What are You Must Discrimanatory towards?

People who promote their refusal to learn as a virtue; on the same coin, people who try to insult others for being intelligent.
On the flip side of said coin, people who insult others simply because they were born with nothing more than superior intelligence then others, especially when it's apparent they have done nothing to hone said virtue of nature themselves.
Keeping hard and fast standards for this sort of things always makes me feel uneasy as I can normally think of ways in which I fail to live up to my own standards or keep company with others who fail to live up to my standards.

I think I'd rather keep my mouth shut and wait for NorCal and tdigle's talk about evolutionary psychology.

Evolutionary psychology is akin to psychological egoism and Freud's psychoanalytic theory in that it can be used to explain everything, even two totally contradictory actions. If a woman is selective in her choice of a mate, it's because she wants to make sure that her offspring are provided with the proper amount of resources to flourish in the world. If a woman is indiscriminate in her choice of mates and promiscuous, it's because she wants to increase the probability that someone will provide for her offspring. Evolutionary psychology offers very little in the form of testable hypotheses and opportunities for counterfactual evidence; it literally can never be dismissed as a behavioral theory. Thus, although it's possible that evolutionary psychology rightly explains behavior, we can never know for sure if it does since there is absolutely no way to disprove it. This is why I think evolutionary psychology is a crock of shit.
I would not say that "evolutionary psychology" is a complete crock of shit but it can be largely worthless when used as an explanation for virtually anything.

Because it is such a blanket term and can be applied to every decision ever made by anyone or anything living it basically becomes as useless an explanation as "it was God's plan." It is really a more scientific sounding way of saying "it was just in its nature."
Thus, although it's possible that evolutionary psychology rightly explains behavior, we can never know for sure if it does since there is absolutely no way to disprove it. This is why I think evolutionary psychology is a crock of shit.

It's also worthless, for the most part, in dealing with the "here and now" issues of today in the branch of the field I work in. It's playing a guessing game based on a person's lack of choices when it's generally something much simpler that explains and can fix the behavior of choice: Free will. That always trumps the 'Devil Made Me Do It' argument people try to fly as viable.
It's also worthless, for the most part, in dealing with the "here and now" issues of today in the branch of the field I work in. It's playing a guessing game based on a person's lack of choices when it's generally something much simpler that explains and can fix the behavior of choice: Free will. That always trumps the 'Devil Made Me Do It' argument people try to fly as viable.

Here and now you say?

Could we get a sample? I'm sure there're many shiny green reps in it for you if it's as funny as you say.

Argh! Reps! My... one weakness...

But I couldn't do it justice; the delivery is part of it. It typically starts as an Al Bundy "a fat woman came into the store today" type anecdote and morphs into a funny, non-PC rant on gender differences.

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