Welcome to the Prison Y2eh 2.0

lil bitch Kid

Getting Noticed By Management
Here is the address to a new wrestling blog where comments and open wrestling discussion are welcome. Feel free to enjoy the blog. The first topic is regarding some recent events, but there will be far more relevant and important topics in coming weeks. The topics will always be wrestling related and will talk about wrestling.

Make sure to Bookmark the address before this post gets erased. Although, given the rules of the forum and that this is a wrestling blog, there is and should be no reason to erase this post.
I can't tell you how excited I am for this. It's going to be hilarious when someone does to you what you do to guys like Mark Madden and Nick Palagino and you handle it so much less gracefully than they do.
I find it amusing when people lie, knowing their lies will be exposed.

1st PM, including Warning (since he's already said he was Warned):

Slyfox696 said:
Dear Y2eh 2.0,

You have received a warning at WrestleZone Forums.


Consider this a Warning. Coming to the forums bitching because you can't post on the main site is understandable, but it ends now. You've been told multiple times the forums and main page are run by different people and that the people on the forums have nothing to do with the main page. If you have a complaint with the main page, settle it there.

As I said, consider this your warning. The next time you begin bitching about the main page on the forums in a manner akin to what you've done with this thread, you will be banned for the forums for a length of time determined by me.

I hope that's clear.

Original Post:
So, on the main page there is a story about Mae Young. Since I am blocked from posting a comment there, I'll have to make my comment here. Nicky took the story from PWInsider, cut it and paste it here. The funny thing is that PWI sourced the information to Mike Mooneyham. Given that Nick did an obvious cut and paste from PWI, I bet he didn't even read Mooneyham's story. The cut and paste is one thing, the lack of journalistic integrity is another, but that kind of shows a general lack of respect to a wrestling legend that he didn't even bother to read the story and just cut and paste the information and work of others.

Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,
WrestleZone Forums

2nd PM:

Slyfox696 said:
Y2eh 2.0 said:
You're giving me a warning for "spamming" in the Wrestling Spam Section, where it states that anything goes? That makes it seem like the main site and the forums are more similar than ever, actually. Good for a laugh at least....
The Wrestling Spam Section does not say anything goes. It says you can discuss wrestling without the spamming rules. You didn't discuss wrestling, you bitched about the main page.

So you're welcome to laugh all you want, as long as you realize you're laughing about a mistake you made.

Y2eh 2.0 said:
Oh, and by the way, the large majority of message in the forums originate from "news" on the main page. I suppose the same warning is being sent to every other poster?
Only to the ones who act like children and post threads in the wrong forums i.e. you.

And, one last thing, the people at Crave and Evolve Media, the owners of the site, see the forums as a section of the main page and essentially, as one in the same, or at least they do according the email I received from them when I pointed out that the company name is attached to a site that openly plagiarizes.
The people who run the forums, namely me, have absolutely no power or control over anything which happens on the main page, so posting your complaint here is a waste of your time. The main page and forums are run separately, regardless of the lies you try to tell.

And since you had a one last thing, I'll provide you one. My last thing is to not PM me about this issue again. If you send me another PM, you will receive a ban, the length of which I'll determine at the time. I'm an administrator on an Internet wrestling forum, and even I have better things to do with my time than deal with your nonsense.

I guess some people just have a problem with the truth.

You're allowed to advertise in The Bar Room....

It got moved to the Bar Room.
I can't tell you how excited I am for this. It's going to be hilarious when someone does to you what you do to guys like Mark Madden and Nick Palagino and you handle it so much less gracefully than they do.

I'm glad I could have such a profound impact on your day. The difference will be that my wrestling news will be original, and my commentaries on wrestling will be well thought out, and supported. If people want to attempt to be critical of me, I will have the nuts to respond to them as I always have, so long as the comments are relevant.
I find it amusing when people lie, knowing their lies will be exposed.

1st PM, including Warning (since he's already said he was Warned):

2nd PM:

I guess some people just have a problem with the truth.

It got moved to the Bar Room.

I would have Pm'd for clarification as to where you think I "lied" but you threatened to ban me, so I could not do so. I will ask here: where do you think that I have lied?
I would have Pm'd for clarification as to where you think I "lied" but you threatened to ban me, so I could not do so. I will ask here: where do you think that I have lied?

You lied where the story changed between the PMs and your blog post. I can't say I'm surprised you don't know what a lie is.
You lied where the story changed between the PMs and your blog post. I can't say I'm surprised you don't know what a lie is.

Would you care to be more specific? There is a great difference between leaving out the revealing details and "lying". Please be specific as to how you and the tiny bit of chest thumping power you feel you have believes that I lied, I am now awaiting a response.
For being an annoying whiny little runt. Plus, I don't like liars.

Is this what you have to do to feel good about yourself? Clearly, I have not lied, and you have decided to "show your power" by resorting to petty insults. How sad for you. By the way, thanks for reading the blog.
Would you care to be more specific? There is a great difference between leaving out the revealing details and "lying". Please be specific as to how you and the tiny bit of chest thumping power you feel you have believes that I lied, I am now awaiting a response.
Lie #1:

You said:
You're giving me a warning for "spamming" in the Wrestling Spam Section, where it states that anything goes?

It does not say that in the Wrestling Spam Zone.

Lie #2:

You said:
the large majority of message in the forums originate from "news" on the main page.
No they don't.

Lie #3 (compare the two):

You said:
And, one last thing, the people at Crave and Evolve Media, the owners of the site, see the forums as a section of the main page and essentially, as one in the same, or at least they do according the email I received from them when I pointed out that the company name is attached to a site that openly plagiarizes.
You said:
It will be interesting to get further comment from the site owners Crave/ Evolve regarding the plagiarism on the WZ site. Stay tuned for that.
In other words, you said you had received an e-mail to me, and then claimed you hadn't yet.

Lie #4:

You said:
but the site administrator has granted a tiny bit of "power" to a kid who sees the forums as his own personal life.
I'm the site administrator and my age is clearly posted in my profile.

Lie #5:

Why was I threatened with a "ban" because I questioned a "warning" I received from said forum administrator for "spamming" in the forum section known as Wrestling Spam.
You weren't. You were threatened with a ban if you PM'd me again about a situation which had already been explained to you multiple times.

Lie #6:

Now, why did I get this warning? We'll, it's kind of funny. You see, there are two "writers" on the WZ site who I was critical of....
When I questioned what made me a "mess", I received the "warning". Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what happens when little people get a little bit of power.
You insinuate you received a Warning because you were criticizing writers on the main page and questioned what made you a mess. You didn't. You received a Warning because you posted a thread in the wrong forum, like I told you before you wrote your blog post.

Lie #7:

The forum administrator again claimed that the forum and the main site are separate and that he has no power over the main site and that the main site has no power over the forums. Folks, these are all one site
You claiming that I'm lying makes it a lie for you. I have no control over the main page. I run the forums, and as many people pointed out to you, the people who run the main page have accounts on the forum which never get used.

Lie #8:

The reality is that a nickel and dime website like WZ wouldn't be paying people to keep a site and a forum separately.
No one said the forum and main page weren't kept on the same servers, only that they are run by different people. And no one on the forum gets paid.

Lie #9:

In a quick update, the spineless forum administrator at WZ decided to post private messages he sent to me to which I responded. In the post, he accused me of lying. When asked what I lied about, he proceeded to "ban" me.
You weren't banned, you were put into the Prison. If you were banned, you would not have been able to post.

So you clearly lied 9 separate times in the span of a couple posts and a PM. Like I said, I'm not surprised you didn't know what a lie was.
Is this what you have to do to feel good about yourself?
Nah, this is what I have to do to remove annoying pests from the general forums. If you'd only not be a whiny baby, we wouldn't have any problems at all.

Clearly, I have not lied
Except for the 9 times I've already pointed out. Oh wait...

Lie #10:
Clearly, I have not lied

Thanks! I do so love my round numbers.

and you have decided to "show your power" by resorting to petty insults. How sad for you. By the way, thanks for reading the blog.

Yes, because after running this forum for 4 and a half years, I have this uncontrollable need to show my power by messing with a teenager yet to see his testicles descend.
1) The site is a wrestling site. I was talking about a wrestling site. So, unless you are claiming that Madden and Paglino aren't talking about wrestling, then my posts were regarding information from a wrestling site and are this wrestling related.

2) yeah, actually they do. Someone sees something on the "news" and then goes to forums and posts about it.

3) "Further comment" means I have comment and am awaiting more comment. I never said I have not yet received anything.

4). Your comment makes no sense. I assume you meant "my age", and to me, btw, you're a kid.

5) it was "explained" once, not "multiple times" and the warning WAS for "spamming" in a "spam" section. As shown in 1), I was within the 'rules' as my comments were about a wrestling site, unless, as I asked, you don't believe that Madden and Paglino are actually talking about wrestling. That's up to you to decide. Based on your behaviour, it would seem you do not.

6) but yet, other "administrators" just move the thread. Now, I posted about a wrestling site in the Wrestling Spam Section, and got a warning for "spamming" in the spam section.

7) you repeated what I said. So either I'm not lying, or you are. You decide.

8) right, so again, you agreed with what I said. And, good thing you don't get paid, but even so it's far too much.

9) I have been banned and relegated to this section.

Clearly, as shown, I have not lied. Thanks for reading the blog.
Nah, this is what I have to do to remove annoying pests from the general forums. If you'd only not be a whiny baby, we wouldn't have any problems at all.

Except for the 9 times I've already pointed out. Oh wait...

Lie #10:

Thanks! I do so love my round numbers.


Yes, because after running this forum for 4 and a half years, I have this uncontrollable need to show my power by messing with a teenager yet to see his testicles descend.

And yet, as I have shown you, I have not lied, unlike you, kid.
This word, "banned"...

I don't think it means what you think it means, but then again you did mention the rights of "Freedom of Speech/Expression" inaccurately as well.

So it is safe to say you don't even know what the word kid means. Welcome to Prison.

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