What Will Kane Be Most Remembered For?

Actually Big Show has never held the WHC. He held the WCW Championship, the ECW (WWE Version), and WWE Championships. Kane was truly first.

To Me, Kane will be remembered mainly for the Undertaker. Unfortunately he's a character who has been overlooked by WWE too many times, and his legacy will hurt for it. But when people think of Kane they will probably think of one of the best performers in WWE history, regardless of titles

The WHC is the WCW Championship. Same title, please check your facts. (go read the bio for Big Show on wwe.com) So yes, Big Show was first. Kane is the first to hold the WHC under the WWE banner along with the ECW Title under WWE banner and his less than a day WWE Championship reign.

Even though Kane is a former WWF Champion, i'll never recogonize him as one. It was nothing but a joke of a title reign. Im not tryin to hate on Kane or anything but that was an absolute joke like when David Arquette won the WHC. Im glad though they finally gave Kane a WHC run here, the big man has deserved it for years.
I'll remember Kane as an awesome in ring competitor and one of the most intimidating people to step into the squared circle with. He had great moments in the WWE/F. As some people have already mentioned the Rock and Hogan promo was hilarious as heck. He's funny as well as intimidating. I think he is a Legend in the business.
The big red Monster was brought in just to feud with The Undertaker and they fade off afterwards. He however was so over as a monster heel, with help from Undertaker constantly backing down from him, that the character had to stay.

His 1-day title rein was a travesty as they wanted to futher along the Undertake-Stone Cold feud they took the belt off him expecting him to regain the title soon. What happened instead was the Rock stepped up as the top heel with the corporation and Kane was just the muscle/bodyguard to protect the group from the Ministry.

I always remember him as the "big red machine" that he portrayed during his first 2 years and his lack of Championships at the time was due to the insurgence of probably the top group of Main eventers at one time ever. He got overtaken by HHH, the Rock, Mick Foley, Stone Cold who for a period of 2 years during Kane's most popular time held the belt.
There is one moment I remember vividly!!
Although I can't remember the specific year..

It was a Royal Rumble,Kane had Big Show up as if he was going to bodyslam him,instead he walked him over to along the ropes(while still holding him up in his arms) and dumped him over the top rope.

One of the greatest displays of pure,rawbone power I ever saw!!
Apart from all of his acheivements that everyone has mentioned here, from most of all, I will remember his devestating chokeslam. If anyone from the history of pro wrestling has mastered the chokeslam to perfection, its got to be the big red ass kicking machine. Check them out on youtube (especially the ones from 2000 to 2005/06) and compare them to anyone else. You will see that he has the most symoblic and eye catching chokeslam. It just looks devestating. I can honestly say that there is no one who can perform it like kane. I still remember the moment kane chokelammed referee Charles Robinson and kurt angle both with one hand, on top of each other at the same time.
For me, Kane will be remembered for the impact he had with his mask firmly attached to his face.

Now, I am far from one of those people who say that he should go back to that era and don the mask to be more successful. Rather, I fully respect his decision to take it off. At the time, it was the best thing to do and although it was not the most exciting thing in hindsight, it was still a pretty defining moment in his career.

With that being said, the Kane that was prevalent before he took his mask off just seemed to be better. He was more destructive than at any other time and mixed it with the best of the best in the company. He won the Championship from Austin and swiftly lost it again. However, it didn’t hurt Kane. Rather, it showed us that he had the balls to take on Austin.

For me, Kane is a complete wrestler. He has done it all in pro-wrestling and he will be remembered as one of the men to help the WWE transition from the Attitude Era to this one. He has always been the consummate professional and seems like a hell of a guy.
He'll go down, at least in my mind as one of the last good characters in professional wrestling. I don't just mean a gimmick, I mean an actual character. One with a back story and a past. That's something that very few wrestlers have nowadays. Of course he had help with a built in story involving one of, if not the absolute, best characters of all time in The Undertaker. There was just something so real, so genuinely scary about him. Of course I was only 11 when he debuted but I obviously new that pro wrestling was scripted and his story was pretty hokey yet still I was creeped out. That's the sign of a good character.

You can't forget that you need a good worker to carry out a character like that. Even though he's slowed down and put on some weight in the past couple of years, he started off as an absolute ripped monster. Great speed and agility for a guy his size, even though he didn't show much of it in his first couple years as the character much like Taker himself. So credit needs to go to Glenn Jacobs himself for being able to pull of the character for so long.

In the end though, his character is what made him. Everything from his theme music to his attire and definitely the mask, he will go down as one of the last great character wrestlers.
Oh I forgot one important point. I really can't believe that I missed it. Anyways, what stands out to me about kane is the mask. The man was masked since his debut to mid 2003, thats about 7 years. For 7 years glen jacobs wore the mask in the ring and out of the ring as well (I actually saw him a couple of times at the airport with the mask on). Only time he probably took it off was when he was away from the crowd. Just over 5 of those 7 years, glen wore a mask that covered his entire face and still managed to put on some epic matches. The one that stands out is the inferno matches he had against the undertaker and triple H. Those flames were real, I was at the smackdown show where kane faced triple H and the temperature rose rapidly. Glen was fully dressed in his attire including the mask. If I felt the heat and I was only 5 rows back, imagine what it would have been like for glen behind the mask. I could only imagine that it would have been uncomfortable and really hot behind the mask. Credit to the big red machine, that's all I can really say. For a man to be masked for so long and yet perform some amazing matches, shows what a character he is.
He'll be remembered as the dominant force he was when he debuted. Do you remember him just decimating everybody for about 2 years? It was crazy. Kane has had such a rich history as a wrestler. He'll be enshrined in the HOF, so he'll be remembered for that if nothing else. People will also remember him taking the mask off, that was a crazy period in pro wrestling and he offered some old-school destruction that only Kane could provide. I really really hope people remember his title runs as well. He deserves them both.
I've been a fan of Kane ever since his character stepped foot into the WWE. A few things stick out to me when I think of his career...

1. 24-hour title reign
2. Promos with Hulk & Rock
3. The ONLY wrestler to win a TLC match BY HIMSELF!!!
4. 2001 Royal Rumble, where he eliminated 11 wrestlers (this is where Kane SHOULD HAVE won)
5. 2002 Royal Rumble, where he SINGLE-HANDEDLY eliminated the Big Show
6. Ambulance match versus Shane McMahon
7. Kane laying a monster kiss on Terri after winning the tag titles with The Hurricane
8. Katie-Vick debacle
9. Kane is the most durable big man WWE has ever had

Yes, I said what I said in number 9. Undertaker's body is starting to break down now, and he is considered the best all-around big man WWE ever had. Kane, on the other hand, has only had to take one major leave of absence, and that's back in 2002! If UT is the best big man, then Kane the second best big man, but not by much, in my opinion...
Im one of the biggest Kane fans you will find, love his devotion to WWE and the fans more importantly..

But when someone says the name Kane...first thing gonna pop in this head is "Undertakers brother" Unfortantly. He got the title this time and the monster push by "wanting out of the undertakers shadow" that was the storyline used. But sadley thats the truth as well...Glenn Jacobs has lived in Mark Calloways shadow since his debut and it wont change,,,
I only started watching WWE in late 2005 so I never got to see his debit or his old matches. That said, within the past five years, there haven't been too many memorable Kane moments for me. For me, I'll obviously always remember his recent feud with Undertaker. The feud brought out a side of him I never saw. His promos were absolute gold and he has done very well as champion. I think I'll remember his latest feud because it really has been his best work (for me) in the last five years.
I'll remember:-

-His amazing athleticism for a man his size. There weren't very many 300lb guys willing to do flying clotheslines from the top like Glen, plus he'd hit some killer enzugiri's back in his prime and like someone said before, he even did a hurracanrana a couple of times from a standing position!
-His ridiculous strength. I can name a couple of occassions where Kane has lifted Big Show off of the ground and carried him like he weighed nothing. First example i can think of was in 1999, where he was having a WWF title matc with Big Show in late December, and the fight spilled out of the ring, and Kane actually hoisted Show up on his shoulder as if he was going to deliver a Tombstone. My jaw literally... dropped. Ok nothing came of that because there was a run in mere seconds later, but the fact that he lifted Show off of the floor with such ease and walked around with him on his shoulder was amazing to me.

Second example would be scooping Show up and dumping him out of the ring in the '02 Rumble, single handedly.

And hell, what about scooping Khali up at WM23? Pretty impressive i think.

-His promo work. Kane never really had to deliver any proper promos during his first 5 or so years, but when he did, it was usually spine chilling in its delivery. Now the mask has come off, and the angles have been repetitive, cheesy 'Kane's gone psycho again' angles, but he's still done very well with the tools he's got and the material he's been given to work with.

- His ability to put on great matches with the little guys. People like X-Pac, Jericho and Mysterio have all been made to look like gold when paired off with Kane in the ring. You might not be able to say the same about his work with the big guys, but Kane certainly makes the pint size wrestlers shine.

- The Katie Vick thing. Not because of the angle itself, but more respect for actually going through with it. If Vince laid that idea out in front of me, i'd know straight away that this would probably end up being the blackest point in my career. Where i can't get a title shot unless i pretend to be a necrophiliac. But he still did it. Kane swallowed his pride, and participated in one of the most tasteless and poorly written segments ever that resulted in an eternal stain upon the careers of everyone involved, Vince and HHH included. Just shows you how dedicated the guy is.

-His all round awesome character. 'Silent masked destroyer' through to 'monster with a heart' and back again about 30 times. Still a great character.

-His 13 year fued with The Undertaker. It's been on and off again, but has any other fued gone on THIS long in wrestling history?

-His current title run. It's reminiscent of JBL's title run in '04, but because it's Kane, i actually give a damn about it, and perosnally, despite the rehashing of the Taker fued, it's still probably some of the best work Glen's done since he took the mask off.

And that's how i'll remember Kane, as being one of the best products of the entire Attitude Era.
I will always remember his ring entrance, this huge ripped monster walking slowly down the aisle, with a cool red/black full bodysuit and a scary looking mask, party covered by his scraggly black hair, looking tough as nails, with the red lighting making him look even more terrifying. He had the ominous organ music and then the flames bursting out of the turnbuckles when he brought his arms down. Kane was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen at that point.

I will remember his Tombstone Piledriver, which was always delivered in a much more deadly way that Undertakers, and his fantastic chokeslam.

Also, it was awesome the 1st time Kane spoke, using the voice box before his first blood match with Austin. "I WILL SET MYSELF ON FIRRRRE!" Just great in my opinion

Finally, I will remember his Brothers Of Destruction Tag Team with Undertaker during the Invasion storyline, Kane wearing his more see through outfit, as is had been revealed his upper body wasnt covered in burns like everyone was told it is. Him and Taker would deliver simultaneous powerbombs, and then both raise their fists at the same time, in the American Bad Ass pose, before going back through the curtain.

All in all, Kane is great and a sure-fire hall-of-famer!
Without reading the rest of the thread, I would have to say that he will be remembered predominantly for his first year or two in the company and how he was one of the most memorable characters of that era of wrestling. After Stone Cold, The Rock, DX and The Undertaker, he is probably the main guy I associate with the Attitude Era in WWE. Personally I only got into wrestling in early 2000, and I was obsessed with Kane from the moment I first saw him return just before that year's King of the Ring PPV. The whole masked thing really worked with Kane and just gave him such a cool, mysterious aura. I hear people saying anybody could have played the Kane character and made it a success, but while I hate on Kane's in ring credentials at times, I feel he doesn't get enough credit for his portrayal of the character back in the masked days. Sure you couldn't see his face, but the fact he was unable to rely on facial expressions meant he had to show a lot of emotion/personality through his actions and movements, which he did perfectly. The character wouldn't have had such an aura with just anybody playing it.

Anyway, my biggest memories of Kane will be his debut angle and Undertaker feud, which most would probably agree with, as well as some of his matches from 2000 when I first got into WWF.
Being known as the Undertaker's brother is probably what people will remember the most. But other than that, I'm afraid Kane will be remembered for all the wrong reasons. His title runs, the first being a joke, and the second when everyone went "WTF, Kane champion in 2010". And of course the atrocious Katie Vick angle, that's still talked about today.

What he should be remembered for is being a solid worker and not giving up. He was passed over time and time again for a title run, and he watched guys come into the WWF/E long after he did, and reach great heights. Not once did he ever quit or talk smack about the company, he just went about his business and did his job. I'll miss him when he retires. Face or heel, he always entertained me whenever he was on.
That with the mask he was awesome and incredibly popular (Especially early 2000's), and without the mask he became bland and only rarely does something interesting now. That's how I'll remember Kane.
To be honest, being The Undertaker's brother. That's not a knock on the guy but I don't really think he's done enough to be remembered as anything else. He's had two or three spells in it (1998, 2003 and now) but that isn't really enough.
It depends on the fan.
I'm a huge Kane mark, have been since he debuted as Kane when I was 12, now when I thought of Kane I always remember how distructive he was until Wrestlemania 14, then Unforgiven 98, then how dismantled Vader to take his mask (Like it made much difference)
His 24 hour title run I remember it, I remember the match and the stipulations, and Kane HAD to win the match for storyline purposes.

I remember the great things Kane did over his run, but then I remember how between 1998-2009 Kane only beat the Undertaker ONCE on RAW 98 to become the number 1 contender for the WWF belt at King of the ring 98. Kane put a lot of guys over and he should be remembered as the go to guy. His push this year was surprising and welcomed and the fact Taker has put him over 3 PPV's in a row is something Undertaker HAS NEVER DONE for anybody else so Kane to be given that feat speaks volumes.

all in all Kane will be remembered for he did in 2010 then what he in 1997 UNLESS you were there to expirence what he did and were a fan of his, at the time you had Survivor Series 1997, DX, Tyson, Austin/Rock FIRST PPV feud, the introduction of WWF Light Heavyweight belt on tv around this time a lot of stuff was happening nowadays WWE only pushes the main event feuds more then anything.
He will be remembered for being the Ying to Undertaker's Yang. Kane only seems relevant when he's feuding with his half-brother, any other time, you can finding him jobbing or fading into obscurity.

His gimmick and persona has always been overshadowed by 'Taker's, his in-ring ability has always been overshoadwed by younger and more agile stars, and his mic-skills have always been overshadowed by those who actually got time on the mic.

What I'm trying to say is, Kane hasn't been a main player for most of his career, and as a result, won't be remembered as one. Sure, his current run with the World Heavyweight Championship has been impressive, but it's not enough to save a career of mediocrity.

Will he be in the Hall of Fame? Yeah. WIll he be remembered as the destructive monster he's currently being portrayed as? Nope.
Personally I think that Kane will be remember for being really second fiddle to Undertaker in everything. Up until recently it seems like every storyline that was involving both Kane and Undertaker focused more on Undertaker, then it did Kane.

When you think of the Brothers of Destruction, most people think of Undertaker first. When most think of who was the better gimmick most people will think of Undertaker first. When people think of title reigns, most think of Undertakers before Kane's {for obvious reasons}. But when it comes down to it, how Kane will be remembered will depend on how much of a fan of his someone is. For me, Kane will be remember for someone who for the most part played a interesting gimmick, ranging from the unstoppable machine when he first debuted as Kane, to being X-Pac's big buddy in that tag team. But I think come the end of the day, for quite a few people if not most, he will be second fiddle to Undertaker. I think the question to ask those people is...Is that a good or bad thing?
The only reason I tolerated this Kane/Taker b.s fued was because Kane finally had a championship strap on him(for longer than 24hrs) Its disgusting that WWE chose to put over guys like Khali & give random pushes to jacked up stiffs like Snisky, Heidenreich etc and continually overlooked Kane. Sure there'll always be the reference to him being Taker's brother, but he should be remembered for all the hard work &dedication he's put in over these last 15yrs.
His debut (as Kane not Isaac Yankem) without doubt.

That was one of the best debuts off all time. Marching down the aisle, looking scary as hell in that mask, ripping the door off the cell and nailing the Undertaker.

It was a really brilliant pay off to a story they had worked well in the preceeding weeks and Vince sold it brilliantly: "That's gotta be Kaaaane."

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