Wrestling fans are hypocrites to not criticize The Undertaker

Well, I don't owe anyone anything.

All I know is that The Rock competed during the last two Wrestlemanias. The Undertaker has competed in 20+. It wasn't the Undertaker drawing an extra 300,000 buys the last two years. You'll find that out soon enough.
you're right. he's not responsible for EXTRA buys, but he is responsible for the core 250000 buys.
Don't know if it's going to be a popular one, but here's my opinion on the matter;

Taker has been around for a long time and he's getting old. It understandable that his body is beaten up and it's no wonder that he's not wrestling on a weekly basis anymore. It's really quite amazing that a guy with that kind of a medical history and age is still standing in the ring at all.

However; I do agree that he's getting away with a lot. Just because he's only scheduled for one show a year does not mean he can't make appearances. He only has a couple of weeks left to Wrestlemania and will not be able to tell a compelling story imho. The last couple of years have only been staredowns and a WM match. It doesn't take physical action to tell a story. You can hate on the CM Punk match all you want but Punk did throw in somewhat of an angle. The only angle Brock Lesnar has this year is a real life one; They simply don't like each other. It's been well documented.

But I have to say that even though Taker isn't all there anymore his entrance and character still are compelling enough to bring forth an amazing atmosphere. His legacy simply erases the need for him to be in a main event, cause his WM match pretty much is an entire show on it's own. It's just a shame he's hardly there to promote the damn thing...
Like I said last week, you people are fucking hypocrites, you're bitching about Taker being 47-48, yet you all want Sting, who is at least 6 years older, to sign to WWE and fight Taker at Mania!

What the actual fuck is your problem?
Tone it down there buddy. We're not giving Taker more credit than we give Sting. They are similar in style and character and it would be an epic clash of legends, no matter their age. Aside from that, Sting has had less physical problems, despite the age difference...
There's a difference.

The Undertaker is almost 50, has two stuffed knees and a banged-up hip, amongst other physical problems. He has a great gimmick, and he has a built-in storyline each year. Taker can't do a full-time schedule any more.

The question the OP should ask is why Brock Lesnar is part-time? He is younger than the Undertaker, he isn't as banged-up, yet he shows up when he wants, and has a "limited appearances" clause in his contract. Why? Because Brock wouldn't return unless he gets his own way.

I have less problem with the Undertaker, who has shown time and time again, that he loves the business, showing up part-time, then some guy who had everything given to him on a silver platter because he had the "right look", leaves after two years for a failed football career, joins UFC and when he is past it in UFC, comes crawling back to WWE, but demands a limited schedule in exchange for the priviledge of his presence on-screen. Brock doesn't love the business, he just uses it to his own ends. Taker loves the business, and keeps giving back, when he could have retired.
I'm not gonna read everything you said, because I pretty much guess what you said. We should be thanking Taker for coming back once a year to give us a Match of the Year candidate, even if that means he needs to be carried. Anything Taker does is a blessing and is interesting. He is one of the biggest stars in pro wrestling EVER and we are blessed to be able to watch him even if he is 48 years old. He comes back to give us that great match and WM moment and to pick up that pay check. He doesn't steal anyone's spotlight, no one's chance at a title, nothing. If anything, he creates a possible chance for a Superstar to shine through him.

This year, we had to have Lesnar vs Taker, because it is WMXXX. Next year we will have a new star that needs to be established, or someone like Bray Wyatt/Ambrose/Bryan etc. Taker CREATES opportunities, he doesn't steal like Batista. That's why people don't hve a problem with people like Lesnar or Taker or RVD or Jericho. They do their own stuff without affecting people like Bryan, the Shield and so on. That's why we respect Taker and want to see him back. I believe that if Taker went after the WWEWHC by winning the Rumble instead of Bryan, he might have been booed too. That's not certain thought, because Taker gets a free pass. Taker can't be compared to Batista for god's sake.Batista is a big guy who kissed Vince's and HHH's ass to get to the top, Taker is just one of a kind and in the top 5 stars ever.
Exactly, just because Brockberg knows which side his bread is buttered, and knows who's arses to kiss doesn't make him any more worthy of a Streak match at Mania IMO.

Well, here's how the formula for the Streak Match plays out nowadays; it goes to the biggest wrestler not involved in the Title Picture or embroiled in a feud. That's really been the standard starting last year with CM Punk. It's almost like a consolation prize when you really think about it- Taker can't really face champions because he'll beat those champions and then you have to find a way to have him drop the belt fast while his body can endure one more match.

Ideally, yes, you really want a young buck, a screaming streaking stratosphere-jumping rising star to face off against Taker (which worked wonderfully with Orton in WM 21), but who's available right this moment? Can't be anybody from the Shield because they're currently in a Endgame storyline where they break up. Can't be Bray Wyatt, actually it COULD, actually I'm starting to talk myself into the thought, but it seems obvious John Cena's gonna put him over with a victory as opposed to having Wyatt lose to Taker. And it can't be Daniel Bryan because he's either getting that title shot or taking on HHH or maybe doing both.

And after that, really, who is left other than Brock? (Other wrestlers are available, yes, but you'd have to REALLY offer a competent endorsement for them, as most of your candidates would be getting a rocketship push just facing Taker period.)
there's a difference between Rock and Undertaker. Undertaker was committed to WWE for over 20 years. He showed up every week and never signed over to WCW no matter how pissed he was at Vince and the WWF. Meanwhile, you've got a guy who entered in 1996 and left in 2003. He wasn't even there 10 years before he decided to leave. Rock is also somewhat ashamed of his past. He says he wanted to be known more than just as a wrestler to explain his name change but that's not why. WWE isn't cool anymore so why associate yourself with it? Why else would Rock only show up once in a blue moon on RAW? For a pay day not because he loves the fans. It's not like Rock shoots movies year round. Yeah sure The Rock put over guys but Undertaker put over more. Didn't Undertaker put over Brock Lesnar? He put over Stone Cold, Cm Punk, Edge, The Great Khali, Mark Henry, HHH, HBK, Bret Hart, Randy Orton and thats not all. Also, it's not like Undertaker does the script writing. Undertaker wanted Kurt Angle and Batista to end the streak but Vince said no to both. Not only that but Undertaker only left because his health forced him to. If he were medically cleared to wrestle every week he would.
I totally agree.

Undertaker can wrestle how he wants, bury anyone he wants.

Just to hold his "streak". Not jobbing to other young guys, just keeping his streak, 5 minute entrances.

Everybody knows he already will win. Brock will do 100 finishers, but Undertaker will win. WWE has become too predictable.

Franklyif you dont like the program, DONT FREAKING WATCH IT!

Like Jack Hammer said you are in the epic minority here champ. You are hating on a true legend, just for the reason of hating. You have no facts, but that of your own opinion. I dont know why the mods dont just ban you becasue it seems like every post youu make here is degrading a legend. You did it with the rock, you did it with stone cold, now you are doing it with 'Taker.

Why should Taker get a longer entrance thanothers?

Because when you have been with a business since 1990, you get perks.

Taker hasn't put anyone over? :lmao: how bout letting the Shield powerbomb him through a table? Ya know, the thing that wrote him of TV???

I do agree with the bits about the sfresh talent putting on great matches and making names. You dont do that fighting JTG, you do it fighting Someone like Trips or the Undertaker. Even if you lose, if you put on a good enough match, you will be a name.

In conclusion, The Undertaker draws. Big time. You cannot say that people arent happy when the lights go out and the gong chimes. You are in the minority here, jack. You are gonna have to live with it.

OH, make some positive posts for once, will ya?[/QU

Taker has lost plenty of matches, just not at WM. The fact that he lost every televised match he ever had vs Edge & HBK was a big part of the set up for their WM Tilts (IE either of those two could end The Streak because they had beaten Taker before). It was a loss on PPV to The Rock that was the initial catalyst for his feud vs Ric Flair.

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