What do you really think about xfearbefore?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Is he enlightened and justifiably confident in his opinions?

Or is he just high all the time and talking crap that he came up with while talking with his equally high buddies?

You decide.
I share this view. Sometimes I'm all, like "Yeah, man. That's like, totally, right and everything" and then sometimes I'm all "Uh, wut?".

Something like that, dick. I personally think the drugs are both benefit and a hindrance.

If you haven't noticed, I'm testing your reaction to subtle hostility. You got me: I'm not being that subtle.
An example of when I was all "wut?":

When he said people experimented with drugs mostly for spiritual reasons.
Xfearbefore seems learned and mellow...until you try to tell him he is wrong about Christopher Columbus. Then he breaks fingers on your skull.
Not sure if I should be delighted with this thread or apalled. I'm an egomaniacal man, so I'm going with delighted!

I think when I mentioned the whole taking drugs for spiritual purposes thing, it was more in regard to hallucinogenic drugs, which is true. Many tribes through out South and North America continue to use drugs like ayahausca for spiritual purposes. I used to be very much into experimenting with different hallucinogenic drugs mainly for those spiritual reasons. Looking at the absurdity of life through a different pair of eyes is extremely enlightening. But I've given up just about everything except for the booze mostly on the weekends and the ol' mary jane. Probably going to have to give that up pretty soon though.
He's awesome and I agree with a lot of what I've seen him post outside of anytime he chooses to get involved in an RVD thread. However, unlike what I do with most people who take a strong stance I'm not in agreement with, I'm able to see he's a smart guy in spite of my disagreement with his point of view on the Wholest of Fucking Shows.
For a long time...well I think I still do this I imagined him to be a lot like Hyde from That 70's Show. Pretty F'N sweet.

Flames Out
X is awesome in my book. He's got a great mind when it comes to politics and his debating skills are very solid. Not only that but his music tastes are a mirror image of my own, and his views on spirituality in drugs are roughly the way I saw things when I was trippin of Dex, meditating on salvia and all that.

Real cool dude, glad I met him on here.
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I think X is learned and passionate, which can be a very tricky combination to deal with. It can be offputting to some who find it condescending, but I don't see it that way. I know that when I really believe something, I can't understand people who disagree with me. I think he believes everything he says, and just because I disagree with a lot of it doesn't mean that I don't respect it.

Overall, X is a top five poster on here.

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