What can TNA do to win you over?

Give me more real things like the new LAX, create storylines that relate to the real world.

Perfect example about simplifying the product. When LAX was about they kicked ass and took names. This new Mexican America faction has a promo every week and, this week, attacked one of the Spanish announcers for being Puerto Rican and then ran from *gasp* Ink Inc (who seem to have forgotten their differences, as have Gen Me:wtf:). So this is not only a rehash of an old storyline, but it's a piss poor impression thus far and neither the Real American nor the Olympic Hero have taken exception - now Hogan is a heel, so maybe he's not overly patriotic at the moment but, as a face, Angle should be defending the Red, White & Blue, irrespective of his current feud because IT'S LOGICAL - and it would be something that Jeff could play on without the stupid Knockout interviews.

This is TNA's biggest problem BY FAR. TNA has some of the worst booking I have ever seen, personally I think the booking is worse than it was at any point WWE's and WCW's history and believe me both companies had long stretches of terrible booking.

I personally don't think the talent is the problem and I believe talent wise they have everything they would ever need at this point in time. For example, if CM Punk showed up it wouldn't make one difference in TNA because he would most likely become more irrelevent than he was on the indy circuit.

Personally I don't think TNA gets IT. They think an image change and a name change will help everything get back on track without realizing their name and image isn't the issue, they could call themselves Super Awesome Wrestling Supreme with Fries and it wouldn't make one difference if the booking was good, the product needs an overhaul plain and simple because what they are current doing isn't working, their ratings haven't moved since they moved to Thursday nights over 3 years ago. Their storylines are nonsensical and I can honestly say I haven't been emotionally invested in the product since 2006 when Joe, Styles and Daniels were having their rivalry, at least back then the booking was simple, made sense, and it actually made me care for their wrestlers and talent. Even guys like Chris Sabin and Petey Williams were alot easier to be invested in emotionally back then just for the simple fact the booking was pretty solid, even though the names were unknown (but back then the ratings were pretty much the same as they are now with guys like Hardy, RVD and Anderson).

I'm not saying go back to 2006 I'm just saying a product with a bunch of no names and good booking is a MILLION times better than a product with big names and bad booking. TNA at one point was missing big names, but as soon as they got those big names their booking suffered. If their booking can shape up you now have good booking and big names, if that happened I would be more than happy to watch TNA again (hell I would be happy to have no names and good booking again).

I think their problems starts with their management and that is the first thing that needs to shape up but if their booking was better I could forget all the problems in management.
The very first thing that I would want to see is originality. TNA a few years back had a phenominal X Division that stood out, whether liked or not they had the six-sided ring and had potential with stars like Kurt Angle, Booker T, Sting and Jarrett who could've given back and helped the company grow.

Present day, Kurt and Jarrett are locked in a rivalry going longer than the hunt for Osama Bin Laden, Sting is the champion and a flurry of stars from the X Division have fallen by the waste side. I do watch TNA from time to time but am not committed. I mean I really watch if there is nothing better on.

Hulk Hogan is on the product more than he needs to be, simply because he cannot wrestle and I cannot believe him when he is on the mic. He doesn't seem involved and he rambles. Invest time in stars who can hold the torch and run with it. I like the mixture of veterans and youth, but the veterans seem to be dominating storylines.

I would watch it if I honestly saw more great matches that made them stand apart from WWE every now and then. I'm all for Sports Entertainment, but a great wrestling match is needed every so often and TNA DID offer that. The ratings have not improved like HH said he would. They've waivered between high 1's and low 1's, I think they should re-evaluate themselves.

One more thing. Have heels and faces that last longer than three weeks. It honestly gets pathetic at how fast somebody changes. Look at how long Cena/Taker/Rey have gone as faces. Nobody in that company have lasted too long in a current role. HHH got insanely over being the Heel of the company in WWE for years to the point everyone hated him but tuned in to see him lose. TNA need that.
TNA could win me over by paying for another breast enlargement for Chyna, installing Jumpin' Jeff Farmer as World Champion and encouraging Jeff Hardy to take more drugs (hey, if he was only partly stoned and became the most talked about match/thing in TNA history, imagine what he would be like after a lengthy raid on the medicine cabinet)
It's easy to understand why some may actually enjoy watching TNA and from time to time I do also. My biggest problem with TNA are Hogan and Bischoff. They continue to be focal points of the programming when TNA needs to push the younger talent to the forefront. Beer Money, MCMG, A.J. Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe are all wrestlers that deserve and need the push. But unfortunately, their big opportunities are being held back in favor of booking the likes of RVD, Sting, and Mr. Anderson (whose schtick has gotten old) to the forefront and guys like Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle are embroiled in a silly storyline.

It is my belief that if TNA would spend quality time on booking storylines for those men and women who helped build TNA to a brand that guys like Hogan and Bischoff felt was worth their effort, that the overall product and results would improve.
If TNA hasn't "won you over" by now, then I doubt in the future it will. We all have our preferences; some like watching the older, more seasoned wrestlers because nostalgia is a bad habit to break. Others rather have the young guys get more time in the ring because the show needs a future, even if the young is green as hell. It's an endless debate to ask "how can a show win you over?" because either it has already or has not.

I think if you're not pleased with the product, you shouldn't tune in every week just to bitch about how you don't like it. Pretty stupid if you ask me. There are other things to watch on sindicated television.
Maybe a better title would have been what can they do to win you back but most people get what I meant. Given that most people can't or refuse to watch for whatever reason, TNA has a lot of fans to win over before they can ever get on terms with WWE.
-More wrestling on a consistent basis, a wrestling show should not have less than 10 minutes of actual in ring matches in a 2 hour show.
-Less gimmick matches, this is a Vince Russo special...out of ideas? WELL LET'S MAKE IT A FIRE BREATHING CAGE DEATHMATCH.
-Give me more real things like the new LAX, create storylines that relate to the real world.
-i'm fine with older people having a role on the show, just make sure they don't hog the spotlight
-GET OUT OF THE IMPACT ZONE. My biggest gripe, that dump makes TNA look very second rate, when they get into real buildings the show LOOKS more legitimate
While I never ceased to be amazed by the amount of Russo hate or the anger towards Hogan and Bischoff, I have to agree somewhat. If you only have two hours of programming a week (ignoring Xplosion because it's mostly a recap show with no significant in-ring action) then you need to find a balance. I get that feuds have to be built and a huge amount of people have to be covered to build to a 7-10 match PPV event with 8 hours TV time, but it should be simple and I can't believe with the crazy amount of experience that TNA has among its' backroom staff, that they cannot get this right.

To me as a wrestling fan, I completely understand why a casual fan would be turned off by a two hour program with only 20 minutes action. Raw can't get away with it often. It almost never happens on SD.

I can't believe people think Heyman is still the solution - it's not happened yet and it probably wont ever happen.I think restructuring the roles would help but ego massaging mean that the likes of Hogan will never pull out of being a focal point.
Maybe a better title would have been what can they do to win you back but most people get what I meant. Given that most people can't or refuse to watch for whatever reason, TNA has a lot of fans to win over before they can ever get on terms with WWE.

While I never ceased to be amazed by the amount of Russo hate or the anger towards Hogan and Bischoff, I have to agree somewhat. If you only have two hours of programming a week (ignoring Xplosion because it's mostly a recap show with no significant in-ring action) then you need to find a balance. I get that feuds have to be built and a huge amount of people have to be covered to build to a 7-10 match PPV event with 8 hours TV time, but it should be simple and I can't believe with the crazy amount of experience that TNA has among its' backroom staff, that they cannot get this right.

To me as a wrestling fan, I completely understand why a casual fan would be turned off by a two hour program with only 20 minutes action. Raw can't get away with it often. It almost never happens on SD.

I can't believe people think Heyman is still the solution - it's not happened yet and it probably wont ever happen.I think restructuring the roles would help but ego massaging mean that the likes of Hogan will never pull out of being a focal point.

I think that you and I for the most part, agree on this issue. Guys like Hogan and Bischoff need TNA in order to remain relevant in the business to buttress their other opportunities outside the squared circle. Bischoff continues to work on producing other programming, while Hogan has his commercials, appearances, and tv he does away from TNA. If each were to go away who would work with them if they both were seen as guys whose time had passed? (outlived their usefulness)

I used to like Hogan the character as well as Bischoff the character. Now both seem out of place and like 2 guys who can't let it go and refuse to hang up the boots. Unfortunately, that means that guys like those I mentioned earlier never truly get the attention to their character development that they deserve.
Alot has already been said and I agree with most.

One point I would like to add is for TNA to realise that it is 2011. Now what I mean by that is not just originality or stop using older stars, but it's about bringing the whole company upto 2011 standards. I mean look at the iPhone. The amount of things that someone can do on this particlaur peice of equipment would boggle the mind of someone ten years ago.

TNA Wrestling needs to start being innovative. They did so when they began when they created the X Division... this forward thinking needs to be what makes the company a success.

For example The Motor City Machine Guns. Just take a look at their wrestling gear. It is very new looking it has awesome designs with Japanese writing and all sorts of things that make them look great. Now think of the wrestlers themselves. Imagine Alex Shelley being a heel and getting a decent amount of mic time every week... This guy has that sarcastic style and off the top of his head quips that are in the same vein as a Chris Jericho or a young Shawn Michaels. (Hell Michaels stole one of Shelley's catch phrases).

Nopw think about it when Vince McMahon allowed Shawn Michaels to be as good as he could be. Now imagine if TNA would just let guys like Shelley just break out, get some big time wins.

Now I'm using the Guns as an example but if creative would allow these type of guys (Joe, Hernandez, the Pope) to get some big time wins. Eg. A sarcastic heel over the top Alex Shelley beats Rob Van Dam let's say... and be it his mic skills 2011 lingo/slang, his ring gear and his amazing in ring skills, you have yourself the next sensation.

The Guns are draws, they light up the crowd liek no other, as do when they are in the ring, Styles, Daniels, Beer Money Amazing Red etc.

Now I was just using Shelley as an example, let's use Amazing red. Very similar, the guy has no mic skills but in the ring he could be TNA's Rey Mysterio. Really creative high flyer that could sell merch if he was just given the chance to shine. His match last eyar with Angle was a highlight. Why not give him a chance to shine and so on.

Bring TNA into 2011 by allowing the innovation of these young and very talented guys that TNA employs to the fore front and allow them to help the rest of the roster (RVD etc.) move the company up also.
TNA don’t need to win over anyone who comes on here and discuss’ TNA because we are all obviously watching it if we have an opinion on it.

How could they win over someone who doesn’t watch it? I’m not sure there is anything they can do to be honest. TNA seems to have this stigma attached to it and I’m not sure they can do much to shift that. They could have a 15 year old no one has heard of as World Champion and people would still complain (I know I would). They could replace all their big stars (RVD, Angle, Hogan, Sting etc) with guys no one knows or cares about, who can perform a corkscrew moonsault, but I still don’t think that would achieve much.

The best thing TNA could do is keep going in exactly the same direction they are going. A few people have mentioned TNA should be more like it was in 2005. I don’t have any facts but I’m pretty certain TNA is a lot more well known and popular now than it was in 2005. So going back in time and to a product that was less popular than it is now would be a huge mistake. They should continue to push Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan and Fortune as their main stars and forgot about trying to push who the “fans want to see”. Because every fan wants to see someone else pushed. So that’s never going to work.

Just stick to what you are doing (TNA) and continue pleasing the fans you already have. Because if you haven’t already won over the fans from WWE (they won me over from WWE a couple of years ago), I don’t think there is anything they could do, short of calling themselves WWE: iMPACT! Wrestling.

GrandSword - I like you're idea of pushing one of the Guns but Alex Shelley would need one hell of a push before he could step in the ring with Rob Van Dam. If he got in the ring with RVD next week, I would expect Van Dam to win in under 5 minutes. Alex Shelley is nowhere near Van Dams level and he would need a lot of time invested in him to get him to that level and that time could be spent on Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Pope etc and that's the problem TNA have. Not enough TV time.
TNA don’t need to win over anyone who comes on here and discuss’ TNA because we are all obviously watching it if we have an opinion on it.

How could they win over someone who doesn’t watch it? I’m not sure there is anything they can do to be honest. TNA seems to have this stigma attached to it and I’m not sure they can do much to shift that. They could have a 15 year old no one has heard of as World Champion and people would still complain (I know I would). They could replace all their big stars (RVD, Angle, Hogan, Sting etc) with guys no one knows or cares about, who can perform a corkscrew moonsault, but I still don’t think that would achieve much.

The best thing TNA could do is keep going in exactly the same direction they are going. A few people have mentioned TNA should be more like it was in 2005. I don’t have any facts but I’m pretty certain TNA is a lot more well known and popular now than it was in 2005. So going back in time and to a product that was less popular than it is now would be a huge mistake. They should continue to push Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Matt Morgan and Fortune as their main stars and forgot about trying to push who the “fans want to see”. Because every fan wants to see someone else pushed. So that’s never going to work.

Just stick to what you are doing (TNA) and continue pleasing the fans you already have. Because if you haven’t already won over the fans from WWE (they won me over from WWE a couple of years ago), I don’t think there is anything they could do, short of calling themselves WWE: iMPACT! Wrestling.

GrandSword - I like you're idea of pushing one of the Guns but Alex Shelley would need one hell of a push before he could step in the ring with Rob Van Dam. If he got in the ring with RVD next week, I would expect Van Dam to win in under 5 minutes. Alex Shelley is nowhere near Van Dams level and he would need a lot of time invested in him to get him to that level and that time could be spent on Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Pope etc and that's the problem TNA have. Not enough TV time.

Let's say you're right, and the powers that be at TNA are trying to come up with ways to win OVER WWE fans. Why? Why go after something you may never win and that might just cost you your business? Why not, instead, look to SHARE those fans. It doesn't have to be a zero sum game where you either win it all or quit. I used to work for a large company where the CEO once stated during an annual meeting with the staff at our store that 'we' (whomever that was) believe the first to 100 stores wins. (meaning between us and our competitors.) Most of us sitting there looked at each other in stunned amazement and most of us asked, "Wins what?" Needless to say, this particular CEO was later fired. To him, the business was a zero sum game in which our company could actually win over ALL fans of that particular sport. WRONG!!! People LIKE choices. They like the freedom to choose among many different brands, price points, and quality.

As a fan of pro wrestling, I enjoy watching both WWE and TNA programming and don't want either to go away. Now maybe what TNA needs to do is to decide they will go after a niche demographic (i.e. small, independent, regional fans) instead of thinking they can actually win away enough WWE fans to make this the old Monday night war era again. It's not going to happen. People want choices and will continue to watch both, and that's a good thing.
Just a short question...

I was looking around the RoH DVD site and came across a recent Guest Booker DVD featuring AL Snow their descript says:

RoHStore said:
This edition of Guest Booker features former OVW booker and current TNA creative member, Al Snow. Snow was right in the mix during the edgy attitude era, reminding audiences what "everybody wanted".

So, OVW Booker = Booking Matches. Current TNA Creative Member = ????? What exactly? Does that make him a writer? booker? idea man? Etc Etc...

Just thought I would ask because in threads like this people always go directly to Russo (and now Hogan/Eric these days) but I find similar things like this that suggest its not just Russo. To say Heyman should just get full control...are you saying that TNA should let go Al Snow as a Creative Member? *shrugs*

Just thought I would ask if anyone knew what exactly a "TNA Creative Member" was...Obviously he breaks up fights but I thought in WWE those were usually Road Agents...do Road Agents count as Creative Members?
Just a short question...

I was looking around the RoH DVD site and came across a recent Guest Booker DVD featuring AL Snow their descript says:

RoHStore said:
This edition of Guest Booker features former OVW booker and current TNA creative member, Al Snow. Snow was right in the mix during the edgy attitude era, reminding audiences what "everybody wanted".

So, OVW Booker = Booking Matches. Current TNA Creative Member = ????? What exactly? Does that make him a writer? booker? idea man? Etc Etc...

Just thought I would ask because in threads like this people always go directly to Russo (and now Hogan/Eric these days) but I find similar things like this that suggest its not just Russo.

To say Heyman should just get full control...are you saying that TNA should let go Al Snow as a Creative Member? *shrugs*

Just thought I would ask if anyone knew what exactly a "TNA Creative Member" was...Obviously he breaks up fights but I thought in WWE those were usually Road Agents...do Road Agents count as Creative Members?
If TNA wanted to get me back as a huge fan they would have to return to what they were like in like 2004-2006 i LOVED TNA back then, the X-Division was "phenomenal"(haha) i loved the fueds with Raven, Rhino, Abyss, Hardy, it kept me hooked. Go back to its original insanity and i believe it will be a much better wrestling organization.
If TNA wanted to get me back as a huge fan they would have to return to what they were like in like 2004-2006 i LOVED TNA back then, the X-Division was "phenomenal"(haha) i loved the fueds with Raven, Rhino, Abyss, Hardy, it kept me hooked. Go back to its original insanity and i believe it will be a much better wrestling organization.

Are you insane? TNA was not that good around that period. Look, i loved Raven and Rhino but if people bitch about Tommy Dreamer in the ring what makes you think that they are not going to bitch about Raven and Rhino in the ring? TNA is better now with guys like RVD, Angle, Anderson, Morgan, Styles and Daniels. Also i'm starting to like Matt Hardy and Bully Ray's characters, and don't forget about Gunner and Crimson.
What does TNA need to do to win me over? Nothing. I watch TNA on a weekly basis as it seems most of the IWC does. People want to come on these boards and bitch and moan about TNA and what they are doing and whatnot, however imo if you come on here and complain about their current state of their product then your obviously keeping tabs on it. Maybe you don't watch it every week but maybe every other week. Perhaps you channel surf and jump back to it now and again, or maybe you just read the spoilers. Whatever the case may end up being its obvious a majority of people on these forums regardless of what they say have an interest in the product and you can bet their ass if they read spoilers and saw something that interested them they will make a point of watching it.

The big question from TNA is not how to win any of us over its how to expand their fanbase, not how to get the IWC to not bash them. So how can they expand their fanbase? First is obviously advertising which to me it seems they don't do enough of. Perhaps its hard to get a commercial on TV to promote a show in another area but push your house shows through television commercials that don't just air during IMPACT! Get those commercials on during sports games, the evening news, during prime time shows targeting the same demograph of 18-34.

Secondly and this of course is the big one, take IMPACT! on the road. Perhaps TNA is nervous because house shows are hit or miss with attendance. However the thing with TNA house shows is its already known who's gonna be there. You know going to a house show your not gonna see Hogan, Sting, RVD, because thats how their contract works. I understand the concept that some of the guys there don't want the busy road schedule so its understandable , but it doesn't mean that instead of flying to Orlando to film they can't fly somewhere else. Book IMPACT! on college campuses. Most colleges across this country have a good size basketball center. This would be to small for the WWE obviously but the size is perfect for TNA. With that not only are you getting the show out there your targeting that age group you want. Then you also gain a bit of a younger audience too, people in college have younger siblings in high school and so on so if they are local when big brother calls and says hey this is going on why don't you and your friends come on out for the night.

Perhaps i went the wrong way with this argument but it is how i see it. TNA doesn't need to worry about winning over the IWC cause whether you want to admit it or not that already have cause they're product is continually talked about here whether positive or negative. TNA needs to look beyond the internet fans and grab attention of the rest of the world.
1st get rid of hogan and bischoff and bring back the 6 sided ring. Do some better story lines that are about the stars not the management.

i agree here that six sided ring in my eyes was cool besides im a huge tna fan and i think that i can speak freely when i say that everyone here on the forums seems to understand what dixie carter cannot bishoff hogan russo = death of wcw it seems as though they have not learned from their mistakes therefore it soon might be bishoff hogan russo = death of tna
I really want TNA (as well as ROH) to succeed.

I have lost all interest in WWE's product and TNA /ROH is the only hope for me.

However, the thing which bothers me about TNA is that they are in the wrong hands. I don't want to see Jarrett, Dixie, Hogan, Bischoff, Russo any where near the product. Especially Jarrett because he is a mark for himself. He cannot draw and will never draw no matter how much he uses his influence to push himself.

I want to see Hogan and Flair helping folks in the back not hogging the screen every 10 minutes.

TNA should also try to get rid of useless talent. Some of them are really old, over priced and not worth investing in. Get some fresh faces from indy/ROH/foreign circuit and build them up. They need to do this soon because AJ styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Anderson, RVD etc won't be around for very long in all likeliness.

They should try to build themselves into something opposite of WWE. I think the whole extreme thing was good but done with the wrong people.
To be honest, I've been soo dissapointed with WWE's stars and product that i really don't know why i haven't really been giving TNA a chance yet. Well thats going to change starting this week. Its good to have a choice on what you want to watch. From what i've heard TNA is more on wrestling then promo's so i'll give it a try.
To me, its very simple. They're trying too much to be like WWE when should be putting themselves out there as an alternative to WWE. I do think WWE has alienated a lot of their long time fans between the constant shoving of Cena down our throats, the hypocritical PG nonsense, and general campyness of their show. Yes, theres more to it than the PG rating and a little bit of blood and swearing, but TNA has a natural advantage when it comes to not having that restriction. The problem is TNA doesn't use it right.....like they're over the top just for the sake of being over the top. It's hard to explain.

You can't see good tag team wrestling or cruiserweight action on WWE, so TNA should put more of an emphasis on their tag division and X-Division. I wasn't a huge fan of the six-sided ring either, but it was something different and gave them a unique feel.

The problem is that both WWE and TNA feel the need to copy each other on a consistent basis.

-TNA bills 10-10-10 as they are coming, so WWE feels the need to bill 2-21-11 as 'Taker's return.....and TNA turns around and bills 3-3-11 as Sting's return almost as if it's an F You to WWE for not signing Sting

-WWE debuts masked wrestler Sin Cara, TNA debuts a generic masked wrestler weeks later

-TNA does a storyline revolving around Hogan's HOF ring, so WWE feels they have to mention HOF rings last night on RAW during the Lawler-Cole segment

The list could go on and on.....

In conclusion, TNA should focus on not trying to be like WWE (and certainly get away from the WCW-lite stigma) and be their own brand. They're always going to be the #2 promotion to WWE, so they're going to be criticized as having a cheap knockoff if they copy WWE. They desperately need a regime change at the top, but it doesn't look like Bischoff or Russo are going anywhere any time soon, and things won't get better for a sustained period of time until they go
-WWE debuts masked wrestler Sin Cara, TNA debuts a generic masked wrestler weeks later

JM Punk, Suicide was there way before Sin Cara but Sin Cara was there before Sangrieto so its kind of hard to debate this.
GrandSword - I like you're idea of pushing one of the Guns but Alex Shelley would need one hell of a push before he could step in the ring with Rob Van Dam. If he got in the ring with RVD next week, I would expect Van Dam to win in under 5 minutes. Alex Shelley is nowhere near Van Dams level and he would need a lot of time invested in him to get him to that level and that time could be spent on Mr Anderson, Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Pope etc and that's the problem TNA have. Not enough TV time.

Sorry mate but this is a poor attitude to have. The pro-wrestling business is built on putting guys over. Where would Sting be today if Ric Flair didn't allow him to look good against him and then get wins on him? What about Kurt Angle letting Jay Lethal beat him for the X Div. title?

No wonder no stars are being made because of attitudes like these, and TNA doesn't win any new fans over becuase they wont build new stars and keep the old ones (really old ones when it comes to Hogan and Fklair) that people are just siock and tired of when this is 2011 and pro wrestling needs new heroes.
Stop going on about the BLOODY network its just SAD :disappointed: They said that the network rep was a women so hopefully its Dixie and she gets her company back and kicks the FUCK OUT Hogan and Bishoff. For the millionth time bring back the x division. Consistency!!! Last week we had Steiner and Morgan beating the hell out of each other and both of them along with ANDERSON wasn't on the show this week. AND SOMEBODY PLEASE GET THE TV TITLE OFF OF GUNNER!! ...PLEASE!!!
Numbers hit the nail on the head , Tna have been focusing more on ent. than wrestling since the whole Hogan Bischoff thing started, the reason i used to watch tna over wwe is the wrestling over ent. thing but now they are wwe jr. and niether fed hold my intrest right now. push the x div. push people like styles , beer money ect like you used to and bring back petey williams jay lethal ,homicide and get the womans div. back up to the level it used to be and ill get interested again.

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