What do you miss about being 13?

So, recently I came across this article on soulpancake asking this question and I wondered what you guys miss.

What I miss is being so naive, playing on the original xbox, watching shows like recess and kenan and kel and experimenting with alcohol.

What, were you a fucking amateur chemist or something? Were you in a pristine white lab coat surrounded by bunsen burners, clipboard in hand, recording as yet unheard of theoretical data?
Being much more open minded to ideals, beliefs, and religious values. I question everything, because I tend to think about things far too much. I tend to bring my "work home" in that clients who are depressed tend to dig at my softer side.
Fuck all. Being a teenager's shit. You don't talk to girls, you don't have any fun, you have to march around on Sundays. Oh, maybe not everyone did that, but I did. I suppose I'd be happy to have the amount of casual acquaintances I had then, but probably wouldn't want the same ones.
10 years ago for me, if I knew then what I know now I would have made the most of it so much more. Being 13 was everything, I felt like I had unlimited potential. Everything was fresh, new and exciting. WRESTLING was very enjoyable to watch, everything in the media seemed more edgy in 2001 during the time I was 13: South Park, Jackass, WWF Attitude etc etc. Until 9/11 the world seemed like a much more peaceful place. Wars seemed like a thing of the past (Even though they were still happening in other countries) you just didn’t hear about them. 9/11 happens and the world flips upside down. No one knows who they can trust anymore. And over the last decade we’ve had a decline in the wrestling business, war, global insecurity, recession and global cataclysms…

Oh to be 13 again.
Honestly.. I don't remember what it was like then. Was only 11 years ago, but shit, I don't even remember being 19 :shrug:
I suppose if I had to guess, I'd say that I had no major responsibility.
Well that was a long time ago thats for sure!

I miss not having to pay bills or having so much responsibilities thats for damn sure. I mean I love my wife and son don't get me wrong but sometimes I think it would be great to be able to be a kid again for a little while and have your parents take care of everything for me. It would be great to see my granddad again to, he was really awesome.

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