What it do, Muthfackas!

Wait, the fact that my QB has two superwins and six years. Yeah I'm completely bitter. :rolleyes:

Here's Charlie Pace on MSN. "Hey JMT does this thread go in the WWE section or the Old School section"

So, you're hating on the guy because he wants clarity on something. Don't get what the problem is here, really. All the guy wanted to know is what thread a section goes to. Completely justified there.

You sad piece of shit for a human life. Go find something better to do than stalk people on MSN. You want to come at me for something? Find something more original. Not this same old shit. That people have been doing for years. Get a fucking life, go find some real friends. Don't try the internet thing you'll fail. I know why you do it though. Because you're incapable of find real people to interact with.

LULZ. The old "you can't find friends unless it's the internet" insult.... done on the internet

That's okay, people like Nate will be here for you. Unless his girlfriend gives him the clap again...

The was fucking uncalled for, really was. Don;t know why you insist on being such a fucking prick here, really don't. I get it's the internet, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick, as well.
Dude, if you're gonna flame Charlie, put it in a new thread. Which I will not endorse.

Noah, please shut up. Since when do you get to tell people what to do, especially people who've been around a lot longer and are a lot better.

And making new thread for the sole purpose of flaming would be dumb, those threads just make people look stupid.
He doesn't want clarity on shit. He wants to start a conversation because he has nothing better to do in his life. It shows you how sad of a soul he really is. I'll say a prayer for him.
He doesn't want clarity on shit. He wants to start a conversation because he has nothing better to do in his life. It shows you how sad of a soul he really is. I'll say a prayer for him.

So it gives you the right to act like a dick to the guy, on a regular fucking basis... Why?

If you don't like him, don't involve yourself with him. You know how fucking huge this forum is? You don't have to talk to the guy if you don't want to.
I like Becker, and I like Chawlie. A very odd one to pick on he is, there are far more annoying people here than him.
Pfft I said one thing! He fucking replied. He could have taken a little shot. But he didn't so I fucking retaliated.

I think Charlie Pace is trying to buy Guy Compton an indy show ticket. Desperation...
You also, uneccesarily mind you, brought nate into the matter, with frankly something rather left unsaid. That's more my fucking problem. Go off and fight Charlie to the death for all I care. But there was no fucking reason to bring that up about Nate, you hear me? Not one fucking reason. Again, though it's cool, it's how you roll; passive aggressive as all hell, to the point that it's just really annoying as shit.

The whole Charlie thing is whatever it is. You two don't like each other, and that's all well and good. Saying what you did about Nate wasn't a damn bit necessary, yet you still took it. That's exactly why I feel like you're acting like a dick now, you worthless simpleton
First of all, watch your Fucking mouth with me. You got that? I don't put up with Bullshit from people who act like punks. This is a Discussion Forum, and you are going to learn to accept dissenting viewpoints. Do I make myself clear?
I've had the clap. Twice.

It may not have much to do with anything being discussed currently, but if anything is annoying on this forum it's the constant mod to non-mod back to mod continued circle jerk. 24/7
First of all, watch your Fucking mouth with me. You got that? I don't put up with Bullshit from people who act like punks. This is a Discussion Forum, and you are going to learn to accept dissenting viewpoints. Do I make myself clear?

Man. Tell us how you really feel, huh.
Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.

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