What is your beverage of choice (non alcholic version)

Traditionally i'm a Coca Cola guy, but lately i'm hooked on one thing.


WCP! ;)
Non-alcholic: Root Beer is like fucking crack to me. Other than that I only drink water or green tea as to not become a fatty.

Alcohlic: I'll drink anything really minus straight tequila which grosses me the fuck out. Last year we were on a big Booty Juice which was Mad Dogg 20/20 mixed with a shot of UV vodka and a full Four Loko. Then they removed the caffeine and stimulants and shit from Lokos and it was never the same :(
Naah. Nothing is better than coke.
Pepsi is a little bit more sweetened so coke's taste is really awesome.
Hot Chocolate


Combine those mothers and enjoy the sugary/caffeinated rush :D
Be wary about adding syrups though; I used to work at a takeaway coffee/sandwich bar, had 2 large mochas with strawberry syrup in the morning and kept cutting my fingers because I had the shakes. Was good while it lasted though
Combine those mothers and enjoy the sugary/caffeinated rush :D
Be wary about adding syrups though; I used to work at a takeaway coffee/sandwich bar, had 2 large mochas with strawberry syrup in the morning and kept cutting my fingers because I had the shakes. Was good while it lasted though

Thanks for the advice, Mum. :p
Coca Cola, IBC Rootbeer, Schweppes Ginger Ale, Tropical Mango Gatorade, Smart Water, Peach Tea, Xs Peach Tea Blast and Nutri Lite Lemon Lime Sports Drink.
I mostly drink Diet Pepsi because that's in my house quite a lot. I also like a good Irn-Bru, Vimto or Dandelion and Burdock from time to time. I don't drink, so if I'm out of an evening I'll drink ginger beer. It isn't particularly sweet so I'll happily drink it all night.
Mountain Dew Voltage, no question

There have been times however where I've gotten a bad batch (too much ginseng) in a 12oz bottle, but I still enjoy it because of how well the raspberry and citrus compliment one another

And it's blue

I don't have it in me to blantantly dislike a blue soda, not even Pespi Blue (which I loved as a middle schooler)

I've also recently started becoming a fan of Wild Cherry Pepsi, though I can't drink Cherry Coke without wanting to spit it out (don't get me wrong, I am a Coke fan and honesty, Pepsi and Coke taste exactly the same to me with subtle differences here and there)
I used to love me some cola (would switch between Coke and Pepsi all the time). Thankfully, I've cut sodas out of my life. I'm still addicted to carbonation, though (I wouldn't have it any other way), and I appease my addiction with sparkling water.

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