What Happens in the Board Room.

When I was a mod, the board room was for discussing other posters, mainly the ones that got infractions and whether they were justified. They also thought up threads to start, and mainly bullshitted.

Oh, and they eat babies, definitely eat babies.
hey remember when monkey wasn't a mod and everyone mocked him in the boardroom but he could still read the board room?

That was kinda funny.
It was right around the time Monkey was being emo in the bar, right?
Yes it was which made it all the greater. someone talking about he needed to take his bitch tits someplace else, and he totally fucking saw it :lmao:

Matter of fact, i think IC was among them, and the person who didnt remove his access in the first place :lmao:

Fucking fuck that is so fucking funny :lmao:
I vaguely remember someone saying he just posted "Uh...hi guys" and everyone was stunned :lmao:

Then he went on to whine in the Bar, and Harthan told him to just go ahead and do it, so we can go about our posting.
Nothing like that happened while I was a mod anyway. The biggest stuff, was Sid v the world, and everyone holding their breath for the NorCal v Sid explosion that was bound to happen when you came back.
Eh, its a different day and age, and we have competent Admins now. i doubt things like that will EVER go down again

And my one and only incentive for every trying my hand at active non-spam posting has now been destroyed. Good job Norcal.
and took all of? what was it, 2 days? :lmao:

It started before then, I thought? From what i was told, you wanted to go at him right away, and IC asked you not to. And then Sid started something with IC and he effectively unleashed you.
No how it went was "here is your mod status again, please steer clear of sid"



*sid tells Xfear to fuck off about something*

"HEY MOTHERFUCKER. He is a G-Mod, and you are a section mod, shut your fucking bitch assed mouth."

and away we went
No how it went was "here is your mod status again, please steer clear of sid"



*sid tells Xfear to fuck off about something*

"HEY MOTHERFUCKER. He is a G-Mod, and you are a section mod, shut your fucking bitch assed mouth."

and away we went

Ahhh yes. And, it all started over me :lmao: Sid went on and on about how I modded, and X and KB both told him to shut up, that I did nothing wrong, and he told X to shut up, because he thought all mods are equal. X explained the different types of mods, and then you stepped in :lmao: Good times.
Didn't the same thing happen to Will? But, in the G-mod room, and no one knew he had access?

Similar concept, completely different situation.

I recall Luther, Becca & some others throwing words around about me, and I posted something and everyone talking about me lost it. :lmao: Great moment for me.

One of the Admins at that time told me not to post in there, and that they wouldn't take away my ability to view the section. Of course, back then I cared more, so I posted when I was being talked about.. I think my access was all of 3 days before I blew it. :lmao:

maybe, but it was much less funny, and had much more dignity.

the monkey thing was amazing, even a vague memory of it puts me into bursts of laughter, so awesome

The Monkey situation is still 80% clear to me as well. For the most part. I remember you busting up at the situation. I recall me saying if he was legit trying to kill himself, we should consider calling the Cops in his town. I recall someone (I think NorCal) saying something like "And what do we say? Some guy on the interwebz is saying he's gonna kill himself? They wouldn't care if we KNEW where he lived, much less that we don't." Then something else being said - Monkey posting that he still had access - and like 2 people going ape shit that he still had access. (I THINK Lee was one of them going ape shit, but I can not be certain about that.)

I also recall NorCal posting "Great job on that one, IC" in regard to taking his access away.

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