HHH Vs. Daniel Bryan, US Title fued, possibility?

pretty simple people, HHH wouldnt bring prestige back to the title...it would make HHH look weaker for holding a title like that...at least till he gets up in age like flair did when he started winning the IC title.
Certain wrestlers are bigger than the titles, HHH, Shaun Michaels, Undertaker, Flair, and now if you like him or not John Cena. No matter what they do, they are main eventers. If Taker and HHH had a match at Mania, the title matches may be at the end of the show, but they would still not be the ME. That is why this idea would not work. If they want to raise the prestige of the mid card belts, all they have to do is have more people trying to win these belts in the mid card, and have real feuds over them.
Like I was sayin. HHH would bring some prestige back to the US Championship. He would give DB some name recognition because of the fued. Many of you think of screw Daniel Bryan he sucks, hes a nobody. Yea, sure I say the same but the guy can wrestle and was trained by one of the best Shawn Michaels. He has no mic skills, but he can work on that. It might be fun to watch these guys go at it since HBK trained DB and HHH knew HBK like no other. The Game is main event status so if a main eventer is holding the US Championship, more people will be payin attention to the title. I also think if Daniel Bryan was given new ring gear and real theme music he'd be takin more serious. He's the US Champion and looks like a jobber from superstars lol. Everyone is always saying, the mid-card belts are lost in the shuffle and dont have credible names holding them anymore. Well if a top star were to hold it then just possibly at least this title will be brought back to life. As for the IC title, well thats a whole new thread and idea.

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