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WWE doing different promotions

Arkham Noir

With black birds following me
There were rumors about a year ago of WWE opening up different promotions in foreign countries. For this thread, I want to look at the possiblities and potential such a concept would have.

Today's WWE is split into three "brands"; RAW, Smackdown, and NXT. There is also "Superstars", a show for mid-carders and below to get air-time. Essentially, all three brands are the same. They have the same feel, look , and frequently use the same stars. So what I'm proposing is, instead of different shows, why not have entirely different promotions ? Make them seperate from the current brands WWE has, and allow them to be their own entities. Give them different formats, different wrestling styles, and an entirely different approach to the way they market themselves. One of the few things that is agreed on by everyone within the wrestling world is that the loss of the territory system has been negative on the industry. With no alternative options there is a loss in variety of wrestlers , experienced wrestlers, and competition . Having more promotions would benefit them all.

I'll give you an example:

The company Coca-Cola is well known by the general public for producing the beverage of the same name. However, they also produce Minute Maid Juice, Powerade, Nestea (together with Nestle), Dasani water, and Fruitopia drinks. Yet, when you look at a bottle/juicebox, you don't see the Coca-Cola label splashed all over it .They are their own product.

If WWE took a similar approach with wrestling promotions, I think it would add some much needed life to the wrestling buisness; adding both promotions domestically and internationally . Put different teams in-charge of each individual promotion, and allow them to be their own. Doing so would inevitably cause all those involved to push harder to produce quality and add extra incentive for doing their job. The down side of course being the amount of money it would cost , the time needed to make it work, and the fact that most North American fans only like a certain style of wrestling. However, I think it would be worth it. WWE has both the knowledge and resources to make it work.

So what do you think?

--Should something like this be done?

--Would it fail miserably?

--Would it help the wrestling industry as a whole?
First of, NXT isn't considered a "brand" by WWE. It's just a show used to promote up and coming talent, but by no means does WWE consider it a brand, neither is Superstars. The "brands" are Raw and SmackDown. NXT and Superstars are inter-promotional SHOWS, nothing more.

But, no, I don't think the E should open up any other promotions until their product is better than what we've been seeing. If they can't keep the one promotion they have from becoming stale (granted, it IS getting better), then how are they going to manage other promotions globally?
This will not work. A. Your coca cola example. Coca cola is a different kind of company that can produce a multitude of things. Not because they are good at it, but because they have the money to buy Minutemaid, Powerade, etc. They were seperate entities that were bought by Coca cola. So now they own them but they pretty much let them do their thing just under the Coca Cola umbrella.

With wrestling this would just be how they are doing the brand extension with Raw and Smackdown. It creates the ILLUSION of competition when there really is none. Plus if the WWE starts another promotion, they would have to use their brand name and their signature production style or else they wouldn't be able to pull it off.
Rcgstrtmmy read my mind sort off,WWE would be better off buying every company that is out there rather than to start their own promotions cause like you mentioned the downside would be the money it would take to invest and the time it would take to build each promotion,and i don't Vinny Mac would take that kinda risk.
But, no, I don't think the E should open up any other promotions until their product is better than what we've been seeing. If they can't keep the one promotion they have from becoming stale (granted, it IS getting better), then how are they going to manage other promotions globally?

Don't insult a guys post just because your not thrilled with whats on TV. It isn't really relevant to the question being asked.

As for the original idea, I really don't think it would be that bad. However, it would only work internationally. I think it would be a great move on their part to buy/open a company in places like Japan and Mexico. It could also be a smart move to start something rather small in Western Europe where wrestling is popular, but they have no promotions to speak of. The only way it would work is if Vince owned it, but let people from those countries do all the booking and storytelling. Sure he would have ultimate say, but it wouldn't be a good idea for him to dictate how things are done in cultures he doesn't understand.

If they did this it would be important to NOT call it WWE. For example, don't call a company WWE UK. It would make it seem second rate. Just have these sub companies develope their own stars and do their own TV. Once they are established you could have a talent sharing process for big events, but I think it would be a bad idea to have the stories revolve around whatever WWE guy they sent over their for a few months.

Internationally it would be a great idea, but it wouldn't work in America.
Don't insult a guys post just because your not thrilled with whats on TV. It isn't really relevant to the question being asked.

First off, I wasn't insulting his post. I answered the question, plain and simple. So, that being said, how is it not relevant to the question being asked? Your perception of my answer to his question isn't relevant, as a matter of fact.

My saying that their product has to be better than what we've been seeing doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the product. As a fan of professional wrestling for over 20 years, I have been the E put on better programs, but that, by no means, goes to say that I'm not enjoying the current product.
I think that if WWE were to do this they would have to use these separate, smaller promotions in the same way they use FCW. Primarily as a training base before the wrestlers are ready for the big show, but with their own smaller identity. If they did it internationally then it would work, because the wrestlers would pick up various different styles but also have the basis of the WWE style already down. If they were to do it across America, then the main style they would pick up would be WWE style, which wouldn't be such a great thing.
I would think that if the WWE was to purchase an interest (controlling interest even) into local smaller promotions, bring their marketing brilliance to the product, this could work great. Using the Coca-Cola example, that's exactly how it should work. Coca-cola doesn't know the first thing about growing, harvesting and juicing oranges, but Minute Maid does. So, rather than invest all the time, energy, money and effort into learning it, why not purchase the company that already knows how to make it happen and add your marketing and distribution power to the brand? It's smart business.

Microsoft was villified for this very thought process, yet, they're still on top of the world, still making mad money and very likely will be around long after you and I are gone.

It's a great idea, if they allow the local flavors to remain in the promotions, but add their strengths into the recipe. I think that's what makes some of the current WWE product stale. They want to control it all, rather than allow things to change according to fan reaction and market conditions.

EVERYONE knows who the WWE are. Whether you like wrestling or not, you KNOW who they are. Much like Coca Cola. I might hate soda, but I know exactly who and what Coca Cola is.
It doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, but I have my own theory as to why Vince would not be interested in doing something like that.

The product that WWE puts out right now is a global product, Raw, Smackdown, and WWE PPV's are shown all over the world. If you start putting other products out there that are wrestling shows even if owned by the WWE it would start to take away from their current and biggest product. Which is why Coke never puts out anything to rival its original and biggest product.

If Vince wanted to do something like he did with ECW back in the day it could work, invest money into another company and use it as a minor league system. Not exactly like the OVW or FCW, but something on a national scale which wouldn't get the full WWE treatment so that it would be a big deal when someone comes to the WWE full time. But for that to work it would have to be done all with no one knowing the WWE involvement in this other product.
While the possibility of WWE doing different promotions is a great concept its just not going to happen. Remember those first days of the WWE's purchase of WCW? Vince actually had different plans then that crap filled invasion angle he ultimatley had to go with. The original plan was for WCW to have its own saturday-night tv show and to run its own house show events and ppv's; basically it was to be its own company, with Shane Mcmahon as the story line president. Arenas were actually booked, and negotiations began with Viacom to secure a timeslot for the inevitable WCW progams. All fine in theory, but Viacom, specifically The National Newtwork (TNN) on which Raw aired, didn't want any more wrestling programs-they had enough. And they didn't want Vince to replace his highly rated WWF show with WCW, as they paid top dollar for the ratings that Raw drew, and they didn't want those numbers to be potentially sliced in half. So their where problems on the corporate end from the get go.
And in this day in time USA is no different, basically if there isn't a big fat WWE logo on top of it there will never be a different promotion run by WWE. And TNA isn't a viable alernative just yet, it just isnt there yet. so were all kind of stuck in the wrestling down period remembering the late 90's when it was actually fun to watch.
But here's an idea, maybe i can get some people out there to join in. Here goes, just stop watching WWE, just stop watching WWE. Only watch the competion, you know, the TNA's, The ROH's, even some of the stuff coming out of Japan. But just stop watching WWE. You'll be amazed what will happen.
I see your reasoning but realitically and logically WWE couldn't and wouldn't do that.
The forumla of different brands as been played upon for going on 9 years, and it's boring no matter what you do to rejig the brands the concept has ran it course.

What WWE needs to do for that different feel is to unify the belts and have 2 singles, tag and women's, have everyone on every show, but have lower level guys alterrnate between shows and have the main eventers go between the two on a weekly occasion and maybe keep some lower guys as "exclusive to the show" contracts to try and build them up on the show.

Once everyone has their foot in the door and getting themselves sorted out introduce maybe 1 new belt, now I know peoples opinions (I love the Hardcore belt personally) but a lighterweight belt is needed, them guys WOULD be insane, Bourne will never be WWE champion he's to small, not knocking him I'm knocking WWE so introduce a belt for them guys like him who put on quality week in and week out and if the belt gets over more then the WWE/World then embrace it.
First of, NXT isn't considered a "brand" by WWE. It's just a show used to promote up and coming talent, but by no means does WWE consider it a brand, neither is Superstars. The "brands" are Raw and SmackDown. NXT and Superstars are inter-promotional SHOWS, nothing more.

But, no, I don't think the E should open up any other promotions until their product is better than what we've been seeing. If they can't keep the one promotion they have from becoming stale (granted, it IS getting better), then how are they going to manage other promotions globally?

With all due respect, I clearly said they were shows and not brands. I used the term brand because that is what they are labeled by WWE, and I do think NXT falls under the same label as RAW and Smackdown. NXT may follow a different format of how their roster is set, but they are still WWE programing. It might not be as well booked or executed as the bigger boys of RAW & Smackdown, but it is still there.

Yes their programming became stale for awhile, but that is part of the idea to introduce more promotions. Put different people in charge of them than the current shows and I don't think there would be any worry about writers having problems with new ideas, simply because it isn't the same writers. Hopefully that could interject some competition among them.

As for the original idea, I really don't think it would be that bad. However, it would only work internationally. I think it would be a great move on their part to buy/open a company in places like Japan and Mexico. It could also be a smart move to start something rather small in Western Europe where wrestling is popular, but they have no promotions to speak of. The only way it would work is if Vince owned it, but let people from those countries do all the booking and storytelling. Sure he would have ultimate say, but it wouldn't be a good idea for him to dictate how things are done in cultures he doesn't understand.

If they did this it would be important to NOT call it WWE. For example, don't call a company WWE UK. It would make it seem second rate. Just have these sub companies develope their own stars and do their own TV. Once they are established you could have a talent sharing process for big events, but I think it would be a bad idea to have the stories revolve around whatever WWE guy they sent over their for a few months.

Internationally it would be a great idea, but it wouldn't work in America.

You raise a valid point in regards to being only internationally. As one of the other posters mentioned, nobody is going to want another wrestling company in the USA ran by WWE without being acknowledged as WWE. And being kept different would be too important. As for the international side, using your WWE UK example, most people would just look at it as a sad attempt to make more money. Kind of like when you see "Britain's Got talent" and than "America's Got Talent". If they aren't left to stand on their own two legs than anyone one dislikes WWE will automatically ignore it without giving it a proper chance.

Having specific managment for each unique place is also a good point. It has been said in the past that Vince doesn't understand or know what is popular among American society as it is, this would be much worse with an entirely different culture. Having bookers who understand the culture and fanbase in the respective region would be key.

I would think that if the WWE was to purchase an interest (controlling interest even) into local smaller promotions, bring their marketing brilliance to the product, this could work great. Using the Coca-Cola example, that's exactly how it should work. Coca-cola doesn't know the first thing about growing, harvesting and juicing oranges, but Minute Maid does. So, rather than invest all the time, energy, money and effort into learning it, why not purchase the company that already knows how to make it happen and add your marketing and distribution power to the brand? It's smart business.

Microsoft was villified for this very thought process, yet, they're still on top of the world, still making mad money and very likely will be around long after you and I are gone.

It's a great idea, if they allow the local flavors to remain in the promotions, but add their strengths into the recipe. I think that's what makes some of the current WWE product stale. They want to control it all, rather than allow things to change according to fan reaction and market conditions.

EVERYONE knows who the WWE are. Whether you like wrestling or not, you KNOW who they are. Much like Coca Cola. I might hate soda, but I know exactly who and what Coca Cola is.

This is probably the most realistic and practical approach, and follows the Coca-Cola model to a T. Buying out promotions that already exist and not just WWE-ing them. Letting them have the style and approach they already have established but adding in the WWE promoting machine. They can help out some of the more green guys improve without a massive spot-light on them while still giving them exposure. Sort of like what the concept for NXT originally was, but still kept away from the WWE main stream audience until they are ready.

Thanks for all the responses, keep them coming!
So basically what you're saying is that WWE should become like the new NWA in that there are smaller, locally controlled organizations and WWE should just be the parent company? Like a new, updated territory system? I like that idea because it might allow for a more diverse product, and more styles being seen on a larger platform, but it will never happen because the McMahons don't like diverse, they like the WWE style, and that's why they send all of there new "independent contractors" to FCW, and before that it was OVW and HWA. So while it might be great to see, and id personally love to see the revival of a stong territory system, we're more likely to see Chris Beniot get inducted into the WWE HOF and presented with a Farher of the Centery award all on the same night then to see that happen.
So basically what you're saying is that WWE should become like the new NWA in that there are smaller, locally controlled organizations and WWE should just be the parent company? Like a new, updated territory system? I like that idea because it might allow for a more diverse product, and more styles being seen on a larger platform, but it will never happen because the McMahons don't like diverse, they like the WWE style, and that's why they send all of there new "independent contractors" to FCW, and before that it was OVW and HWA. So while it might be great to see, and id personally love to see the revival of a stong territory system, we're more likely to see Chris Beniot get inducted into the WWE HOF and presented with a Farher of the Centery award all on the same night then to see that happen.

The hope would be that it could become something of a new territrory system. Alot of smaller promotions have a rough time getting going because A) they don't really know what they are doing and B) they don't have the money to pull it off. WWE has both.

Your right though, Vince has shown that he doesn't like any style but his own. As a result, alot of the mainstream wrestling fanbase has grown to only know that style, which would make it difficult to attract any large fanbase that isn't already watching WWE.FCW and formerly OVW were about as close as they have come to having another promotion seperate of WWE, but they are still too closely associated as a feeder system to the big leagues to every really become something more.
So basically what you're saying is that WWE should become like the new NWA in that there are smaller, locally controlled organizations and WWE should just be the parent company? Like a new, updated territory system? I like that idea because it might allow for a more diverse product, and more styles being seen on a larger platform, but it will never happen because the McMahons don't like diverse, they like the WWE style, and that's why they send all of there new "independent contractors" to FCW, and before that it was OVW and HWA. So while it might be great to see, and id personally love to see the revival of a stong territory system, we're more likely to see Chris Beniot get inducted into the WWE HOF and presented with a Farher of the Centery award all on the same night then to see that happen.

I like this idea...but I want to take it a step farther

Have WWE be the main company with the traveling road show and have these other promotions almost be like franchises within the WWE, think restaurant franchises but they can make their own decisions. Each promotion could be slightly different from the other, then the WWE devote maybe a weekend show on USA or another channel that will showcase these other promotions and then once a year have all of the promotions come together for a supershow (Wrestlemania), have inter-promotional matches that wouldn't otherwise be seen unless it was at Wrestlemania.

It could allow for more stars to be born and even give each territory their own guy to cheer for at Wrestlemania.

Sure its another way to take the biggest PPV of the year and try to make it bigger or maybe its just a horrible idea on my part but either way just wanted to throw it out there.

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