What Really Grinds YOUR Gears?

Frank the Frowner

Getting Noticed By Management
If it's one thing that irritates the hell out of me, it's when you hold the door open for someone, and that person doesn't even give so much of a thank you. Even a head nod of some sort would be acceptable.

I always hold the door for people when going in and out of places on campus, and it's amazing how inconsiderate people really are.
that pisses me off too. I also hate it when young people refuse to give up their seat on the bus for the elderly.
The last time i held a door open for someone it was a man pushing a baby stroller. I then slammed the door in his wifes face.
I helped a lady put groceries into her car. I then payed her by slamming a shopping cart into her door. Damn thing got away from me.
This same thing was in the editorial. I felt bad because I didn't thank the person holding the door open for me today, I had food in my mouth. He was actually more of a hindrance than anything though.
I hate when people try to appear intelligent by spewing pseudo-insightful crap all over class discussions.
People asking stupid question that have obvious answers. Earlier this year, I walked into the comic book store with water dripping from me and a hood over my head. A woman asks, "Is it raining outside?"
oh goodness. the list is long. I will add to this later. the first one that comes ot my mind is

when people sit in the middle of a parking lot, waiting for someone to back out of a spot, all while 100 cars pile up behind them, and cause traffic in the lot to come to a stand still, and make things much more dangerous in general for drivers and pedestrians

People asking stupid question that have obvious answers. Earlier this year, I walked into the comic book store with water dripping from me and a hood over my head. A woman asks, "Is it raining outside?"

Or like when its mid December, and your all bundled up in 3 layers of clothing while covered in snow flakes and shivering, and someone asks "Is it cold???."
when you sit at a stop sighn for .5 seconds longer than the moron behind you thinks you should, and they lay all over their horn about it. MOTHERFUCKER that pisses me off. I got out of my car and screamed at a 20 something girl and punched her door over it one time. fucking twit.
I hate it when someone calls you, and you pick up the phone and they say "are you up?"

No, I fucking rolled over in my sleep, and accidentally picked up my phone and said "hello"
1. When either a old lady or a 5 year old at Walmart hits me in the back of the leg with a shopping cart.

2. When i get followed around in stores like im going to steal something.

3. Coffee tables , I hit my shin on them bastards all the time.
Same thing with red lights. And if I'm going somewhere between the speed limit and and five mph below I DO NOT WANT SOMEONE RAPING MY ASS. If they start riding me, I fucking slow down, teach them some fucking patience.
Same thing with red lights. And if I'm going somewhere between the speed limit and and five mph below I DO NOT WANT SOMEONE RAPING MY ASS. If they start riding me, I fucking slow down, teach them some fucking patience.

well you have to consider, if you go five under, the person behind you pretty much as to go TEN under. which is incredibly infuriating.
well you have to consider, if you go five under, the person behind you pretty much as to go TEN under. which is incredibly infuriating.

No, they can maintain my speed while keeping a safe distance. They would only have to slow down if they were too close to begin with.
People with customized license plates or bumper stickers that say I own the road or some stupid stuff like that.
eh. going under the speed limit is just as illegal as going over. keep up with traffic. people driving under the speed limit cuase more accidents than people speeding. fact.
I'm a firm believer that people over 60 should have to take driving tests ever couple of years. They cause alot of accidents.
eh. going under the speed limit is just as illegal as going over. keep up with traffic. people driving under the speed limit cuase more accidents than people speeding. fact.

15 under is reckless driving. 5 under for any reason(fuel milage etc.) is okay.
Though I'm not 100% sure, I think Murfish is right, there are no laws that say you can't drive 5 miles under the limit. In fact, the reccommended limit(The little yellow signs) is unually 10 miles or so lower the than the limit.

Another thing that pisses me off is when someone drives around the Wal-Mart parking lot 500 times just so they can't wait for someone in upper lot to leave. Honestly, people are so fucking lazy, its only a few extra feet.

The spaces at the lower end are never full, yet people don't park in those, because they might actually have to walk a little.
according to the state police officer who spoke to my class in drivers ed, Murfish is incorrect. the little yellow sighns are precautionaries, and usually exist for dangerous turn, curves, and bridges and such.
When people ride your ass through school zones, even when I go over the limit through them. I think some just believe that there is no need to slow down.

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