What it do, Muthfackas!

They probably don't want to be seen in public with you...

Look, I'm sure being born with a large ego and a small penis might be a bit of a hardship, but there are better remedies for your dilemma than trying to act like a douche on a forum. I understand it, and coupled with the fact that your favorite football team's quarterback is probably raping Miley Cyrus in the back of a Subaru right now, I can see why you're bitter. Sir, I accept you for who you are. I understand you might not hear that a lot, but I'm here for you.

How come you never finish a thought? You always seem to trail off as if you're unsure about what you say.
Drunk Tenta is win. Almost as much as drunk Theo. Because he's the only other drunk guy I've experienced on here.
Hindisight: Drunk Tenta is overrated.

Does anyone else not think Charlie's rant on Becker was win?

Not really. I had to say it before someone who actually meant it did.

LOLZ. Quite frankly, I'd agree to some extent. Not that my work isn't good, but not good enough to warrant some of the praise I've gotten. Actually, I shouldn't say as good, as much as consistent. If I had actually been here on a consistent basis for these one and a half year, I may have, but we all know that isn't the case.

Doc, how's the mission trip goin?
You know, people used to say I tried too hard...

Tents, the trip is going well. Today is Saturday so its a day off. I've been doing laundry all day and then I cleaed my room. Some day off! LOL. But now I can curl up and read before we go see Much Ado About Nothing tonight. It has been a long week.
the fact that your favorite football team's quarterback is probably raping Miley Cyrus in the back of a Subaru right now, I can see why you're bitter.

This may be one of the most epic things ever said on this forum (or at least that has been directed at Becker):lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Wait, the fact that my QB has two superwins and six years. Yeah I'm completely bitter. :rolleyes:

Here's Charlie Pace on MSN. "Hey JMT does this thread go in the WWE section or the Old School section"

You sad piece of shit for a human life. Go find something better to do than stalk people on MSN. You want to come at me for something? Find something more original. Not this same old shit. That people have been doing for years. Get a fucking life, go find some real friends. Don't try the internet thing you'll fail. I know why you do it though. Because you're incapable of find real people to interact with. That's okay, people like Nate will be here for you. Unless his girlfriend gives him the clap again...

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