What can TNA do to win you over?


WZCW's Mr Excitement
TNA has a huge amount of critics. In many cases, it's deserved. In just as many cases, it's unjustified. In most cases TNA are on a lose-lose situation - to many fans because they aren't WWE, that puts them on an instant deficit.

But in many instances, TNA has annoyed a lot of people and turned them off to their product. The ratings are falling and potential fans are following the "don't like it, don't watch it" approach.

There is no doubt that TNA has some positives - some great tag teams with the Guns and Beer Money, great talent in AJ and Kurt who rarely put on an unwatchable match but is this outweighed by the involvement of Hogan and Bischoff?

Is there anything that can be done by the company to bring you back as a fan of TNA and a viewer of Impact? I would love to see guys like AJ and Beer Money get more time as the focus of the company. Only two hours of Impact isnt enough to showcase them and everything else that they have to build their PPVs to.
TNA has a huge amount of critics. In many cases, it's deserved. In just as many cases, it's unjustified. In most cases TNA are on a lose-lose situation - to many fans because they aren't WWE, that puts them on an instant deficit.

But in many instances, TNA has annoyed a lot of people and turned them off to their product. The ratings are falling and potential fans are following the "don't like it, don't watch it" approach.

There is no doubt that TNA has some positives - some great tag teams with the Guns and Beer Money, great talent in AJ and Kurt who rarely put on an unwatchable match but is this outweighed by the involvement of Hogan and Bischoff?

Is there anything that can be done by the company to bring you back as a fan of TNA and a viewer of Impact? I would love to see guys like AJ and Beer Money get more time as the focus of the company. Only two hours of Impact isnt enough to showcase them and everything else that they have to build their PPVs to.

I think the fact we're talking about TNA means that in some ways they've won us over. But bad product is bad product. WWE has bad programming. (the Divas program for example, U.S. title meaning nothing, bad storylines there too, etc.) TNA keeps people on their payroll that need to go. Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, etc., etc., etc. They won't give enough time to storylines to develop them over a longer period of time; rather they opt for the quick hit storyline in hopes of getting spikes in viewership based on that theory. Seemingly at times they appear to be grasping at straws hoping to find that diamond in the rough instead of using good judgement and forward thinking storylines that allow you to move seamlessly from one storyline to the other.

So they don't need to win me over as I'm already watching. They just need to keep trying to improve the quality of their product.
have story lines that make sense, are consistent, and are interesting. they have the talent to put on great matches but when those matches mean nothing and have no interesting story to them, its tough to swallow. This is professional wrestling after all
Go back to what brought you to the dance. 2005 TNA comes onto tv and after the first night which featured their best tag teams in matches, their factions, and their top 3 xdivision stars in a triple threat had people going holy shit. if you go back to wat got you your fans and viewers in the first place your gonna find that you'll gain more.
1st get rid of hogan and bischoff and bring back the 6 sided ring. Do some better story lines that are about the stars not the management.
Get rid of Hogan, he just doesn't mesh with the talent.

Stop doing a terrible job at being WCW circa 1999.

Don't push Abyss... He's not that much fun to watch.

They might be able to win me over if they can pull together a decent live show (I am going to check them out at a HIGH SCHOOL in upstate, NY)

The X-Division is stacked, I like watching X-Division matches, it's like watching the WCW Cruiserweights. Highly entertaining. (I may also be a sucker for spots, but eh...)

Jarrett isn't a draw, Angle and Anderson are.

Get rid of Russo. He killed WCW. He will kill TNA.

And kill this Immortal storyline already, it is just plain bad.

I WANT to like TNA, I really do, but rehashing Flair/Hogan/Steiner giving us crap like Suicide because of a video game...

Also, they push former WWE stars to the moon. I would buy Morgan as the World Champ, I like Beer Money as a team, but they don't use the talent they have properly.

So I guess we're back to getting rid of Russo.
My current experience with Impact is speeding through it in ten minutes on dailymotion.

I will continue to give TNA every opportunity to win me over because I want them to succeed.

I confess between 2004-2006 I was a huge TNA fan. I truly believed they could grow to compete with WWE. Petey Williams, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Chris Sabin all piqued my interest.

The company has since gone nowhere. Their reliance on ex-WWE stars to command an audience communicates that they are the lesser company. Do YOU want to watch AA baseball? They have stalled the pushes of their "up and coming" stars for so long that their ascent will no longer have any relevance.

I understand the allure of using Angle, Anderson and Sting. Their names and skills could be valuable commodities under proper leadership. But the way to keep your company moving forward is to use these names to advance YOUR talent. And not just AJ and Samoa Joe. We've seen these guys for years at this point. Someone new. Someone that you've found and developed and put faith in YOURSELF.

Since my period of liking TNA I still see Eric Young on my TV. Why? What does he do? He's tried every possible way to get over and failed. You really cant use his TV time to try to create a new star?

Why am I still watching Jeff Jarrett?

What does Orlando Jordan contribute?

Is there nobody on the indy scene you feel like you can put faith in?

TNA diehards need to face the fact that their product is stale as shit. Yes, the wrestling is often better(...often. The WWE's top matches of the past two years, Taker-HBK, Taker-HHH, were still miles better than anything TNA put on), but they can't build any meaningful structure around those matches.

Why? Because TNA is incapable of cultivating any kind of excitement. Their promotion is awful. Their writing, production and editing...coming from someone who has experience in the profession...is the epitome of amateur. They have Universal Studios at their disposal and I could do a better job with my handheld and some interns...I'm not shitting you.

TNA needs a purging of direction, but even that might not do it anymore. Their days of being the new company on the horizon are well bygone. They've been here for a while and gone nowhere.
Go back to what brought you to the dance. 2005 TNA comes onto tv and after the first night which featured their best tag teams in matches, their factions, and their top 3 xdivision stars in a triple threat had people going holy shit. if you go back to wat got you your fans and viewers in the first place your gonna find that you'll gain more.

dont go back to anytime in tna history, because even less people knew about them then, obviously something wasnt working, it worked for you but youre not the entire wrestling community.

Also dont bring back the six sided ring, that thing was a joke.

i think in the past couple of weeks, theres been some signs of the original tna talent going over the established legends. Its happening and its good, look at robert roode! the man's been re-introduced to the people, and almost repackaged as a singles wrestler in one promo.

People are way to impatient, a year or 2 from now, and you look at the entire bisch hogan regime, youll see how it was all part of a huge storyline, its just that drones have been trained by wwe way too much and as much as they bitch about it, theyre used to the storylines ending after only 2 ppvs
I would agree that going back (too far) will be harmful. Who watched TNA in 2005? They were just bringing in guys like Savage and DDP, on a similar strategy to what they have now - probably paying massive amounts for no pay off in buy rates or ratings.

TNA's creative and in ring peak was before Hogan and Bisch came in. Since then they have focussed on entertainment rather than wrestling but it hasnt always been bad.

I would love to see a fine balance be struck between the experienced "legends" that TNA can bring in and the "homegrown" talent that we know that they have on their books.
I don't follow TNA but with my recent annoyance with WWE, I'd like to give it a chance. I'm 1 bad segment away from not watching WWE for a long time. With that sad, this monday will probably be my last since they still produce a lot of crap.

Anyways back on topic.

TNA needs to put on more wrestling matches. Stay away from a lot of backstage segments and in ring drama. Stick with wrestling.

They need to listen to their fans. WWE continues to push the same wrestlers. They say guys like Christian, JoMo, etc won't sell tickets . They give them a quick push than drop back to the mid-card. Just because they say they won't sell tickets doesn't make it so. They just stick with the same 3-4 guys in the main event. TNA needs to give younger talent a push and keep developing their own wrestlers instead of bringing in former WWE guys.

Give the mid card guys a push. Feuds don't need to end on PPV. TNA should put good matches on Impact every week to give people a reason to tune in. If you know the show is just pushing a PPV without good matches, who wants to watch. Give the mid card guys a chance to be on regular tv while the PPV's are for the big stars. That isn't to stay the big stars shouldn't be seen on Impact, but you don't need them on every week. We know who they are. Use the free tv to build future stars so when Flair, Hogan, etc finally do retire, you can quickly fill the gap with your talent.

Just some thoughts. Mid card guys on TV more with big stars on PPV gives everyone a fair deal
Well, it all comes down to quality. Different people have different ideas of quality. For me, there are a few things that TNA could do that would infinitely improve their product.

1. Stop Doing The Mega Faction Power Struggle/Hostile Takeover Storylines - Please, for the love of God, stop doing this dried out and mind numbingly repetitive nWo themed angle over and over again. For me, this is one of the biggest turns offs about TNA right now. We've seen them do almost this exact same storyline, a storyline that's the primary focus of the company, on so many occassions that it no longer means anything. It just screams to me that TNA is so creatively bankrupt that those in charge of the creative direction are incapable of coming up with big storylines that don't involve groups of wrestlers banding together in an attempt to challenge the powers that be and control the future of the company. Enough already.

2. Stop Making Hogan & Bischoff The Nexus Of The Product - To be fair, this is something that TNA had actually been doing until Hogan returned to the company. Bischoff would come out and do his thing, he'd appear for a few minutes or for a single segment and then we wouldn't see him in any serious capacity until maybe the next episode of iMPACT!. However, since Hulk Hogan came back, TNA has started to once again weave most of the goings on of each episode of iMPACT! around them once more. Last night is the first episode of iMPACT! in a good stretch of time in which Hogan and/or Bischoff haven't popped up in every other segment of the show.

3. Let's See If You Can Create Stars - It's no secret that TNA has relied heavily on the name recognition and recognition of wrestlers that are already stars for several years. TNA's frequent and near constant signings of former WWE and/or WCW wrestlers has, unintentionally, contributed to the image of a second rate promotion incapable of successfully creating its own stars. There's a lot of talent on the TNA roster but TNA has generally preferred to use younger talent to further the already established older stars rather than use the older stars to build up the younger talent. How long has the main event picture in TNA been primarily focused around wrestlers that've been established as stars in WWE, WCW and/or ECW? Since TNA begain airing on Spike in October 2005, only 3 men that can claim to be "TNA Originals" have been World Champion. As has been said by others in numerous posts, TNA has a talented roster. They simply don't do anything relevant with most of it.

Bring Some Relevance Back To The Rest Of The Card - For a while now, everything that hasn't revolved around the single big faction storyline has felt like little more than meaningless filler. The mid-card overall of TNA has, for the better part of 3 years or so, had little meaning. The X Division, which is generally what put TNA on the map in the first place, has been rendered a pale shadow of its former self. It's like they don't even try anymore. The TNA Television Championship has been worthless since it's inception. Even though it's been held by some big established stars, the title has virtually no prestige. Even being held by someone of AJ Styles' stature in TNA has done nothing to make the title seem even remotely important. I'm not saying that TNA has to go out and devote entire shows to the mid-card, it's just that the mid-card means nothing right now and anything would be an improvement. The tag team scene in TNA, which has really been its shining jewel for the past few years, has really started to dry up. There just aren't any marquee teams left in TNA that are active aside from Beer Money. They can't keep doing Beer Money vs. the MCMGs over and over. The Knockouts are no more relevant now than the Divas are in the WWE and it's really been that way for a long time now.
1. Dey gotzz two fiyah Hogen and Bishoff coz dey dere 4 da monays and coz dey havez big egozz nd dey dont know anythink about da bizness!

2. Dey gotzz to hav moar wrestlingzz liek in 2005 wen nobody new dey existed and der average ratingzz were a whopping 0.5

3. Dey gotzza fiyah all de old guyz coz dey are hoging da spotlite, even tho none of dem izz wrestlingzz on a regular bazisesss

4. Make storylinezz simplez coz I ken't understandzzz dem.

I can go on and on with this. I wanted to just chyme in and say what won ME over, and it could possibly win some other people over.

I knew all the shit that is told right now about TNA. If you read the posts from a few years back you'd see the same crap you see right now, only tweaked 2011 style. However, I watched the product trying to forget all the hatred, and what won me over was the fact that the show felt more "free". There were no boundaries to what was said or done. Some of the stuff were off the hook, and honestly - I've always liked that. It's a break from the cookie cutter crap I used to see. The wrestlers had this thing called PASSION. I didn't get that with WWE. I still don't. The guys were natural, they were comfortable in their own skins, they were passionate and excited to do what they do, they were just having fun and fun is contagious. They weren't told where to look when they go out to wrestle, how to act, how many fuckin' steps to take down the isle and how to do anything. Just felt good. The wrestling was also better (a few months before Hogan and Bischoff came along). Everybody was different. They all had different gimmicks, characters, personalities. Lots and lots of variety, lots of things going on that captivated me. The storylines were basic, nothing fancy, but the people in them made me care because they were just fun guys to watch.

Overall, until this very day, I find TNA to be a fun product to watch. I don't get caught up with all the IWC smarky bullshit about this guy being old, that guy being fat, another guy being buried and so on. I just enjoy the show for what it is. The storylines are blurry at first ( and that's a good thing ) but even when something comes out of the blue, TNA always manages to link them all together and surprise me. I didn't get that with the 'E. WWE produces a very simple, basic and in my eyes - lazy - product. It feels like they're putting RAW and SmackDown out there just so they have a show on TV. It's as if, if McMahon could chose whether to have a wrestling show or not, he'd scrap it. Throwing belts around like they're toys, randomly pushing and then depushing people, no consitency, no organization, no passion, no intensity, nothing captivating, nothing new.

TNA's just fun to watch. Ain't the best thing in the world, has its flaws (dragging segments, a few annoying individuals I don't care about, etc.) but they don't bother me as much as they bother other people. TNA won me over by simply being a wrestling company with a little bit for everybody.
stop trying to be WWE's competition.
Jan. 4th, Hogan takes shots directly at WWE saying their coming, this is the "turning point" of when TNA went from being an original product that was worth watching weekly, into WWE Superstars with a lower production budget.

TNA takes so many shots at even a weekly basis and still is trying to compete with WWE, whereas if they just did their own thing, it'd be a much more enjoyable product.

I think many of the original TNA fans would rather watch an alternative rather than a competitor.
TNA's got to keep the changes coming. I'm impressed that they ditched the 6-sided ring for the traditional "squared circle" and are minimizing the 3-letter branding. I like the feel of the backstage segments better than before, clearly an idea that Bischoff brought to the table that succeeded. I just want to see them keep trying new things and being ballsy. If it were up to me, I'd do this:

Unify the X-Division and TV Titles: TNA has too many championship belts. By unifying these titles it creates excitement and simplifies the midcard scene. I would have the match on a PPV event featuring great talent, possibly Samoa Joe as X-Division Champ and Pope as TV Champ.

Hogan as an announcer: This is the best way to incorporate the Hulk Hogan brand into the company. It allows him to be a neutral babyface who puts over young talent and keeps him as a focus on the show. TNA wants Hogan to be a part of their company and this allows his presence to be constant. It also frees up the "GM" role for Bischoff, the best person for the job.

New Creative Team: Take the big chance. Offer Vince Russo a promotion that gets him out of the writing team if you won't just fire him. The creative well is dry in that man. He is unable to create stars out of talented wrestlers, and relies on WWE talent to import their gimmicks. HIRE ANYBODY ELSE. The fans deserve it.
This thread is about what would make people want to watch TNA, if you're the kind of drooling mongoloid who enjoys horribly booked, incoherent drivel, then this thread will have little value to you.

Anyway, I agree with most of whats already been said, stop with the takeover shit, give Hogan a less prominent role and ultilize talented wrestlers rather than mediocre guys from other companies. Also, get a non-terrible creative team.
Man, it's freakin' TORTURE to watch TNA. I watched Thursday, and it was terrible. I WANT to like TNA...oh, man I want to like it...All of the obvious reasons have been mentioned. But here's a few reasons why I WANT to be a TNA fan:

1. Great wrestlers. I see most of you like AJ Styles. I think he's total crap, however I can't deny that he's one of the most popular guys there. But some of my favorites wrestle in TNA. RVD, Sting, MCMG, Jay Lethal (well...not any more) Beer Money, Samoa Joe, Desmond Wolf (well...maybe not anymore) and Brian Kendrick.

2.WWE is crap too. While I've been a fan of WWE since....well ever, I'd say since 1986, today's product is terrible. They to have great wrestlers (can I say that still?) but waste time on the crap ones. TNA does the same, but they have a roster of fresh people they CAN put up to the front. Who knows why they don't have faith in them.

3.Something new in concept. While the X-Division isn't what it was, it was unique to see indy style wrestling on TV. WWE doesn't do that. It was unique for the 6-sided ring. Instantly I knew I was watching TNA. WWE doesn't do that.

Anyway, I want to like them...but something's gotta give!
I'll make this short and sweet, Hire Paul Heyman and give him complete control. Control over the product, control over the personnel, etc.., All the complaints everyone has listed above this would be taken care of with this one move.
Stop pishing on the fire everytime you have something hot! Let's start with the XDivision that was bringing in viewers... now? Not so much, they've been reduced to being squashed by Easy E and vandalising Hogan's car! The Knockouts division was built on Awesome Kong and Gail Kym and it was over... now? Mickie pins Madison Rayne in less time than Sting versus Jeff Hardy and there is an active women's roster not reaching double figures and three belts:wtf:! Tag teams have been pretty strong throughout, with the possible exception of the period when they where bringing back all the 90's teams... now? Beer Money are excellent, as are the Guns but despite the fact that there are not that many teams, they continually 'tease' splits:banghead:.

The only thing that has consistently been poor is the main event and yet they have a wealth of guys who have proven records of working feuds, is it really that complicated?

So having looked at the product, how do they rectify the problems?

Well first and foremost - forget that WWe exists, TNA is the number one wrestling company in the US because the 'e' doesn't do wrestling. Promote yourselves as such and leave Sport's Entertainment to the other guy.

Stop copying WWE or repeating history! The nWo was 15 years ago, the Horsemen longer still, the Network is an obvious RAW GM copy, EV2.0 outlasted it's welcome and I like kayfabe when I'm watching so stop breaking the fourth fucking wall!

I'll probably get red repped by his number one fan again but FIRE VINCE RUSSO - the guy can't even see when things ARE working but yet he'll persist with storylines that are not.

I've no issue with ex WWe guys as long as they can contribute (for example, should CM Punk fail to reach agreement with WWe, I'd love to see straight edge, slightly... well, edgier). The World's Greatest Tag Team and MVP would also be additions I'd like but, if rumours are true, Chyna - nay, nay and trice nay!

Simplicity and logic. Anderson's an asshole who wants a title shot... simple and logical. 'They' Pts 1 & 2 - convoluted crap that left a shit load of questions. As many have mentioned, 4 divisions and two hours of television, why waste 15 plus minutes promoting a completely redundant faction (seriously has ever the term 'Immortal' been LESS apt?). I'm not against angles and promos but how much time would be saved if the set up had the participants in the ring after the ad breaks? If the fat is trimmed off the program, then it'll give iMPACT more of a 'going somewhere' feel. Something that both iMPACT and RAW suffered from this week was a feeling afterwards of what really happened? (iMPACT - the XDivision and some Immortal members where buried and Angle's 'mystery' girlfriend and the Network's mystery decision maker are turning up next week / RAW - Dusty finish to Cena vs Miz and it's the Rock's birthday).

I love TNA and never miss it and it's this love that makes me scream when they over complicate things. TNA was getting places when Hogan et al walked in and within a couple of weeks, it looked like a late 90's tribute show. Certain things they've recovered, bye to the Nastys and most of the other rejects but others persist, like nWo2.0 (kind of ironic to think Hogan slagged off Dreamer about EV2.0, a pale reflection ECW reunion).

Ultimately, someone is going to have the balls to address the issues... otherwise, we'll be having this conversation somewhere down the line yet again.
If TNA hasn't "won you over" by now, then I doubt in the future it will. We all have our preferences; some like watching the older, more seasoned wrestlers because nostalgia is a bad habit to break. Others rather have the young guys get more time in the ring because the show needs a future, even if the young is green as hell. It's an endless debate to ask "how can a show win you over?" because either it has already or has not.

I think if you're not pleased with the product, you shouldn't tune in every week just to bitch about how you don't like it. Pretty stupid if you ask me. There are other things to watch on sindicated television.
I think if you're not pleased with the product, you shouldn't tune in every week just to bitch about how you don't like it. Pretty stupid if you ask me. There are other things to watch on sindicated television.

Exactly. That's why I only watch Raw and Smackdown. I'm tired of TNA's Russo-riffic reruns.
Although I never order their PPV's, I do watch TNA on Thursday's.

With that being said, I agree with brotherlove, and the thing they could do to win me over totally, is to HIRE PAUL HEYMAN!!! The only reason he isnt there already is because, they didnt want to give him complete control.

Look at how entertaining ECW was before they went out, they had some awesome matches, even the "non hardcore" matches.

The man is brilliant, and anytime he has had control, he has done great things. Therefore, if TNA were to hire him, it would go a long way in winning me over.
First. Vacate all the titles. Second, maybe bring in a comedian to somehow win the title, Jack Black, perhaps. Third, Cages on top of cages, on top of cages.

actually. They just need to shut up and start wrestling again. I had this yesterday's ep on in the background, and I was amazed at how much talking there was, and how little wrestling I cared about. They need to realize NONE of their talent can draw, and just go out and try and put on the best damn show possible with what they have.
-More wrestling on a consistent basis, a wrestling show should not have less than 10 minutes of actual in ring matches in a 2 hour show.
-Less gimmick matches, this is a Vince Russo special...out of ideas? WELL LET'S MAKE IT A FIRE BREATHING CAGE DEATHMATCH.
-Give me more real things like the new LAX, create storylines that relate to the real world.
-i'm fine with older people having a role on the show, just make sure they don't hog the spotlight
-GET OUT OF THE IMPACT ZONE. My biggest gripe, that dump makes TNA look very second rate, when they get into real buildings the show LOOKS more legitimate
1. Get rid of Hogan & Bischoff (on TV at least) - behind the scenes Eric is intelligent of how to make this company bigger than it has in the past few years, but I just believe since he is at the head of the ONLY company competitive to WWE at this point that Bischoff is using this opportunity to "relive" his WCW days so to speak. I mean even take the way the show is filmed now: quality, angles, unnecessarily long promos to start the show. He lost at this game before back in the Monday Night Wars days, you would think that learning from his past mistakes he would want to put forth more effort and motivation in making TNA far greater than the "entertainment" that's on TV now. Like i said Eric (& company) KNOWS what it takes to compete and stay relevant but it's not about beating WWE its about making their brand stand out on its own and taking it further.

2. Bring back the 6-sided ring - When i first watched TNA, it was match between AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels. I have never seen a 6 - sided ring besides the AAA Luche Libre shows (even then i never really watched too much), but the 6 sides to me is what made the show stand out. To me it added to not only the diversity of their company and the talent they had to offer, but also to the versatility in their in ring performance. Lately a lot of the TNA matches have dragged and looked a bit slow paced as opposed to the face paced matches they featured a'la 6 sides. (I mean its called Total Nonstop Action for a reason) the 6 sides meant the ropes and corners were a bit more farther away from each other which breaks down to needed more energy to compete and perform which why I was into TNA when i first watched, the faced paced energy and in rng performance from not only the X-Division but often times the main eventers as well was way different then a long calculated (and sometimes obviously rehearsed) matches that WWE features. (Ever notice that Samoa Joe's matches now in the 4 sides are EXTREMELY sluggish and slow and sloppy as opposed to his fast paced matches he had in the 6 sided ring?)

3. and I cant stress this enough but... REBUILD THE X-DIVISION!!! - TNA was pretty much BUILT off of the X-Division; their different featured matches, talent, moves and roster! I remember being able to name off SO MANY competitors in this division, all bringin something different to the ring, whether heel or face, you had to respect their performance (even if the angle or character they played was ridiculously lame). Now that the Hogan/Bischoff era is reborn you can only count the X-Division on one hand. HOW DO YOU GET RID OF JAY LETHAL, SONJAY DUTT & PETEY WILLIAMS BUT KEEP ROBBIE E & SUICIDE???? You get rid of the guy with undeniably one of the best finishers in the business (Canadian Destroyer) and keep a mock version of a MTV reality show who's uses a NECKBREAKER?? #C'mon Son! AND EVEN FURTHER TARNISH THE LEGACY OF THE X-DIVISION BY PLACING THE BELT ON HIM?? smh. and nothing against Suicide (whoever is playing him now) but he is and ALWAYS WILL BE a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER. You can't take his angle any farther than that, and I've noticed because even his match last nite with Sangrieto (masked Amazing Red) was extremely lackluster! The reason people tuned in to watch TNA was because of the X-Division. PERIOD. It was something fresh, innovative and DIFFERENT. They've created SPECIAL MATCHES & PPVS around the X-DIVISION. Whether it was AJ working with Daniels in the main event, or just a 6 man X-Division tag with Samoa Joe landing a flying plancha spot on the outside. Even ANGLE stepped his game up with that running front flip plancha!!! just saying! one thing TNA has ALWAYS had over WWE with their programming is/was the X-Division!! The Bucks are good as long as they stop dressing like the Early Hardy Boyz version of the Rock n Roll Express & MNM. They have talent, so does Amazing Red but they need to expand and capitalize on the division. Rehire their best workers or sign some new blood that will make it exciting again because watching Kaz carry the title around every week and not defending it is just taking the value away from it.

4. REBUILD THE TAG TEAM DIVISION - mad love for Beer Money, but watching them hold their titles every week has me at an extreme annoyance. Growing up off of The Rockers, L.O.D., Steiner Bros., Harlem Heat, etc. I'm a big fan of tag team wrestling (no pun to Orlando Jordan), and the teams that TNA had to offer. Triple X, L.A.X., AMW, MCMG, they all had different styles but always excited and delivered in their matches. Another thing that the WWE isn't doing right now (and havent for a long time) is utilizing their tag team division. With their squashed pennies looking belts, they literally have taken all meaning and value out that division and title (which only became an easier result because of their LACK OF TAG TEAMS). TNA can bring the value of tag team wrestling back to pro wrestling if they were to tighten up their roster and base their programming off of branding and building new/current tag teams, featuring more title defenses and having more of a variety of featured teams INSTEAD of building up storylines and character angles. Ink Inc. has a shot, and obviously the Guns when they're through being in ring accident prone. But given the fact that besides Ink Inc, Beer Money & the Guns there aren't really any other tag teams, watching the same teams face each other when the viewers are even LUCKY enough to see a tag match featured on a episode nowadays, is getting beyond redundant.

and last but not least..

5. DISBAND IMMORTAL - If we wanted to see the nWo angle ALL OVER AGAIN we would have just watch WWE No Way Out. smh. the whole 'join our big crew that has all the power' angle is OLD AND TIRED. Especially when you put a couple of hackjobs who don't know how to work fluidly in the ring (i.e. Murphy, Gunner, Terry) or land a draw in that 'big crew'. How are you the TV (Legends) Champion that's a heel in the biggest heel faction on the show and you can't even get boo's from the crowd?? You would of thought without Jeff Hardy there, the star that they chose to build that whole angle around, that the storyline would of ended or at least been dialed back a bit. At least 70% of the show now is focused around these guys!!! (and most times they don't even wrestle during that 70%) hell half of them don't even wrestle!! What is Abyss doin now that he's back? And how many times are we gonna see Jarrett/Angle?? Terry & Gunner are forever wrestling each other when truth is NOBODY CARES. All around they just need to disband this group and let people like Angle, A.J., Anderson, RVD, and the rest of the roster who have managed to make the transition into main eventers build up the company (along with the X-Division of course) instead of resigning all these WWE ex-hires, rejects and Legends. They need to let the younger newer talent in Immortal to develop on their own and build their own character and strength of followings and draws. People like Morgan, Angle, Samoa needs to stop being put into the same scenarios and be placed back into the title picture to make it exciting and unpredictable again.

once they start doing at least 3 out of these 5 things, and build their roster up for about another year or two they should be able to get a better draw from crowds and at least be able to tread in the same body of water as the WWE. didnt say they would out swim them but they would definitely have a better chance sharing the same pool. That way if they can swim in the same pool, they have a better shot of maybe featuring another show in edition to Impact (similar to RAW or Smackdown) that is far better than somethin of "Superstars" caliber i believe they'll able to gain more room to work in different wrestlers as opposed to watching the same ones either get squeezed in, overused or neglected every week on the same 2 hr show. They will be able to feature more faces and current/new talent as opposed to having limited storylines and tv time with an overpopulated roster.

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