What is your Drug of Choice?

Does Dr. Pepper classify as a drug? If so, I've been addicted heavily for 5 years and have loved every second of it.
Used to smoke a lot of weed, but I've kind of outgrown it. Just not my thing anymore. The only time I really smoke is when my good friend, who now lives in LA, comes in town to visit. Other wise, I do, of course, enjoy a good lager, some whiskey or red wine.
Bwahahahaha, red rep for "trollin"? Son, were I to troll you you'd know (or rather, I'd do it so well you'd have no idea).
Man that's all me and my friends use to do on the weekends after school, 4 or 5 of us would all pitch in and buy an ounce of the best shit we could find and just sit there and smoke the fuck out of that weed until there was nothing left. That was my life for a few years and I kind of miss it actually. My lungs cant take sitting in those kind of smoke sessions anymore.
Man that's all me and my friends use to do on the weekends after school, 4 or 5 of us would all pitch in and buy an ounce of the best shit we could find and just sit there and smoke the fuck out of that weed until there was nothing left. That was my life for a few years and I kind of miss it actually. My lungs cant take sitting in those kind of smoke sessions anymore.

You'd pitch in on an OUNCE after school? What the fuck, are all of your family's rich?
You'd pitch in on an OUNCE after school? What the fuck, are all of your family's rich?

Christ no shit, I could see two people chipping in for an 8th or a quarter, a few people maaaaaaaybe chipping in for a half (on a good deal of course). Typically we'd just buy our own and match as the weekend progressed, and whatever we had typically had to last longer than a weekend since a very good portion of the time we wouldn't know when we'd have an opportunity to get more.
You'd pitch in on an OUNCE after school? What the fuck, are all of your family's rich?

:lmao: for the weekend yeah. not everyday, we all had jobs and didn't really spend the money on anything other than weed. This might not of been every week, maybe every other but yeah, we managed.
I don't do recreational drugs, I don't even drink anymore but my answer is pretty damn easy. Morphine. Fucking love the stuff but I avoid it for obvious reasons, just thinking about it tempts me to break my arm and head off to hospital :)

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