Wrestling fans are hypocrites to not criticize The Undertaker

As Wrestlemania approaches, it's that time again when The Undertaker returns.

Did The Undertaker bother to show up at the Royal Rumble? No.

Did The Undertaker bother to show up before the elimination chamber? No.

However that doesn't matter, Taker made his yearly return the night after the elimination chamber, he came with his whole tired undertaker entrance with the undertaker costume, stabbed a guy with a pen on his hand and did some weird facial expressions that are only amusing to 8 year olds. But hey! HE GREW HIS BEARD BACK!! Isn't that awesome??

Alright, let's cut to the chase.

Source: PWInsider Elite

- The*Undertaker*was not at last night's RAW in Chicago as he was at home.*WWE*was still advertising Taker to appear as of the weekend so it must have been a*last minute*change. There was a version of the RAW script that had a staredown between Taker and*Brock Lesnar.

So let me get this straight, The Undertaker had pretty much all last year to rest, there's only what 6 RAWs for him to appear? And he couldn't be at all of them? Really?

There isn't any argument in the world that can be made to justify this without justifying it to other part timers.

What is it? The Undertaker has "paid his dues" since he spend a long time in the WWE?
Batista stayed in WWE for 8 years, that's not good enough? The Rock hasn't paid his dues?
He carried WWF on his back in 2000, a year that didn't have Austin/Taker/Foley for the most of it, and took it to unprecedented heights, he led WWF/E to it's most successful financial year in history in terms of ratings, ppv buyrates...
That isn't paying your dues?

Taker shouldn't be wrestling at all, he should've retired at WrestleMania 28 with 22-0 in the End of an Era match, if not this year should've been his last match at the historic WMXXX with 22-0.

Is The Undertaker going to end his career with Brock Lesnar? Of course not.

Is The Undertaker going to retire without facing Cena at wrestlemania? Don't think so.

Last year's match against punk was supposed to be a filler match, you know 21-0 isn't like 20-0 or 22-0 but this year it was supposed to be Cena vs Taker.

Taker should've retired this year.

Why doesn't The Undertaker just retire already? He's almost 50.

Last year, he got carried by Cm punk at wrestlemania. Taker told a great story no doubt but punk pretty much did all the work.

Taker got all year to prepare for one match, of course the match is going to be great.

Why didn't Shawn Michaels continued wrestling like The Undertaker?

Why did he choose to retire? It's because he's not an egomaniac.

Wrestling won't stop on one wrestler, not Hogan, not Austin, not Rock and certainly not The Undertaker.

WWE needs to "move on".

At least with Rock or Batista or Brock, there's a possibility that they lose at wrestlemania.

The Streak was once something historic, now it seems like the most boring storyline ever.

Should I care if the 21-0 becomes a 22-0 or that the 22-0 becomes a 23-0? Because I really don't.

What is the matter with wrestling fans?

Wrestling fans are like good kids who listen to their parents. Hating on The Undertaker is like sleeping after 8pm, it's Forbidden!

What Taker is doing is wrong? Him getting 10 minutes for his entrance while some guys who work 300+ days a year don't even get a match at wrestlemania.

Also, sure Taker wasn't WWE Champ like Rock was but was Rock really WWE Champion?

As grown ups, most of us wrestling fans know that WWE is scripted / planned and that The Rock was only WWE champ to lose to Cena.
Like it or not, Rock put Cena over. Cena has never faced a bigger superstar than The Rock, the only one that could rival Rock's star power in wrestling are Hogan and Austin and both retired.
Rock put Cena over in the biggest match of his career.

Lesnar also lost to Cena and Triple H.

The Undertaker didn't put anyone over since his "part time days" unless you call giving the shield their first loss "putting them over".

In conclusion, The Undertaker should've retired this year.

I have no interest in seeing The Undertaker anymore.

They did the same thing with HBK, HHH, Punk and now are doing it with Lesnar.

"Everybody said they'll end the streak but they didn't but I will"

It's the same story, same build up, same $#!t every year.

I have no interest seeing Lesnar or Paul Heyman trying to convince us for the next couple of Weeks that he'll end the streak. He won't. Nobody will.

Lesnar is nor an all time great (Rock, Cena...) or a guy who is the future of wwe (reigns, wyatt...) who can make you think the streak will end.

I just hope we can fast forward all those meaningless Heyman segments on the next couple of raws, and fast forward the match at wrestlemania where people will overreact and act like maniacs to every "false finish" although we all know Lesnar has zero chance in ending the streak.

I don't care about a "great match", I've been a wrestling fan for a very long time and watched many "great matches", one of my favorites is the TLC match at wrestlemania X7 mostly because it featured a lot of young talents, same with elimination chamber, the shield vs the wyatts, it was a "GREAT" match.

Many wrestlers in WWE right now can have a "GREAT" match if given enough time.

If I watched a movie that I knew how it end, it could be the greatest movie ever but I won't enjoy it much.
I'd rather watch a mediocre movie that I don't know the ending of than to watch a great movie that I knew how it's going to end.

Now if you want to reply, stay on topic.
If you're going to "troll", you will be reported.

So it’s interesting to To me this seems to be another one of those "Let me post an asinine opinion threads to stir things up". Ok fine. I will agree to an extent that there is a small degree of hypocrisy amongst fans, mostly on the internet. I don't think that they should criticize Undertaker, I think that they should not criticize the other part timers. They draw, they are immensely talented and have already gotten more over than most of the current roster. People criticize WWE for bringing Batista back, but it made perfect sense. Every year they bring someone back and fans talk about not bringing the same old people. So they figure they bring someone else. I've seen many threads and posts saying Batista should return, but then he returns and everyone says he's awful. Also, if you look from WWE's perspective they have 1)A name everyone recognizes and someone who has reached main stream media 2) A wrestler who has 10 years of experience and during his last run was more over than most of the current roster 3) Someone who has a lot of history with the current WWE Champion Randy Orton and 4) Someone who has been gone for a while, which has worked for every other part timer that returned.

But back to Taker. People want to see Taker. Could you imagine a Wrestlemania without him? I dread the day that Mania comes and there is no Undertaker. If he isn't on the card then it won't sell as well(I believe). He is a legend, he has been through many eras, he is a name that casual viewer recognize and is talented. Do you think Vince is going to say, "Well we have this proven veteran, who has done a lot for my company, who consistently puts on 5 star matches, he makes any match automatically high profile. I should book him...but wait....some nerd on a wrestling forum thinks that the spot should go to a less experienced, less recognizable, low profile performer who puts on some solid matched. Well sorry Taker, I'll have to book it as Ziggler vs Rollins instead." No, that won't happen and it shouldn't.

As far as not showing up to Raw, how can you complain? I bet if he showed up, you complain that all we got was a stared own. You complained about his last segment when he returned, but then complain that he doesn't do another? We don't even know the reason. Maybe his baby is sick. He has another job running a company, maybe he had something to take care of business wise. Maybe they called him and told him they wouldn't have time. Maybe they decided that him and Lesnar would detract from Heyman and Lesnar's segment as the main focus was on CM Punk's absence.

The bottom line is, Undertaker is great, he is entertaining, people want to see him, and he makes Mania better.
As Wrestlemania approaches, it's that time again when The Undertaker returns.

Did The Undertaker bother to show up at the Royal Rumble? No.

Did The Undertaker bother to show up before the elimination chamber? No.

However that doesn't matter, Taker made his yearly return the night after the elimination chamber, he came with his whole tired undertaker entrance with the undertaker costume, stabbed a guy with a pen on his hand and did some weird facial expressions that are only amusing to 8 year olds. But hey! HE GREW HIS BEARD BACK!! Isn't that awesome??

Alright, let's cut to the chase.

Source: PWInsider Elite

- The*Undertaker*was not at last night's RAW in Chicago as he was at home.*WWE*was still advertising Taker to appear as of the weekend so it must have been a*last minute*change. There was a version of the RAW script that had a staredown between Taker and*Brock Lesnar.

So let me get this straight, The Undertaker had pretty much all last year to rest, there's only what 6 RAWs for him to appear? And he couldn't be at all of them? Really?

There isn't any argument in the world that can be made to justify this without justifying it to other part timers.

What is it? The Undertaker has "paid his dues" since he spend a long time in the WWE?
Batista stayed in WWE for 8 years, that's not good enough? The Rock hasn't paid his dues?
He carried WWF on his back in 2000, a year that didn't have Austin/Taker/Foley for the most of it, and took it to unprecedented heights, he led WWF/E to it's most successful financial year in history in terms of ratings, ppv buyrates...
That isn't paying your dues?

Taker shouldn't be wrestling at all, he should've retired at WrestleMania 28 with 22-0 in the End of an Era match, if not this year should've been his last match at the historic WMXXX with 22-0.

Is The Undertaker going to end his career with Brock Lesnar? Of course not.

Is The Undertaker going to retire without facing Cena at wrestlemania? Don't think so.

Last year's match against punk was supposed to be a filler match, you know 21-0 isn't like 20-0 or 22-0 but this year it was supposed to be Cena vs Taker.

Taker should've retired this year.

Why doesn't The Undertaker just retire already? He's almost 50.

Last year, he got carried by Cm punk at wrestlemania. Taker told a great story no doubt but punk pretty much did all the work.

Taker got all year to prepare for one match, of course the match is going to be great.

Why didn't Shawn Michaels continued wrestling like The Undertaker?

Why did he choose to retire? It's because he's not an egomaniac.

Wrestling won't stop on one wrestler, not Hogan, not Austin, not Rock and certainly not The Undertaker.

WWE needs to "move on".

At least with Rock or Batista or Brock, there's a possibility that they lose at wrestlemania.

The Streak was once something historic, now it seems like the most boring storyline ever.

Should I care if the 21-0 becomes a 22-0 or that the 22-0 becomes a 23-0? Because I really don't.

What is the matter with wrestling fans?

Wrestling fans are like good kids who listen to their parents. Hating on The Undertaker is like sleeping after 8pm, it's Forbidden!

What Taker is doing is wrong? Him getting 10 minutes for his entrance while some guys who work 300+ days a year don't even get a match at wrestlemania.

Also, sure Taker wasn't WWE Champ like Rock was but was Rock really WWE Champion?

As grown ups, most of us wrestling fans know that WWE is scripted / planned and that The Rock was only WWE champ to lose to Cena.
Like it or not, Rock put Cena over. Cena has never faced a bigger superstar than The Rock, the only one that could rival Rock's star power in wrestling are Hogan and Austin and both retired.
Rock put Cena over in the biggest match of his career.

Lesnar also lost to Cena and Triple H.

The Undertaker didn't put anyone over since his "part time days" unless you call giving the shield their first loss "putting them over".

In conclusion, The Undertaker should've retired this year.

I have no interest in seeing The Undertaker anymore.

They did the same thing with HBK, HHH, Punk and now are doing it with Lesnar.

"Everybody said they'll end the streak but they didn't but I will"

It's the same story, same build up, same $#!t every year.

I have no interest seeing Lesnar or Paul Heyman trying to convince us for the next couple of Weeks that he'll end the streak. He won't. Nobody will.

Lesnar is nor an all time great (Rock, Cena...) or a guy who is the future of wwe (reigns, wyatt...) who can make you think the streak will end.

I just hope we can fast forward all those meaningless Heyman segments on the next couple of raws, and fast forward the match at wrestlemania where people will overreact and act like maniacs to every "false finish" although we all know Lesnar has zero chance in ending the streak.

I don't care about a "great match", I've been a wrestling fan for a very long time and watched many "great matches", one of my favorites is the TLC match at wrestlemania X7 mostly because it featured a lot of young talents, same with elimination chamber, the shield vs the wyatts, it was a "GREAT" match.

Many wrestlers in WWE right now can have a "GREAT" match if given enough time.

If I watched a movie that I knew how it end, it could be the greatest movie ever but I won't enjoy it much.
I'd rather watch a mediocre movie that I don't know the ending of than to watch a great movie that I knew how it's going to end.

Now if you want to reply, stay on topic.
If you're going to "troll", you will be reported.

The IWC wants Sting versus Undertaker at Mania, you criticise the Undertaker for being nearly 50, um, Sting is even older at 54 and Steve Borden is just as injury prone as Mark Calloway if not more so.

And for the record, if Brock Lesnar does indeed end the streak at Mania, I will never watch WWE again, a guy like Brock, who, compared to the Taker has accomplished chuff all in WWE, does NOT deserve to even be in the same ring as Taker at Mania IMO.
You say you won't watch but look at it this way, Brock is in better shape than Undertaker, he is a physical monster as they portray on TV, if anyone had the muscle to beat Taker legitamately it would be Brock, now for the spectacle of Sports Entertainment, there will be something to make this special, and yes Taker will 99% likely come out on top, but if Brock won the main gripe people have is because he is a part time athlete.... Let me burst your bubble because if Brock had stayed in WWE after WM20 and not tried to persue other avenues would Brock had beaten Taker for the streak at 21?22?23?

We can quote legacy all we want, but Sheamus got the rub from Cena after just a short time on the main roster, Daniel Bryan got the rub from Jericho after 1 match on main television. Brock had established himself, just because he hasn't been a life longer in WWE doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to beat the streak if that was case your saying Mark Henry who has been around for 2 decades doesn't deserve it, Big Show when he teamed with A-Train didn't deserve it, Kane didn't deserve it, and CM Punk didn't deserve it all because they haven't achieved everything Undertaker has
I think the OP's point, which he got away from in a hurry, is that Taker comes back just like Rock, Brock, Batista have. I think the point mentioned that those guys pursued other careers, while Taker stayed is quite valid. He simply can't go full-time.

That being said, as a former fan of the Streak, I think it is over. No, I don't think Brock will end it. I mean the appeal of the Streak is over. For a while, it was something veterans could try to end. Then, it was something a young star could try to end as a launch pad. What now? You think beating a 50 year old man is going to impress the fans so much that it will make that person a huge star? If a young stud beat Michael Jordan in basketball today, would he be the next big thing? Nope! He would be a young guy who beat an old guy. Who cares?? The only way to end the Streak in a way that will have a huge effect, in my opinion, would be for Cena's heel turn to end it. That would bring mega heat to Cena as a heel. That won't happen; so, we are left with no real reason to end it. Don't tell me Bray Wyatt winning would make him a huge star. He will be a huge star anyway, I feel. But beating an old man who ONCE was an unbeatable force at Mania means NOTHING now. Aside from a Hogan/Third Man-type Cena heel turn, there is no reason to end the Streak. And honestly, I feel there is no reason to continue the Streak. It was and always will be a huge part of Taker's legacy...but it's over now. Whether the Streak is snapped or continues, the lure of it is over.
The Rock gets thrown into the spotlight because he makes more money in merchandise and drawing power in the few months he's around than the rest of the locker room does the entire rest of the year. That's why he main events.

The Undertaker, as big a part of Wrestlemania as he is, frankly, draws nothing. Borderline - NOTHING.

His entrance is cool.

Ok. What else you got? He shows up once a year to fight at a PPV that 1.5 million people are going to buy regardless if he's on the card or not. If anything, the Undertaker owes the Rock a debt of gratitude for main eventing the 2 highest grossing PPVs in history. The Undertaker's check was that much bigger.

Batista - ha I have no response. He sucks. Used to be a big guy who could wrestle. Now, he's a 40 something old who wears skinny jeans and tight, zip up hoodies who isn't even the same size as Alberto Del Rio.
The Rock gets thrown into the spotlight because he makes more money in merchandise and drawing power in the few months he's around than the rest of the locker room does the entire rest of the year. That's why he main events.

The Undertaker, as big a part of Wrestlemania as he is, frankly, draws nothing. Borderline - NOTHING.

His entrance is cool.

Ok. What else you got? He shows up once a year to fight at a PPV that 1.5 million people are going to buy regardless if he's on the card or not. If anything, the Undertaker owes the Rock a debt of gratitude for main eventing the 2 highest grossing PPVs in history. The Undertaker's check was that much bigger.

Batista - ha I have no response. He sucks. Used to be a big guy who could wrestle. Now, he's a 40 something old who wears skinny jeans and tight, zip up hoodies who isn't even the same size as Alberto Del Rio.

You clearly aren't even watching the same show! You better go back and watch who the fans were loving more between The Undertaker and rock.

Oh, FYI, The Rock thanked The Undertaker for not burying him when he was just a nobody on the roster.

YOU owe The Undertaker a debt of gratitude for rock! :lmao:
He is perfect for his role. We live in a different era, the Undertaker character would not work 365 days a year with neutered shoots and slight acknowledgement of the IWC becoming the norm for promos. He's become a Wrestlemania attraction and that's completely fine.

It's not like he's in the title picture taking away shine from younger guys.

Also, he's old as shit and his body probably just can't handle it anymore. You make a lot of threads criticizing wrestlers for not sticking around when they don't financially need it anymore. Do you know how hard it is to actually be a pro wrestler? Then to do that 300 nights a year? Then to live in this post-Russo era where you are bound to see someone go through a table or take a weapons bump at least once a show?

Dude could just be too old for that. I'm content with seeing him once or twice a year. Besides, he's not even that entertaining as to where I miss him on my screen every Monday night.
A guy like Taker is the only guy left that helped WWF survive when it almost went out of business. He also gave the 'rub' to the top stars of the early-mid 2000s. He has been the most loyal WWE employee, especially when he had a chance to leave and make way more money at WCW. He also didn't need to be champion and thus a thorn in Vince's side.

Wrestlemania also would would not have the brand equity (meaning the extra millions WM generates today) it does today without Taker. So the WWE IMO owes a forever gratitude to Taker, which includes that spot at WM.
I think the OP's point, which he got away from in a hurry, is that Taker comes back just like Rock, Brock, Batista have. I think the point mentioned that those guys pursued other careers, while Taker stayed is quite valid. He simply can't go full-time.

That being said, as a former fan of the Streak, I think it is over. No, I don't think Brock will end it. I mean the appeal of the Streak is over. For a while, it was something veterans could try to end. Then, it was something a young star could try to end as a launch pad. What now? You think beating a 50 year old man is going to impress the fans so much that it will make that person a huge star? If a young stud beat Michael Jordan in basketball today, would he be the next big thing? Nope! He would be a young guy who beat an old guy. Who cares?? The only way to end the Streak in a way that will have a huge effect, in my opinion, would be for Cena's heel turn to end it. That would bring mega heat to Cena as a heel. That won't happen; so, we are left with no real reason to end it. Don't tell me Bray Wyatt winning would make him a huge star. He will be a huge star anyway, I feel. But beating an old man who ONCE was an unbeatable force at Mania means NOTHING now. Aside from a Hogan/Third Man-type Cena heel turn, there is no reason to end the Streak. And honestly, I feel there is no reason to continue the Streak. It was and always will be a huge part of Taker's legacy...but it's over now. Whether the Streak is snapped or continues, the lure of it is over.

You're trying to say the lure is over, but you'll be right there making sure you watch it as all the fans go crazy during the match :rolleyes:
You clearly aren't even watching the same show! You better go back and watch who the fans were loving more between The Undertaker and rock.

Oh, FYI, The Rock thanked The Undertaker for not burying him when he was just a nobody on the roster.

YOU owe The Undertaker a debt of gratitude for rock! :lmao:

Well, I don't owe anyone anything.

All I know is that The Rock competed during the last two Wrestlemanias. The Undertaker has competed in 20+. It wasn't the Undertaker drawing an extra 300,000 buys the last two years. You'll find that out soon enough.
The Rock gets thrown into the spotlight because he makes more money in merchandise and drawing power in the few months he's around than the rest of the locker room does the entire rest of the year. That's why he main events.

The Undertaker, as big a part of Wrestlemania as he is, frankly, draws nothing. Borderline - NOTHING.

His entrance is cool.

Ok. What else you got? He shows up once a year to fight at a PPV that 1.5 million people are going to buy regardless if he's on the card or not. If anything, the Undertaker owes the Rock a debt of gratitude for main eventing the 2 highest grossing PPVs in history. The Undertaker's check was that much bigger.

Based on the card as it appears I can strongly say that without The Streak I wouldn't have enough interest in WM 30 to watch it. I am sure that I am not alone. The Rock is certainly a bigger draw than The UT but The UT and The Streak are draws in 2014. UT/Lesnar is probably the biggest draw on the current card. Tell me what on the current card draws more.
Are you stupid why criticize The Undertaker.The men is a legend who payed his dues (not taking anything from Rock.) But unlike Rock he didn't only do 8 years leave us high and dry and come back for the spotlight an to promote a movie.This year he doesn't have a movie to promote and where is he.Yeah,the deadman only wrestles one match a year but that's because he is saving his body.Last year he gave us 4 matches almost five.The man is 21-0 at WrestleMania.When he comes back he's not burying anyone.Infact facing Undertaker at WrestleMania period is a damn push.Everyone let's boo Undertaker but cheer Brock Lesnar or CM Punk.These are 2 guys who doesn't give a damn about us.Punk only stayed with WWE to become the headline WrestleMania.When he didn't he walked out like a coward.But yet we have a special #hijackRAW episode for him HIM.Let's not get started on Lesnar he hates WWE and is only there for the money. On top of that the guy don't give a shit about hurting his opponents.He only comes back for 3 ppv's.Batista,yeah let's boo him a guy who has come back to stay FULL-TIME and wrestle on tv.He is also there to put over Bryan,Reigns,etc. but because he's main eventing WrestleMania for the title #FuckDave.But let me drop some names Randy Orton,John Cena,The Undertaker,Triple H,The Rock.Even though not everyone like them legends they are still respected unlike Batista.Dave left s did a Rock move but only took a four year break.Rock took 8 and then some.I respect and even like The Rock so I don't mean to be dissing him but i'm just stating facts.

You're trying to say the lure is over, but you'll be right there making sure you watch it as all the fans go crazy during the match :rolleyes:

I'm not TRYING to say anything. I flat out said it. The lure of the Streak is over for me. What do I care if the crowd goes crazy? See, what I wrote was my opinion. Countering with an assumption of how others will react is pointless.

Yes, I will watch it because it is part of the card and I watch WrestleMania each year; but, I won't care who wins. I used to. I used to hope HBK or HHH wouldn't pull rank or use influence to implant themselves as the one to end the Streak. I felt Taker earned this part of his legacy and wanted it to continue or end for a good, solid reason. Not politics or ego.

But, whether it ends now or ever doesn't matter to me anymore. He is too old for a loss to negatively effect his legacy AND too old for a young guy to get much credit for beating him. I will leave the fact that the outcomes are predetermined out of it. I will just address it as a young up-and-comer facing a near-50-year-old man. Where is the accomplishment? Why would anyone who actually thought they were the real deal base it on beating an old man? An Owen Hart-type, when he was so proud of those silly Slammys...that could work for a hot minute. But the Streak is too big to waste on a mini-heat bit like that.

Nice eye roll too! It's nice to know my opinion annoyed you to the point where you would feel the need to enter an emoticon resembling a little girl not getting her way.

Oh and remind me to give a shit during Taker's match. I almost forgot I cared and don't want to forget during Mania. Appreciate the reminder...idiot.
He is perfect for his role. We live in a different era, the Undertaker character would not work 365 days a year with neutered shoots and slight acknowledgement of the IWC becoming the norm for promos. He's become a Wrestlemania attraction and that's completely fine.

It's not like he's in the title picture taking away shine from younger guys.

Also, he's old as shit and his body probably just can't handle it anymore. You make a lot of threads criticizing wrestlers for not sticking around when they don't financially need it anymore. Do you know how hard it is to actually be a pro wrestler? Then to do that 300 nights a year? Then to live in this post-Russo era where you are bound to see someone go through a table or take a weapons bump at least once a show?

Dude could just be too old for that. I'm content with seeing him once or twice a year. Besides, he's not even that entertaining as to where I miss him on my screen every Monday night.

Old as shit? You are an idiot.

Sting is in his 50s and everyone and his dog in the IWC wants him to sign to WWE, Hulk Hogan is in his 60s and came back on RAW last week, OK in a non-wrestling capacity because he failed the medical, but he's still appearing and drawing, even at his age.

And until recently, Ric Flair, who is also in his 60s, was still an active wrestler.

So your point is?
Are you stupid why criticize The Undertaker.The men is a legend who payed his dues (not taking anything from Rock.) But unlike Rock he didn't only do 8 years leave us high and dry and come back for the spotlight an to promote a movie.This year he doesn't have a movie to promote and where is he.Yeah,the deadman only wrestles one match a year but that's because he is saving his body.Last year he gave us 4 matches almost five.The man is 21-0 at WrestleMania.When he comes back he's not burying anyone.Infact facing Undertaker at WrestleMania period is a damn push.Everyone let's boo Undertaker but cheer Brock Lesnar or CM Punk.These are 2 guys who doesn't give a damn about us.Punk only stayed with WWE to become the headline WrestleMania.When he didn't he walked out like a coward.But yet we have a special #hijackRAW episode for him HIM.Let's not get started on Lesnar he hates WWE and is only there for the money. On top of that the guy don't give a shit about hurting his opponents.He only comes back for 3 ppv's.Batista,yeah let's boo him a guy who has come back to stay FULL-TIME and wrestle on tv.He is also there to put over Bryan,Reigns,etc. but because he's main eventing WrestleMania for the title #FuckDave.But let me drop some names Randy Orton,John Cena,The Undertaker,Triple H,The Rock.Even though not everyone like them legends they are still respected unlike Batista.Dave left s did a Rock move but only took a four year break.Rock took 8 and then some.I respect and even like The Rock so I don't mean to be dissing him but i'm just stating facts.


I'm not disrespecting the Undertaker or taking anything away from him or his streak....don't get me wrong. His matches now are better than they ever were.

I was responding to someone who didn't understand why The Rock was main eventing and having more of the spotlight shined on him.
Well, I don't owe anyone anything.

The Undertaker doesn't owe rock anything either. Deal with it.

I'm not TRYING to say anything. I flat out said it. The lure of the Streak is over for me. What do I care if the crowd goes crazy? See, what I wrote was my opinion. Countering with an assumption of how others will react is pointless.

Yes, I will watch it because it is part of the card and I watch WrestleMania each year; but, I won't care who wins. I used to. I used to hope HBK or HHH wouldn't pull rank or use influence to implant themselves as the one to end the Streak. I felt Taker earned this part of his legacy and wanted it to continue or end for a good, solid reason. Not politics or ego.

But, whether it ends now or ever doesn't matter to me anymore. He is too old for a loss to negatively effect his legacy AND too old for a young guy to get much credit for beating him. I will leave the fact that the outcomes are predetermined out of it. I will just address it as a young up-and-comer facing a near-50-year-old man. Where is the accomplishment? Why would anyone who actually thought they were the real deal base it on beating an old man? An Owen Hart-type, when he was so proud of those silly Slammys...that could work for a hot minute. But the Streak is too big to waste on a mini-heat bit like that.

Nice eye roll too! It's nice to know my opinion annoyed you to the point where you would feel the need to enter an emoticon resembling a little girl not getting her way.

Oh and remind me to give a shit during Taker's match. I almost forgot I cared and don't want to forget during Mania. Appreciate the reminder...idiot.

The lure is over for little ole you, but it's not to the millions who watch it every year. You lose!

Oh, I didn't need to remind you that you give a shit about Taker's match at WrestleMania, you proved it yourself...idiot :lmao:
Old as shit? You are an idiot.

Sting is in his 50s and everyone and his dog in the IWC wants him to sign to WWE, Hulk Hogan is in his 60s and came back on RAW last week, OK in a non-wrestling capacity because he failed the medical, but he's still appearing and drawing, even at his age.

And until recently, Ric Flair, who is also in his 60s, was still an active wrestler.

So your point is?

I'm an idiot?


Lol people want Sting to sign because it would be cool to see him in a WWE ring. Against Taker. It would be a cool nostalgia moment, nobody is really expecting that match to be amazing.

Sting, Hogan, Flair are all shells of their former self because they have competed for so unnecessarily long. And as a result no one cares when they wrestle.

Meanwhile, the Undertaker WM match is looked forward to every year, and he does a lot of big spots. The outside ring jump. The Old School. Etc. Etc. He also generally, puts a lot of effort into the match.

No need for him to come back full time, break down his body and make the few matches that he does participate in, suck, because his body forces him to stick to 5 or 6 moves.

Couldn't have put it better myself, judging by some of the rumours coming out daily with regards to certain match-ups.
The lure is over for little ole you, but it's not to the millions who watch it every year. You lose!

Oh, I didn't need to remind you that you give a shit about Taker's match at WrestleMania, you proved it yourself...idiot :lmao:

Again, I gave my opinion. What exactly did I lose? Besides the bet I made with myself that you weren't ******ed? All you did was repeat what I said, and act like my own words beat me. I thought I expressed how I felt, not millions of strangers, but clearly I have been put in my place. The proof, of course, was the use of a rolling...laughing...emoticon??

So, in summary, I don't find the Streak entertaining anymore. Which, according to the genius who keeps responding, means that no one cares.

I bet he wears a helmet...poor little idiot. At least his parents must be proud.
Undertaker is not a wrestler anymore. He is a legend. He will show up once or twice a year to show people he is still around.
And every year he comes back, he doesnt do it because he has to. He does it because us the fans, want to see him come back and fight at Wrestlemania. Although we know he is going to win, its just like watching Power Rangers as a kid. No matter what happened, the good guy ( Undertaker ) would come out on top. Dont think of this as a waste of time or being hypocritical for him being old and getting the lime light.
All Undertaker now is the new WWE 2k14 Undertaker. Allowing him to work with any tallent he want to put on a great story.
Its like getting mad at Morgan Freeman for making too many good movies.
I never knew there are people who can even dislike someone like Undertaker. People already talk how this year's WrestleMania card is turning out to be crap. No Punk, No Jericho, No Rock, No HBK & gift of Batista-Orton main event. Then you take out Undertaker from this year's Wrestlemania card and its absolutely shit.
First off, son, I'm an undergraduate with a salary. Quit pretending to be some poor, little ******ed idiot also.

Clearly you're jealous that Rock gets shitted on by the fans for something that The Undertaker can do without any repercussion.

Keep making a dumbass out of yourself for everyone. At least your parents must be proud!! :lmao:

Okay let's stop the whole personal shit out of here because it's sad.

Now that said, Rock and Taker are TOTALLY different. Wrestling fans let Taker get away with it because of his age and such. When Taker leaves people are okay with it because Taker's had his time, and we all understand that his body can't take that kind of pounding.

That said wrestling fans are hard on Rock because Rock left for YEARS during his prime. When he was healthy and was on his way to becoming the greatest WWE wrestler of all time (I don't believe he is but anyone that thinks that he couldn't have done it with another five years is insane). Rock left in his prime and left the wrestling world wondering "WHAT IF!!!" That left a sour taste in alot of people's mouth.
I agree with everyone who is supportive of the Undertaker. If anyone deserves the schedule and to go out on his terms it is him...

However, I should point out that the last time he main evented WM was WM26, but that was more about Shawn Michaels than him...that year.
First of all TheOneAndOnlyGOAT your post dont mean fuck all as now you have been banned from the forums, *hmm, I wonder why?*

Taker made his yearly return the night after the elimination chamber, he came with his whole tired undertaker entrance with the undertaker costume

Every time the fog forms & he comes out, the fans go crazy & it still sends a chill down my spine every-time (even after all these years), so fuck off.

Taker shouldn't be wrestling at all, he should've retired at WrestleMania 28 with 22-0 in the End of an Era match
Maybe he should have, but you know what, if Mr. Calloway feels he can still go, then why not let him & it was 20-0 you twat.

Taker got all year to prepare for one match, of course the match is going to be great.
At the then end of the day, he's had his injuries & came back, dont forget he's had replacement hip surgery so he cant go as good as he has in the past, see answer above.

Why didn't Shawn Michaels continued wrestling like The Undertaker?

Why did he choose to retire? It's because he's not an egomaniac.
Err, SM is not an egomaniac, if there were a state called "Ego-ville" he'ed be undisputed mayor.

Wrestling won't stop on one wrestler, not Hogan, not Austin, not Rock and certainly not The Undertaker.

WWE needs to "move on".
No matter what, if Vince & Triple H feel that bringing back a legend will be an instant money maker, you dont think they wont cash in on it, PLEASE!!!!!!

The Streak was once something historic, now it seems like the most boring storyline ever.
It still is historic, so fuck off. *see above answer*

What Taker is doing is wrong? Him getting 10 minutes for his entrance while some guys who work 300+ days a year don't even get a match at wrestlemania.
Maybe, but at the end of the day you dont think Batista or Lesnar aint doing the same thing & Lesnar is getting paid $5 million for doing fuck all.

Batista is only back because he lives an expensive lifestyle, he thought he could do A Rock & go into movies & be an instant success and that failed, Ok he was in Riddick & the upcoming GOTG movie

Then he thought he could do a Lesnar & go into MMA & that failed, but he still needs money & to try to make himself relevant again like a z list celebrity.

But I will say fair-do's to Batista as far as his "return" is concerned he has stuck around for pretty much every taping.

I have no interest in seeing The Undertaker anymore.
Then dont watch, everytime he appears, change the channel for fucksake.

The Undertaker didn't put anyone over since his "part time days" unless you call giving the shield their first loss "putting them over".
He is a ring general & a back-stage leader, dont you think he works with the young guys off TV & ppv's to help them, yes he does.

Mark Calloway has given so to much to WWE, he hasnt gone away to make more money, he has stuck to what he loves, entertaining the WWE fans & he deserves not only the respect he has earned over the years but the lee-way to do whatever he wants & I applaud him for that.

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