What if The Undertaker turns heel?

Yeah, like everyone else has said, it would be tough to turn Taker even if they tried because everyone loves The Streak. Not to mention pointless. He only works a month out of the year these days. Comes in a month before WrestleMania to hype the match up, works the match, and then (if he does the same thing he did last year Post-WrestleMania season) he works a couple matches for a couple weeks before he's written off TV.

More importantly, he doesn't have to always face a heel at Mania. At WM25, HBK was a tweener at best and a year later, he was a face who had just reached his breaking point after becoming obsessed with The Streak. HHH was face during WM 27 and 28. At 29, Punk was the first full blown heel to challenge The Streak since Edge at WM24. Young guys like Reigns or Bryan can still get over in face vs face confrontations with Undertaker. In fact, they'd get over more as faces than heels. All they'd have to do is get an arm raise or a hand shake from Taker following the match after a losing effort and their career will be elevated to whole new heights after that. Like when Taker raised Jeff Hardy's arm as a mutual respect thing after he beat Jeff in that ladder match for the WWE Championship back in 2002.
The real problem with this is that you don't seem to understand that they TRIED to turn Undertaker heel durring his matches with HBK and HHH. He was the heel in the first match against HBK, as Taker was viewed as seeking to destroy the one man he'd never had a real clean win against HBK, then the face in the 2nd match. He was supposed to be heel in match against HHH as HHH w as to be face seeking vengeance/peace for his friend's career, then again heel in 2nd match as one seeking revenge for the way he had to leave the previous year. But his popularity is such that no matter what role he is supposed to play at this time in his career, the fans, except for biased idiots like the thread creator, continue to cheer for him regardless.
Anyone who believes other wise is simply deluding themselves.

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