So, Why Do You Drink?

Now another really just dont see the point in drinking or using drugs. I can have fun without them and I dont have to damage my mind or body in the process. Some of my friends look down on that but really fuck them. Ill stick to my principals and they can stick to theirs.

I'll have you know that it has been proven that the hops in beer can help fight of some forms of cancer! It's not that drinking it's self is bad for you, but rather the amount you have. Just like pretty much everything else in life. Cough Syrup.. It's good for you, as it helps fight off colds, but too much of it, and you can not only get drunk (okay.. there was one time back in high school), but it could have some serious effects on your body. I know, go figure I'm arguing with you again.. haha.. but I just don't like when people blame Alcohol for damaging people. It's not the booze, it's the amount of booze they have. The sun is good for things, but too much is bad. Works with almost everything. I've had people say shit about how I'm going to "Die earlier" due to drinking. Well I damn well hope so, so I don't have to breath the same air as those people. I drink and I smoke, and it has not effected me at all. I would know since I go for tests all the time. Hell, my last physical they said I was in better shape then the time before. If you don't like it, that is fine. I wouldn't want to push my beliefs on anyone. But for people to talk shit about drinking, and the people that do.. That's when the gloves come off. Not saying you were, was just venting I guess.
i drink until I can't feel feelings anymore. I use it for the negative effect, but it makes me happy, and thats what counts!
Definately for social issues. I go to the pub every Monday for the pub quiz and a couple games of pool with my mates and it's just a given. I won't get absolutely hammered but i'll have 6 or 7 pints of lager throughout the night. I did get into a phase where i drunk spirits mixed with diet coke because i was on a health kick and trying to lose weight, but i'ld just end up getting hammered and feeling like shit the next day.

There's usually about 10-12 of us that all go out together on a Monday and i would say about only half of us drink alcohol. The ones that stay sober differ in their reasons. Some are financial as its cheaper to have a few cokes, some are legal issues as they drive in so a DUI ain't the smartest thing to acquire, some just aren't big drinkers until the weekend.

I have been out and not drunk alcohol and i wouldn't say i was missing out on anything. We all talk about the same things regardless of alcohol and i tend to win more pool games sober!
Its surprisingly refreshing how few people actually drink, or rarely drink. I don't drink at all now, but I used to ALL THE TIME.

When I was getting my Master's, I was in a program that was extremely stressful. We would work all day, then go to school from 4-10. This was my life. For me, other then sex with any of the random girls I hung out with in my program, was to drink.

It wasn't just a drink or two. Ive never been one who just enjoyed sitting and having a drink. I wasn't happy unless I was drunk.

1. One, it was a great stress reliever at the time....

2. Two, I was trying to match these girls I went to school with. I wasn't an ass or obnoxious, it was completely a social thing....

3. Three, it was the "liquid courage" I needed in order to have any way at all to get them into bed. It's amazing how going from sober to drunk in those four hours can make someone else look more appealing, and Im guessing vice versa.... :shrug:

So as a stress reliever, keeping up with 120 lb women, and getting laid, in no particular order, were my major motivations. It was fun while it lasted, but I met my wife, and havent had a drink in years.
I'll have you know that it has been proven that the hops in beer can help fight of some forms of cancer!

And more studies have shown that women between the ages of 30-45 who drink alcohol in excess on a regular basis are more prone to get breast cancer. I lived with a woman for a year whose 31 whose breast cancer is in remission whose alcohol abuse was directly tied to her developing it. Im not saying this to argue from a moral, or a "preaching" standpoint, just that I saw it happen firsthand. Both possibilities are anomolies: You're just as likely to "fight off" cancer by the hops in beer then you are to get cancer from drinking too much, but i suppose both are possible. I saw the latter firsthand.
i drink beer cause like the taste simple right. however i like jack jim jose and johnny walker too. it all taste wonderful to me. love pairing them with food. chili dogs and a sam love it. jose and tacos. jim and ginger ale with brats on the grill. black label walker on ice and a great cigar. ah yes good times thats why i drink good times indeed.

yet i dont drink wine because i dont like it. taste buds what can u do.
yes i have a bottle of crown 16 i have been saving for awhile i think ill open it on helloween that will be a very good party. like i said good times thats why i drink.
Well, majority of the time I drink is when I go out on a friday night after working all week and catch up with friends I don't see often. It's usually only 5 or so drinks so I don't get smashed or anything, just to catch a decent buzz and relax after working all week like I said, nothing wrong with that I don't think.

Although sometimes when my friends organise a 'piss up' I sometimes go around and get completely wasted. Like a couple of weekends ago, we just got really drunk and watched the Final Destination movies. I felt like crap the next day though but I don't mind, it was fun.
Well, majority of the time I drink is when I go out on a friday night after working all week and catch up with friends I don't see often. It's usually only 5 or so drinks so I don't get smashed or anything, just to catch a decent buzz and relax after working all week like I said, nothing wrong with that I don't think.

Well said, I think I deserve a good few drinks on a friday night after working all week. Sometimes I get a bit drunk, sometimes not. I am never one of those idiots who downs about 10 shots and a yard of ale or anything like that.

I like a few beers with mates, and if I go out to clubs I tend to stick to bottled lagers so I never get too drunk. I get bad hangovers so I know when to take it a bit easy lol.

I occasionally have a beer in an evening too, just one though while watching a film (not bery often though) and on Saturdays I tend to share a bottle of cava with my gf as we spend the evening together.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a few drinks, just when people take it too fair is when it is a problem and they get violent, throw up and embarass themselves.
I rarely drink. If I'm by myself then chances are next to nothing that I'd drink. In the rare moment that I do have a few drinks, it's just to be social with friends.... and I just take a few sips here and there. I have never been drunk and never plan to. It can be fun but people should be careful or else they might do something they would regret later on. The risk is absolutely not worth it to drive if you have been drinking, have a sober friend take you home if at all possible. However.... drinking is not the best way to have a good time. It's possible to have a great time while still being safe and the whole group is still sober. People just have to be creative and use their imaginations a little better. It has become a part of society to associate drinking with having a good time. People think that's the case, but it's not because people can have an even greater time without drinking if they just get a little more creative and act more carefully if they do choose to drink.

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