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What are your favorite silly pro wrestling match staples?

Even when I was five years old, I never understood the Irish whip. I mean, why not just stop running? Or, if the wrestler who threw you is supposed to be so strong that you can't stop running and your momentum is going to make you bounce off the ropes, why not just grab onto the ropes every time so you don't spring back? I always found the Irish whip to be one of the most fake aspects of pro wrestling.

And after all, what would a pro wrestling match be without the Irish whip?

This is a big one. You pretty much can't have a match without the Irish Whip, I think. But it makes absolutely no sense. A lot of the time it involves "whipping" the guy when he's sort of dazed, too. I've been hit in the face before, and I can tell you that there's no way in hell I'm going to get up and run 15 feet immediately afterwards.
I've always thought it was kinda silly how much random stuff is conveniently under the ring. I mean, I can understand if it's a special weapons match or some kind of street fight or something but for just a normal match, there's chairs, tables, ladders, Kendo sticks, metal garbage cans, sledgehammers, etc. What they don't have anywhere else (LIKE IN THE BACK) to stick that stuff? Under the ring is the most optimal place to store a folding table? I've always found it entertaining when a guy randomly "finds" one of these items under the ring
when a heel applies the sleeper the face will fight it for 5 minutes then start to fade out

the ref will raise and drop the face's arm twice but on the final drop the face will not drop the arm, pump his fist and start his miracle comeback
I love the old matches that used to show blood. After the "injury" that would have most normal people rushed to the ER the blood all of a sudden disappears and looks like a tranny nightmare as the fake blood is all dried up on their faces. You can't say the same for told old timers and the scars from the razors!
AWESOME thread.

Sheamus kind of rebooted this one. When the face climbs up to the second turnbuckle while the heel is pinned in the corner and punches him... ONE... TWO... THREE... FOUR... all the way to TEN!!

Out of the 2 announce tables, how come so many people get smashed through the Spanish one? That's like flipping a coin 100 times and having it land on tails like... 100 times.

The bit where the entrance music plays and no one comes out, either because the heel is a coward or the face has been beat up (and is the called a coward by the heel).

The slingshot. OH THE SLINGSHOT. I remember trying to do this to my little brother and instead just hyper-extending his back like a champ.

Rematch clause. Person who lost the title at the PPV wants their rematch the next night on Raw.

Just to name a few.
After years of reading this topic made me sign up. I love it

I always hated in the older days when one guy would stand on the apron holding the ropes and they guy in the ring would slingshot him in some how by grabbing the top rope and twisting it. That would always embarrass me if someone else was in the room watching that was not a fan because it would make them go on about how fake and stupid the whole thing was.

So glad they stopped doing that
Or that putting your foot on the bottom rope gives you that much more leverage on a pin or submission hold.
How bout when HBK stomped the mat and tuned up the band. The wrestler had to hear it! yet he turns around every time.


Roll ups are always fun. Why cant you just roll out? Are you really momentarily stunned?

one more.

After a 3 count. The super star gets up and yells or acts like the move only hurt for exactly 3 seconds.

Those are the 3 i thought of.
Your responses are hilarious, guys!

I couldn't agree more with most of them. The criss-cross, the "serious" announcer voices....haha! So true! Remember Hogan and Warrior in Royal Rumble '90. shoulder block, shoulder block, stale mate...let's criss cross! haha Hulk running and dropping flat was worth the price of admission. ...followed by the dreaded double clothesline.

How about one guy getting beaten to a pulp for ten minutes. He FINALLY reaches his partner for the tag and the partner comes in like a "house of fire". Suddenly, the beaten guy is right back in there hitting double dropkicks and other high-flying team moves.

Also, there have been a few no-DQ matches where the ref is counting a choke hold or a submission hold once the other guy reaches the ropes. It's no DQ...I'd let him count to 100.

Great responses!!!
ric flair's eye poke is also a very funny part of his repotoire

what was also funny was hbk and hhh between them copying all his moves on his last run
Predictable run-ins. A face or heel is getting thier ass beat and one (or more) of their allies comes to the rescue. Been going on for years and and I almost always mark the fuck out for it.

What makes it even better is all throughout that beatdown they'll be ringing the bell. Yep like the heels are really gonna say to each other "Uh oh, we better quit beatin' on him. They're ringin' the bell."

Another one I always liked was how back in the day whenever somebody would wang their opponent with the ring bell they would actually make the ding sound instead just the clunk it makes now. Sure it's not very realistic but dammit I miss that.
The figure four leglock; you will sometimes see a heel attempt to apply a figure four leglock to his face opponent, despite never EVER having used the move before. Then halfway through applying it, the face kicks them rather softly, sending them all the way to the other side of the ring.
I didn't see this on here---but how about when the end of the tag match is at it's height---they all four get in the ring...each in opposite corners, while one is working over the other--they keep looking back at their partner to throw the heels (usually) into one another...and the guys either leap frog, dosey do and head back to opposite corners, drop kick, or something else inventive. I have to say...it was somewhat exciting each time to see which one they were gonna use (well, I was a kid back then).

OR--the one (and this is usually at house shows) where the face --and it's usually the main event--but the face is just KILLING the heel....and the heel rolls out of the ring, sort of gives the "I'm done with this" hand gesture, and begins walking towards the back....only to have the ref get on the mic and say he would be disqualified, which would then be brought on with a "NO!!"....and in some cases...the heel will get on the mic, insult him, and here he comes back. Classic.
Haven't read all the pages, but EVERY SINGLE TIME Randy Orton hits that middle rope DDT, Michael Cole always says "VINTAGE ORTON" :p
In every single diva tag match has anyone noticed how everything sort of breaks down within the first 4 minutes just for the heel to pin the face diva in the ring while the rest are outside. This happens like 95 times out of 100.
My favorite is when Ric Flair gets hurt when does like 2 or 3 steps then falls down to the ground or how about when ever Ric Flair goes for top his opponet always gets up and throws him off the top turnbuckle. Ric Flair has so many or I never understood when things get out of control theres just the guy ringing the bell the whole time that bell has never solved anything
or how about when Vince McMahon did commentary when ever someone would go for a pin he would yell 1 2(wrestler kicks out)oh no and I miss Jim Ross on commentary I miss sayings like he's beating him like a goverment mule
When the ref is down, they will almost always miss the first fall after that which is almost always a clear-cut submission or pinfall victory, but they will recover just in time to catch the next one.
Weapons that in reality would do very little damage or cause little amounts of pain, eg. the foamy bit at the end of a microphone, bouncing off chicken mesh, thin sheet metal like bin lids and stop signs, and of course, R-Truth's water bottle.

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