Why Jack Swagger has fallen to the mid-card


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Last night I watched a youtube video of Jack Swagger doing a Gutwrench Powerbomb and at that moment I realized why he fell out of the main-event/upper mid-card scene. This is the exact reason, he stopped using the Gutwrench Powerbomb. He ATTEMPTS to use it in every match, but it's countered. The one time it hit, against Edge at Hell in a Cell, Edge kicked out. Now you ask; what does a finisher change have to do with Swagger falling out? Here it is, none of the top guys are going to tap out. They all get out, and win the match. Now, if Swagger still used the Gutwrench Powerbomb, he'd have a way to defeat top faces without making them look weak. But that's a move that hasn't ended a match since late June. Thoughts?
That's some fallacy you got going there, pal. Jack Swagger did not fall between the cracks because he changed his signerature move to the ankle lock, he fell through the cracks because management did not feel he was ready to be at the top--main event scene. At least, that's what I heard. In a dirtsheet I read a while back, it reported that WWE was unhappy with the progress Swagger made and thus was put back to the mid-card scene.

But as for the ankle lock--that's actually a good move in Swagger's arsenal. It's both powerful and looks very deadly. Just the site of him doing the move on someone like Mysterio sends shivers down your spine. With that said, the ankle lock does not make the opponenet look weak--dude, it's wrestling, you're allowed to use which ever move you see fit. You're supposed to defeat the opponent at all costs and a submission is just one of those ways. The fact that Swagger changed from Gut-Wrench Powrbomb to Ankle lock means nothing. Because in the end, what gets him the 1-2-3 is what matters.

Swagger has fallen back to the mid-card because he wasn't ready for the main event scene. Though, hopefully, he will be ready some time soon as I am a fan of good ol' Swagger.
There are many reasons why Jack Swagger fell back down the card but that sure as hell ins't one of them. Think about it, he hasn't stopped using the move all together he has just stopped hitting it frequently, if WWE wanted him to beat people via pinfall and not submission they would just allow him to hit it again.
Mister Awesome is spot on with his post about Swagger. Swagger didn't fall out of the main event because they stopped using the Gutwrench as his every match finisher. If you recall the reason they changed his finisher was due to the fact he was in a program with the Big Show and there is no way he is gonna powerbomb that man. The Ankle Lock works for Swagger. It is a finisher that can be locked on at any time and it worked for Kurt Angle and it looks like a legit painful move when applied correctly. It is nice for Swagger to have the backup plan (ala an Angle Slam) with the Gutwrench.

Now onto the main question. The reason Swagger is back in the mid card is because he wasn't ready for the main event scene. I'm not sure why the WWE gave him the MITB to begin with as he was on quite the losing streak. Whether they were trying to surprise us or they gave it to him to get him some momentum, we'll never know. Swagger was an alright champion, but nothing special. I think they pushed him there too quick and he should have been a mainstay in the midcard for awhile before capturing the world title or the MITB briefcase. I think the upcoming Wrestlemania would have been more opportune for Swagger, but alas that is unlikely to happen. Swagger has the tools to be a mainstay in the main event, but they need to slowly build him back up instead of rushing him into the main event again.
Honestly, I think Jack Swagger's charisma sucks since he lost his World Title. His character lost it's dimensions and he's become a one dimensional character. He really needs to bring back his background and maybe even do a challenge for the Ankle Lock. Now if anything could save him; I'd honestly say he'd do good with more motives, but what killed him is they gave him that stupid eagle mascot.
I think the thing that killed his progress was how completely uncomfortable he looked out there trying to be the top guy, he came off as nervous, like he knew he wasn't ready to be there, sweating like a teenager on their first date.

Part of being the WWE or World Champion is self confidence, if you don't exude the aura of believing that belt belongs over your shoulder and you're a top guy then the audience wont buy you as one.
the reason he fell to the mid card is because he shouldn't of been put up to the ME... not yet anyway, he was good but he wasn't ready. and then they tried making him the new Kurt angle. it has nothing to do with his finisher. he should of stayed mid card for longer before stepping up.
swagger using the ankle lock or should i say angle lock makes him an exact copy of kurt angle. Only hes more comedic and not so intense.
Swaggers title run was boring i dont think they booked him right. But i do see potential in swagger.
But bring back Angle!
From what I heard was that WWE pushed him right away so that they wouldn't have to do it in the future when he was needed to main event. So we haven't seen the last of Swagger in the main event picture it seems. Too bad WWE is so lazy that they don't do things the way they used to.

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