The Key to Understanding the Daniel Bryan VS Authority Storyline

This year I see them really running away from trying to launch a new face at Mania. Bryan may be their guy going forward, but they are far better from a business standpoint making 30 about all the guys who have got WM that far - the Hogan's, Warriors, Takers, Cena's, Show, Orton's and the like and beginning "the next era" the following night. Almost a hard reset like WCW did. From a locker room perspective, they are gonna piss a lot of talent off by doing so - or need a bloody big battle royale to accomodate them but the younger guys, Bryan included need to realise that if 30 is jam packed with veterans, it means it will sell HUGE and secure Mania for at least another 10 years. Then they get their chance...

I disagree. They may've been burned by Brock and Batista and Lashley and others, but the alternative is do nothing - take no chances, and get no glory besides what you've already got. The returns in that scenario ultimately dwindle. Sure, you can stack WrestleMania 30 with Hogan, Michaels, Lesnar and others for a one time event, and they may make a boatload off of it, but that past few WrestleManias have been designed around paying one guy a lot of money to show up just once and help make the WWE's year.

This is the definition of unsustainable, and I can't imagine it's gonna help with television contracts (Forbes article be damned).

Ultimately, I think you try to create a juxtaposition between the old and the young, the same as they did with WM 20. Was it the right people? Did it work? At the time, it created a helluva moment, and created enough interest to keep the ship sailing. If all you have at the end of the day is the same guys holding the belts aloft, you send the message that nothing has changed, and nothing WILL change until maybe next Wrestlemania? Maybe? Maybe I skip next year's and wait until I hear about something new? Or maybe I never come back?

These are the kinds of questions the WWE needs to fight against.
The motive here is simple: if Bryan is given an extended storyline there is risk of fan burnout by the time they reach Mania. So they put him on the backburner so fans don't get sick of the anticipation of him FINALLY getting his moment.

What the problem is, that they put him on the backburner looking weak. Applying the Yes Lock to Shawn doesn't suffice. He should've done something vengeful, ended HiAC kneeing everyone before throwing down the title at Orton or something. THATS where this fails for me, he hasn't looked credible as much as he should have.

Pairing him up with Punk against Wyatts is good. Althoug absolutely no expalnation is given as to why they both were attacked. Ughhh.
I have been reading a lot in the comments and forum about how DB has been "buried" by the Authority and that he is now going to be relegated to mid-card status. Nothing could be further from the truth. From the beginning the "burial" of DB including him being called a B+ player is the WWE's way of saying that they believe he is a Main Event player. Like the old adage the opposite of love isn't hate but indifference.

If the E didn't believe in DB then they wouldn't had him Main Event the last 4 PPVs. If they didn't believe in him he would never have been involved in the Authority storyline to begin with. Do you really think if HHH and Steph didn't believe in him they would've wasted their time with him? The E would have to be blind not to notice how hot DB has been these last few months.

It is my opinion that to keep the Universe from becoming more sick of the DB and Orton feud they let it cool off for a little while. Come RR 2014 DB wins the RR and begins a WrestleMania feud with the WWE champ - most likely Orton - and as a payback for the 18 second match against Sheamus he gets his WrestleMania moment and wins the Gold.

For those of you that think Vince and company have given up on DB because of the poor ratings and buyrates, let me ask you this: When has the ratings and buyrates changed signifigantly recently? It's off .4 or so from time to time but the ratings usually stay the same. I true believe that DB is a big part of the future for the E and I for one can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Precisely. Just goes to show no one has faith in the wwe telling a story anymore. Since fans don't have the patience today for a long winded buildup, wwe don't bother with these storylines anymore.
But they've killed him off. Who is going to believe in Daniel Bryan winning a title now - and who is going to care. 4 months in a row he was unable to get the job done and outsmart the deals, despite promising numerous times that he would. It's been an epic cock up from the WWE, and young people take this stuff to heart. Imagine if Bret Hart back in the day was booked like this in 1992? It just wouldn't happen.
Dude he got screwed at HIAC. Fans don't think "wow he lost, he's not good enough" this is storytelling. You build it up to a fire then let it simmer, en around Mania season you bring the fire back and it's hotter than before. This is CLEARLY leading to a wrestlemania moment. I can't believe how dense and short sided many of you are. This is basic storytelling.

Crass analogy. But you can't go hard all the time in sex or you wear out and lose interest, it's pacing. Up and down, up and down, then up, up, up, and POW! All credit to Al Snow on that analogy btw.

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