What Really Grinds YOUR Gears?

drinkers of Allegheny county, and people who rent cars are helping to bail out Port Authority.
Anybody who has ever worked at a restaurant would empathize with the following situation:

It's 10:55, you close at 11:00. You are almost done doing everything and then some douche comes in, who can obviously see you closing up, and still proceeds to order the longest, most bullshit order ever. Hate it. Just very inconsiderate.

That shit happened less than 3 hours ago, and goes down at least once a week at the restaurant I manage. Motherfuckers.
When i'm followed around a store like i'm gonna steal something.

When people stare at me in the elevator or when people stare in general.

Car alarms sounding off during the night while i'm trying to sleep.
Fucking dogs barking at 2am.

People that don't thank other people, for anything. Learn some manners, why don't ya?

1. Asshole cops. I got stopped by one once and called him out on his fault. Here's the scenario: I'm waiting at a red light in an intersection. A cop is on my right and he slows down because he's currently got a yellow, which is about to turn red. It turns red for him, green for me. I wait about 2 seconds, which I normally do, because people are idiots and tons of jackasses out there like to run red lights and clearly they'd crash into me if I didn't wait an extra second. So I start going, this cop turns on his lights at the same time (which, remember, is 2 seconds after it turns red for him). By the time he starts going forward, I'm practically past him and if I wanted to stop and wait for him, I'd be blocking the entire intersection AND him. So what do I do? I go ahead of him. He decides to make a quick right (I was going straight) and pull me over. He asks why I went ahead of him and didn't let him through the intersection. Uh...jackass...you clearly just didn't want to wait at the red light, and if I'd have stopped at the moment you put your lights on, you wouldn't be able to drive your car through mine. They're two solid chunks of matter. The guy looks at me, realizes he's a douche, and tells me "yeah well YOU JUST BE CAREFUL NEXT TIME PAL". Apparently I do need to be careful, because there are assholes like him that have power to abuse.

2. People that will not admit they're wrong no matter how much proof you have of it. They still just say no, because they think whatever they say is right. You could have videotape, fingerprint, eye-witness, and all the other evidence you need, plus a lie-detector, and they'd still say that none of that matters and that you should just take their word that they're right and you're wrong.

3. People that don't understand that generally speaking, an opinion is not a fact, but some opinions that are twisted to try to seem like facts can be wrong, because they're masking as facts. For instance, if I was to say "its my opinion that black is a lighter color than white"...well..no, it clearly isn't, and if you say "well its my opinion, it can't be wrong"....yes, it can, and it is. But subsequently, if I say "in my opinion, ketchup sucks", that's not a right or wrong statement. If you like ketchup, ok, but that doesn't make me wrong about it.

4. Mixed signals. Not a current gripe, but we've all dealt with them over the years. Just be honest with the people you're interested in dating, you know? Stop playing games.

5. Repetitive TV show concepts. How many lawyer/cop shows do we really need on TV? 20 different versions of Law & Order, 10 versions of CSI, and all those shows like Cold Case and Eli Stone and all that. Then there are like 30 Judge shows. There's also about 400 "20-something year old kids get drunk, argue with each other, and have sex 24/7" type of shows.

6. Some people are just way too hard to shop for when it comes to X-Mas and birthday gifts. If you don't want to give me any type of ideas, and you don't really like anything, then I should be given a bypass and I shouldn't have to buy you anything.

7. Today I wanted pepperoni & cheese stromboli, so I found it on this one pizza place's menu and ordered some of it. Well, the idiots don't know what it is, apparently, as they gave me a pepperoni, cheese, and sauce (didn't feel like eating it today) pizza TURNOVER instead of stromboli. Totally not in the mood for that today, so they ruined my dinner, and since dinner is the only meal of the day that I really eat, that means today sucked food-wise lol. You shouldn't be able to call yourself an Italian pizza place if you have no idea what the difference is between stromboli and a turnover. I bet if I ordered clams over linguini in a white sauce they'd give me fried clams over fettuccine alfredo.

8. If I hold the door open for you, which I'm not obliged to do, you should have the decency to say "thank you". If you hold the door open for me, which I don't expect you to, I always say "thank you". Another aspect is when you hold the door open for one person and like 5 people follow them and take their sweet ass time. Look, I'm being nice, but don't take advantage of it, ESPECIALLY if you're just trying to take advantage of a lazy moment and you don't say thank you on top of it.

EDIT: 9. When people ask you for your honest opinion and then tell you that you're an asshole because you didn't lie to them. If you're not prepared to hear the worse of the two choices, don't ask for the truth. Better yet, don't ask at all, because chances are, I'll tell the truth anyway if you bring the topic up.

There's a few of the things that "grind my gears". Back to you, Tom.
A new one that NF made me think of: People that you ask if something is wrong, and they look you straight in the face and say everything is ok. Then a week or so later, you hear "You were supposed to have known anyway! You're so insensitive!"
Fucking people like this, he's on my wrestiling team. A kid got literaly kicked in the eye today. The dude who he was wrestiling somehow kicked him in the eye, and he went out in the hall to walk it off. Well no big deal, he's on of my friends and I came up to him and asked him if he was allright. He said yeah, but one of the other dudes that was by me yelled over to him to suck it up, and called him a bitch. I figured he was just joking. Well we learned the firemans rollup today, and the kid got it again right above the eye, and he started to tear up. and we had to run around the mats while the coach checked him.

Well the dude who told this kid to suck it up was right infront of me and was bitching up a storm. He said that he wouldn't cry and called him a fucking pussy. I ran up to him and asked him what made him so tough. ALot of people tear up when they get hit in the eye. And he called me a fucking jv pussy, and he's on fucking jv to! I laughed and asked him to stand infront of me and let me jab him in the eye a couple times. He said shut up or i'll beat your ass. I said try me, and he ran away.

Three things I hate, a douche who talks shit.
A dumbass who can see someones hurting and has no sympthay.
And a douche who talks even more shit and wont back it up.
More gear grinding.

I also hate chicks with bad manners. I went out with this girl last week I have really been trying to chill with for a while. I finally muster up some courage to ask her and this freakin girl talks on the phone for the majority of our date. She was just rude in general. Awful date. She later tells me that she wants to hang out again. Homework was my excuse. Unbelievable.
People who have no grasp of the English language.

People who write sentences such as: "Your just their to be anoying."

People who use the same, relatively-advanced words all the time, to appear smarter.

People with high pitched/dumb/monotonous voices.

People who say 'Oh my god, I just failed' after an exam, when they and everyone else knows full well that they did not, and will get a very high mark.

People who complain when they are awarded something, but it is not the highest award.

And finally...

You know what really grinds my gears? You, America. Fuck you.
When people say the word "preggers". They should just be shot for saying that. Also on the same topic, when people say that pregnant women are "glowing" and beautiful, just because they've got a kid in them.

When people say "redunkulous" and "ginormous". You're not cute. Shut up.

When people say "I hate drama" and aren't referring to the film genre. Who does? You're nothing special. How many people would really say "I love being in melodramatic situations that are stressful"? Lol.
People staring at me. I hate that shit. Old people annoy me too, some do at least. Because they think because they've been on Earth for about 90 years that they can treat you like trash and put you down. Break their hips..
My generation, and how fucked up it really is. Drugs and alcohol everywhere I look. Yet, these people are everywhere I go, and are even in my school which I thought was completely "drug free".

I also hate snobs, women in particular. If I'm talking to their boyfriend or something, I despise when they just walk off and drag him out, when he was clearly talking to me and didn't want to leave.

People who don't appreciate life.

People who complain about everything, *cough* smarks *cough*.

People who never admit they are wrong. ***(A Wrestlezone Staff member)
It grinds my gears that the VBookie matches for Survivor Series aren't up yet. Lol.

It grinds my gears that 99.999% of the time, a commercial sucks. I think within the past 6 years, I might've seen 5 commercials I could withstand. They're all so annoying. And the worse they are, the more likely they are to be repetitive. How many freaking times do I have to see the Bowflex ad with Michael Polinko?

It grinds my gears that people focus so much on the stupid crap celebrities do. I don't give a shit if Britney Spears bought a pair of shoes today. How does that matter to the world? And I really think if I was a celebrity and those TMZ guys were hounding me, I'd punch them all in the face. I have no clue how its legal for people to become stalkers and sell pictures of you to make a living but on other TV shows and films and such, you have to sign a contract to appear or else people can sue you. Paparazzi = scoundrels. People that pay attention to the stuff they report = worthless. You get worried when you see a tabloid that claims Brad and Angelina split up, as if that has any effect on your mundane life. Yeesh.
People who walk real slow at the shops infront of you.

Close minded people who can't accept people's views on things.

When random people on the street would touch my hair when I would spike it massive. If you have seen the picture in the post a picture of yourself thread, you will know what I mean.

People who feel the need to tailgate me when I am driving.

WhEn PPlz TyPe LyK Dis.

When people try and tell me a story, but instead they take forever to get to the point and tell me useless information that is irrelevant to the story.

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