What one thing will The Undertaker be most remembered for?

Well he may be remembered for multiple things
  • What do we remember HBK for being Mr. Wrestlemania, superkicking Jennety to end the Rockers, or both?
  • What do we remember Flair for his time with the Horsemen, his hour long matches, winning the RR to get the title after leaving WCW?
  • Obviously we will remember the streak but also the HiaC against Mankind and the dead man gimmick that lasted decades. No great superstar is remembered for just one thing.
I will say it is pretty much a tie between his streak as well as his gimmick.

The gimmick was there before the streak, but the streak was still there when the gimmick was gone.

I think he will always be remembered as "The Deadman". But the accolade that will stand the furthest out to people, when talking about him, will be his Wrestlemania Streak.

Even if he were to lose this year, or next year. The Streak would still be talked about. It would still be said how he started 18-0 or 19-0 before he lost his first match at Mania, when he was approaching 50 years old, and over 20 years in WWE.
I will remember him for:

1. His streak - unparralled and will never ever happen again.

2. His brutality - inovator of one of the most brutal matches of all time - Hell in a Cell. He threw Mankind of it, chokeslammed him through it. He's set his brother on fire, attempted to sacrifice people, kidnapped people, incased his manager (Paul Bearer) in cement. The man's sadistic! But I love it.
While there are numerous things, his streak at WrestleMania has to be the number 1 thing he will be most remembered for as long as it never gets broken, which I don't think it will, it will remain untouched until he hangs up the boots for good. Most guys would kill to have a career and to be able to have 18 matches at WrestleMania, yet alone have won them all. It will never be replacated ever again I don't think.

When I think of the word "WrestleMania" the first thing I think of is the streak, the undertaker, who's going to step up this year and challenge him, can it be broken? A lot of questions revolve around the Undertaker before any other superstar.

It's going to be strange one day knowing the dead man will never be back in WWE when he decides to go away for good.
Well, for me, I would say there is a few things I will always
remember him for:

His Gimmick/Entrance- The Undertaker is the reason I was hooked and I still watch to this day. I got to see his debut due to my Aunt being an avid wrestling fan who would not miss wrestling for the world. Anyway, I was awestruck when I saw his debut and he walked out there with Brother Love. I thought-man, this man has the balls to come out to the funeral march. He's going to be a big name someday.

Wow, awesome how a gimmick can last for so long as Undertaker's. Yes, Vince created the character, but Mark took that ball, ran with it, and made the audience actually believe in a "Deadman." He had that "it" factor (and still does) to make it work and for the fans to believe this guy personifies "The Undertaker."

LOL I just don't understand some(in other forums elsewhere) that say his entrance quote "takes up half the show." Wow, two minutes tops.Maybe 3? Yes, I have timed them from Gong to him entering the ring. I love his entrance, it is awesome to hear, especially if you are lucky enough to attend a live event. I have, and to me, TV does not do this man or others justice.

His streak- a definite thing to remember him for, since he hasn't gotten very many title reigns in his 20+ years, nor has he ever been IC or European champ. I hope he gets to retire with it intact, so that when he gets inducted in the Hall Of Fame, he can be announced as "The man who has never been defeated at a Wrestlemania, the Undertaker. My opinion, he deserves that for his loyalty to the company.

Oh, and yes, another thing I will always remember him for-- his flying clotheslines, walks on the top rope (how many men his size can do that and make it look awesome as he does?) and those dives he does. Along with Hell In a Cell, Casket matches, Inferno matches.

I'm glad I have a dvd and vhs collection with his matches on them, I have all Smackdown episodes even the very first one and Raw (from late 97 and on). I am a diehard Taker fan and always will be.

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