Are YOU a Bully?

Have you ever thought what it'd be like to fake your death, just to see how people would react and talk about you? Maybe that's what Coco's doing. Would it be hard? Just write Banned under his name, and switch to invisble mode in options. Although Jonny already said he banned Coco. Sorry Wes, gotta do it, it's called for in this situation.

Have you ever thought what it'd be like to fake your death, just to see how people would react and talk about you? Maybe that's what Coco's doing. Would it be hard? Just write Banned under his name, and switch to invisble mode in options. Although Jonny already said he banned Coco. Sorry Wes, gotta do it, it's called for in this situation.


no, never thought of that, sounds like a stupid WWE storyline... wonder why?
I dont like bullying for the record, but I still dont think what was done to Coco was any worse than has been done to others in the past. You want to see bullying go check out the Oncewalkerr thread or something. We've all had hate threads against us (even me, I started my own) and its standard procedure for one person to become hated in the Bar Room and cop most of the flack.

Coco just took things way too seriously, call me heartless for saying this but thats his own fault really, we shouldn't have to give people special treatment because they cant handle it when 95% of the posting population can handle it.

Oh and to the dude that said they were bullied, if you didn't get the joke I dont hate you and I dont want to kill you. I might pee on you a little though.
Hasen't happened to me yet. Someeone hate me.
I hate you, I'd bully you

when i was at my old school, I was the Popular one. but since my boyfriend tries to stand up for me, i 'm being picked on by all the guys. And when i was at my old school, i was picked on by a teacher. She would always call me over to her and she'd grab my arms and pull backwards on them. < you don't care bout this, i know because you like to bully me.
My Boyfriend came Crying to me today, i asked him what was wrong and he said that his friends keep calling him names and is treating him like trash. He doesn't understand why his friends suddenly turned on him. Any Suggestions I should give him? < If not i understand >
when i was at my old school, I was the Popular one. but since my boyfriend tries to stand up for me, i 'm being picked on by all the guys. And when i was at my old school, i was picked on by a teacher. She would always call me over to her and she'd grab my arms and pull backwards on them. < you don't care bout this, i know because you like to bully me.

Although I don't agree with Bullying, my advice to you is to not talk about your problems in the Bar Room. You'll get nothing but crap for it cause the people here don't know you, and therefor don't care. So don't look for help here, you won't get it.
hahahahaha HA...that was a fuckin classic exchange just seriously ROFLMAO

What do you mean by that? i understood what they said because who would want to help? No body ( especially if they don't know one well enough)
It means that that was some full on hilarious stuff. You asked for help, and Derf set you straight - you're gonna get this shit ripped out of you, so stop now.

Then again, IMO that ship has already sailed. By posting this:

when i was at my old school, I was the Popular one. but since my boyfriend tries to stand up for me, i 'm being picked on by all the guys. And when i was at my old school, i was picked on by a teacher. She would always call me over to her and she'd grab my arms and pull backwards on them. < you don't care bout this, i know because you like to bully me.

you're offically fucked.
I don't think anyone here is really a "bully," but people will give their opinions. The mods fuck around with people a lot, but that's okay.

I don't think the problem is bullying. I think the problem is uptight people who's ass-muscle is just a little too tight.

I, personally, have no patience for people who cannot be messed around with without them getting their balls twisted.

Whether it's on the internet or in real life, if I can't mess around with you, then I don't want to know you.

I don't mind people messing with me, either. I love a good give and take, especially in jest where no one really means what they are saying.

My opinion is that anyone who leaves here for being bullied, I don't want around anyway.

We're wrestling fans, which should mean we have some emotional toughness to us. Deal with it. ;)
when i was at my old school, I was the Popular one. but since my boyfriend tries to stand up for me, i 'm being picked on by all the guys. And when i was at my old school, i was picked on by a teacher. She would always call me over to her and she'd grab my arms and pull backwards on them. < you don't care bout this, i know because you like to bully me.

Shit, if my teacher did that, Id bend her over.
So Coconut was being bullied but yet he still came online here every day? Surley if you were being bullied you'd avoid this place, it's not like school where you have to go.

Anyway if he was being bullied then why did he appear to take such delight in taunting Luther? He thought he was invincible, shit turns out he wasn't. Bummer dude.

Derf stop defending him, he's gone. It's over.

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