Franklyif you dont like the program, DONT FREAKING WATCH IT!
Like Jack Hammer said you are in the epic minority here champ. You are hating on a true legend, just for the reason of hating. You have no facts, but that of your own opinion. I dont know why the mods dont just ban you becasue it seems like every post youu make here is degrading a legend. You did it with the rock, you did it with stone cold, now you are doing it with 'Taker.
Why should Taker get a longer entrance thanothers?
Because when you have been with a business since 1990, you get perks.
Taker hasn't put anyone over?

how bout letting the Shield powerbomb him through a table? Ya know, the thing that wrote him of TV???
I do agree with the bits about the sfresh talent putting on great matches and making names. You dont do that fighting JTG, you do it fighting Someone like Trips or the Undertaker. Even if you lose, if you put on a good enough match, you will be a name.
In conclusion, The Undertaker draws. Big time. You cannot say that people arent happy when the lights go out and the gong chimes. You are in the minority here, jack. You are gonna have to live with it.
OH, make some positive posts for once, will ya?[/QU
Taker has lost plenty of matches, just not at WM. The fact that he lost every televised match he ever had vs Edge & HBK was a big part of the set up for their WM Tilts (IE either of those two could end The Streak because they had beaten Taker before). It was a loss on PPV to The Rock that was the initial catalyst for his feud vs Ric Flair.