Who does Miz lose the title to?

i really really really hope that one of these guys win it: christain, chris masters, sin cara, or john morrison.
-sin cara is new, but i think he will spring to the top in no time.
-christain, i know he may be in the WHC scene at some point, big possibility (hopefully).
-chris masters, i know he is on the back burner on smackdown but maybe at the draft (if they even bother) or maybe he will just move to raw, and win the title.
-john morrison.....enough said.
-sheamus, maybe the raw creative boss (the guy in chare of the raw creative team) will stop being biased and let shemus havea victory.
-mason ryan, maybe he comes back and wins. minus the nexus of course.
stop being a biased person and give sheamus the belt.
any of the above people would be good. actually just for shits and gigles, ima add awesome kong onto the list cause she would make a better wwe champ then the miz.

hopefully very, very soon cause i am done with the miz, he sucks and is awful. everything about him is dreadful, his character, persona, inring ability (if you wanna call it that), his mic skills, he should have stuck to reality tv or broadcasting or w/e he was doing before. hopefully at over the limit or extreme rules.
Despite my name I'm an Orton mark and would love for him to win the title in a triple threat match at ER with Punk also involved, as this could enhance the Orton Punk feud further...maybe Punk punts Orton later on before a PPV main event like Orton did all those years ago to Punk.

Though I actually think that The Miz will get into a feud with Triple H, based purely on The Game not liking the attitude (kayefabe) of 'The Most Must See Champion' in WWE history. I believe this would result in Triple H regaining the title and maybe turning heel to feud with JoMo.
I can but hope for either one.
Honestly, I think the only way Miz loses the title before Wrestlemania 28 is if Chris Jericho comes back before it.

Some of us (including myself) think Jericho will be back shortly after Dancing with the Stars is over, and to me it's the perfect person to help solidify the Miz as one of the top stars in the company. The comparison of Miz to an early Jericho is made frequently and I'd love to see these two go at it. Not only would the promos be fantastic but I think the match(es) themselves would be great if only because Jericho is involved.

Jericho has one more good run left in WWE in my opinion and bringing back Y2J 3.0 to feud with Miz wouldn't only be great for the fans but for the continuation of Miz as a top draw.
He will lose to the Raw Money in the Bank holder...

Why because this sets up a great feud between the new Money in the Bank Holder whoever it is, and the old Money in the Bank holder in the Miz. They make the feud pretty interesting and they ultimately go into Summerslam to see who is the better MITB champion. Pretty easy scenario, with high drawability.

As for an exact person, I'll go with Morrison just based on their past relationship but honestly it could be anyone because the storyline is already written for a good feud.
I personally think the Miz has loads of credibility as champ. He has drawn, he has sold, he has been leaps and bounds superior as champ than every new guy who has won it COMBINED. Beating Orton three times and Cena AT WRESTLEMANIA just doesn't happen. HHH couldn't do it, HBK, Batista couldn't do it. So whatever you'd like about how you won it, bottom line, Miz beat Cena at Wrestlemania. End of story. He has drawn me and gotten me to buy a Hello I'm Awesome shirt. And I rarely buy ANY WWE merchandise.

John Morrison would be the perfect choice for a feud. There's the history. Morrison can carry Miz to a great match and trust me when I say Morrison isn't nearly as bad on the mic as people say he is. He is very underrated. I have definitely heard much worse. But even then Miz could sell the match. It' refreshing and by far the most interesting and John Morrison is the one guy on RAW who has a legitimate position to challenge for the WWE title that is fresh. He is an upper midcarder. He has gotten the crowd to love him for sure. Cena is stale. Orton is stale. HHH is stale. Punk and Sheamus are heels for life if you ask me. Morrison is the logical choice because not only is he fresh but also has qute a bit of credibility for an upper midcarder and both Miz and Morrison could carry each other.
I'd love to see him drop it to CM Punk, the guy is a creative Heel and would give The Miz an opportunity to cross over into the face that the audience are pretty close to making him anyway.
I am hoping the cena/miz feud has ended already and let someone else be the number one contender like someone who has not won the WWE title before like john morrison, dolph ziggler, cm pink, and i can go on. I am hoping for john morrison, this could be the push to the main event that he desperately needs. If he is still in his feud with ziggler, make it a triple threat matck at extreme rules or something along those lines.
why are so many people saying morrison... lets face it hes nothing great!!!!! he got over shadowed by snookie at mania.. his look, his music and promos all suck and need a change quick, hes not the future HBK hes pretty much the jannetty of this age... back in the day everyone though jannetty was going to over come hbk but he didnt and same with this guy... let miz keep the title tell summerslam and have him lose it to a star that can carry the company..

I think they want to push miz as far as they can. i think that they know that if he drops the gold, he'll go back to being irrelevant. he isnt really a threat to beat anyone for the title honestly, so if someone like randy, or cena, or someone were to win it, he wouldnt be a good fit to challenge for it. the reason why he got a chance to challenge for it to begin with was because of mitb. although he has established himself as a heel champ, he hasnt established himself as a regular championship contender, imo. And besides, they changed the belts look for him, so he'll hold on to it for a while.

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