Daniel Bryan sucks on the mic!

DB mic skill is not that much good. it clearly seen most of his promo time he just smile and listening to opposite wrestlers. He rearly speaks and lead the yes or no chants.

i think the yes movement is ended at wm either way. If db wins the belt then people wont cheer that much for db because they acheive what they want. So the yes movement ended slowly. People think about another one. If db lost then people think their thoughts was wrong, it never happened for db.
He's good enough.

He's not a Rock/Flair/Austin, but he definitely is decent, even above average. It really depends on what story he is in. Could Bret Hart or Chris Benoit do as well as Bryan did in the Kane/Therapy angle?

That being said, I don't expect his mic work to carry his title reign and I hope they have some good feuds lined up for him because his mic work isn't enough to open/close a show every week (like Rock/Austin/Flair) and the underdog gimmick (that people are already kind of tired of) dies when he wins the title at WM.
Well, I know you are a troll, as it shows evidentlyon the news section and all and I know how much you hate Bryan. Sure, Bryan is not the best guy on the mic, but at the moment, with the gimmick he has, he can't do many more things. He can pander to the crowd and he is supposed to refer to the yes movement. I actually enjoyed this promo because he made him seem kinda bad-ass challenging HHH etc.
He really isn't that bad.As Jack-Hammer said "though he may not be the greatest on Rock,Austin,Flair,Punk,Cena,Roberts level they don't really need to be he says what he needs to say." That is all that matters he is over with or without that level mic skills.As a heel we all know he can be money on the mic as well.
Daniel Bryan is the rare exception to the rule about mic skills. While he is not the best on the mic, he is far from the worst. He is over organically and gets very loud reactions each time he is on the show. His wrestling skills are far above anyone else on the show. Does he have the best or biggest personality? No. But people don't realize that he is still relatively new to the WWE. It will take time for Bryan to become comfortable enough to start oozing his own personality in the character. Some guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Undertaker took years in other gimmicks to even begin showing signs of their own personality. Once Bryan puts all of the pieces together, I have no doubt that fans will enjoy his promo work more. And then there will be the fans who hate Bryan no matter what he says or does. So to them, it is pointless whether he improves as a character or not. I personally like Bryan and think he deserves his success. This is the same company that pushed David freakin' Otunga. And he had all the personality[or maybe less] of a wet sponge.....
When I think of guys who flat out suck on the mic, two guys who immediately spring to mind are Batista and Jeff Hardy. If the fate of the world depended on either of them delivering a strong, captivating promo, then I'd be resigned to the fact that I needed to try shoving my head between my legs to kiss my ass goodbye.

I think Jeff's ok. He's certainly not great but when he amps up the weirdness (as he has with Willow) he's decent (that might be my fanboyism though).

As for Bryan. Nothing's wrong with his mic skills. If you were to compare everyone to The Rock, Steve Austin, Ric Flair etc we'd have a very short list of good promo talkers. Regardless of what you think of Bryan's mic skills he has charisma (that doesn't equate good mic skills) and that is what draws fans to him. Like Jeff Hardy they have a connection with the audience that makes the audience root for them and if they can get the words out of their mouth to talk to their adversary the audience won't really care.
THis isnt anything new. Hes been bad since i saw him in ROH. That was a serious knock on him when he was in the indies. He is lucky this whole "YES" thing worked out for him because the man was always labeled at "boring". He proved me wrong because as great as a worker he was in the indies, i didnt thin he had that "it" factor about him to make it in the WWE

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