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What is the worst finisher in WWE history?

CM Steel

A REAL American
We all have our own opinion's about who has the best finisher in WWE history. But in your own opinion, what is the worst finisher in WWE history?

Hulk Hogan has been getting ripped for years with his big leg drop finisher. But if I had to give an answer to this question then I would have to say...Bradshaw's/JBL's clothesline from hell finisher! I mean it's a nice set up move that can lead to the finisher but not the actual finisher in it's self. Then my second choice would have to be Month Brown's pounce finisher. Same as the clothesline from hell, not the best finisher! It could be used to as a signature move to set up to the finisher but bad choice for the finisher.

But yours personally?
id say the cobra would have to be the one for me, its a goof move done by a goof performer trying to rip off a legend unsuccessfully...if tim to go with a serious finisher though ill have to say the stroke or the flatliner, both require that a person wouldn't just stop the move from happening to them or in the case of the flatliner/downward spiral the impact would hurt the person doing it more than the person receiving it
i think hogan will be the concensus; even he has said "with the 24 inch pythons, the largest arms in the world, why not something like a sleeper?". Not to mention, look at all the back problems he has from landing on his tailbone for 30 years. I dont think it is the worse though, at least they marketed it right for the times. Today, it would be horrendous.

I think warriors splash was bad, but the worse was Lex Luger as the narcissist using a running forearm with a supposed steel plate n his arm until it was "banned".

Then there are the obvious jokes like santino's cobra.

Also, I never liked wrestlers with only a submission finisher because there are some people that will never submit; i.e. hogan, cena, warrior, bret hart in his prime (face) etc. Flair should have had an impact move, benoit, and up until recently, d bryan. I never liked the labell lock, it looks to awkward to apply and you can almost always see the opponent helping him lock it in.

logically speaking, moves that require total cooperation are pretty bad too, such as: the famasser, bookend, etc where the opponent has to stand there hunched over. Now that I think of it, the worse for me for logical and obvious lack of impact is the 619. How many times are people going to trip and fall into the bottom rope against mysterio but never against anybody else. That and a slow rotating kick from a 120 pound 5 foot tall wrestler would do absolutely nothing to anybody, especially kevin nash or big show....yet they both have felt it
It depends if you take most moves from previous eras they wouldn't stand up in the modern day

Hogans Leg Drop
Jake Robert's DDT

they are just two examples, also do you remember how shitty everyone got when Rock beat Punk with the People's Elbow

Finishers that take forever are moves that I hate, ala the neutraliser or whatever Cesaro's finisher was/is Ryback's crappy thing that I can't remember the name for. If I can't see them winning quickly I can't really imagine them pulling of the dramatic finisher, even taker could hit the tombstone out of nowhere.
I am surprised that nobody has said the 'Attitude Adjustment', not to be hating on Cena, but he needs something that looks like it can actually end a match. Throwing someone to the mat, off of your shoulders with hardly any impact is not going to finish it, I mean how many people have kicked out of a suplex? Countless, that's right. They are pretty similar.

Although that is not the worst for me, the worst would be a toss up between Santino's 'Cobra', Khali's 'Chop' or Hornswoggle's 'Tadpole Splash'. I mean come on!
big e langston, every time he does the move it makes me think of christians reverse ddt or the rko



I would have to go with a couple.

Warrior Splash
Leg Drop
The Worm
Bushwhacker Ram

None of them were that convincing to me, and are mainly eye rollers.
Especially the Worm. Damn you Scotty!
As an old school fan, I am pleasantly surprised by such entries as Papa Shango and Berzerker. I also love your reasons--619, so true...why do people only end up on the ropes that way during Mysterio matches? AA and 619, very true how they have no impact. Never thought of a sleeper for Hogan. Not as exciting to have three arm drops rather than the count of three...but he could have at least set up the leg with the sleeper. The leg drop could have been the final nail in the coffin, rather than the move that did the person in. I would trade the big boot for a 24" python sleeper. I think Hornswoggle, Santino and Khali (Title run not withstanding) are silly acts, so to bash their finisher is silly too.

I do not like finishers that require obvious assistance from the opponent. I also don't like the ones that either look like no big deal to the recipient OR look like they hurt the performer rather than the opponent.

I do like ones that can come from any number of positions/situations like the RKO, Diamond Cutter, etc. I also like submission manuevers, as long as the opponent doesn't have to help get himself into position to tap out.

The Hart Attack was awesome, along with Power and Glory's finisher. I didn't care for Demolition's. The Rougeau flying crotch was also awful.

My vote for worst almost went to the Pedigree, because the idea of it is so much more effective than the execution..most of the time. It's more of a letdown that I would rather not see. When the opponent doesn't protect himself, awesome..when he does, awful.

But my vote for worst DOES go to the People's Elbow. The running of the ropes ends with Rock stopping, so I will skip that needless and irrelevant momentum-building technique. It is a standing elbow drop that lands flat on the opponent's chest. Not pointed into his chest or flat/pointed on his face. A harmless elbow that would never end a match in anything resembling a true battle of huge combatants. A silly, silly finisher that is superior to no other.

...while I'm thinking of this, did Nikolai Volkoff ever have a finisher?
I won't count the comedy ones, but in recent times its definitely Wade Barretts wasteland. Such a dull move to end a match. I could understand if it was a very tall wrestler, Khali or that dud Andrew Jackson who was around for a fart a few years back. Wade looked weaker trying to end opponents using it, especially when it was usually the set up move during the Nexus beatdowns, with Gabriel's 450 being the big finale.

I will also nominate MVP and the Playmaker. Just awful. I dont know if he is still using it in TNA, but he really shouldnt be if he is. His drive-by kick looked great though.
Minus some jokes and outdated one, I can come-up with a few:

1)Playmaker - MVP
Aka Overdrive,Orton and Carlito used it also. It is one of the "finisher when debut", but I never see anyone beside Elix Skipper can do this move with impact. It always look bad and hurt your knee more than the opponant's neck.

2)Crack 'em in da Mouth - Deuce and Domino
It is a boot to a sit down opponant, thats it. Most wrestler do it in every match and they use it as a finisher, can't they pick something unique?

3)Samoan Spike - Umaga
I love Umaga, but the infamous finger poke to neck is stupid and lazy at the same time.

4)Camel Clutch - Alexander Rusev
It is great in 1980s, just like DDT is legit in 1980s, using a Camel Clutch nowadays just doesn't work.

But my winner is: All finishers of Heath Slater
Debut in WWE at 2010, Slater use a shitty jumping sleeper slam called "Sweetness", then use the zig-zag and still call it "Sweetness". Than use a Jumping reverse STO (Shelton's Paydirt), and call it "Sweetness" again. Than use a reverse DDT with Maryse's Hairflip and call it "E Minor", than change to a overdrive, named "E Minor", than a snapmare driver called "E Minor", than a Lifting DDT(Edgucation) and call it "Smash Hit".

Really, 7 finishers in 4 years with 6 of them shared 2 names. A finisher are meant to be your trademark, how the hell can someone remember it when you constantly changing it but using the same name? Is he a moron?
The Texas Tornado with either his discus punch or his claw hold. Neither of them stand out as moves that would end a match with the claw being ridiculous.

How about the Heart punch? I never thought of it as a finisher to be honest
Pérez84;4876139 said:
Nobody said the Berzerker's one?:p

Dumbest of the dumbest finishers.

That was the gimmick though, that he took count out wins... was stupid but not ill thought out.


Bushwhacker Battering Ram - More likely to break the Kiwi's neck than hurt their opponent.

Worm - Yup this was dumb... the final strike looked so weak that it made a mockery of the preceding 3 hours of Scotty doing the move... To be fair the Stinkface was actually worse as a move overall, but at least it could do some form of damage.

Whoopee Cushion - When Matt Borne was Doink, he had the Stump Puller, which was a pretty sick move for it's time... but when Ray Apollo took over it became the most lame attempt at a...not sure if it's a sit down senton or just jumping on an opponent.

Kamala Splas - Lame as Warrior was with his, at least he did the Gorilla Press first most of the time... Kamala just looked fake when he did that splash.

Full Nelson - This move never worked for anyone who had it. Chris Masters perhaps got closest but it's an albatross around the neck of whoever uses it as a finisher, it looks dull and can only lead to the inevitable "will the break it" angle.

Bronco Buster - Any "finishing move" that can see a man literally rip his anus apart...yes Waltman I am looking at you. is just bad. I wonder if Pat came up with that one.

I'm not even counting the People's Elbow cos that's so lame it's beyond belief.

I'm gonna go with "The Punt Kick" as the single worst finisher of all time.

We are supposed to buy that Orton runs at the opponent and delivers that kick, when in reality doing so would kill a man instantly... no concussions, no time away... instant death or brain damage. We're supposed to believe that "voices" tell him to do so and that it's the most deadly move in WWE history...

Except Randy ALWAYS misses by a clear 3 inches as he HAS to and simply cannot take any chance of screwing up. That's why it's rare now... partly cos of the danger and also cos they know it's forcing the fans to "suspend" disbelief too far.
for me it has to be without a shadow of a doubt the cobra from santino marella. how that is supposed to keep someone down for the 3 count is a disgrace and a total joke. i feel sorry for the wrestlers like fandango and 3mb usually who have to sell it like its some kind of devastating manouver. fine if its for a cheap pop then it should be used like the worm used to be just as a move that gets a pop from the crowd but certainly not a finisher.
Im gonna keepit kinda modern because the finishers have evoolved over time.

For me, in this age, it would have to be:

1) The Cobra. A sick rip off of Mick Foley's Mr. Socko it looks so fake its noteven funny. Its a kiddie pop move that makes people laugh. Also, the fact that its supposed to be "alive" makes it even more pitiful.

2) Skull Crushing Finale: I dont like this move because again, it looks really bad. Its really just making someone fall on their face.

3) Figure Four Leglock: wimpy finishing submission that is often oversold.

4) The Punt. Mentioned before, i agree with the guy that posted it. The camera has to change angles to hide the fact that Orton is off by a good half foot so he doesnt kill the guy.

5) The 619. Ive never liked this move, because it just seems so planned out. The opponent has to be put on the ropes, and you can see that the only matches where the guy is ON the ropes like that are the Mysterio matches.

On the contrary i think the most nasty finishers of today are The Brogue Kick, the Blackout thing Seth Rollins uses, Rock Bottom, The Chokeslam, and the Tombstone.
I don't have much of a problem with joke moves like the Cobra, People's Elbow, 5-knuckle shuffle, Ballin' etc. because pro-wrestling is not a legit sport; its where lots of unreal things happen... so a move where the wrestler draws power from the crowd or from a rubber cobra isn't too hate-worthy.
What I dislike more, are legit wrestling moves done poorly. For instance, Edge's Spear which is more like a running hug; Jericho's Codebreaker, Natalya's Discuss Botchsline, CM Punk's Elbow Drop (which was supposed to be a tribute to Macho Man, but was executed so poorly that Macho Man would be shaking his head if he saw them), Jerry Lawler's Crown Drop (jump from the top rope, tough guy!) etc. These are a few that came to mind.
I have to mention the worm and the bronco buster, whether they were supposed to be taken seriously or not they would make Santino look stupid, that bad. But my least favorite and the worst to me is MVP's playmaker, if there was ever an awkward crappy looking move it's this one. The set up is ridiculous and the move itself just looks bad and ineffective.
For me the worst finishing move came in the early days of arguably my two favorite wrestlers. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle basically seemed to be using what became known as The Angle Slam until they came up with something else. You would see the best match of the night and then see it finish with a move that would be in the middle stages of someone else's match.

The Superkick completed the HBK character because he suddenly seemed dangerous. I know that Ken Shamrock did the Ankle Lock first but it also added so much to the storytelling of Kurt Angle's matches.

That is what the original finishers seem weak. It made the end of a great match unsatisfying.
3) Figure Four Leglock: wimpy finishing submission that is often oversold.

Are you kidding me?? Have you ever tried it? Sure, they tell us not to do all that stuff at home, but of course we tried some of it anyway when we were kids. And let me tell you, if someone puts you in the figure four and really puts the pressure on it hurts like a motherf****r! You can break someone's leg with that thing.

What makes no sense whatsoever, however, is the whole turning-the-figure-four-around thing. They turn over and suddenly it's Flair screaming in pain. Absolutely ridiculous. What part of his anatomy is supposed to be hurting? His knees?

We also could never quite figure out what about the crippler crossface was supposed to be so excruciatingly painful. If the pressure is applied right under the nose, yes, but they almost never do that. They just pull the head back. It's unpleasant, yes, but not nearly as agonizing as they make it appear on TV. It looks great on TV, though.

Worst finisher of all time? Well, pleny of people mentioned the Worm. Damn, that one is stupid. The Cobra, of course, is ridiculous. The People's Elbow, well, I never quite considered it a stand alone move. It's more the finishing touch after the real finisher, the Rock Bottom, so I'll let that one slide.
I think Crush's finisher deserves mentioning here. Just like Kerry von Erich's Claw it was just plain stupid.

But in the end I gotta go with the Hulkster's vicious legdrop of doom, because no other finisher forced so many extremely talented wrestlers to look like a bunch of clowns for laying down for it.
Alot of you are saying setups like the Bronco Buster or the Worm are Finishers but really they are Setups to the Finisher. As far as worst finishers has to go moves like Mick Foley's Socko/Mandible Claw, Santino's Cobra, Crush's/Khali's Brain Squeeze, Warrior's or any others doing the Running Splash, Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb, Christian's Killswitch (He should usue a Spear/Frog Splash Combo instead), Daniel Bryan's Running Knee, Orton's Punt, Dusty's Bionic Elbow, and I can't think of any others right now.
My favorite of the worst had to Sgt. Slaughter's original finisher when he came back in 1990/1991 -- The Atomic Noogie. Actually it didn't have a name as I recall, but that's an appropriate moniker: A knuckle to the temple as a submission move.

Now that I think about it that would hurt like a sonuvabitch.

Least favorite of the worst have to be Jeff Jarrett and The Miz's Stroke/Skull Crushing Finale. Both men are too small to make the move look effective and I haven't seen anyone successfully sell the move, i.e. really make it look like it could knock them out.

It doesn't help that both guys who use the move suck ass.
Of all time, it's The Worm in my book.

Currently, I'd go with The Cobra. It's just useless.

Close second place to the Sister Abigail. Everyone else in history who has used the move has done with so much more torque and impact than Bray Wyatt does. Wyatt's version of the move just looks pitiful.
a move that looks like it hurts the wrestler who is on offense equally or more is the bottom line here... like when Chris Jericho used the codebreaker... i wouldn't mind as much if he took a page from a man who does something which may BE the most under-rated in ring action ever.. when RVD hits his 5 star frog splash he always sells the toll it took on his body... LOVE IT... ne one hitting the codebreaker, or the backstabber, or big e's jumping and landing on his back!!.. they should atleast spend one second and add the selling facials since they took a toll on their bodies with it...

BTW warrior's splash looked awesome... haters. and alberto needs to spend some strike training, all of his strikes look so weak, and he does NOT need to slap his leg on every kick or boot.. i dont mean to go off topic cause i recall ADR using the superkick to sum1 on his knees a few times, not sure if he ever won with it..

DOLPH ZIGGLER should have been passed down the superkick, the uso's could adjust and just use raymond rogeau's kick instead !!! seriously dolph is uber athletic, the fame ass er looks cool but the zig zag again looks way too harsh on his own body and ziggy doesnt even sell it a bit.... come on bro, atleast hold the back of ur head for 1 sec!~

now a DDT should imo always be a finisher, very rarely should anyone kick out of it, or in a tag match the partner can Break the pin... that move is simple and should be able to keep anyone down for 3 seconds, especially the way dolph always does it lately with a huge jump,

i know i was at WM18 i cringed watching rock hit the elbow..but atleast it was over.. the mandible claw was actually badd ass imo... so was the heart punch with the locking of a guys arm behing his head...

now dino bravo using a side slam..?, or when HBK 1st turned heel i believe he used a modified belly to back suplex with hooking the arm (teardrop suplex)

i think every wrestler should have a signature or finisher that is a submission move in their arsenal.. plus more pins, i love how bret used to win so many matches with a pin variation...it makes it seem real.. like he is just trying to get ur shoulders to the mat for 3 seconds, not DEMOLISH you!!!....

i wanna see more pin attempts in matches.

and santino did a good job making us laugh, but he has so much ability, i wish he would become serious, but i know he is content making 600 grand a year and not getting hurt or barely sore... where as guys like bryan and cesaro will be in ice baths , ARE in ice baths...

i miss the SLEEPER!!
I wouldn't be picking this if he put a little more effort into it and applied it properly and that's John Cena's STF or STS.

When he first started using it, he locked it in properly, but now he often has his hands far from the face/neck and applies zero pressure on his opponents. It makes me cringe when his opponents look like they're passing out it in because it totally looks unconvincing e.g Rock at Wrestlemania 28.

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