What if then THEY storyline could be another swerve by DIXIE...


Pre-Show Stalwart
Think about it. What if THEY was thought to be the only storyline that Bischoff/Hogan/Jeff Jarrett was working in TNA..

What if Dixie Carter got Abyss to work with The Immortal's, and push the whole THEY storyline, knowing that THEY all along was Dixie's THEY, and not Immortal's THEY. Stay with me here on this...

Lets say Dixie Carter tell's ABYSS that he is her # 1 wrestler on her roster, and that she need's to make sure Bischoff, and Hogan are on the level with helping her company, and not going to try to put it out of business like WCW. So she send's Abyss into their little world of take overs. Abyss feed's NEWS TO Dixie about all the plan's that HOGAN/BISCHOFF/JARRETT are planning a huge THEY storyline with the take over of TNA. So Dixie tell's Abyss that she is going to create her own THEY team, to battle whatever The Immortal's have planned. So Abyss constantly keep's Dixie informed of their plan's, so she can build her own accordingly.

So Dixie goes to Sting/Nash for help, and build up this storyline of her not believing that HOGAN, BISCHOFF aren't trying to do anything against her, so she can continue to build her own offense. So now she has NASH/STING/POPE/KURT ANGLE/TEAM 3D/RVD/ABYSS(RVD being hospitalized by ABYSS is a work from Dixie NOT Hogan/Bischoff)/INK INC./Jay Lethal, and MR. ANDERSEN & DESMOND WOLF (for basically being dropped from FOURTUNE)

So Dixie let's The IMMORTALS think they have control of everything up until GENESIS PPV in January, when she finally reveal's THEY as being her team consisting of all the above wrestler's, and with this PPV being the debut of MATT HARDY, and her newest member to TEAM TNA.

This whole storyline if it were put into work's could be some massive fun, and intrigue, & add another huge twist to the THEY storyline where DIXIE outsmart's HOGAN/BISCHOFF/JARRETT'S plot to getting control of "his company back from Dixie"

I don't care who you are as a wrestling fan I think this scenerio would be a incredible storyline, and alot of fun with the intrigue. HOGAN/BISCHOFF/JARRETT are left with their jaw's dropped thinking what the hell just happened.."We were outsmarted by Dixie Carter"...

So what do you wrestling fan's out there think of this?
I'm a newbie, and I like it. I'd have to get a scorecard to keep track of all the players, but I think it would work. I could imagine them all with their jaws on the floor. Beaten by a woman, no less!:lmao:

My only concern with this THEY storyline is if it turns into a rehashed version of the NWO.
I do like the idea of Dixie outsmarting everyone, especially now since so many people like to make fun of her.

It's a good idea. I do think most people on the Internet would get kinda butthurt over it and try not to buy into it, though.
It's got legs......now it were only plausible/feasible/doable. Not saying it's not, but it would be an awesome swerve for Hogan and the geriatrics if it were to happen. I think ultimately, (much to my dismay), Dixie is going to be more of an on-air character like Vinnie Mac was/is, (why owners need to be in front of the camera is beyond me).
I just thini it would be great for the players to get played...and by Dixie, and it would show TNA being strong. Her tema being called TEAM TNA I think would fit well. Alot of great fueds could come out of this storyline as well. Especially a Matt Hardy Vs. Jeff Hardy to bring in Matt strong in his TNA debut.
seems maybe Dixie isn't smart enough for that. would this be too complex for wrestling, maybe too smart for general wrestling fans?
Your storyline is wishful thinking at the most. I wouldn't hold my breath for more than a second for that storyline, no offense. The probable storyline going would be Fortune to get the short end of stick from Immortal and join up with, "Team TNA" as most are probably going to call it, and have a huge war between the two.
I would love to see it but I don't think the people running TNA can think that way. Love TNA but it doesnt seem plausible at this time.
it's not too sophistcated, it's just premature.

you see, those heavily complicated storylines are never used JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD.

they are brought in to fix things when the storylines up to that point do not make sense or don't work. then you use a storyline like that one to make it seem like all the inexplicable tripe that they've been feeding us was for some brilliant reason.

if the current story arc goes horribly sour in short order, it would not astonish me if we saw something very much like this scenario played out in an effort to save the credibility of impact!
Have Dixie come off as smart and savvy? Now THAT is a suspension of disbelief!

The only flaw with that proposed scenario is that I do not believe that Dixie would have ever risked "signing over the company", even if she was secretly planning her own "They" stable. Too much risk in doing that for everything to go as planned.

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