The whole putting a wrestling move on her thing seems to difficult for you so why not go around and tell people she stuffs her crotch too?
I dunno. It would make me seem bitter to talk bad about that when I myself wanted to stuff her crotch.
Should I give him one? I mean I still kinda like my former lady friend. I think that would hurt my chances of patching things up.
Lock in the Taz-mission on her dad. Then once she comes home and finds this release the hold and apologize. Then precede to take her upstairs and have her hold her legs open. You then " WAZZZZZZZZZZZUUPPPPP!!!!! " into her crotch and give her some happiness.
UPDATE: Her dad just came by the house. I invited him in to talk things over. I explained to him how innocent the situation was and how I care very much for one of his daughters (just one; I'm not gonna lie to him). I was humble and showed plenty of respect, but he didn't seem to go for it. I asked for forgiveness as well as I could. His exact words were "I don't forgive you. My only hope is God forgives me for what I do to you." As I stared blankly and wondered why that sounded so familiar, he caught me off guard....

....with a superkick.


Maybe there was no warning because he is trying to draw you into a match. Sometime next week he'll leave a message cutting a promo about how he is going to put you down like Old Yeller
Congratulations... this is the most disturbing thread I've read on Wrestlezone since I joined in January.

PS - And your game with women is absolute dogshit.
Coco is the arch-tweener of this thread, especially after that dastardly superkick

This feud really has blurred the lines between face and heel...

Or perhaps its the barriers between realities?

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