What makes us so sure it will be Miz vs Cena?

You are seriously blowing everything out of proportion.

I made my font bigger so that you could read. Your eye sight must be pretty terrible so I made the font that was talking about the "Elimination Chamber" and not WrestleMania bigger so that you could read it.

All I was saying, was that last nights PPV seemed way too predictable. Plenty of people agree with me, as you even noted. Does that mean I was saying the quality of the matches were bad? No. The SD! elimination chamber in particular was an absolute show.

You come off as one of those dipshits (now mod me, again, for doing what people here do all the time but your poor little heart can't take it) that just look for fights on the internet. I may have used vulgar words, but damn dude you deserve it. The endings were all predictable and ended that way, that's all I was saying. The speculation was just that... speculation. Could Morrison come out on top? Sure he could have but it wouldn't have really made much sense story-line wise. Still, I wasn't sure what to expect. The WWE never ceases in surprising people and I was wondering if they'd surprise us even in the most obvious of situations, like last nights pay-per-view.

Also, writing skills? You keep bringing that up. You do realize you are on the internet, right? And you're looking for writing skills? You are such a... nevermind... don't want to get moderated again. Keep laying the "smackdown" man. Don't get too into it though, don't want you to hurt yourself or break your pocket protector. Jesus Christ...
No, you're missing what I'm saying. You really think that the WWE doesn't realize we all think Cena is going to go over Miz easily? No chance in hell. The WWE is going to do something to add an extra dimension to the match to make us think The Miz is going to beat John Cena or that Cena might have trouble winning. It could be by adding The Rock as the special guest referee, it could be by having Cena get jumped on the RAW before Wrestlemania, it could be a huge variety of things. Despite what many people think the WWE is not as dumb as the IWC makes them out to be. They're going to take care of this match and feud like it's their baby, and they're going to make sure it's a damn good program.

I read through the thread to see where we got off track here. This was it. You said this in response to,

"HOWEVER, I'm talking about this PPV. It is so obvious that Cena will win. It's almost boring." - me

Obviously I was talking about EC... as I said "this" in bold.... italics....... and underlined. From your response, you thought I was talking about Mania as you were talking about Cena vs. Miz. Understand now? You can stop laying the "smackdown" now, tough guy. Even still, you missed it, fair enough. But you questioning my writing ability over this is a sad reach for an unnecessary insult.

I think you simply misinterpreted what I was saying and blew up over it. Happens to us all but damn guy you need to chill. Moderating me over this? hahaha wooooow.
You are seriously blowing everything out of proportion.

I made my font bigger so that you could read. Your eye sight must be pretty terrible so I made the font that was talking about the "Elimination Chamber" and not WrestleMania bigger so that you could read it.

20/20 actually, but thanks for you concern. And once again, I wasn't the only one who thought you were talking about Mania, so you really have no place to claim I'm the one at fault here.

All I was saying, was that last nights PPV seemed way too predictable. Plenty of people agree with me, as you even noted. Does that mean I was saying the quality of the matches were bad? No. The SD! elimination chamber in particular was an absolute show.

Well I am glad you enjoyed the matches themselves.

You come off as one of those dipshits (now mod me, again, for doing what people here do all the time but your poor little heart can't take it) that just look for fights on the internet.

Excuse me? I was perfectly pleasant to you in our initial exchange, YOU were the one who started copping an attitude with me. I'm the one who looks for fights on the internet? Sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

I may have used vulgar words, but damn dude you deserve it. The endings were all predictable and ended that way, that's all I was saying. The speculation was just that... speculation. Could Morrison come out on top? Sure he could have but it wouldn't have really made much sense story-line wise.

Then why suggest it?

Still, I wasn't sure what to expect. The WWE never ceases in surprising people and I was wondering if they'd surprise us even in the most obvious of situations, like last nights pay-per-view.

So first you complain about it not being suspenseful because it was predictable, and now you say you weren't sure what to expect? What's your game, friend?

Also, writing skills? You keep bringing that up. You do realize you are on the internet, right? And you're looking for writing skills? You are such a... nevermind... don't want to get moderated again. Keep laying the "smackdown" man. Don't get too into it though, don't want you to hurt yourself or break your pocket protector. Jesus Christ...

Practicing good writing no matter where you are is just a good habit to get into. And don't worry about my pocket protector, it's made of reinforced steel so it won't break.

"HOWEVER, I'm talking about this PPV. It is so obvious that Cena will win. It's almost boring." - me

Yes, because saying "this PPV" in a section titled Wrestlemania 27 really helped clear things up.
I'm still baffled at how you didn't understand that I was talking about Elimination Chamber. Like, you seriously must have just glanced over the OP rather than reading it and then came to radical conclusions. I do not know why they moved it to this section, but you're a moderator that feels so privileged so you can go find out. My guess is that they saw the thread title and figured it was for WM but it was actually about last night, a ppv that MADE the matches for Mania.

I didn't know what to expect because WWE is always surprising us. That's why I figured the obvious wouldn't happen, but it did. When the obvious happens it seems kind of lame, but like I said that doesn't take away from the quality of the matches.

If you read the OP, you'd understand why I suggested that Morrison could win. Again, it was just speculation.

You call this "copping an attitude"?:

"oh my God dude I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS PPV. It's so obvious you don't even realize it. You are already putting Cena in the match! I'm saying this PPV is pointlessly obvious that Cena is going to win. Believe it or not people are actually buying and watching this ppv, and I don't see the point seeing how obvious it is going to be."

No offense, but you are clearly too sensitive to be a moderator on a message board. Hence why you moderated me, but no point in going into that... jeez.

This just goes to show that you should read the whole context of something before you comment on it. In the OP I was pretty damn clear that I was talking about the elimination chamber, I don't see how in gods name you disagree with that. I'm just going to give up on this, it's like I'm talking to a wall.

Also, I don't really see what's wrong with my writing here. I've seen way, way worse. As a matter of fact, I find my grammar and points to be actually on the ball so to speak. Again, sad reach for unnecessary insults. But whatever I guess.
Predictability is not a bad thing. We all knew Harry Potter was going to defeat Voldemort at the end of the book series. But we kept reading because of the story, which was great. Same thing applies to wrestling. Even if the outcome was predictable, the story of the match was amazing. The only people I hear complaining about the show are the people who didn't watch it. Everyone who has watched it seems to be in agreement that it was a very good show. So predictability isn't a bad thing.

Also, the current product isn't being marketed towards us, the 18-34 year old crowd. It's being marketing towards the kids. So while we may find something predictable, those kids who were watching and hoping their hero John Cena would win couldn't have felt that way. We all remember what it was like when we never knew what was happening and that's how kids these days feel as well.

Actually, I still have that feeling as I don't let my smarkiness take over. I watch wrestling to enjoy it, while it seems like most of the IWC watches just to complain. And although I predicted the winners to every match correctly, there were spans during some of the matches when I thought McIntyre would win, then I thought Mysterio would win and then Edge pulled out the victory. Same goes with the WWE Title match and the RAW Elimination Chamber. So we need to look at wrestling through the eyes we had when we fell in love with it, not with the one's we watch with now. Growing up really does ruin a lot of things, but I won't let it ruin wrestling for me.
I'm still baffled at how you didn't understand that I was talking about Elimination Chamber. Like, you seriously must have just glanced over the OP rather than reading it and then came to radical conclusions. I do not know why they moved it to this section, but you're a moderator that feels so privileged so you can go find out. My guess is that they saw the thread title and figured it was for WM but it was actually about last night, a ppv that MADE the matches for Mania.

I thought you were talking about the Wrestlemania 27 match because "Miz vs. Cena" was in this thread's title and you spend most of the OP talking about why it had to be Miz vs. Cena. Yes, I saw the part about Elimination Chamber, but it was not emphasized in the post. I can't believe we have gotten into a war over this point because it's hardly worth arguing. This is a wrestling forum, let's stick to wrestling. This is in no way just directed at you as I allowed myself to be side tracked by this argument as well.

I didn't know what to expect because WWE is always surprising us. That's why I figured the obvious wouldn't happen, but it did. When the obvious happens it seems kind of lame, but like I said that doesn't take away from the quality of the matches.

You must really hate watching movies then, because the nice guy almost always gets the girl, the hero almost always saves the day, and the quiet nerdy chick almost always winds up being hot as hell and insane in bed. If you're not 100% sure on the outcome of the match then there is still some suspense, and therefore the most predictable ending isn't all that bad after all.

If you read the OP, you'd understand why I suggested that Morrison could win. Again, it was just speculation.

Speculation is fine. Heck, it's more than fine, it's just great.

You call this "copping an attitude"?:

"oh my God dude I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS PPV. It's so obvious you don't even realize it. You are already putting Cena in the match! I'm saying this PPV is pointlessly obvious that Cena is going to win. Believe it or not people are actually buying and watching this ppv, and I don't see the point seeing how obvious it is going to be."

Yes. There was no reason to snap at me, or anyone like that. What we were having was a failure to communicate and you getting all sarcastic was what set me off.

No offense, but you are clearly too sensitive to be a moderator on a message board. Hence why you moderated me, but no point in going into that... jeez.

You've been bringing up the fact that I had to moderate you multiple times and I'm going to have to ask you to stop. If you would like to continue this conversation please send me PM regarding why you thought the infraction was unfair and I'll bring it up with an admin or higher-ranked mod.

This just goes to show that you should read the whole context of something before you comment on it. In the OP I was pretty damn clear that I was talking about the elimination chamber, I don't see how in gods name you disagree with that. I'm just going to give up on this, it's like I'm talking to a wall.

No, it was not pretty damn clear. It was there, true, but if you wanted to make it clear you should have started your OP off with it. You know how when you have to write an essay for school you start your opening paragraph with a strong thesis stating your argument? You didn't do that here. No worries, it's just one post, and I'm sure you have plenty of other OPs where you do do that, but you didn't do that here.
Please god no, i'm picturing that in my head and, no, just no.

A few years back when Cena was on the Up and Up, maybe, but not now, some people like Cena, and some people hate Cena, the Rock giving him some sort of 'passing the torch/seal of approval' will not change peoples mind, and would go down like a lead baloon with sections of the live crowds.

I'm not saying it's what I want but it seems likely, as there is no way Rock will just beat Cena up and end the show posing, and I doubt it will go down vice versa either.
Cena lied on the outside of the ring at last nights PPV for like 15 minutes, got up, became superman, and won the show.

I really want to see the Miz beat him on the grand stage at wrestlemania.

I see a lot of threads discussing Rock vs. Cena, even if for some miracle the rock did decide to wrestle at wrestlemania, this would be the worst "wrestled" match in WWE history.

WWE please bring us a new "face", and rather sooner than later".

It is really to bad that Punk is such an amazing heel, imagine a guy who can both wrestle and perform on the mic and be the face of the WWE. What would WWE creative do??? They would be lost!
Cena lied on the outside of the ring at last nights PPV for like 15 minutes, got up, became superman, and won the show.

I really want to see the Miz beat him on the grand stage at wrestlemania.

I see a lot of threads discussing Rock vs. Cena, even if for some miracle the rock did decide to wrestle at wrestlemania, this would be the worst "wrestled" match in WWE history.

WWE please bring us a new "face", and rather sooner than later".

It is really to bad that Punk is such an amazing heel, imagine a guy who can both wrestle and perform on the mic and be the face of the WWE. What would WWE creative do??? They would be lost!

Can you please tell me how Cena can't both wrestle and use the mic?

You say Cena can't wrestle but you want the Miz to beat him? You are aware of what the word "wrestle" means, correct?

The people that hate Cena need to understand (and they never will, because I'm betting the average IQ of these people is somewhere south of zero) that the way he is booked and scripted is the 5 moves of doom. However, it's NOT ALL HE CAN DO. He sells moves greatly, his matches most definitely tell a story and he does a great job of doing it despite being booked the same way quite often. He has put on plenty of great matches and he has without a shadow of a doubt earned his rightful spot atop the roster during this PG-Era.

He's a tremendous athlete and watch some of his matches as "The Prototype". He has a decent arsenal of moves, plenty enough to not be considered awful or even bad in the ring. The guy is a work horse who never, at least it never gets sent publicly if it does happen, bitches about work even if he has to go to RAW on Monday in New York then be on Smackdown the next night in Austin, TX and then a house show that Thursday in Cali.

Cena is great on the mic if he wasn't he wouldn't be where he is right now. He gets the crowd behind him and can deliver some serious promos. Look at what he did when he supposedly "retired"... that promo was one of the best of the year.

No one cares more about the company on that roster than John Cena. He's a workhorse, a great athlete, great on the mic, good in the ring, has a great look, and is very marketable. What the FUCK more do you want from the face of the company? The Miz? Yeah lets have a stubby college frat boy looking moron that has the most ******ed name and hair of any superstar at the moment (and that is including Dolph Ziggler) as the face of the company because "jon cena sux lma0 u cnt c him cuz he is dum xDDD".

I swear, the majority of Cena haters are either:

A.) People who won't let go of the Attitude Era. Sorry, times have changed. Go work overtime at your McDonalds job so that you can afford some Attitude Era DVDs and reminisce on how great blood and swearing is. Have a fucking blast. I'll enjoy watching the current product and it's face, John Cena, put on a show that I love. Cena is no Rock or Austin (yet, at least) but that doesn't mean I still can't enjoy and respect what he does.

B.) People that can't form an opinion for themselves, and choose to hate him despite not knowing anything about the product so that they are accepted by these "hardcore" fans that hate John Cena in the IWC. Go ahead and talk about how he was boo'd at ECW when he faced RVD for the title. He put on a great fucking match and who cares if those fans think he sucks? They cheer an old ****** that bashes beer cans off his head and a fat waste of space who has the word 'Balls' in his name. What would they know about wrestling? (someone used that already, I thought it was genius).
Can you please tell me how Cena can't both wrestle and use the mic?

You say Cena can't wrestle but you want the Miz to beat him? You are aware of what the word "wrestle" means, correct?

The people that hate Cena need to understand (and they never will, because I'm betting the average IQ of these people is somewhere south of zero) that the way he is booked and scripted is the 5 moves of doom. However, it's NOT ALL HE CAN DO. He sells moves greatly, his matches most definitely tell a story and he does a great job of doing it despite being booked the same way quite often. He has put on plenty of great matches and he has without a shadow of a doubt earned his rightful spot atop the roster during this PG-Era.

He's a tremendous athlete and watch some of his matches as "The Prototype". He has a decent arsenal of moves, plenty enough to not be considered awful or even bad in the ring. The guy is a work horse who never, at least it never gets sent publicly if it does happen, bitches about work even if he has to go to RAW on Monday in New York then be on Smackdown the next night in Austin, TX and then a house show that Thursday in Cali.

Cena is great on the mic if he wasn't he wouldn't be where he is right now. He gets the crowd behind him and can deliver some serious promos. Look at what he did when he supposedly "retired"... that promo was one of the best of the year.

No one cares more about the company on that roster than John Cena. He's a workhorse, a great athlete, great on the mic, good in the ring, has a great look, and is very marketable. What the FUCK more do you want from the face of the company? The Miz? Yeah lets have a stubby college frat boy looking moron that has the most ******ed name and hair of any superstar at the moment (and that is including Dolph Ziggler) as the face of the company because "jon cena sux lma0 u cnt c him cuz he is dum xDDD".

I swear, the majority of Cena haters are either:

A.) People who won't let go of the Attitude Era. Sorry, times have changed. Go work overtime at your McDonalds job so that you can afford some Attitude Era DVDs and reminisce on how great blood and swearing is. Have a fucking blast. I'll enjoy watching the current product and it's face, John Cena, put on a show that I love. Cena is no Rock or Austin (yet, at least) but that doesn't mean I still can't enjoy and respect what he does.

B.) People that can't form an opinion for themselves, and choose to hate him despite not knowing anything about the product so that they are accepted by these "hardcore" fans that hate John Cena in the IWC. Go ahead and talk about how he was boo'd at ECW when he faced RVD for the title. He put on a great fucking match and who cares if those fans think he sucks? They cheer an old ****** that bashes beer cans off his head and a fat waste of space who has the word 'Balls' in his name. What would they know about wrestling? (someone used that already, I thought it was genius).
You have made a few good points but then you criticise Miz for no reason. You call Cena marketable, so is Miz, you say he's good on the mic, so is Miz, say he has a good look, so does Miz, is a workhorse, so is Miz and never complains, neither does Miz when he does a week load of TMZ, TV Interviews, Smackdown appearance, House shows. You can't just call Miz " a frat, college boy" because he is the next John Cena. The similarities are outstanding. And Miz is improving in the ring every match. He shone last night against the Corre and showed abit of technical ability, even the King said it.
You have made a few good points but then you criticise Miz for no reason.

In my long, drawn out rant I did not really say why I criticized the Miz. Most of my posts on this forum are either defending Cena against idiots saying "cena cnt wrestle lolz" or people sucking the Miz's shaft as if he's the next HBK (I've read that too many times, almost makes me cry every time... people are slapping HBK in the face).

You call Cena marketable, so is Miz,
you say he's good on the mic, so is Miz

I'd STRONGLY argue that Cena is better on the mic than Miz. Today it seems as though the IWC just sucks the dick of every single heel whenever they go on the stick, so I don't expect much support for this. But again view Cena's retiring promo or the one he cut last night. It's easy to get a crowd to hate you, but it's hard to get them to be strongly behind you like they are for Cena. Miz often goes for cheap heat and he has Cole/Riley helping him get his heel persona even more over. Cena is just Cena and when he grabs the mic he is gold. Especially for a face nowadays.

say he has a good look, so does Miz,

LOL? Stubby, ******ed looking hair, looks as if he can't even grow a beard yet, hardly the physique of a John Cena (though I wouldn't mind having Miz's physique... just saying). No way does he have a "good look" in today's WWE standards, at least in my humble opinion. Now am I saying I want all my main eventers to be at least 6'5, have a beard, have long hair, etc? No but I just don't buy it with the Miz. He just seems unbelievable (in a bad way) when he wins and of course it's done dirty but that's why I can't see him being the #1 guy beating the likes of Orton, Edge or Cena legitly.

is a workhorse, so is Miz and never complains, neither does Miz when he does a week load of TMZ, TV Interviews, Smackdown appearance, House shows.

And that is why he's getting this push. Along with the fact that he has above-average mic skills (but a lot of guys have that and have yet to get a significant push)

You can't just call Miz " a frat, college boy" because he is the next John Cena.

I can.. and I did...? He is not the next John Cena. You can believe all you want about what Michael Cole says or even when the King acknowledges it, I'll believe it when I see it. And even when I see it, I'll hardly believe it. Because he is not a believable champion. You realize Cena is only 3 years older than Miz, give or take a few months? You really think Miz will just take the #1 role from Cena? Are you kidding me? Cena is the PG-Era gods child. If you want to put this in perspective, Batista didn't quit until he was 42. Considering Miz won't take Cena's spot as long as Cena is on the program, Miz would be 39 by the time Cena is gone and that's assuming he goes at 42 which is completely random and most likely inaccurate because Cena values the business more than Batista did.

The similarities are outstanding. And Miz is improving in the ring every match. He shone last night against the Corre and showed abit of technical ability, even the King said it.

People have been saying that the Miz is improving in the ring ever since he won the MiTB. You know what I've noticed? No improvement. He's had countless matches against Daniel Bryan where Bryan made him look above average, if that. I don't see how people can bash Cena's in-ring ability but then praise the Miz's. Just because Miz isn't scripted to do only 5 moves doesn't mean that he is better in the ring, nor does it mean he's even all that great to begin with.

I fully understand that there are millions of Miz riders in the IWC and all of them would love to throw a pitch fork at me for this. I also understand that Vince thinks very highly of Miz and that's all that matters at the end of the day, isn't it? But to bash Cena but then praise the Miz is really baffling to me. I guess it's that cool mentality nowadays of "I root for heels because I'm cool." Whatever.
In my long, drawn out rant I did not really say why I criticized the Miz. Most of my posts on this forum are either defending Cena against idiots saying "cena cnt wrestle lolz" or people sucking the Miz's shaft as if he's the next HBK (I've read that too many times, almost makes me cry every time... people are slapping HBK in the face).

I'd STRONGLY argue that Cena is better on the mic than Miz. Today it seems as though the IWC just sucks the dick of every single heel whenever they go on the stick, so I don't expect much support for this. But again view Cena's retiring promo or the one he cut last night. It's easy to get a crowd to hate you, but it's hard to get them to be strongly behind you like they are for Cena. Miz often goes for cheap heat and he has Cole/Riley helping him get his heel persona even more over. Cena is just Cena and when he grabs the mic he is gold. Especially for a face nowadays.

LOL? Stubby, ******ed looking hair, looks as if he can't even grow a beard yet, hardly the physique of a John Cena (though I wouldn't mind having Miz's physique... just saying). No way does he have a "good look" in today's WWE standards, at least in my humble opinion. Now am I saying I want all my main eventers to be at least 6'5, have a beard, have long hair, etc? No but I just don't buy it with the Miz. He just seems unbelievable (in a bad way) when he wins and of course it's done dirty but that's why I can't see him being the #1 guy beating the likes of Orton, Edge or Cena legitly.

And that is why he's getting this push. Along with the fact that he has above-average mic skills (but a lot of guys have that and have yet to get a significant push)

I can.. and I did...? He is not the next John Cena. You can believe all you want about what Michael Cole says or even when the King acknowledges it, I'll believe it when I see it. And even when I see it, I'll hardly believe it. Because he is not a believable champion. You realize Cena is only 3 years older than Miz, give or take a few months? You really think Miz will just take the #1 role from Cena? Are you kidding me? Cena is the PG-Era gods child. If you want to put this in perspective, Batista didn't quit until he was 42. Considering Miz won't take Cena's spot as long as Cena is on the program, Miz would be 39 by the time Cena is gone and that's assuming he goes at 42 which is completely random and most likely inaccurate because Cena values the business more than Batista did.

People have been saying that the Miz is improving in the ring ever since he won the MiTB. You know what I've noticed? No improvement. He's had countless matches against Daniel Bryan where Bryan made him look above average, if that. I don't see how people can bash Cena's in-ring ability but then praise the Miz's. Just because Miz isn't scripted to do only 5 moves doesn't mean that he is better in the ring, nor does it mean he's even all that great to begin with.

I fully understand that there are millions of Miz riders in the IWC and all of them would love to throw a pitch fork at me for this. I also understand that Vince thinks very highly of Miz and that's all that matters at the end of the day, isn't it? But to bash Cena but then praise the Miz is really baffling to me. I guess it's that cool mentality nowadays of "I root for heels because I'm cool." Whatever.
First of all I didn't criticise Cena and never really do anymore because quite frankly I'm used to his gimmick now and don't give a s***.

Secondly, just because you don't think Miz is as good as Cena doesn't mean he isn't good on the mic. I never compared both, you did.

Its really not important how you think "the look" should be for the top guy or the champ in the WWE because at the end of the day its how Vince McMahon thinks wrestlers should look. And Cena's look is one of the worst I've ever seen- A Roid freak who looks like Barney? Runners and short jeans? That's not how " a top-guy" should look in my opinion

Miz is improving in the ring and has been since MITB. He's added more moves too his arsenal, gootten more technical "moves" and looks more comfortable in the ring.

Maybe Cena will stay around till he's 50, and maybe Orton too. But that doesn't mean that they'll stay as the top guys. Soon enough the kids will tire of Cena and look for a new hero and Miz will be there waiting in the wings.
First of all I didn't criticise Cena and never really do anymore because quite frankly I'm used to his gimmick now and don't give a s***.

Secondly, just because you don't think Miz is as good as Cena doesn't mean he isn't good on the mic. I never compared both, you did.

I don't think he's as good on the mic. You said, "you think Cena's good on the mic, so is Miz." I said Miz isn't as good as Cena on the mic which in the end would matter because more than likely the guy who's better with the stick will get the nod as the #1 guy....... If you think Miz will take that #1 spot from Cena then you have to compare both.

Its really not important how you think "the look" should be for the top guy or the champ in the WWE because at the end of the day its how Vince McMahon thinks wrestlers should look. And Cena's look is one of the worst I've ever seen- A Roid freak who looks like Barney? Runners and short jeans? That's not how " a top-guy" should look in my opinion

I said the same exact thing about how it's Vince's opinion and that's all that matters so not sure why you even bothered bringing that up. I know my opinion means nothing to the upper management of WWE but I'm going to express it anyway. Yours doesn't either, clearly, as you think Cena has a bad look which is hilarious because (no homo) he probably has the best look in the entire WWE. Sure he wears purple but you know what? I see a lot of little kids in the crowd with that same purple shirt so that look is working.

Miz is improving in the ring and has been since MITB. He's added more moves too his arsenal, gootten more technical "moves" and looks more comfortable in the ring.

Sure. Guess we're talking about a different 'Miz' then.

Maybe Cena will stay around till he's 50, and maybe Orton too. But that doesn't mean that they'll stay as the top guys. Soon enough the kids will tire of Cena and look for a new hero and Miz will be there waiting in the wings.

What makes you so sure of that? We haven't really seen kids get so attached to someone in the WWE as they have with Cena, at least not in a long, long LONG time. Kids weren't really a factor during the attitude era. Now it's the PG-Era and kids love Cena. Kids don't have the same mindset as adults, they don't get tired of their favorite guy even if he keeps winning and does the same shit over and over again....... which is why Cena keeps winning.

The Miz may eventually turn face. The Miz may even have a title run as a face, and that's a lot. But at the end of the day, I will never see Miz being the #1 guy in the WWE no matter how much kids in the IWC suck him off, no matter how much Cole and King suck him off on commentary, and no matter how much Vince is quoted sucking him off. Again, I'll believe it when I see it. And most likely I'll never see it because it won't happen. If Batista can be the #2 guy at 42 then I definitely see Cena being the #1 guy possibly into his late 30's. By then Miz will be what? 35? 36? Who knows who will be on the roster by then but most likely someone definitely better than "the Miz".
I don't think he's as good on the mic. You said, "you think Cena's good on the mic, so is Miz." I said Miz isn't as good as Cena on the mic which in the end would matter because more than likely the guy who's better with the stick will get the nod as the #1 guy....... If you think Miz will take that #1 spot from Cena then you have to compare both.

I said the same exact thing about how it's Vince's opinion and that's all that matters so not sure why you even bothered bringing that up. I know my opinion means nothing to the upper management of WWE but I'm going to express it anyway. Yours doesn't either, clearly, as you think Cena has a bad look which is hilarious because (no homo) he probably has the best look in the entire WWE. Sure he wears purple but you know what? I see a lot of little kids in the crowd with that same purple shirt so that look is working.

Sure. Guess we're talking about a different 'Miz' then.

What makes you so sure of that? We haven't really seen kids get so attached to someone in the WWE as they have with Cena, at least not in a long, long LONG time. Kids weren't really a factor during the attitude era. Now it's the PG-Era and kids love Cena. Kids don't have the same mindset as adults, they don't get tired of their favorite guy even if he keeps winning and does the same shit over and over again....... which is why Cena keeps winning.

The Miz may eventually turn face. The Miz may even have a title run as a face, and that's a lot. But at the end of the day, I will never see Miz being the #1 guy in the WWE no matter how much kids in the IWC suck him off, no matter how much Cole and King suck him off on commentary, and no matter how much Vince is quoted sucking him off. Again, I'll believe it when I see it. And most likely I'll never see it because it won't happen. If Batista can be the #2 guy at 42 then I definitely see Cena being the #1 guy possibly into his late 30's. By then Miz will be what? 35? 36? Who knows who will be on the roster by then but most likely someone definitely better than "the Miz".
Ok since I'm comparing both I do think Miz is a better mic worker. The thing about Cena is he's happy-go-lucky and then just shouts down the mic. Sometimes Miz does that but that's Miz's gimmick. An arrogant loudmouth.

Yeah obv. the look is working but it doesn't mean that it's the right one. It is to the WWE and to Vince and in the end that's all that matters but imo it's the silliest look I have seen. I mean a big macho/roid guy/freak wearing purple?! How is that the best look?

And surely you could have said something other than:
"Sure. Guess we're talking about a different 'Miz' then"

TBH I actually see Cena doing movies/tv work out of here but will probably still stick with the WWE like the Rock done in 2002. And if that happens then Vince is going to want someone else being there week in, week out. You must also remember Cena has had trouble with his neck which is what caused Austin to retire. Also Cena is going on 34 so he might consider making that switch to movies

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