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What are your favorite silly pro wrestling match staples?

"HAHAHA Every Cena match:

Cena gets beat up 85% of the match, takes his Hulk Hogan vitamins, becomes Super Cena, 5 knuckle shuffle, followed by AA, pin!"

ACTUALLY if you wanna get technical its shoulder block x2 spinning out powerbomb 5 knuckle shuffle AA...sometimes throw in a couple punches and maybe the STF lol

hahahaha youre right I missed those. I tune him out a lot honestly like I did with Hogan until he went NWO.
Great thread.

First, I was going to say the catapult into the turnbuckle but somebody already took that one.

Honorable mentions:
1. Anytime the tag-team champs have a non-title matchup....seems like it's pretty much a definite that they are going to lose.

2. How titles used to seemingly change hands at every house show I used to go to, just to have the decision reversed seconds later.

3. And finally, this doesn't happen as much anymore, but I remember a lot of challengers winning title matches via either DQ or count-out, and then marking out like they had won the belt, just to have the ref or annuncer set the record straight. As if the wrestler didn't know the rules beforehand. Good stuff.
I almost forgot about Slick Ric...how about everytime when somebody does a knife edge chop now, the crowd does the classic Whoo!

As much as a prick he is they'll never be another Flair. I'll PUKE if Cena breaks his championship record. Stylin' and Profilin'
Or when he'd go over the top rope lands on his feet and get cloth-lined on the outside!

I loved it when he and Batista were champs and Flair jumped to the top and Lawler says "NO RIC DONT DO IT...IT NEVER WORKS!"

Then when he finally hit it they damned near fell out of their chairs "OH my god he DID IT!....FLAIR LANDED IT!"

My favorite is when a commercial is coming you know one or the other winds up being tossed outside "Will wrestler A get back into the match?..FIND OUT WHEN SMACKDOWN CONTINUES!"

Or when someone is going through the announce table the guy planning the attack takes the time to pull out the monitors, roll up the cables, and lightly set them down as well as any drinks or papers that may be on the table only to have their opponent recover enough to fight back and escape until later on in the match.
Or when a wrestler gets suspended or banned and they come back wearing a mask AKA Hulk Hogan as Mr. America and Andre The Giant as Giant Machine.
As much as a prick he is they'll never be another Flair. I'll PUKE if Cena breaks his championship record. Stylin' and Profilin'

True there will never be another one like him. And honestly, grateful that I was able to see him wreslte live back in the 90s when he was still somewhat in his prime. And this just gave me an idea for a new thread...
Another one that gets me is the way certain submission moves, the ankle lock and figure four in particular, are sold.

Like anytime Swagger and Angle or Shamrock back in the day slapped on the ankle lock they always had to draw it out for a long time. I'm always thinking to myself, either tap or just roll over and kick him off. Instead they draw it out where the guy will crawl inch by inch to the ropes and either grab one or get pulled back to the center of the ring. Only the top faces ever thought to roll over and kick the guy off.

Same with the figure four. Flair and Michaels(with his modified version) were the two who I remember doing it most often. It was super painful but had such a simple reversal, just roll the hell over. Somehow by rolling from your back to your stomach takes all the pain off your legs and transfers it to your opponent
Or when a wrestler gets suspended or banned and they come back wearing a mask AKA Hulk Hogan as Mr. America and Andre The Giant as Giant Machine.

When Hogan came back as Mr. America it was an ever bigger joke than normal. They had his unmasked face in his entrance video and he had the same music as always
Oh some of the worst is when a top star is "fired" and they think fans are stupid enough to buy that! Like firing Cena is going to happen.
My Favourite is when Rey Mysterio used to hit the 619 and then his opponent quickly sprang up for Rey to do the West Coast Pop
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Not sure if this was mentioned, but Flair used to do this ALL the time:

He would be whipped into the turnbuckle, flip over, run on the apron to the top turnbuckle on the opposite side and either chop the opponent or get chopped when he flew off.

He used to do this in almost every match, especially in his younger days.
Guys, this was just what I was hoping for when I started the thread. You have all had me laughing so hard at my desk for the past few minutes. Great job!

Another one I just thought of is the random wrestler coming down to join the announce team. Why not come out with a shirt that says "I am interfering or attacking my enemy at some point."

Like I said, I am still a fan...this stuff just gives me some legitimate entertainment while watching "Entertainment".

Man, you guys really hit some good ones. haha! Keep em comin!
My Favourite is when Rey Mysterio used to hit the 619 and then his opponent quickly sprang up for Rey to do the West Coast Pop
Or how about just before the 619 when Rey can hit a hurricanrana from anywhere in the ring and no matter what his opponent will crawl, stumble or leap, doing anything he has too to get into position on the ropes! I always find some of their methods for doing this hilarious!
Or how about just before the 619 when Rey can hit a hurricanrana from anywhere in the ring and no matter what his opponent will crawl, stumble or leap, doing anything he has too to get into position on the ropes! I always find some of their methods for doing this hilarious!

I love when the wrestler about to get the 619 looks behind him to see when it's coming lol
How about when Randy Orton is going to hit the RKO on someone and he gets down on the mat and starts pounding the mat, right in front of the guy. Then the guy proceeds to get up, walk right to Orton, and get hit with the RKO. Why not just stay down the mat? Why not roll out of the ring? It's not like you didn't know when he was going to hit the RKO, HE JUST POUNDED ON THE MAT FOR 20 SECONDS!

Another one, although they don't do this anymore is when a guy was from "parts unknown." I always thought that was funny.
When Wrestler A Irish Whips Wrestler B into the ropes, then sets up for a Back Drop (Bends over) only to get a knee/boot to the face from Wrestler B
I just thought about this, I"m at work trying to come up with these...slow day...but anyway: No matter who is in a cage match, both competitors will try to climb out of the cage. At a Smackdown taping the dark main event was Kane vs Big Show in a cage for the title...Big Show hits the chokeslam and tries to climb over the cage?! Why? There is no way that cage can hold his big ass...why not walk out the door...or ya know...pin him? That always irks me in cage matches. Trying to climb over the cage rather than go through the door, which would be way way easier.
I just thought about this, I"m at work trying to come up with these...slow day...but anyway: No matter who is in a cage match, both competitors will try to climb out of the cage. At a Smackdown taping the dark main event was Kane vs Big Show in a cage for the title...Big Show hits the chokeslam and tries to climb over the cage?! Why? There is no way that cage can hold his big ass...why not walk out the door...or ya know...pin him? That always irks me in cage matches. Trying to climb over the cage rather than go through the door, which would be way way easier.

Do they even lock the door anymore and you have to wait for a ref to unlock it?
The contract signing or the good luck handshake. EVERY SIGNING ends with a broken table and it is awesome every time it happens.

The handshake usually goes 75:25 in favor of the heel launching a kick to the "yam bag" of the babyface, and it is still awesome every time it happens.
LOL when Jim Duggan enters a match you know its jobber time!

Raw Roulette is ******ed! I mean come on do they think we're that ******ed that the matches haven't been fixed?

Or every time a heel in the title picture starts talking in the ring and all of a sudden Cena's music hits. *rolling eyes*
Whenever a wrestler makes his return, the announcers always say "OH MY GOD IT'S <INSERT WRESTLER'S NAME HERE>" or "IS THAT THE UNDERTAKER?" well, gee I don't know let me get a better look.

Here's another one. A good match will take place and the loser is doing a great job of selling the defeat and that he is winded. He was just a victim of the winner's finisher and now he can't get up or has trouble getting up. But then, someone else's music hits, or the lights go out, or something else is happening right after the match, involving the winning and suddenly the loser that was so badly beaten and could barely get up, is suddenly running out of the ring and down the ramp to get out of the way. I always found that funny.
Even when I was five years old, I never understood the Irish whip. I mean, why not just stop running? Or, if the wrestler who threw you is supposed to be so strong that you can't stop running and your momentum is going to make you bounce off the ropes, why not just grab onto the ropes every time so you don't spring back? I always found the Irish whip to be one of the most fake aspects of pro wrestling.

But what's even sillier is the criss-cross sequence. I really never understood why both guys would just keep running and intersecting with each other. It was quite ridiculous, but as with so many things in wrestling, still highly entertaining.

And after all, what would a pro wrestling match be without the Irish whip?

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