What Punk reaction are you expect on Raw tonight?

Well, those snarky smarks are going to hijack the show. They will not sit there and follow along with they are supposed to do. They will disrespect the performers who are risking their lives for them by chanting "CM Punk" throughout the show. :rolleyes:

Fans wont do what they are SUPPOSED to do? Last time I checked, if a fan buys a ticket for a show they can chant what they like. Some fans are pissed that Batista was handed a WM main event and agree with CM Punk and respect him as a wrestler. You don't have to be a smark to see through the bullshit and be unhappy with THEIR chosen wrestling company.

If fans did what they were.supposed to do we would still have cartoon characters as wrestlers.
Fans wont do what they are SUPPOSED to do? Last time I checked, if a fan buys a ticket for a show they can chant what they like. Some fans are pissed that Batista was handed a WM main event and agree with CM Punk and respect him as a wrestler. You don't have to be a smark to see through the bullshit and be unhappy with THEIR chosen wrestling company.

If fans did what they were.supposed to do we would still have cartoon characters as wrestlers.

My post was sarcastic. I was giving my prediction for the kinds of reactions we'll get on here.

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