What happened to the gutwrench powerbomb?


Beating the odds since 1993
Forgive me if this has been discussed but i have not found any thread relating to this so i will go on. Lately jack swagger has only been using the ankle lock and i have not seen him use his original finisher in a while. i like the powerbomb because it was unique and looked damaging. i like the ankle lock too but it should be downgraded to a secondary finisher like dolph ziggler's sleeper hold.

Do you agree with me?
Do you want the gutwrench powerbomb back?
Do you want swagger to keep using the ankle lock?
The ankle lock adds a new dimension to Swaggers character and because it is a new finisher WWE have to get it over as being a legit finisher, so that is why he is using it a lot now. It adds to a heel character too as he can not release it after matches and 'torture' his opponents with it and draw heat.

Taker had to get over his triangle choke hold which he did for a while around his feud with CM Punk, if WWE hadn't got it over back then then the fans would be like WTF to the finish of Taker/HHH.

I like Swaggers gutwrench powerbomb and hope that he will use both that and the ankle lock to finish matches.
It would be silly to limit Swagger to only one finisher, so I hope that he starts using the gutwrench powerbomb again. Hopefully the constant use of the ankle lock was to incorporate it more into the Lawler - Cole match.
If there's one move Jack Swagger should not be doing, it's the ankle lock. Everything about his character screams "poor man's Kurt Angle", actually giving him the finisher Kurt's used for years- even if it's a fairly simple move that lots of men have used before- makes him look like that much more of a cheap Kurt Angle clone, and not "Jack Swagger", whoever that character is.
Every wrestler should have a non subbmision type finisher.. It would be a good idea for him to start using it again.. it looked good and it's a powerbomb, hardly any wrestlers kicked out of it.. He should still keep the ankle lock though..
i think swagger should start using the gutwrench powerbomb again it could be his 2nd finisher along with the ankle lock so i hope he brings it back very soon even as just as a sig move it needs 2 come back IMO
I agree he should bring it back. The move looks good and devastating and it goes great with his gimmick.
If there's one move Jack Swagger should not be doing, it's the ankle lock. Everything about his character screams "poor man's Kurt Angle", actually giving him the finisher Kurt's used for years- even if it's a fairly simple move that lots of men have used before- makes him look like that much more of a cheap Kurt Angle clone, and not "Jack Swagger", whoever that character is.

I agree. everything about him screams kurt Angle. from his attire, to his moves, to his name. I remember watching a "word up" with Cryme Tyme and the word was Jacking. and they talked about Swagger jackin. Take those words, flip them, and you get Jack Swagger. throw an american singlet on him and tell him do the ankle lock and there you have it.
Wow, I'm surprised everybody liked the move so much, I thought it looked to basic honestly, more like the last move he hits before he hits his real finisher.

Anyhow, I don't see the Kurt Angle comp other than the Ankle Lock. Sure he has a wrestling character, but I mean, c'mon he was an All-American, I thnik it'd be dumb for them not to use it. Sure he's cocky but he's a big heel, he should be cocky.

Also, how does his name remind you of Kurt Angle again? I didn't get that explanation. If anything it should remind you of Cryme Tyme.
as much as I do not like swagger, I always did love the gutwrench powerbomb. but he seemed to botch it quite a bit. but its definitely better than the plain regular powerbomb
It would be silly to limit Swagger to only one finisher, so I hope that he starts using the gutwrench powerbomb again. Hopefully the constant use of the ankle lock was to incorporate it more into the Lawler - Cole match.

I highly doubt that that was the sole reason, rather I believe that this was done in order to better his heel character. I think this was just a way to give something new to Swagger especially since winning the WHC did nothing for him. I think a powerbomb is more of a face/tweener type of move so it could be coming back in the very near future.
WWE is very particular about finishers. Ever wonder why on the indies you see 100 head drops and then when someone uses it as their finish it doesn't get over?

In the WWE that doesn't happen because nobody does a real tombstone except Taker, nobody does a straight powerbomb if Batista is around. Kane and taker have similar finishes, but that's due to their storyline.

My theory is that with Mason Ryan they want to showcase his power(bomb). In theory it would both weaken Swagger's gutwrench and cheapen Ryan's.

Not only that but as big as Swagger is, he's not powerbomb big. He has an amateur background so the ankle lock works. The gutwrench did too since that's an amateur move but more people associate amateur wrestlers to holds. It's just a better "fit" to his character.

It's not as extreme, but it's the same reason Cena doesn't chain wrestle. Cena, if he wanted to, could chain wrestle. Just look at him in 2002. He's a street guy though, so his matches consist of punch variations and "five moves" as everyone always says. It's believable and he tells a story with it. Which is all a moveset has to do.

Swagger's gutwrench just isn't as good of a fit as the ankle lock. I'd kinda like to see him do something kinda new like a gator roll into a choke. He no doubt has the ability to do it fast to make it look vicious.
i thought it was a good finisher,allthough it seem awkward for him to hit sometimes.

the ankle lock thing has got to go. it just makes him look like a kurt angle knock off.

I'd kinda like to see him do something kinda new like a gator roll into a choke. He no doubt has the ability to do it fast to make it look vicious.

i like that idea. it would fit more with his wrestling backround. i think he should focus more on grappling moves. just not the ankle lock.
It was a sweet move for sure, but times change. JoMo's Moonlight Drive was an awesome move, but he scrapped it. Edge's Edgecution was an awesome finisher, but he turned it into a signature move. And Miz's Reality Check was fucking awesome, but he went on to use the Skull Crushing Finale exclusively. The reason for all of these changes happens to be the same one, it fits the character better.

JoMo was pushing that parkour gimmick, so they gave him a more acrobatic finishing maneuver. Edge's spear was much more malicious looking than the Edgecution, and it fit his malicious personality. The Reality Check was good, but Skull Crushing Finale is a much more sneaky, evil, and effective looking move.

For Jack Swagger the Gutwrench Powerbomb displayed his power. However, they stopped pushing Swagger so much as a power guy and started pushing more as a wrestler, a wrestler that will pick you apart. That's why the ankle lock is better suited for Swagger right now than the Gutwrench Powerbomb, because it fits his current persona.
Wow, I'm surprised everybody liked the move so much, I thought it looked to basic honestly, more like the last move he hits before he hits his real finisher.

Anyhow, I don't see the Kurt Angle comp other than the Ankle Lock. Sure he has a wrestling character, but I mean, c'mon he was an All-American, I thnik it'd be dumb for them not to use it. Sure he's cocky but he's a big heel, he should be cocky.

Also, how does his name remind you of Kurt Angle again? I didn't get that explanation. If anything it should remind you of Cryme Tyme.

His name essentially means taking someone else style or image. To Jack someone's swagger means to dress like them, act like them, and generally try to be like them. That's why it made me think of kurt angle. because he, especially when he first came in, it seems like he is jacking kurt's swagger. and his name just happens to be Jack Swagger? It all fits too well to be just a coincidence in my opinion. The reason why I mentioned Cryme Tyme was because they had talked about it before. There's always someone that's jacking someone elses swag. And they have him, in jack swagger. I felt that way when he first debuted and I heard them say his name was Jack Swagger. Jacking someone's swagger isn't something to be proud about.
Damn King Hustla you're reading waaaay into it. He's not really that much like Angle at all other than being an american amateur wrestler type. Angle was more of a chickenshit type heel who was like the annoying little prick but had the legitimacy of a gold medal to hang with anyone. The whole psychology behind how Swagger gets over is different.

Swagger's real name is "Jake" I think that "Jack" is close enough to "jake" to guess that he wanted "Jake Swagger" but it doesn't fit as nicely as "Jack Swagger".
I'd personally like it if he used both. Having a power finisher as well as a submission can make a character more of a threat in a match. I do like the Gutwrench Powerbomb more than the Ankle Lock, but it's good that Swagger is doing something different. He could be built into a submission threat at this rate, and at some point can go back to using the Powerbomb as well. I do miss the Powerbomb but I like that he is using a submission though because it can get him heel heat outside of matches by putting people into it.

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