What makes us so sure it will be Miz vs Cena?


Getting Noticed By Management
Obviously I'm just kidding with that question.

-Miz had a feud with Cena a long time ago
-Miz knocked Cena out of the Rumble
-Cena has been cutting promos directed towards Miz/Cole/Riley
-The Rock even sort of gave it away saying "I'll see Miz and Cena at Mania"
-Cena is the face of the company and the biggest draw, he'll obviously be in the main event of the biggest PPV
-The other faces are either "not there yet" like Morrison or in a different feud like Orton
-It won't be heel v heel
-Lawler has no chance at beating Miz, or at least no chance at winning the title

Now what's my point? IT'S JUST TOO OBVIOUS. Does that make sense? I'm not sure. But Vince and Creative HAS to know that pretty much the WORLD expects Cena to win the Chamber today. Sure there may be some interesting things happen like Nexus comes out and slaps around Orton before he pins Cena or something stupid but honestly EVERYONE knows Cena will win... So will he?

Could they throw a monkey wrench in there? Could Morrison COME OUT ON TOP and then have Cena win a match to make a triple threat or something of that nature?

All I'm saying is, today's PPV seems way WAY too obvious for the RAW part at least. Vince has made a living off of keeping us on our feet and surprised. Could it happen today and lead to an even more surprising WrestleMania?
I think we are in for a surprise in the RAW chamber match, Cena "won" it last year, then was beaten by Batista in a quick match made by Vince McMahon. John could win it again, and the Anonymous GM could chime in and make a match or something along those lines.

I have a feeling that Anonymous GM might be revealed tonight to add some spice to this PPV. But can we all agree it wont be R-Truth that wins it?
I think the "swerve" that's going to spice up the main event of mania is The Rock. There's just no way Cena doesn't walk out of mania with the belt. I personally think that's really boring but Cena is the face of the company and therefore has to be involved in the main event. I just hate that. I'm hoping against hope that they come up with somthing to throw us off but I think that surprise was The Rock. It's going to be Miz and Cena for the belt at mania. I just hate that but it is what it is.
what if the give jerry the title for at least a week the miz wins it back. I'm thinking Morrison or the obvious Cena will win the Raw Chamber. What would be surprising is they throw a curve ball and put Cena in MITB this year cause Cena w/ the Bank would be legen........wait for it......dary!!! as this would give he so called boring character spice. I hope Morrison becomes WWE HW Champ by the end of the year cause out of the young he deserves it the most. Side Noye Dolph Ziggler became a Triple Crown Champ this Friday.
I could maybe see Lawler winning the belt and losing it tomorrow night on RAW back to the Miz. Just so they gave Jerry a title run, if you want to call it that.

However, still no. That will not happen. Cole and/or Riley will cost Lawler the match tonight, leading to a handicap match or just a 1on1 between one of those and Jerry. It just makes too much sense. Once again, tonight is just too predictable.
I do think however that Rey Mysterio might just come out on top in the SD! Elimination Chamber. It's unlikely. However, Mysterio and Del Rio clearly have beef and Rey is close to retiring so this may be a nice way of saying "Thank You" to Rey by giving him one more main event at 'Mania. By no means am I a Rey fan, but no one can doubt that Rey, for a period of time, was probably the second most loved wrestler behind Cena and he was the face of SD!. If anyone other than Edge is to win, it should and probably would be Rey.

What would that mean for Edge? All I can think of, and I know a lot of people would love this, would be a feud with Christian and a grudge match at 'Mania. That's all I can think of though, and I'm not sure he'll be healthy in time for Mania (talking about Christian). Though maybe another alternative would be a triple threat with BOTH Rey and Edge at 'Mania, though that too is highly unlikely.

Returning to the discussion about RAW, what are some alternatives to Cena winning?:

Cena v. Morrison v. Miz at Mania (I'd put odds around 15% of happening)

Morrison v. Miz AND Rock v. Cena at Mania (I'd put odds at less than 3%, Rock won't wrestle)

Orton v. Punk for the WWE Title... somehow? (5%)

R-Truth winning? (Negative 350%)

Sheamus winning? (less than 3%, but I am curious as to how he fits into Mania. I imagine a grudge match against Morrison and that's probably most likely especially with HHH set to face Taker, although I guess maybe Miz/Sheamus/Cena in a triple threat is a possibility).

That's pretty much it... I guess? Surprise me WWE!
In my honest opinion, if John Cena does not win the Elimination Chamber, he's facing The Rock at Wrestlemania 27.

The reason is becuase, they've seemingly been teasing a Cena/Miz match for a while, with it beginning at the Royal Rumble when Miz through Cena out.

Even though the storyline would be good, I think not having Rock/Cena would be a mistake. I mean, the match does'nt have to be a 30 minute classic, just a 15 minute brawl. If Rock is too rusted, we all know Cena can carry him to good match. It will be a must see dream match (similar to Hogan/Rock) and will immediatly increase buyrates.

If they have The Rokc at the special guesr referee or special enforcer, it'll be stupid, who want's to see The Rock in a referee shirt standing there for 20 minute's. People wanna see him wrestle. H'es not Stone Cold, even if he say's he does'nt wanna wrestle, I'm pretty sure he still can. And especially with a guy like Cena who has no back record of injuring people or being sloppy with other wrestler's.

John Cena vs. The Rock HAS to happen at Wrestlemania. If WWE want buyrates, that's the match you put on the card.
I keep thinking of ways how Jerry Lawler could win and be a transitional champ, but there is no heel that comes to mind (besides Miz) that I could see winning the title from Lawler within the next few weeks.

I realistically don't see Cena losing EC. It just seems so obvious. Maybe WWE will throw a swerve, but I seriously doubt it. It will me Miz and Cena at Wrestlemania, and anything else is a waste of booking.

I do, however, think the Smackdown EC is still up in the air. They haven't exactly been having Alberto Del Rio and Edge feuding, so it's still anyone's game.
It may be predictable, but I don't think that it will be bad. I'm actually looking forward to the Del Rio v Kofi match, even though we all know that Del Rio will win.

The swerve that I think I'd like to see the most is: what if Miz isn't headlining Mania?

Don't get me wrong, I'm almost 100% sure that he will, but it's at least fun for me to think that he might not. What if he drops the belt to Lawler, and then a heel wins the Chamber. Then, Miz, Cole, Riley, or anybody else can attack Lawler on Mondy, and "put him out for a month." They then just have to vacate the title, give it to the heel, or Cena, or just add Cena to the title match with the heel, and then let Miz and say, Morrison have a blow-off match instead.

Again, I know that this isn't going to happen and I'M NOT ADVERTISING THIS AS WHAT I THINK WILL HAPPEN. But, it is my craziest scenario as for what could happen tonight. I know Miz marks will hate my scenario, too, but remember that I'm just having fun. It's so going to be Miz v Cena at Mania.
Yes, it is obvious, but what's wrong with obvious? Some of the best feuds of all time were obvious. We all knew The Rock vs. Stone Cold was coming at Wrestlemania X7, and that doesn't make their meeting any less awesome.

The best feuds often are the ones we see coming because that means there has been time to build up the story and create some heat between the two wrestlers. Nine times out of ten these feuds are better than random feuds that the WWE throws two random dudes into because the feuds with buildup have backstory and the superstars in the feud have chemistry.

Vince is not the one who made a living off of surprising us. Vince has made a living off of creating amazing superstars and larger than life personalities and making them clash together in terrific feuds. Vince Russo is the one who made his living off of surprising us, and he's not exactly held in the highest regard by professional wrestling fans and critics.
I just hope either way, Morrison looks strong. Make him look GOOD. Keep this push alive for petes sake. Help build him a strong feud with Sheamus going into Mania. Make both men look good, put on a 20 minute match with a lot of Morrison high spots all while making Sheamus look strong, and either have Morrison win clean or Sheamus win dirty. They're dropping the ball HARD and FAST with Sheamus, but they better not with Morrison. If he doesn't win today, at least make him look strong. Please.
Yes, it is obvious, but what's wrong with obvious? Some of the best feuds of all time were obvious. We all knew The Rock vs. Stone Cold was coming at Wrestlemania X7, and that doesn't make their meeting any less awesome.

What's wrong with obvious? What's the point of buying the PPV if the outcome is obvious? No element of surprise to fights that are already scripted is kind of lame. I'm not saying that R-Truth should win just because it'd be surprising but I hate how they've gone about this making it the most obvious thing ever. And uh who cares if Stone Cold vs Rock was obvious? That's just so different. You're talking the 2 biggest superstars arguably ever. Miz? hahaha stop you're joking. Cena is definitely a huge draw and a big face but even still, this match will be NOTHING of the caliber of a Rock/Austin match. Sometimes you can get away with the lack of a surprise if it's Rock v. Austin, but Cena v. Miz? No.

The comparisons people come up with sometimes..

Even still, I understand the point you are trying to make. If it's good and makes sense then you can be alright without a surprise. Needless to say, I'm still disappointed. And being disappointed with a PPV before it even begins is definitely saying something and I highly doubt I feel alone on this one.
What's wrong with obvious? What's the point of buying the PPV if the outcome is obvious? No element of surprise to fights that are already scripted is kind of lame.

The element of surprise is still there. Nobody thought Miz would hold the title for this long, but he did, beating Lawler once, JoMo once, and Orton twice on PPV.

I'm not saying that R-Truth should win just because it'd be surprising but I hate how they've gone about this making it the most obvious thing ever.

Money in the Bank, Nexus, The Royal Rumble... three things that shocked us this year alone. In your face, obvious.

And uh who cares if Stone Cold vs Rock was obvious? That's just so different. You're talking the 2 biggest superstars arguably ever. Miz? hahaha stop you're joking. Cena is definitely a huge draw and a big face but even still, this match will be NOTHING of the caliber of a Rock/Austin match. Sometimes you can get away with the lack of a surprise if it's Rock v. Austin, but Cena v. Miz? No.

Fair enough, but they were just my first example. I could list tens of if not hundreds of PPV matches that were obviously going to happen, but we all know these feuds so I'm not going to insult your intelligence enumerating them for you.

Old School Booking 101: Make your heel champion look really weak so people will buy the PPVs to see him lose the title, but then have him retain somehow.

That's why people buy the PPVs, to see the heel champion lose. Problem for them is that he only loses once, and that's why the bookers try to stretch out a hot title reign (like Miz's) out as long as possible. What if Miz retains and then someone cashes in MitB? What if Miz gets DQ'd but the match restarts and Cena wins? What if Miz wins cleanly?! The possibilities are there, no matter how unlikely they are.
Ok we pretty much know that it will be Cena/Miz, Punk/Orton and Lawler/Riley or Cole at Mania that much is a given. But do we seriously know which one will be for the title? Maybe Vince is playing us all knowing that we think this a predictable PPV, but heres my scenario that I have in mind. Orton wins the elimination chamber guaranteeing a title shot at Mania. Lawler beats Miz for the title. On Raw the anonymous GM sets up a rematch between the King and Miz, where the King wins again. The GM, listening to Cole, sets up a match for either later in the evening or the next Raw between King and Punk with Punk victorious. That is what I think could happen, but you never know
Money in the Bank, Nexus, The Royal Rumble... three things that shocked us this year alone. In your face, obvious.

You're missing what I'm saying.

Miz winning MiTB was surprising.

Nexus was surprising.

Miz knocking Cena out of the Rumble and thus Del Rio winning was surprising.

HOWEVER, I'm talking about this PPV. It is so obvious that Cena will win. It's almost boring.
You're missing what I'm saying.

Miz winning MiTB was surprising.

Nexus was surprising.

Miz knocking Cena out of the Rumble and thus Del Rio winning was surprising.

HOWEVER, I'm talking about this PPV. It is so obvious that Cena will win. It's almost boring.

No, you're missing what I'm saying. You really think that the WWE doesn't realize we all think Cena is going to go over Miz easily? No chance in hell. The WWE is going to do something to add an extra dimension to the match to make us think The Miz is going to beat John Cena or that Cena might have trouble winning. It could be by adding The Rock as the special guest referee, it could be by having Cena get jumped on the RAW before Wrestlemania, it could be a huge variety of things. Despite what many people think the WWE is not as dumb as the IWC makes them out to be. They're going to take care of this match and feud like it's their baby, and they're going to make sure it's a damn good program.
I Honestely dont see the difference between Miz being wwe champ and David Arquet winning the wcw title...

that being said, i think its sad that the wwe has gotten to the point where the best main event they could have come up with is john cena and the miz. Unfortunately it makes the most sense. Miz has displayed his fear of john cena by eliminating him at rumble, and the way that programing has gone thus far it seems as if its only a matter of time before its announced as the official main event. Thank God and Jesus for the Rock coming back and giving not only the match but Wrestlemania itself a much needed kick in the ass.
I Honestely dont see the difference between Miz being wwe champ and David Arquet winning the wcw title...

that being said, i think its sad that the wwe has gotten to the point where the best main event they could have come up with is john cena and the miz. Unfortunately it makes the most sense. Miz has displayed his fear of john cena by eliminating him at rumble, and the way that programing has gone thus far it seems as if its only a matter of time before its announced as the official main event. Thank God and Jesus for the Rock coming back and giving not only the match but Wrestlemania itself a much needed kick in the ass.

The difference between Arquette and Miz is, Miz actually has talent. Miz winnig was'nt just for a swerve and (in Russo's mind) "shock value", he earned it. And it also was'nt becuase he was in a reality show, 5 or so years ago. Oh, and Miz is a professial wrestler. Arquette was a movie star who has not business holding a Title.

What do you mean "it's sad,"? You realize it's 2011, right? You realize The Miz is WWE Champion and Cena is the top babyface, right? Miz eliminated Cena, Cena win's Chamber, Cena faces Miz. How's it sad? Two talented professional's going at it on the grandest stage in all of pro wrestling. What's so sad about it?
The difference between Arquette and Miz is, Miz actually has talent. Miz winnig was'nt just for a swerve and (in Russo's mind) "shock value", he earned it. And it also was'nt becuase he was in a reality show, 5 or so years ago. Oh, and Miz is a professial wrestler. Arquette was a movie star who has not business holding a Title.

What do you mean "it's sad,"? You realize it's 2011, right? You realize The Miz is WWE Champion and Cena is the top babyface, right? Miz eliminated Cena, Cena win's Chamber, Cena faces Miz. How's it sad? Two talented professional's going at it on the grandest stage in all of pro wrestling. What's so sad about it?


Why is it sad? Glad you asked....

The Miz is a joke..hes an actor that is put into a professional wrestling ring, much like Arquette. The most the Miz's "talent" goes is in his mic skill, which i think are overrated as well. He cant wrestle, AND the fact that he was on the Real World just 5 years ago makes it even more difficult to take him seriously.....and yes i do know what year it is, but that doesnt excuse the lack in quality of the product that the wwe is today. Although their names are big, neither wun of them are very impressive in the ring or on the mic. Thats why its sad that this is the best that WWE could come up with period. Maybe im just spoiled because ive been a fan since the mid 90's and am used to seeing a certain quality level in matches, promos and all around show. Like i said before, thank God for the Rock being at wrestlemania and having some involvement in this match. otherwise it would be awful.
No, you're missing what I'm saying. You really think that the WWE doesn't realize we all think Cena is going to go over Miz easily? No chance in hell. The WWE is going to do something to add an extra dimension to the match to make us think The Miz is going to beat John Cena or that Cena might have trouble winning. It could be by adding The Rock as the special guest referee, it could be by having Cena get jumped on the RAW before Wrestlemania, it could be a huge variety of things. Despite what many people think the WWE is not as dumb as the IWC makes them out to be. They're going to take care of this match and feud like it's their baby, and they're going to make sure it's a damn good program.

oh my God dude I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS PPV. It's so obvious you don't even realize it. You are already putting Cena in the match! I'm saying this PPV is pointlessly obvious that Cena is going to win. Believe it or not people are actually buying and watching this ppv, and I don't see the point seeing how obvious it is going to be.
oh my God dude I AM TALKING ABOUT THIS PPV. It's so obvious you don't even realize it. You are already putting Cena in the match! I'm saying this PPV is pointlessly obvious that Cena is going to win. Believe it or not people are actually buying and watching this ppv, and I don't see the point seeing how obvious it is going to be.

Oh, see, and here I was thinking that you were talking about Wrestlemania 27... you know, since this is the Wrestlemania 27 thread and all and everyone in the IWC is pretty much in consensus that John Cena will face the Miz. I'm sorry for misunderstanding your piss pour writing skills and lack of logic.

And once again, knowing Cena is going to win (tonight, not at Wrestlemania 27) is NOT the worst thing in the world, especially in an Elimination Chamber match. Royal Rumble 2009, it was obvious Orton was going to win the match, but it was still a great, emotional ride.

Oh, I know, let's make a pop culture reference! Lord of the Rings, great movies, we all know how they're gonna end. And yet, Return of the King won the Oscar for best picture because it was a great ride.

The finish is only a small fraction of what makes a match good, but most of it comes from the match itself, so stop getting your thong all up in a bunch and relax and enjoy the ride. You'll enjoy wrestling better that way.
I'd love for there to be a swerve as I have no interest in Cena vs The Miz as it relates to it being a Mania main event. However sometimes things are exactly what they seem to be, as JGlass says they have been laying the seeds for the match since before the Rumble and that is classic Mania booking which I like, I just wish it was for a different match,.

The only possible addition to it I see is The Rock as the ref, the idea being who will he screw over as he dissed both in his speech the other night, although most probably he will end up calling it down the middle and shaking Cena's hand after he wins.
Oh, see, and here I was thinking that you were talking about Wrestlemania 27... you know, since this is the Wrestlemania 27 thread and all and everyone in the IWC is pretty much in consensus that John Cena will face the Miz. I'm sorry for misunderstanding your piss pour writing skills and lack of logic.

No need to get all pissy, moron. I made this thread in the PPV section (EDIT: and it got moved to the WM section). I fail to realize how you didn't understand what we were talking about. It's obvious John Cena is going to win the EC. Is there an elimination chamber at mania, fucktard? Of course the thread title is talking about mania, but in case you didn't know EC's PREDICTABLE RESULTS (which was what the tread is about) has a direct impact on the matches at Mania. Holy fuck it's like I'm talking to a 9 year old.

"But Vince and Creative HAS to know that pretty much the WORLD expects Cena to win the Chamber today. Sure there may be some interesting things happen like Nexus comes out and slaps around Orton before he pins Cena or something stupid but honestly EVERYONE knows Cena will win... So will he?

Could they throw a monkey wrench in there? Could Morrison COME OUT ON TOP and then have Cena win a match to make a triple threat or something of that nature?

All I'm saying is, today's PPV seems way WAY too obvious for the RAW part at least. Vince has made a living off of keeping us on our feet and surprised. Could it happen today and lead to an even more surprising WrestleMania?"


Yes all the obvious shit happened and aside from Christian coming back absolutely nothing, in my opinion, happened of value. I mean shit, Cole or Riley didn't even cost King the match or at least from what I'm reading on WZ. I'm not a big fan of Miz, at all. Hopefully he changes my mind at Mania.
I'd love for there to be a swerve as I have no interest in Cena vs The Miz as it relates to it being a Mania main event. However sometimes things are exactly what they seem to be, as JGlass says they have been laying the seeds for the match since before the Rumble and that is classic Mania booking which I like, I just wish it was for a different match,.

The only possible addition to it I see is The Rock as the ref, the idea being who will he screw over as he dissed both in his speech the other night, although most probably he will end up calling it down the middle and shaking Cena's hand after he wins.

Please god no, i'm picturing that in my head and, no, just no.

A few years back when Cena was on the Up and Up, maybe, but not now, some people like Cena, and some people hate Cena, the Rock giving him some sort of 'passing the torch/seal of approval' will not change peoples mind, and would go down like a lead baloon with sections of the live crowds.
Excuse me for not including your obnoxiously big font in my continued smackdown of you. Some people try to use rhetoric and creativity to get their point across, you just try to use BIG WORDS! I mean that literally of course, as I'm sure the only way you could use a more sophisticated word is if Chris Jericho uttered it first.

No need to get all pissy, moron. I made this thread in the PPV section (EDIT: and it got moved to the WM section). I fail to realize how you didn't understand what we were talking about. It's obvious John Cena is going to win the EC. Is there an elimination chamber at mania, fucktard? Of course the thread title is talking about mania, but in case you didn't know EC's PREDICTABLE RESULTS (which was what the tread is about) has a direct impact on the matches at Mania. Holy fuck it's like I'm talking to a 9 year old.

Burden of getting the point across is on the OP. I was clearly not the only one who thought that you were talking about Wrestlemania. Maybe instead of trying to belittle me you should better yourself as a writer.

"But Vince and Creative HAS to know that pretty much the WORLD expects Cena to win the Chamber today. Sure there may be some interesting things happen like Nexus comes out and slaps around Orton before he pins Cena or something stupid but honestly EVERYONE knows Cena will win... So will he?

Are you really complaining about Cena winning after the match last night? If you are, you need to turn of WWE and tune into TNA where surprise is emphasized over good wrestling and good feud development.

We were treated to many outstanding matches last night, and the RAW elimination chamber was one of them. The WWE addressed Cena being the favorite to win by having him get his ass kicked fairly early in the match. Additionally, we had JoMo pulling off more crazy spots, Orton doing his thing, and CM Punk being a total madman. It was a great match, but you couldn't enjoy it because you knew who was going to win? I pity you.

Could they throw a monkey wrench in there? Could Morrison COME OUT ON TOP and then have Cena win a match to make a triple threat or something of that nature?

So you'd rather have an ending scrapped by a stupid triple threat that is held for no apparent reason. Three words for you. T. N. A.

All I'm saying is, today's PPV seems way WAY too obvious for the RAW part at least. Vince has made a living off of keeping us on our feet and surprised. Could it happen today and lead to an even more surprising WrestleMania?"

Once again, Vince did not make his money that way. Vince's greatest strength is creating marketable superstars that he has managed to make into household names, guys like Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and The Rock. Saying, "Vince made a living off of keeping us on our feet and surprised," is a misguided view of what Vince's strengths are. But do you know how he developed these guys into becoming household names? He made them look great by having them win epic matches and main eventing Wrestlemania.

Yes all the obvious shit happened and aside from Christian coming back absolutely nothing, in my opinion, happened of value. I mean shit, Cole or Riley didn't even cost King the match or at least from what I'm reading on WZ. I'm not a big fan of Miz, at all. Hopefully he changes my mind at Mania.

You're not the first one I've heard this from tonight and it continues to disappoint me. Last night's PPV was an 4+ star show as far as I'm concerned with two great Elimination Chamber matches and solid matches in between. So what if all the predictable guys won? Once again, the outcome of the match is only part of the reason why we watch. If you really only cared about the outcome you could skip on watching the PPV and just look up the results after the show ended, and you can spend the 3 hours you would have wasted watching the PPV doing something productive, like improving your writing skills so next time you post something people will realize what you're trying to say.

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