trying to find something else as my old job made me feel proper depressed. And to top it off some of my friends are blanking me for some reason. So not the greatest thing in the world.

Cue Mr Ronnie Radke and his lyrics for My Apocalypse II

I've walked this road of misery
That's where I found my comfort
So I pick and chose my company
But one is a lonely number
I am all I've got
This is the breaking ground of what you are not

I've had my days where I found peace
But i am falling back down
And I want to believe that the grass is green
There's only one way to find
Over and over and over again
This is unbelievable
From this day on, I am all I've got

What happened to me again
I'm slipping through the cracks
I've seen the light, the afterlife
Of reliving my past
And when will it ever stop?
It's very clear, my biggest fear is falling from the top

Falling from the top

Yeah it's not exactly the greatest motivational song out there but for some reason it makes me feel better so I guess there's a positive in there somewhere


Another great track brought to you by the guys or guy from Montage Rock. A good song to kind of pick you up if you've been having kind of a shitty day. Works well for me and maybe it will for you too!
Love Smashing Pumpkins, great song makes me feel strangely nostalgic and I was born in 1998. 8/10

Limp Bizkits best song 8/10

Herd it on Reservoir Dogs, cool song 8/10
Some bands specialize in covers, and will rarely make an original track. One such band does an amazing job in presenting pop songs in a way that seems to reinvent them. Gregorian is a band headed by vocalist Frank Peterson and features a rotating group of singers. Instruments used to accentuate the vocals are often what one would expect to find in a traditional cathedral.

Sometimes the songs are a bit odd, and sometimes they seem to fit perfectly in the chant genre. One such song is comfortably numb which almost everyone has heard, but few have heard it like this:

Edit; also, the subject of that video bears an uncanny resemblance to Roman Reigns.
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These guys had an official theme for, Fastlane this year I think. That song was called "Out of the Black". That too is a really cool song, I recommend watching it just for the ridiculous video alone. This song I thought was a bit more awesome. Bask in the awesomeness.

I'm a big fan of James, and seeing them for a second time next month. I can't wait. They must be one of the most underrated bands in history, the list of classic tracks they've done is phenomenal.

This is a personal favourite of mine. It was never a single although it opens their 2nd most recent album "Le Petite Mort", and as soon as I heard it I knew it was going to be a special album.

Tim Booth's voice is so unique, their songwriting is phenomenal and they know how to make a song stick in your head. Just class.
Listening to "Evidence" by Faith No More. I like how so many of their songs sound like they are from completely different bands. This song is smooth and catchy but with disturbing lyrics.
I keep coming back to this song, Sleeping Satellite by Tasmin Archer:

It's one of the most beautifully sung songs I've ever heard, and a rare radio gem that few have discovered. The lyrics are poetic and the steam-punk theme of the video is pretty rad.
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I loooooove this song! It's been a personal favourite ever since I heard it about 10 years ago and to this day I never skip it if it comes up on shuffle on the iPod. The beat when the song starts is possibly the few notes of music that puts me in a better mood than anything else. So good, such a fun song that puts a smile on my face and cheers me up each and every time I hear it.

It's the only real hit Men At Work ever had I think, and its one of those old songs that evvvvveryone knows and everyone likes.

Great song!
There's a guy out there named Tom Waits, who has had a lot of his music covered by pop artists. He typically writes songs that are meant to sound like what you'd hear in the background of a smoke filled lounge where you can only get in with a password. His voice has been described as something like a rusty car engine being started while submerged in a pool of brandy. He's an acquired taste and thus his genius tends to go unnoticed.

He did however branch out into the world of pop-music for one song off of his Bone Machine album, Goin Out West:

The song is full of easter eggs for his diehard fans that just come across as mindless gibberish to everyone else, but it's still a toe tapper of a song whether you get the lyrics or not. One of my absolute favorite songs because it's really a slap in the face to producers who wanted him to associate himself with this kind of music scene.
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I scroged to this song last night. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I get chills thinking about it.


Second verse is my favorite.

"Yea, I got a fist full of your hair but you don't look like you're scared.

You just smile and tell me daddy it's yours. Cuz you know how I like it yous a dirty little lover.

If the neighbors call the cops call the sheriff call the swat we don't stop we keep rockin while they're knocking on the door.

And you're screamin 'give it to me baby give it to me motha fucka.'"

Really dig the gothy/electronic elements and Chris Motionless has a good screamo voice as well as a nice melodic voice as well. He's like Marilyn Manson's kid in more ways than one.

I really dig the opening verse,

No compromise as I fight to break the cycle
And bring an end to this suffering
I'm a shadow, a black out, a storm in the background
One man's whisper is another's scream

the chorus

Forsaken, I walk the night alone
No sanctuary
No place for me to call my home
But it's time to break the cycle

and the end verse

The past is haunting me
Let go and set me free
Open the door to the unknown

I can kind of relate at this current point in my life
Forsake Not The Dream by Trivium. In Waves is a fun album which is as close to their best album Ascendancy.

Huge fan of these guys in general.

What's so civil about war, anyway?

Very true, and the answer is absolutely nothing.

A great song by G'N'R, pretty underrated I think as it's often forgotten when people discuss their finest work, or at least it is when people I know bring up the band. I ended up sending a SnapChat of this playing on my car stereo to my contacts this morning, and got quite a few people replying asking what it was as they really liked it!

I'm so glad to see Axl and Slash are playing together again, I'll definitely be trying for Guns tickets if they do come to the UK again, and fingers crossed this will be in the set.

What's so civil about war, anyway?

Very true, and the answer is absolutely nothing.

A great song by G'N'R, pretty underrated I think as it's often forgotten when people discuss their finest work, or at least it is when people I know bring up the band. I ended up sending a SnapChat of this playing on my car stereo to my contacts this morning, and got quite a few people replying asking what it was as they really liked it!

I'm so glad to see Axl and Slash are playing together again, I'll definitely be trying for Guns tickets if they do come to the UK again, and fingers crossed this will be in the set.

Funny you should mention this song, I was listening to it on the way to work this morning.

Appetite was possibly my favorite album ever and I was a bit dismissive of a lot of the stuff off of the Illusion albums. I grew to appreciate them more and more over time, this song in particular. Nice choice, and one of the GnR songs that doesn't get the airplay their more popular stuff does.

I'm really curious to see how Guns does with their new tour. Hope you get the chance to see them this time around and if you do, hope you let us know how the show was. If they play around here, I'll definitely get tickets and share my experience.

My first concert attended was actually headlined by Guns N Roses, during their tour with Metallica in '92. Word of warning: they seem to be really hit or miss. They weren't very good when I saw them-Metallica blew them out of the water in concert(inb4 Metallica hate)-and a lot of the live stuff I've seen on tape was subpar as well. But I've also seen some electric performances by them, so you just never know. Of course, there's also a chance a riot will cut the show short, lol.
I'm so glad to see Axl and Slash are playing together again, I'll definitely be trying for Guns tickets if they do come to the UK again, and fingers crossed this will be in the set.

My little brother bought the rest of my brothers and I tickets to see them in June. GNR is pretty much the only thing the four of us have in common.

From the videos I've seen of their perforamnces thus far, thy sound pretty dope. At lest comparable to their earlier shows.

As for what I'm listening to:


Really I've been banging Dirt as whole a lot lately. Pretty sue this has become my favorite album of the nineties now. This song, along with Junkhead, are top tier.
My little brother bought the rest of my brothers and I tickets to see them in June. GNR is pretty much the only thing the four of us have in common.

From the videos I've seen of their perforamnces thus far, thy sound pretty dope. At lest comparable to their earlier shows.

As for what I'm listening to:


Really I've been banging Dirt as whole a lot lately. Pretty sue this has become my favorite album of the nineties now. This song, along with Junkhead, are top tier.

It's weird I prefer Facelift overall as an album but Dirt probably has my favourite songs (Would, Them Bones, Angry Chair, Dirt, Rooster etc)


Been listening to this quite a bit. It's weird even though it's a George Harrison tribute it kind of fits for Prince as well now. He starts the solo at 3:27 and it's just epic. It looks like he's not even trying and it sounds amazing.
Some songs hit you like an acid trip, and Primus was a band that had mastered the art of acid rock and ushered in this wild genre of music to us 1990's teens. The music alone was enough to make the walls melt, but the band's leader Les Claypool was also a master of creating amazing visuals for their music videos. Their most amazing work for my money is a song called Mr. Krinkle:

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