What Do You Stand For In Wrestling


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Stay with me here as this one is a little weird and odds are this isn't going to go like I'm planning it.

As many of you know, elections are coming up in November and campaigns have long since begun. All over the place you'll see or hear ads with candidates saying where they stand on issues. What I want to know is what are your stances on wrestling? Assume the role of a person running for the office of President of Wrestling. What rules would you put into place? When I say rules, I mean from a mostly non-kayfabe perspective but do what you want to do with it. Think of this as what your campaign would be based on. For example you could campaign on having more in ring action, less promos and a higher influx of international stars. Make it sound like a politician would. In other words, make it out to be a speech or a campaign ad etc.

Like I said, this is likely to fail but it seemed intriguing in my head.
Hello every body. How's it going? Good, I hope you guys are having a good time and believe me if I become President of the WWE, you guys will be having a good time.

First and foremost I would like to acknowledge the fact that I don't like that both brands are represented on all of the Pay Per Views. If I get chosen as President of this prestigious company I would make the Pay Per Views exclusive to one brand. It would make for better storylines and more build up for the matches. There would only be 4 Pay Per Views where both brands will have matches in card. It would also give each match more time in the Pay Per Views and allow for better matches.

Secondly I would like to express my discontent for the PG rated tv programming. If I get chose I would make that go away and pass a bill that says WWE programming is PG-14. The promos would be more intensifying and with a better choice of words. It would also allow for the wrestlers to cut themselves and add blood to the matches. That famous phrase of "Blood, sweat, and tears" is lacking the part where it says blood. I think it would make for more entertaining tv and for a more adult oriented show as opposed to kid friendly.

I would also like to address the quality of matches on tv. I would make most ofthe tv matches at least 10-15 minutes each and make both wrestlers look good. Obviously not all of them will last that long because of time restraints, but I believe the midcarders deserve a chance to showcase their skills on tv. Then at the Pay Per Views, we will see better matches specially from main eventers.

Promo time. How many of us hate all those little sketches from backstage with Hornswoggle and all those guys that are doing their best to ruin the business. They will be dealt with and no longer will there be stupid comedy(and I use this term loosely) segments. In ring promos from wrestlers will be longer for the midcarders and the main eventers won't have as much time. They are already over so there is no need for them to waste most of the promo time, unless it drives for a very intriguing storyline. A good example of this would be Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker.

The Tag Team Division has been a joke for years and I will leave it like it is because honestly not many people care for it anymore.

There will only be one Women's championship for both brands. All the divas will have to fight for the same title.

Lastly I would like to announce that I will bring the Cruiserweight title division back and along with it the Cruiserweight title. This is to give those wrestlers who are too small to be credible main eventers like Evan Bourne.

These are my proposals so remember vote for 'Taker the 5th as President of the WWE.

I think that's what the thread was asking to do.
If elected President of Wrestling I would bring ,more action to the table. There needs to be more in ring action and fair represntation from all levels of the card. There also needs to be less interferance endings and more real finishes to the matches. How many of you are tired of having good matches washed out by pointless outside interferance each and every week! I will make security do thier job and protect the action in the ring. If someone is going to interfere in a match they are going to have to get threw them first.

I would strengthen the tag division and promote teams who are teams. The tag belts should be defended every two weeks to make sure only the top people and teams hold them. It would also bring more excitement to the division as a whole.

The crusier weight division should be reinstated. The lighter faster high flyers are some of the hardest working people in the business and should be rewarded with a strap to battle over. How often are they resigned to the undercard, buried by the heavyweights? These workers need a platform and a goal to let thier talents shine.

I would drop the price of Pay per views by at least 5-10 dollars to allow more people to be able to afford them. The increase in volume would make up for the price drop. I would also strenghten the PPV cards and make sure every title is defended. To often are matches just thrown on to the cards to fill space. This should never happen when titles could be defended!

I would push the creative department to do thier job more effectively and know how to edit! We do not need to be subjected to redundant drivel when there could be action in the ring! A little back story often goes a long way and stories are better left being told in the ring then in backstage campy skits.

In short I would promote More Wrestling, More title shots, A better tag division and less interferance! Thank you for your concideration.
If I was the president of wrestling, I would have less wrestling and more promos on TV shows. That's the kind of stuff that discerns wrestling from every other sport, and it is the sort of thing that makes wrestling unique. I'd still have matches on TV, but the focus would be on developing characters and storylines. On PPV, the purists could watch developed feuds reach their peak in long matches, which would almost always have a definitive outcome.

On the topic of PPVs, I'd have fewer of them. In each company, I'd have about 4 major shows a year, with 5 B shows to accompany them. Each B show would have a gimmick and 5 weeks of build up, while 3 of the major shows would have 6 weeks of build up. The final show would have somewhere in the vicinity of 9 weeks of build, as it would be the principle show of the year.

I would make the focus of the creative team to be about making gripping stories at all levels that spawn new stories and are fundamentally more interesting than getting from A to B. I would make each company have a more mainstream show that adheres to the storyline focussed show discussed earlier, but I'd also allow a show for the purists that had things like a cruiserweight division and a divas division there to be taken seriously.

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