What one thing will Rey Mysterio be most remembered for?


On A Break From Sig Requests
So I recently did one like this on the Undertaker. I think I'll start making a few about wrestlers who are nearing the end of their careers, recently tired, or look like they're gunna be fired.

So today: Rey Mysterio!

some candidates:

* His loyalty to the mask.
* His work in Mexico.
* Winning the WHC at WM22.
* His popularity, especially amongst kids.
* His weak later years.

I know a lot of people dislike Rey (Myself included), but there's no dnying his place in history as one of the best luchadors ever. So...

What ONE thing will Rey Mysterio be most remembered for?
I will always, and i do mean ALWAYS remember mysterio most for one key incident. I forget the exact date or location, but early on in the nWo takeover of wCw, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall are terrorizing backstage. They come upon a trailer or possibly a production truck in the back, Mysterio jumps out at Nash, who proceeds to catch him and through him like a dart into the side of the trailer. This was 14-15 years ago and in my mind Mysterio is still "the human dart" because of that incident.
I have never hated Mysterio like some people.I respect him for being a great performer.I guess some of the best feuds in the last 5-6 years have involved him.Onto the thread I guess I'll personally remember him for his feud with Jericho.These two had amazing matches and quite an entertaining feud without much hype.Also I guess the fans will remember him for his memorable Royal Rumble Victory.
Personally, I will remember him for the fact that even though he is a cruiserweight through and through, he still always tries to hang out in the big leagues. He was known as the giant killer, after all... And his Rumble win? It shows he can beat anyone and everyone. While you can definitely predict his losses, you can never predict his wins. THAT is what makes Rey Mysterio awesome. Not to mention, his talent doesn't seem to deteriorate as much as the other "superstars".
I am not the biggest Rey Mysterio fan. But I do think he has had fantastic career. His size is always a thing that stands out about him. The success he has had, is nothing short of remarkable to be honest.

I want to say I will remember him for his Royal Rumble win or his World Titles reigns, but that isn't what comes to mind when I truly think of Rey.

Back in his WCW days, battling other Cruiserweights, he came out with some moves that simply floored me. His matches back in the middle days of Nitro, 97-98, versus the likes of Billy Kidman is what I will remember most about him. Opening Nitro with a CW match would happen often and more then a few times, it would be Rey versus Kidman. They always seemed to know each other so well and before they teamed up and became "The Filthy Animals" they were steadily out there killing it, whether the CW Title was on the line or not.

Also, his matches with Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero and obviously many others always tore the house down.

That is what I will remember Rey for... His days on Nitro battling other Cruiserweights and setting a standard that wasn't seen in wresting, on American TV at all.
Rey Mysterio will be remembered for a lot of things, his Cruiserweight matches in WCW, his WrestleMania and other PPV costumes, his feud with Eddie Guerrero, his feud with Chris Jericho over his mask and IC Championship, his mask, his Royal Rumble win but nobody can deny that his biggest accomplishment was taking the World Heavyweight Championship from Kurt Angle and Randy Orton in a triple threat match at WrestleMania 22.

This moment is the moment Rey Mysterio will be remembered for. When he was the World Heavyweight Champion everyone was forced to look at Rey Mysterio in a different light, a serious, main eventer light which nobody could deny because then he could always put on exciting matches, he can still do it today but he has to be with the right people but his WM 22 match, although it was 9 minutes long, was extremely exciting and his winning moment is what WrestleMania is all about, creating those moments which will stand forever.

Rey holding the World Heavyweight Championship at the top of the ramp with Vickie and Chavo pointing up to Eddie's banner at the top of the arena is a classic moment and is what Rey Mysterio will be remembered for, conquering the SmackDown 'mountain' and winning 'the big one'.
He will be remembered for only ever winning the big one due to the passing of Eddie. He will be remembered for all the cruiserweight matches in WCW. He will be remembered for being the ultimate underdog and always overcoming the odds. He will be remembered for his masks and his connection with the fans.

However the if there is only one thing he will be remembered for it is he is one of the best luchadors ever. His devotion to the craft and effort to promote it will be his lasting impression on most.
as bad as this seems to say i think he'll be most remembered as the man who only got pushed cause eddie died, which is true. he would still be working midcard matches weekly(oh wait he is) if eddie hadnt passed away. but if i had to say somethingon the bright side for him then it would be the fact he was true to his word about the mask no matter what
For me it would have to be when he took off his mask in WCW. It was a big deal and I always thought he was better with it off anyways. Just seemed more bad ass, I was a little pissed off when he signed in WWE and went back to wearing the mask again.....Oh and he'll be also remembered for riding the death of Eddy to get the WHC, etc.
I don't understand why so many people "hate" him. I'm not a fan of his but, I don't hate him. Seems like hate gets thrown around way too much.

Anyway, I'll probably remember him for his WCW days. He had some great matches with Chris Jericho, Billy Kidman, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero, etc. I seriously marked out for those matches, especially the ones with Jericho. Those were great. Fast paced, technical and always kept you on the edge of your seat. I guess a few of his feuds coming into the WWE were like that too, but I'll mainly remember him as the successful cruiserweight.
TOMCAT2K2 is SO RIGHT!!! I will ALWAYS REMEMBER Rey as being the HUMAN DART that Kevin Nash threw through a window of a trailer on WCW NITRO. I WILL "NEVER FORGET" THAT!!! TOO FUNNY!!!
The one thing I always think of is Rey's tv and ppv debut. When I started watching wrestling WCW was dying so didn't pay too much attention to it but had heard Rey was coming so when Smackdown started advertising his debut it was exciting times.
His match with Angle at Summerslam 2002 on his ppv debut was immense. Great way to open the ppv and will always remember him for that.
* His loyalty to the mask.
What you call loyalty, I'd call dishonoring a tradition. When a wrestler loses his mask it is considered the ultimate insult and it was my understanding that when this happens said wrestler may not don a mask again. Maybe I'm wrong but I've always thought that this was the tradition.

Back to the actual question. What comes to mind when I think of Rey Mysterio is his look, and unfortunately, his look NOW rather than 10 years ago. When I hear the words "Rey Mysterio" what comes to mind is an image of a kinda flabby 5'6" masked man. No specific matches or moments but simply his present-day look.
He will be remembered as the best cruiserweight of all time, no question about it. His matches have been incredible over his career, especially his earlier work when he was at his athletic peak.

Newer fans will remember him as the really small guy with the mask too. Those features about him make Mysterio stand out as he is by far the smallest wrestler in the company and the only guy to wear a mask on a regular basis.

TOMCAT2K2 is SO RIGHT!!! I will ALWAYS REMEMBER Rey as being the HUMAN DART that Kevin Nash threw through a window of a trailer on WCW NITRO. I WILL "NEVER FORGET" THAT!!! TOO FUNNY!!!

He wasnt thrown through a windown was he? I thought Nash threw him against the side of the production truck and he dropped to the floor from there.

Either way it was a memorable moment! I loved the nWo in WCW before the whole angle became overblown with about 40 members in the faction
What I'll most remember Rey Mysterio for is bringing the Mexican style to America. We saw it working great, early on in WCW. When he moved to the WWE, though, it was pretty surprising, because it was around the time when monster heels were running around EVERYWHERE and the big guy had to step up and save the day. Besides that, he could work a great match with anybody, from the Undertaker, to Cena, to Shawn Michaels, to Chris Jericho, to Kane, to Big Show. He solidified himself as a main-eventer, and he was the first cruiser-weight to really do that. His loyalty to Mexico was always amazing to keep in mind, especially after Eddie Guerrero died. If there was one MOMENT I'd remember him by, it'd either be when he won the 2006 Royal Rumble, or when he won the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania 22. Those were fantastic.
My favorite memory would have to be his stint in ecw, his match with psicosis was EPIC! It was so fast paced and Rey was on FIRE!
His fights with Y2J and the other crusierweights were classic. In addition, his beefs with NWO and LWO were great. He will go down as one of the greatest little bigmen in wrestling.
Rey Mysterio will be remembered as the guy who broke down barriers. He is the living proof of the fact that even a small wrestler can make it big if he has the desired connection with the crowd. Some say that it was Eddie's death was the reason he got pushed while others say that he would have got their eventually. Regardless of that he won a World Title which would have been an unthinkable thing for a cruiserweight before Mysterio actually went out and did it. The sheer weight of his achievements make him the greatest cruiserweight to have ever stepped foot into the ring.

Rey Mysterio is a fantastic wrestler but that is a common thing for any wrestler of his size. He has had some great feuds in WCW as well as in WWE but most of his feuds were on the midcard or on the lower midcard level that were famous for their matches rather than the storyline. The only thing that makes Mysterio stand out among the long line of great cruiserweight wrestlers is his World Title and that will be what he will be most remembered for.

This feud will always be what makes me smile when I think of Rey Mysterio. This was when Rey Mysterio meant something, when he was at the top of his game, this feud with Eddie Guerrero was awesome. From the match at Wrestlemania 21, to the beatdown Eddie put on Rey on Smackdown, drilling Rey with Suplexs on the steel step, to their match at The Great American Bash to one of my favourite matches of all-time at Summerslam 2006, over Dominic in a Ladder match.

I'll also never forget the tribute Rey gave Eddie. Now, I'm not that much of a Rey fan.
such an easy answer.
Winning the rumble and title at mania cause Eddie died. was then ONLY reason he won the title, and it was fuckin lame as hell. his rumble win was such a joke kinda ruined the integrity of the rumble, and then to win at mania when he obviously shouldnt. All because Eddie past away, thats wat ill rememeber him for, only getting a push cause another star passed away.
I don't understand why so many people "hate" him.

I strongly dislike him because of his place in the exploitation of the death of Eddie Guerrero. He gnawed the bones of his best friend, and seemed to be enjoying it. That disgusted me to the point where I can never again be a fan of his.
such an easy answer.
Winning the rumble and title at mania cause Eddie died. was then ONLY reason he won the title, and it was fuckin lame as hell. his rumble win was such a joke kinda ruined the integrity of the rumble, and then to win at mania when he obviously shouldnt. All because Eddie past away, thats wat ill rememeber him for, only getting a push cause another star passed away.

so it wasnt a joke when vince mcmahon won the rumble ???? i mean tht was completely ok. and the best part is tht the rumble winner didnt even go to wrestlemania. wow thts not fuckin lame as hell at all. i mean vince mcmahon winning the rumble had nothing to do with ruining the rumble's integrity.

eddies death or not there is no denying the fact tht rey mysterio is one the most explosive wrestlers in wrestling history. maybe not then but at some point he would have won the whc or the wwe title.

when eddie passed they cudv pushed chavo which was the more logical choice as well. being family and all. but they pushed a guy they thought deserved it more. a guy whos wrestled all around the world. a guy whos been doing this longer than a lot of ppl on the roster. and a guy who's frankly the BEST DAMN CRUISERWEIGHT OF ALL TIME.

i wont remember him for winning the whc. or royal rumble

il remember him for the times i came home and turned on the tv to watch monday nitro and see a wrestler who proved a man cud fly. il remember the guy who beat eddie guerrero in a ladder match. beat psicosis for the cruiserweight title, for his feud with the latino world order. and countless more things.

the royal rumble was a highlight of his career but his push because of eddies death is only the tip of the iceberg

and all u ignorant ppl shud know tht before chalking his success upto others deaths
Being thrown into a Production Truck by Kevin Nash, like he was a human lawn dart! Maybe it's a bit morbid of me, but this is my favorite Mysterio moment.
For me I'll remember Rey for his WCW days most. I'll remember him being one of the main cruiserweights that usually wrestled on the opening match of Nitro. I will remember how skinny he was in wcw and the considerable change in body structure with WWE. I will remember Rey for being darted into the production truck during the early days of the nWo terrorizing the locker room. I will remember his feuds with Dean Malenko, Eddie, Jericho among many other cruiserweights. My wcw memories of his role always has stayed with me so when he did become World Champion I didn't take it really serious. I will also remember him being unmasked in WCW and how he really didn't want to go through with the storyline but he did anyways. I will always remember Rey for not jumping ship during the Monday Night Wars because he very easily could have along but he stayed on til the final Nitro, he was never a favorite of mine during his WWE days but during the course of his career I have much respect.
I'll remember Mysterio as the little mexican dude with the mask. My best, or I should say worst memory of Rey Mysterio was the 2006 Royal Rumble when he eliminated my boy at the time Randy Orton. I thought, "Wow, how could they have a 5 ft. 6 175 lb. man win the Royal Rumble?" Totally pissed me off. Then I will remember his years after where he has basically done nothing spectacular, just a pop from the crowd.

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