What should I get?


Dark Match Jobber
Im gonna be coming into a few hundred bucks soon here but im conflicted on what to get between these.

A XBox 360 Elite System or a PS3


The WM and Royal Rumble Anthologies

The Anthologies are on sale and I can get both for less then $250! But I am a Gamer and my Wii is not satisfying me so I want a 360 or PS3. I can only get 1 of the 2 selections but im leaning towards the anthologies because thats a helluva deal! What do you think?
I'd go with the video games. I prefer the PS3, as I have one. Doesn't do much for online gamers. That is where the XBox would excel.

The wrestling DVDs are a good option, but you can watch them online if you ever feel the need.
Im not the 1 getting butthurt cursing a storm dude lol. Did it ever cross your mind I was joking as well? If your 22 as it says and you were still in diapers then that would be a major issue obviously. Try smiling, it does wonders for the soul man.
You can wait in line. You're one of the newbies that just comes in here, acts like he fucking owns everything. I hate bitches like you. Did it ever cross your mind to shut the fuck up?
True im a newb here but I got 6-7 years on you pal. I can respect the IWC ways and rules though, I got np paying my dues so to speak.
True im a newb here but I got 6-7 years on you pal. I can respect the IWC ways and rules though, I got np paying my dues so to speak.

Please don't do that. Age is only a number around here. There are people who are my age and younger that know more than you do. Or even someone 25 years older. This forum has the most intelligent posters around. We here like to be prideful of that. The best part is. 95% of them are all under the age of 25.
I hear ya dude but that's also part of my point. You stated earlier how your tired of know it alls and shit right? I always hated forums because some people think they know more because of post count, no age doesn't mean it either. Shit, Im just a Fan no more no less then whoever is a Fan as well. I used to avoid forums because how people just wanna be dicks behind their shield aka the comp screen but fuck it im just having fun.
See, that's the way I feel in the bar room. I'm known to be the guy that's a dick to newer posters. Just for fun, and with no malice. Everyone around here knows this. for me, it's kind of like my gimmick. I do it for fun, and if people like you slip through, then that's awesome. You've bantered back, and were one of the only ones to shock me.
Id go with a PS3...As far as online gameplay I have never had a major issue with it. Far better system and more potential for gaming in the next 2 to 3 years, as opposed to microsoft already talkin replacement of the 360's.
See, that's the way I feel in the bar room. I'm known to be the guy that's a dick to newer posters. Just for fun, and with no malice. Everyone around here knows this. for me, it's kind of like my gimmick. I do it for fun, and if people like you slip through, then that's awesome. You've bantered back, and were one of the only ones to shock me.

Bantering is so much fun! You must be gettin tired or something casue you and I were goin back and forth for quite a few posts.
I wish Sony and Microsoft wouldent be cheap fucks and at least give you a free game for a $300 system. So Ghost, What do you think their gonna end up having Sting do?
Definitely feud with Styles, until he can get to Flair.

"I didn't do all this hard work, just for HIM to come along and ruin it."

something along those lines.
Get a PS3.

Since you have a Wii, I can say this: No More Heroes 2 is coming out today!! Go buy it.
Neither. Save your money, and buy this...You'll thank me later.

This new guy sure has some spunk.

I would invest the money, but then again, I have an XBox and can downloard the anthologies.

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