What Happened to Drew McIntyre?


Dark Match Winner
- Since he was drafted to RAW, the supposed "Chosen One" has been chosen to stay on Superstars with Chris Masters. Now, I believe that Masters has the goods now to be a solid midcarder on RAW, and Superstars is a good concept, but why is Drew on Superstars?

Where does Drew McIntyre go from where he is at the moment?
Honestly, I don't know. I hope McIntyre doesn't become a "future endeavored." He's quite talented and if they would give him a chance, he could be a world champion by the beginning of next year. Wasn't it said that both HHH and Vince were high on him? He went from Money in the Bank to a show that's not even on television. If he doesn't either win Money in the Bank for RAW or resume that storyline he had going with Kelly Kelly, I don't know what they'll do with him
From what I have read on the internet bout him is originally hhh and hbk and vince loved him. But his personality brushed a lot of people in the back the wrong way. He was supposably suppose to win mitb at wm 26 but swagger got the nod instead. Then they were gonna push him again and him and his wife get the whole police incident. Then this yrs wm he became a victim of the #s game and was left off the ppv even though he had a very strong outing at the elimination chamber ppv.I really thought they were gonna push him huge after that ppv. But it just seems he is getting lost in the shuffle. I was hoping he'd win the u.s. Title a few weeks ago on raw where they had him pretty much in control over kofi the whole time, but they had kofi do the "face pulling the win from the clutches of defeat" thing.

I personally think they shuld either move drew back to smackdown or start a new group with him and the other mid-card young heels, like ziggler, swagger, and the lackey of the group ryder. They don't have to be a legit group, just sumtin where they have each other's backs and ryder wuld be the jobber in tag matches so those other three don't have to lose cred.
It seems that they are giving him a little bit of interest since they gave him some pyro on Raw a couple of weeks back. I'm hoping that they can form a group with HHH as the mouthpiece and have Drew, Swagger, and maybe a 4th party as kind of an Evolution 2.0. Obviously they would need a new name for the stable, but using stables is an easy way to get some of these youngsters over. Let them get the rub from being with Hunter and hopefully they can swim rather than sink.
McIntyre became uninteresting. That is pretty much the short answer to the whole thing. I like McIntyre and when he first showed up on SD I thought he had real potential and the WWE obviously did as well. He certainly had all the tools to become world champion, but they never pulled the trigger. I think he really would have benefited from winning the MITB at WM or the MITB PPV, but it never happened and McIntyre's chosen one gimmick started to run its course. I don't think moving to Raw helped or hurt him as I think he would have been in the same position on SD. At this point McIntyre is a guy with some pretty awesome theme music and nothing more.
I still enjoy the guy and i think he'll be ok, Vince knows what a talent McIntyre is and im sure he's just letting him wallow in SuperStars hell until a program presents itself on raw for the Sinister Scotsman.
He has no personality. His microphone skills are bland. His great entrance music plays, everyone gets excited, he appears, everyone doesn't give a shit.

He had an arguement with his wife, she got arrested and it became one of the top headlines in wrestling for about three days, therefore lingering a bad shadow over the WWE and giving them negative press. Negative press equals the derailing of your push.

He's not "The Chosen One" anymore because he hasn't been refered to it in over five months, plus. He's simply Drew McIntyre, and soon, unless he becomes an asset and is pushed again to show he has the talent needed to be a top heel in the company.

He'll just be Drew Galloway, and he'll be unemployed. That's what happened, and that's what is going to happen to Drew McIntyre.
I don't think that WWE will release him...
I'm a huge McIntyre fan, so I know that he is in a process of divorce, that's the reason for him not being on either shows this past week.

He has is personal issues to resolve after he pursues his career.
There is no reason for Vince give up on him, I've seen worst guys getting the push of his life (face R-Truth), and he is know fighting for the WWE Championship.

Drew McIntyre has only 25 years, and he is already a former Intercontinental Champion and Tag Team Champion.
He is just paying his dues to the company, HHH did that is his early years, and he turned out to be one of the most recognized wrestlers in the world.
Drew McIntyre isn't bland, he has personality, you are just being smarks when you say that.
Daniel Bryan & Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne are perfect examples of mid-carders that doesn't have any sort of personality, I just know that DB is a vegan -.-

I think that Drew will get his push sooner than later.
He may be average in the mic, and only because he has accent, but he is a very good wrestler and he is one of the bests when it comes to selling moves.

(And please guys that only keep up the results on SmackDown, do not reply, because it's impossible for you to know anything about him)
I don't think that WWE will release him...
I'm a huge McIntyre fan, so I know that he is in a process of divorce, that's the reason for him not being on either shows this past week.

He has is personal issues to resolve after he pursues his career.
There is no reason for Vince give up on him, I've seen worst guys getting the push of his life (face R-Truth), and he is know fighting for the WWE Championship.

Drew McIntyre has only 25 years, and he is already a former Intercontinental Champion and Tag Team Champion.
He is just paying his dues to the company, HHH did that is his early years, and he turned out to be one of the most recognized wrestlers in the world.
Drew McIntyre isn't bland, he has personality, you are just being smarks when you say that.
Daniel Bryan & Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne are perfect examples of mid-carders that doesn't have any sort of personality, I just know that DB is a vegan -.-

I think that Drew will get his push sooner than later.
He may be average in the mic, and only because he has accent, but he is a very good wrestler and he is one of the bests when it comes to selling moves.

(And please guys that only keep up the results on SmackDown, do not reply, because it's impossible for you to know anything about him)

His accent means nothing to his microphone skills. His problem is when he talks on the microphone, he sounds mundane and robotic, he sounds like a Scotish version of Randy Orton.

He sells very well, he has a lot of talent, his performance in the Elimination Chamber was that of Triple H in the late nineties. He was aggressive, but quite sadly he brushed people the wrong way and blew his chance. He might get it back again, as you said in an example, Triple H was the whipping boy after the MSG incident, but Drew McIntyre isn't Triple H and at least Triple H talked on the microphone with confidence and persuasion and not a Scotish robot.

And also, McIntyre is on the RAW brand. Not Smackdown, and he did appear last week even though he's going through his divorce, but he appeared on Superstars.
I'm a huge Drew McIntyre fan, right now he is my favourite wrestler in the business even though he is hardly ever used on Raw! Last year McIntyre was one of the two top heels on Smackdown alongside Del Rio who has also taken a little bit of a stumble as far as status goes (although no where near as dramatic as McIntyre). It was clear to me that WWE had very few (if any) current plans for McIntyre when they drafted him on the supplemental draft alongside the dead weight in the company that nobody cares about. His divorce has nothing to do with how he's been dropped from television as it was getting pretty rare to see him on T.V. a couple of months before the draft. It seemed like a strange one because fans were starting to get behind him (this may be a factor towards him being dropped).

To make McIntyre relevant again he needs to be thrown into a feud with a recognisable personality. How I would do it would be to make Miz U.S. Champ, Miz issue an open challenge and McIntyre's music plays. McIntyre using the 'chosen one' claim and have Miz respond with him saying he is the 'awesome one'. This would be a feud that fans would really get behind, give McIntyre the exposure that his character craves right now and on top of that Miz would have a solid feud whilst away from the title picture.
His accent means nothing to his microphone skills. His problem is when he talks on the microphone, he sounds mundane and robotic, he sounds like a Scotish version of Randy Orton.

Yes they mean. People hated Sheamus because of his strong accent and now he developed it a little bit.
So vicious, aggressive and a twisted character is the same thing as robotic and mundane?
If Drew McIntyre is that bad on the mic section, what do you call guys like John Morrison?

He sells very well, he has a lot of talent, his performance in the Elimination Chamber was that of Triple H in the late nineties. He was aggressive, but quite sadly he brushed people the wrong way and blew his chance. He might get it back again, as you said in an example, Triple H was the whipping boy after the MSG incident, but Drew McIntyre isn't Triple H and at least Triple H talked on the microphone with confidence and persuasion and not a Scotish robot.

HHH also talked in a robotic way, he was an aggressive character.
People hate his accent, that's why you put every time Scotish to define his mic-skills.

And also, McIntyre is on the RAW brand. Not Smackdown, and he did appear last week even though he's going through his divorce, but he appeared on Superstars.

Do you swear that my favorite superstar is on RAW? I didn't have any idea -.-
People that only watch RAW can't know him, like people who watch SD! also, don't you think?
Of course the divorce mess with a person, if it was you, would you still be focused on your career?

This past week he wasn't on either shows (RAW or Superstars).
Or he is really a future-endeavored or he has some issues that gets him occupied right?

If he was part of the SD! Roster, he would easily be the 2# heel...
Right now he needs a face turn.
Last year McIntyre was one of the two top heels on Smackdown alongside Del Rio.

Did I fall into a deep sleep and miss this? Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Kane, and even Jack Swagger were above McIntyre on the depth chart as far as heels go. He had an underwhelming IC title reign and when he was beaten soundly by Kofi for said title, he never rebounded. His tag title reign lasted for about a week, and then he was only on TV being fed to Edge. Seeing how Edge went from feuding to Kane to Ziggler to Del Rio, with Drew as 5 minute match fodder for him in between, I just don't see it whatsoever. Sorry man.

If he was part of the SD! Roster, he would easily be the 2# heel...
Right now he needs a face turn.

No, no he wouldn't. He'd be number 4, at best. Christian, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes all far surpass him. Anyways....

Ill say the same thing I said about Drew around this time last year when so many people were touting him as the next World Champion. I dont see the appeal in the guy. He's brutal in the ring, unless you count punching, kicking, and an underhook DDT a good moveset. He's got a vicious brutality of sorts in terms of his work, both on the mic
, and in the ring. He doesn't seem to be able to restrain that in his matches, facial expressions, or promos, and being so one-dimensional in those aspects truly hurts him. He's a poor man's Wade Barrett in terms of style between the ropes, and Barrett isn't anything special, and he doesn't hold a candle to Barrett in terms of promo ability.

So what happened to him? He wasn't ready for the "Chosen One" mantle. It was too much, too fast. WWE realized this, apparently, when they had him drop the IC title and he failed miserably as a tag team champion. There's just nothing about him, not his in-ring work, not his ability to connect with a crowd, not his mic work, that's more then mediocre. And mediocre wrestlers find themselves on Superstars, which is exactly where Drew should be. He's just not very good. Ive never seen the appeal in the guy and would love for someone to explain it to me.
He sucks. He's not believable as the "Chosen One" when Vince hasn't actually signed on to this on TV to back him up. He's been given several chances as a middle card champion and has failed. He's boring. In the ring and on the mic. If Cody Rhodes was still carrying him he might be interesting or relevant still, but Cody is doing great things on Smackdown and he's lost in the Raw middle card shuffle. He has failed to make an impact since moving from Smackdown to Raw and when his girlfriend was fired, I'm surprised he wasn't released with her.
Yes they mean. People hated Sheamus because of his strong accent and now he developed it a little bit.
So vicious, aggressive and a twisted character is the same thing as robotic and mundane?
If Drew McIntyre is that bad on the mic section, what do you call guys like John Morrison?

There is aggressive, and then there is talking like a boring robot. He does what Orton does, but the only difference is, he has a Scotish accent and he isn't over, so he's nothing like Orton. His microphone skills are poor, I've seen at least twenty people admit to that since joining the forum, he can't talk to save his life. Morrison is shit too, but it doesn't make McIntyre any better.

HHH also talked in a robotic way, he was an aggressive character.
People hate his accent, that's why you put every time Scotish to define his mic-skills.

Triple H had passion in his voice, when he used to talk in a robotic fashion he'd always break out roaring and screaming, showing that he was passionaite about what he was saying. That's a key to talking on the microphone, you need to make people believe in what you're saying, and Drewe McIntyre isn't 1/8 of what Triple H is on the stick.

Do you swear that my favorite superstar is on RAW? I didn't have any idea -.-
People that only watch RAW can't know him, like people who watch SD! also, don't you think?
Of course the divorce mess with a person, if it was you, would you still be focused on your career?


Second row, last person on the left on the RAW roster is Drew McIntyre. I watch Smackdown and RAW, I watched SD! more when he was on it, and was being pushed, and he made a good heel but only a midcard heel. And the moment the incident with Tiffany happened, he was derailed from his push and was moved to the back of the line. Hes appeared every week asides from two on WWE Superstars since the draft, and those two weeks he appeared on RAW, were to lose.

This past week he wasn't on either shows (RAW or Superstars).
Or he is really a future-endeavored or he has some issues that gets him occupied right?

He did indeed feature on WWE Superstars and he was on it the week before too. He's a lower-card wrestler now, not his fault, they just don't want to use him.

If he was part of the SD! Roster, he would easily be the 2# heel...
Right now he needs a face turn.

If he was on SD! he wouldn't. It would go Christian, Sheamus, Barrett, Rhodes and then McIntyre. He's not on Smackdown though so now he has to breakthrough the shuffle on RAW which I don't see him doing unless he gets back in their good graces.
I like him. Granted..I see plenty of room for development and once he finally finds his feet (voice..whatever) something to run with and get his teeth into I believe he has huge potential to go all the way and stay in the main event picture for years to come.

I can see him as part of a Vince, Triple H stable..running with the "chosen one" idea and maybe turning on Triple H somewhere down the line getting put over by fueding with Hunter. Stables have become a bit pointless right now though and Hunter is not active week in and week out so doubtful.
No, no he wouldn't. He'd be number 4, at best. Christian, Sheamus, and Cody Rhodes all far surpass him. Anyways....

He could had a push and a feud between him and Randy Orton calls my attention.

Ill say the same thing I said about Drew around this time last year when so many people were touting him as the next World Champion. I dont see the appeal in the guy. He's brutal in the ring, unless you count punching, kicking, and an underhook DDT a good moveset. He's got a vicious brutality of sorts in terms of his work, both on the mic, and in the ring. He doesn't seem to be able to restrain that in his matches, facial expressions, or promos, and being so one-dimensional in those aspects truly hurts him. He's a poor man's Wade Barrett in terms of style between the ropes, and Barrett isn't anything special, and he doesn't hold a candle to Barrett in terms of promo ability.


Against Chris Masters, we sells every piece of crap move and the final is awesome.
And I for one eye can't see a robotic guy talking, as far as I'm concerned he developed a lot his acting.​


He is good in the ring, this recent match his just awesome and he is really a good seller, fuck, he manages to make Bourne one of the best wrestlers in the WWE.

So what happened to him? He wasn't ready for the "Chosen One" mantle. It was too much, too fast. WWE realized this, apparently, when they had him drop the IC title and he failed miserably as a tag team champion. There's just nothing about him, not his in-ring work, not his ability to connect with a crowd, not his mic work, that's more then mediocre. And mediocre wrestlers find themselves on Superstars, which is exactly where Drew should be. He's just not very good. Ive never seen the appeal in the guy and would love for someone to explain it to me.[/QUOTE]

He was a little bit boring in his early months, but he was new and he had really the look of a Champion and he played with it very well.
There is no reason for such hate, he never did anything that bad.
The only time Mc Intyre has impressed me in the last 18months was his outing in the Elimination Chamber. He showed absolute aggression in the cage, especially when he smashed one of the pods to bits. He actually got a reaction to that also if I'm not mistaken. That's the only time he's made me stand up and take notice while he was in the ring.

As an above poster said, we are, or were told that Drew was Mr McMahon's ''Chosen One''. Has Vince ever publicly endorsed him in the ring or on our TV screens? Now this may be a bad example but I recall Elijah Burke (aka Pope D'Angelo Dinero) being installed as the leader of the New Breed and the future of ECW in the ring by none other than VKM himself.
- Since he was drafted to RAW, the supposed "Chosen One" has been chosen to stay on Superstars with Chris Masters. Now, I believe that Masters has the goods now to be a solid midcarder on RAW, and Superstars is a good concept, but why is Drew on Superstars?

Where does Drew McIntyre go from where he is at the moment?

Honestly, he needs to be pushed back to where he was before, He was a pretty good IC champion, and he is a decent performer. I would love to see him as a great mid-card heel on RAW. He honestly needs it because it is making his way up. He's is getting killed though just like Del Rio kind of is.
What happened is that people realized his ceiling really wasn't that high. He has a good look, is decent in the ring, and decent on the mic but he just isn't great at anything, and he also happens to be fairly boring. At best he can be an ok mid card champion but the WWE happens to be filled with guys who have that capability. Maybe he can switch it up a little and bring something we haven't seen out of him yet but I just don't see it. I've never thought much of McIntyre.
I've always liked Drew. He does have this cold and calculating demeanor, but I think this type of persona works much better as a heel. It seemed as if WWE was trying for a face turn not too long ago. The stuff with Kelly Kelly never really took off, and I could never get into this attempt to turn him into a good guy. Everything just seemed so awkward, and I don't think the fans fully accepted him as a face.

Drew was repackaged in a huge way. He was labeled the "chosen one." He was Vince McMahon's pick to become World Champion, so I'm sure a lot of us (myself included) thought he would wear the World Heavyweight Championship. But Drew never reached that high level I thought he would reach. I think Drew is a solid mid card heel, and I wouldn't mind seeing him chase the US Championship.

Will Drew ever break into the main event scene on a full-time basis? I don't know. Right now it doesn't look like he's going to see any WWE Championship matches in the near future. What we're seeing right now might be Drew's best, and there's a chance we'll never see him wear World Championship gold in the WWE.
Drew McIntyre is becoming bland, plain and simple. He needs to do something special or at least get some kind of a direction before he deserves a nice push on RAW. McIntyre has gone through many phases in his young career. He went from "The Chosen One" to floundering on Superstars. He needs to be re-energized. By this point in his career, I would have thought he'd be a main eventer or at least on the fringe of being one, but he's really receding. He needs to add a new wrinkle to his character, whether he turns or just changes up his moves or mic work, something needs to happen.

As a former Intercontinental Champion, the WWE must see something in him. Once he can get his character back on track I'm sure he'd be a solid US Title contender as a heel. Especially since he's worked with Kofi Kingston before. They can put on a decent match together, but that might not happen any time soon unless Drew can get his act together. Maybe a solid program with Masters on Superstars will be enough, I don't know, but I hope it works. In the Elimination Chamber match Drew looked EXCELLENT, some day down the line, he'd be a good main eventer. He has all the tools, he just needs to learn how to use them.
He has all the tools, he just needs to learn how to use them.

Now this is a short and sweet sum-up of Drew McIntyre. He has so much potential. I'm very surprised by just how far he's fallen, I don't think he needs much direction because before his decline into Superstars he had a series of good matches with superstars on Smackdown like Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio and Edge. He could have done the same on RAW with the likes of Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston and even maybe Cena(Cena had a great match with Ziggler when he was on the fringe of the main event scene). I think the roster is simply too packed on RAW and there's no room for him to have any TV time.
I'm expecting to see him in next monday night raw.
3 hours, they can get a match for him there.

He needs to be on tv and to grab the microphone to connect with the fans, and I would appreciate if they brought back his Kelly Kelly Storyline, it was one of the best Diva-Superstar storyline in 2010 and it launched McIntyre to fight against the former World Champion Edge!!
He hasn't any fault of his mis-use, even Bret Hart agrees with me.

WWE needs desperately new faces and new main-eventers, if HHH, Y2J and Batista agreed on coming back one more year they could push any midcard to the main-event, because beating Rey Mysterio isn't something that difficult, even R-Truth did it.

Drew McIntyre vs Triple H could very well be a dream match and a awesome feud...
Just wondering...
I'm a huge McIntyre fan, so I know that he is in a process of divorce, that's the reason for him not being on either shows this past week.

Yeah you could be right about this, I hope he returns soon.

Anyway why are people acting like he is as bad as JoMo on the mic, when he get's aggressive he sounds very dangerous and get's a hell of a lot of heat (watch how he talked to Teddy Long).

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