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Who's Your Favorite Pro-Wrestler?

My favorite all time? Probably Sting when it's all put together. I started watching during the Monday Night Wars as a kid and Sting was the big hero.

Other than Sting I've gone through stages of 2nd favorites if you will.

Rey Mysterio in his younger WCW days.

Booker T when he was the WCW TV Champion for what seemed like forever.


Eddie Guerrero

Triple H

Then I quit watching for a few years. It wasn't until Eddie's death when I got back in. I became a huge Punk fan when he first started in ECW, and thanks to Harthan getting me into ROH and Punk's old matches.

Nowadays, Sami Zayn would probably be my current second favorite.
It'll probably always be The Undertaker.

I have big love for The Rock, Bryan, Kane, John Morrison, Roddy Piper to name the elites, but WWE did things with The Undertaker they've done with nobody else since of beforehand, and it worked to put him in a unique light. So many moments.
Eddie Guerrero and "American Bad Ass" Undertaker were the first wrestlers I thoroughly got behind when I started watching. When Taker went back to his darker gimmick that made me curious to check out his older stuff, and I wasn't disappointed. When Eddie passed I cried. Those two dudes made me a wrestling fan.
My two favorites of all-time are without a doubt Shawn Michaels and Edge. As a kid I idolized both of them and they got me hooked on pro wrestling. With Edge it was just the over the top personality and all the stuff with E & C and then with Shawn it was the DX stuff. I still love both of them and always will.

For a current wrestler I'd say AJ Styles. I've always loved the guy and he was the one who finally got me to watch ROH full time and to check out NJPW.
Hard to pick one. Really hard. Top 5 favorites would be (no order) Angle, HHH, CM Punk, Bret Hart, Benoit. Of course Austin and Taker rank up there pretty high, as well as Rob Van Dam & Edge. Fuck it, lets just make this a top 11 list because I cannot forget Randy Savage & Sting. Savage is one of the first wrestlers I liked & Sting was a huge part of why I ever kept watching WCW.

I get shit sometimes for these next ones though, but IDK. Paul London, Robert Evans & Scott Hall. Just always enjoyed London & Evans despite not being very well known. Hall may have had his problems but he was always entertaining & I still say he had one of the best looking punches in the business.
My favorite pro wrestlers are:

1) Paul london.
2) Elix skipper.
3) PAC aka Adrian Nevelle
4) Chris benoit
5) RVD
6) Kurt angle.
7) Undertaker(Old school taker)
8) Jerry lynn
9) Jericho
10) Uhurra Nation
11) Bobby lashley.
12) Randy Savage
13) Eddie Guerrero
14) Perry Saturn
15) RAven
16) Kenta
17) Kenta kobashi
18) Miswa
19) Christopher daniels
20) Aj Styles

There are more. But thats all for now.
It's hard to pick one but Jeff Hardy is certainly one for me. I like the high flying style and growing up as a kid The Hardys were the tag team I really enjoyed because of that and their attire. As I got older I enjoyed his weird artsy character (I still maintain his heel character in TNA could've worked if he was the focus) Plus the fact he is a genuine artistic person adds to that.
(I still maintain his heel character in TNA could've worked if he was the focus)
I agree with the opinion that Jeff had the ability to play the character, and it was the failures of the Immortal faction as a whole as well as Jeff's own self-sabotaging behind the curtain behavior that caused the run to be so forgettable.

But, I'm also of the opinion that the heel turn was a bad decision in general because the fans wanted Jeff in the hero role, they wanted to support him, he was over as a face from the moment he returned and that level of affection was more likely to gain steam than wane. I always question the logic of forcing a heel turn on a wrestling character when the fanbase wants so badly to be able to cheer him. It creates the wrong dynamic.
I have a lot of favourites but my overall best of all time has to be Hulk Hogan, It was my first wrestler to be a fan of when I was a young child in the early 80s which he kind of stayed as my favourite all through his career and probably the one wrestler I would liked to have met in person Iv'e met others I enjoy just not Hogan yet, When its actual great wrestling matches I'm looking for it would be the Dynamite Kid after reading his book and hearing so many stories and watching his recent documentary he seemed like kind of an a****** in real life but he's still the wrestler I probably search most for on youtube in my opinion I don't think his actual wrestling skills has ever been matched by any other wrestler past or present.
Triple H. For the simple fact that when I was 18 going on 19, I was indy wrestling in South Carolina. A local agent here had set up a deal with WWE so that I could be a ring crew member. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would get to actually meet Triple H, let alone him talk to me. And the fact that he took the time to actually give me just 3 minutes of his time, without being all high and mighty, was just awesome.

Also, I've been a fan of his ever since DX vs. NoD... the formerly mentioned moment just solidified my admiration for him.
When I was young (circa late '70s) my favorite was Bob Backlund. Don't know if there's any I could peg as a favorite since then, although there's been many over the years that I've liked. I don't get too emotionally invested in the wrestlers so singling out a favorite is difficult.
Triple H. The man is the complete package in my opinion.

Honorable mentions for:

Kurt Angle
RVD (in his ECW and early WWE days)
The Hardy Boyz (my heroes when I was in high school)
Steve Austin

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